package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.childcare.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CitizenChildren; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * ChildCareQueueUpdateTable * @author <a href="">Joakim</a> * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2004/01/12 09:20:31 gimmi Exp $ * @since 12.2.2003 */ public class ChildCareQueueUpdateTable extends CommuneBlock { private final static String[] SUBMIT = new String[] { "ccot_submit", "Next" }; private final static String[] CANCEL = new String[] { "ccot_cancel", "Cancel" }; public final static int PAGE_1 = 1; public final static int PAGE_2 = 2; public final static int PAGE_3 = 3; public final static String STATUS_UBEH = "UBEH"; private String prmChildId = CitizenChildren.getChildIDParameterName(); private ICPage _endPage; /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#main(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { Form form = new Form(); Table layoutTbl = new Table(); switch (parseAction(iwc)) { case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_1 : iwc.setSessionAttribute(CCConstants.SESSION_ACCEPTED_STATUS, getAcceptedStatus(iwc)); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_CONFIRM : createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_1 : iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_2 : handleAcceptStatus((List) iwc.getSessionAttribute(CCConstants.SESSION_ACCEPTED_STATUS)); handleKeepQueueStatus(getKeepInQueue(iwc)); iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_2 : iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_INFO : createRequestInfoConfirmPage(layoutTbl); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_3 : break; default : createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl); } form.add(layoutTbl); add(form); } /** * Method handleKeepQueueStatus. * @param iwc * @param l * @throws RemoteException * @throws RemoveException */ private void handleKeepQueueStatus(List l) { Iterator i = l.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String[] status = (String[]); if (status[0] != null) { if (status[1] != null && status[1].equals(CCConstants.NO)) { } } } } /** * Method handleAcceptStatus. * @param iwc * @param l * @throws RemoteException */ private void handleAcceptStatus(List l) { Iterator i = l.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { AcceptedStatus status = (AcceptedStatus); if (status.isDefined()) { if (status.equals(CCConstants.YES)) { System.out.println("Accepting application."); } else if (status.equals(CCConstants.NO_NEW_DATE)) { } else if (status.equals(CCConstants.NO)) { } } } } /** * Method getAcceptedStatus. * @param iwc * @return List of AcceptedStatus objects */ private List getAcceptedStatus(IWContext iwc) { List list = new ArrayList(); int i = 1; while (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.APPID + i)) { list.add(new AcceptedStatus(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.ACCEPT_OFFER + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_day"), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_month"), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_year"))); i++; } return list; } private class AcceptedStatus { String _appid, _status; Date _date; AcceptedStatus(String appId, String status, String day, String month, String year) { _appid = appId; _status = status; if (day != null && month != null && year != null) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(Integer.parseInt(day), Integer.parseInt(month), Integer.parseInt(year)); try { _date = stamp.getDate(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { _date = new Date(0); } } } boolean equals(String status) { return _status.equals(status); } boolean isAccepted() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.YES); } boolean isRejected() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.NO); } boolean isRejectedNewDate() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.NO_NEW_DATE); } boolean isDefined() { return _status != null; } } /** * Method getKeepInQueue. * @param iwc * @return List of String arrays of length two. Index 0 is application id, * index 1 is keep status. */ private List getKeepInQueue(IWContext iwc) { List list = new ArrayList(); int i = 1; while (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.APPID + i)) { list.add(new String[] { iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.KEEP_IN_QUEUE + i)}); i++; } add(new Text("Length:" + list.size())); return list; } private int parseAction(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.ACTION)) { return Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.ACTION)); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(ChildCareQueueTable.REQUEST_INFO[0])) { return CCConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_INFO; } return CCConstants.NO_ACTION; } private void createRequestInfoConfirmPage(Table layoutTbl) { SubmitButton submitBtn = new SubmitButton(localize(SUBMIT), CCConstants.ACTION, new Integer(CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_CONFIRM).toString()); submitBtn.setAsImageButton(true); layoutTbl.add(new Text("Your request has been sent."), 1, 1); layoutTbl.add(submitBtn, 1, 2); layoutTbl.setAlignment(1, 2, "right"); } /** * Creates the object for the first step of the selection process * @param iwc * @param layoutTbl * @throws RemoteException */ private void createPagePhase1(IWContext iwc, Table layoutTbl) throws RemoteException { Collection choices = findChoices(iwc); if (choices.size() == 0) { layoutTbl.add(new Text("No choices have been made for this person.")); } else { Table choiceTable = new ChildCareQueueTable(this, sortApplications(choices, false)); SubmitButton submitBtn = new SubmitButton(localize(SUBMIT), CCConstants.ACTION, new Integer(CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_1).toString()); submitBtn.setAsImageButton(true); SubmitButton cancelBtn = new SubmitButton(localize(CANCEL), CCConstants.ACTION, new Integer(CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_1).toString()); cancelBtn.setAsImageButton(true); layoutTbl.add(choiceTable, 1, 1); layoutTbl.add(submitBtn, 1, 3); layoutTbl.add(cancelBtn, 1, 3); layoutTbl.setAlignment(1, 3, "right"); layoutTbl.add(getHelpTextPage1(), 1, 4); layoutTbl.setStyle(1, 4, "padding-top", "15px"); } } /** * Method findApplications. * @param iwc * @return Collection */ private Collection findChoices(IWContext iwc) { Collection choices = null; try { int childId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmChildId)); ChildCareQueueHomeImpl ccqHome = (ChildCareQueueHomeImpl) IDOLookup.getHome(ChildCareQueue.class); choices = ccqHome.findQueueByChild(childId); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new ArrayList(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return new ArrayList(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return choices; } /** * Method sortApplications. * @param apps * @param offerFirst true means that granted application is placed first * @return SortedSet */ public SortedSet sortApplications(Collection apps, boolean grantedFirst) { SortedSet set = new TreeSet(); Iterator i = apps.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { set.add(new ComparableQueue(, grantedFirst)); } return set; } /** * Method getLocalHeader is used from classes that doens't subclass * CommuneBlock, but has a refernce to an object of this class. * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return Text */ public Text getLocalHeader(String key, String defaultValue) { return getSmallHeader(localize(key, defaultValue)); } public void setEndPage(ICPage page) { _endPage = page; } public ICPage getEndPage() { return _endPage; } private Table getHelpTextPage1() { Table tbl = new Table(1, 1); tbl.setWidth(1, 1, 700); Text t = getLocalizedSmallText("ccatp1_help", "Om du accepterar erbjudande kan du enbart kvarst� i k� till i de ovanst�ende valen. Du stryks automatiskt fr�n de underliggande alternativen. Om ditt erbjudande g�ller ditt f�rstahandsval har du m�jlighet att v�lja att kvarst� i k� f�r ETT alternativ av de underliggande alternativen."); t.setItalic(true); tbl.add(t); return tbl; } }