package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; /** * Holds most of the logic for the batchjob that creates the information that * is base for payment data, that is sent to external finance system. * * @author Joakim * * @see * @see * @see */ public class PaymentThreadHighSchool extends PaymentThreadSchool { PaymentHeader paymentHeader; public PaymentThreadHighSchool(Date month, IWContext iwc, School school, boolean testRun) { super(month, iwc, school, testRun); } public PaymentThreadHighSchool(Date month, IWContext iwc) { super(month, iwc); } public void run() { try { category = getSchoolCategoryHome().findHighSchoolCategory(); categoryPosting = (ExportDataMapping) IDOLookup.getHome(ExportDataMapping.class).findByPrimaryKeyIDO(category.getPrimaryKey()); if (getPaymentRecordHome().getCountForMonthCategoryAndStatusLH(month, category.getCategory()) == 0) { createBatchRunLogger(category); removePreliminaryInformation(month, category.getCategory()); //Create all the billing info derrived from the contracts contracts(); //Create all the billing info derrived from the regular payments regularPayment(); //VAT //calcVAT(); } else { createNewErrorMessage(getLocalizedString("invoice.severeError","Severe error"),getLocalizedString("invoice.Posts_with_status_L_or_H_already_exist","Posts with status L or H already exist")); } } catch (NotEmptyException e) { createNewErrorMessage(getLocalizedString("invoice.PaymentSchool","Payment school"), getLocalizedString("invoice.Severe_MustFirstEmptyOldData","Severe. Must first empty old data")); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { //This is a spawned off thread, so we cannot report back errors to the // browser, just log them e.printStackTrace(); createNewErrorMessage(getLocalizedString("invoice.severeError","Severe error"),getLocalizedString("invoice.DBSetupProblem","Database setup problem")); } batchRunLoggerDone(); BatchRunSemaphore.releaseHighRunSemaphore(); BatchRunQueue.BatchRunDone(); } protected PostingDetail getCheck(RegulationsBusiness regBus, Collection conditions,SchoolClassMember placement) throws RegulationException { PostingDetail detail = null; try { Commune defaultCommune = getCommuneHome().findDefaultCommune(); ArrayList cond = new ArrayList(); cond.addAll(conditions); cond.add(new ConditionParameter(RuleTypeConstant.CONDITION_ID_COMMUNE, defaultCommune.getPrimaryKey())); detail = regBus.getPostingDetailByOperationFlowPeriodConditionTypeRegSpecType(category.getCategory(), PaymentFlowConstant.OUT, //The payment flow is out calculationDate, //Current date to select the correct date range RuleTypeConstant.DERIVED, //The conditiontype RegSpecConstant.CHECK, //The ruleSpecType shall be Check cond, //The conditions that need to fulfilled 0, //Sent in to be used for "Specialutrakning" null, //Contract not used here placement); //Sent in to be used for e.g. VAT calculations } catch (Exception e) { detail = null; } if (detail == null) { try { Commune homeCommune = currentProvider.getSchool().getCommune(); ArrayList cond = new ArrayList(); cond.addAll(conditions); cond.add(new ConditionParameter(RuleTypeConstant.CONDITION_ID_COMMUNE, homeCommune.getPrimaryKey())); detail = regBus.getPostingDetailByOperationFlowPeriodConditionTypeRegSpecType(category.getCategory(), PaymentFlowConstant.OUT, //The payment flow is out calculationDate, //Current date to select the correct date range RuleTypeConstant.DERIVED, //The conditiontype RegSpecConstant.CHECK, //The ruleSpecType shall be Check cond, //The conditions that need to fulfilled 0, //Sent in to be used for "Specialutrakning" null, //Contract not used here placement); //Sent in to be used for e.g. VAT calculations } catch (Exception e) { detail = null; } } if (detail == null) { try { Commune stateCommune = null; stateCommune = getCommuneHome().findByCommuneName("Riksprislistan"); ArrayList cond = new ArrayList(); cond.addAll(conditions); cond.add(new ConditionParameter(RuleTypeConstant.CONDITION_ID_COMMUNE, stateCommune.getPrimaryKey())); detail = regBus.getPostingDetailByOperationFlowPeriodConditionTypeRegSpecType(category.getCategory(), PaymentFlowConstant.OUT, //The payment flow is out calculationDate, //Current date to select the correct date range RuleTypeConstant.DERIVED, //The conditiontype RegSpecConstant.CHECK, //The ruleSpecType shall be Check cond, //The conditions that need to fulfilled 0, //Sent in to be used for "Specialutrakning" null, //Contract not used here placement); //Sent in to be used for e.g. VAT calculations } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RegulationException("reg_exp_no_results", "No regulation match conditions"); } } return detail; } protected String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType schoolType, int regSpecTypeId, Provider provider, Date calculationDate, int schoolYearId, int studyPathId) throws PostingException, RemoteException { if (studyPathId != -1){ try { return getPostingBusiness().getPostingStrings(category, schoolType, regSpecTypeId, provider, calculationDate,schoolYearId, studyPathId, false); } catch (PostingException e) { return getPostingBusiness().getPostingStrings(category, schoolType, regSpecTypeId, provider, calculationDate,schoolYearId, -1, true); } }else { return getPostingBusiness().getPostingStrings(category, schoolType, regSpecTypeId, provider, calculationDate, schoolYearId); } } /** * Adds to the condition ArrayList according to the schoolClassMemeber * Default is no change. Overridden by PymentThreadHighSchool * * @param schoolClassMember * @param conditions */ protected void setStudyPath(SchoolClassMember schoolClassMember, ArrayList conditions){ int studyPathId = schoolClassMember.getStudyPathId(); if (studyPathId != -1) { conditions.add(new ConditionParameter(RuleTypeConstant.CONDITION_ID_STUDY_PATH, new Integer(studyPathId))); try { SchoolStudyPath schoolStudyPath = ((SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassMember.getStudyPathId())); errorRelated.append("Study path code " + schoolStudyPath.getCode()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { createNewErrorMessage(errorRelated, "invoice.StudypathMissing"); } } }