/* * Created on 1.8.2003 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ package com.idega.block.datareport.business.jasperdesignxml; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; /** * Title: Font * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 * Company: idega Software * @author 2003 - idega team - <br><a href="mailto:gummi@idega.is">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a><br> * @version 1.0 */ public class Font extends XMLElement { // reportFont NMTOKEN #IMPLIED // fontName CDATA #IMPLIED private static final String ATTRIBUTE_SIZE = "size"; // NMTOKEN #IMPLIED private static final String ATTRIBUTE_IS_BOLD = "isBold"; // (true | false) #IMPLIED // isItalic (true | false) #IMPLIED private static final String ATTRIBUTE_IS_UNDERLINE = "isUnderline"; // (true | false) #IMPLIED // isStrikeThrough (true | false) #IMPLIED // pdfFontName CDATA #IMPLIED // pdfEncoding CDATA #IMPLIED // isPdfEmbedded (true | false) #IMPLIED public Font() { super("font"); } public void setIsUnderline(boolean value){ this.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IS_UNDERLINE, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setIsBold(boolean value){ this.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IS_BOLD, String.valueOf(value)); } public void setFontSize(int size){ this.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SIZE,String.valueOf(size)); } }