package com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBBase64; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBUtility; /** * collection of static utility ftns. for * writing and reading ldif files. Currently does not * handle URLs properly, but will do base64 encoding * quite happily given half a chance... */ public class LdifUtility { static boolean debug = false; private Hashtable params = null; // list of expandable strings for the ldif file, used during file parsing // e.g. KEY: <base_dn>, KEY VALUE: "o=eTrust, cn=Users" private String filedir = null; public LdifUtility() {} /** * Constructor * @param params - hashtable with the list of string that will have to be suvstituted in the ldif file * @param filedir - ldif file directory, used to find the input files specified in the ldif stream */ public LdifUtility(Hashtable params, String filedir) { this.params = params; this.filedir = filedir; } /** * Set the ldif filepath - used to find input files * @param filedir file path */ public void setFileDir(String filedir) { this.filedir = filedir + "\\"; } /** * Set the ldif file parameters * @param params list of parameters */ public void setParams(Hashtable params) { this.params = params; } /** * This is used to write a value that is *probably* normal * string encoded, but *may* need to be base64 encoded. * It also takes a boolean parameter that forces base64 encoding. * Otherwise, it * checks the string against the requirements of draft-good-ldap-ldif-04 * (initial character sane, subsequent characters not null, CR or LF), * and returns the appropriate string, with appropriate ': ' or ':: ' * prefix. * @param o the object to be ldif encoded * @return the ldif encoding (possibly base64) with appropriate colons. */ public String ldifEncode(Object o, int offset, boolean forceBase64Encoding) { if (forceBase64Encoding == false) { return ldifEncode(o, offset); } String ret = ":: "; if (o.getClass().isArray()) { try { byte b[] = (byte[]) o; ret += CBBase64.binaryToString(b, offset+3); return ret; } catch (ClassCastException e) { System.out.println("unable to cast array to byte array."); } } // it's not a byte array; force it to a string, read as bytes, // and code those. This will work in most cases, but will // fail badly for binary data that has not been encoded properly // already; e.g. a gif file should (probably) be translated to a // byte array before being passed to this ftn. ret += CBBase64.binaryToString(o.toString().getBytes(), offset + 3); return ret; } /** * This is used to write a value that is *probably* normal * string encoded, but *may* need to be base64 encoded. It * checks the string against the requirements of draft-good-ldap-ldif-04 * (initial character sane, subsequent characters not null, CR or LF), * and returns the appropriate string, with appropriate ': ' or ':: ' * prefix. * @param o the object to be ldif encoded * @return the ldif encoding (possibly base64) with appropriate colons. */ public String ldifEncode(Object o, int offset) { boolean base64Encode = false; if ((o instanceof String) == false) { if (debug == true) { System.out.println("found a " + o.getClass().toString()); } if (o.getClass().isArray()) { try { byte b[] = (byte[]) o; String ret = ":: " + CBBase64.binaryToString(b, offset + 3); if (debug == true) { System.out.println("phenomenal - identified and wrote '" + ret + "'"); } return ret; } catch (ClassCastException e) { if (debug == true) { System.out.println("unable to cast array to byte array."); } } } return o.toString(); } else // we have a string { String s = o.toString(); int len = s.length(); if (len==0) { return ": "; // this shouldn't really happen; null attributes should be culled before we get here... } char test[] = new char[len]; s.getChars(0,len,test,0); // run the rfc tests to see if this is a good and virtuous string if ("\n\r :<".indexOf(s.charAt(0)) != -1) { base64Encode = true; } else { for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { //System.out.println("checking: " + i + ": " + test[i] + " = " + CBUtility.charToHex(test[i])); if (test[i]>126 || test[i]<32) // check for sane intermediate chars { base64Encode = true; // (may be unicode international string) break; } } } if (s.charAt(s.length()-1)==' ') { base64Encode = true; } if (base64Encode) { try { s = CBBase64.binaryToString(s.getBytes("UTF8"), offset+3); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) // why would we get this when utf8 is mandatory across all java platforms? { CBUtility.log("error utf8 encoding strings..." + e); s = CBBase64.binaryToString(s.getBytes(), offset+3); } return ":: " + s; } else { return ": " + s; // return unmodified string. } } } /** * Writes a single ldif entry... * */ /** * retrieves a single entry from the directory and writes it * out to an ldif file. Note that ldif header 'version 1' must * be written elsewhere... * @param dn the ldap escaped dn of the entry being written * @param saveFile the file to write the entry to * @param originalPrefix an optional portion of the dn to update * @param replacementPrefix an optional replacement for a portion of the dn * @param atts the attributes of teh entry */ public void writeLdifEntry(String dn, FileWriter saveFile, String originalPrefix, String replacementPrefix, Attributes atts) throws NamingException, IOException { if (atts == null) { CBUtility.log("no attributes available for " + dn); return; } /** * Prefix replacement magic. If we are moving the tree during * the save, and a different prefix has been given (i.e. the * originalPrefix and replacementPrefix variables aren't zero) * we switch the relavent portion of the saved dn, substituting * the portion of the dn that contains the original prefix with * the replacement. * e.g. cn=Fredo,o=FrogFarm,c=au, with original prefix o=FrogFarm,c=au * and replacement o=FreeFrogs,c=au, becomes cn=Fredo,o=FreeFrogs,c=au */ if ((originalPrefix != null) && (dn.endsWith(originalPrefix))) // which it jolly well should... { if (debug == true) { System.out.println("original DN = '" + dn + "'"); } dn = dn.substring(0,dn.length()-originalPrefix.length()) + replacementPrefix; if (debug == true) { System.out.println("after replacement DN = '" + dn + "'"); } } Attribute oc; // we treat the object class attribute oc = atts.get("oc"); // specially to ensure it is first after the dn. if (oc != null) // XXX do a name conversion... { if (oc instanceof DXAttribute) { ((DXAttribute)oc).setName("objectClass"); } } else { oc = atts.get("objectclass"); // so keep looking... } if (oc == null) { oc = atts.get("objectClass"); // this really bites. } if (oc == null) { if (dn.endsWith("cn=schema")) { oc = new BasicAttribute("oc","schema"); } } if (oc == null) { CBUtility.log("unable to identify object class for " + dn + " - skipping entry"); return; } if (debug) { System.out.println("dn" + ldifEncode(dn, 2)); } else { saveFile.write("dn" + ldifEncode(dn,2) + "\n"); } NamingEnumeration ocs = oc.getAll(); while (ocs.hasMore()) { if (debug) { System.out.println(oc.getID() + ": " +; } else { saveFile.write(oc.getID() + ldifEncode(, oc.getID().length()) + "\n"); } } NamingEnumeration allAtts = atts.getAll(); String attName; //String attValue; Attribute currentAtt; while (allAtts.hasMore()) { currentAtt = (Attribute); boolean binary = false; if (currentAtt instanceof DXAttribute) { binary = ((DXAttribute)currentAtt).isBinary(); } attName = currentAtt.getID(); /* * Make sure we don't print out 'dn' or objectclass attributes twice */ if ((attName.equals("dn")==false)&&(attName.equals(oc.getID())==false)) { NamingEnumeration values = currentAtt.getAll(); while (values.hasMore()) { Object value =; if (value != null) { //BY THE TIME IT GETS HERE THE UTF-8 IS HISTORY... if (debug) { System.out.println("value class = " + value.getClass().toString() + " : " + value); System.out.println(attName + ": " + value.toString()); } else { if (binary) { saveFile.write(attName + ldifEncode(value, attName.length(), true) + "\n"); } else { saveFile.write(attName + ldifEncode(value, attName.length()) + "\n"); } } } } } } if (!debug) { saveFile.write("\n"); saveFile.flush(); } } /** * Parse an attribute: value line of an ldif file, and place * the attribute value pair in an Attributes object. * @param parseableLine a complete ldif text line (unwrapped) to parse * @param newEntry the partially created entry, which is modified by this * method. */ public void ldifDecode(String parseableLine, DXEntry newEntry) { boolean isBinary=false; int breakpos = parseableLine.indexOf(':'); if (breakpos < 0) {CBUtility.log("Error - illegal line in ldif file\n" + parseableLine,0); return;} String attribute = parseableLine.substring(0, breakpos); Object value = null; int attLen = attribute.length(); // auto-translate 'oc' to 'objectClass' if (attribute.equals("oc")) { attribute = "objectClass"; } int startpos = 2; if (parseableLine.length() <= breakpos+1) // empty value { value = ""; } else if (parseableLine.charAt(breakpos+1)==':') // check for base64 encoded binary { value = getBase64Value(parseableLine, attLen, startpos, attribute); // may return string or byte array! if (value instanceof String == false) { isBinary = true; } } else { if (parseableLine.charAt(attLen+1)!=' ') { startpos = 1; } value = parseableLine.substring(attLen+startpos); // expand the value parameters, including the urls value = expandValueParams(value); } if ("dn".equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) { if (value instanceof String) { DN dn = new DN((String)value); if (dn.error()) { CBUtility.log("Error trying to initialise ldif DN: \n"+dn.getError()); } else { newEntry.putDN(dn); } } else // this code should no longer be triggered, as utf8 conversion is done when data first read... { try { DN dn = new DN(new String((byte[])value, "UTF8")); if (dn.error()) { CBUtility.log("Error trying to initialise ldif DN: \n"+dn.getError()); } else { newEntry.putDN(dn); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {} // can't happen?: UTF8 is mandatory... } } else if (attribute != null) { Attribute existing = newEntry.get(attribute); if (existing == null) { DXAttribute att = new DXAttribute(attribute, value); att.setBinary(isBinary); newEntry.put(att); } else { existing.add(value); newEntry.put(existing); } } } /** * */ private Object getBase64Value(String parseableLine, int attLen, int startpos, String attribute) { byte[] rawBinaryData; if (parseableLine.charAt(attLen+2) == ' ') { startpos = 3; } rawBinaryData = CBBase64.stringToBinary(parseableLine.substring(attribute.length()+startpos)); // a bit dodgy - we try to guess whether the binary data is UTF-8, or is really binary... // we should probably do some schema checking here, but instead we'll try to make an educated // guess... // Create a short array to test for utf-8 ishness... (we don't want to test all of large text files) byte[] testBytes; if (rawBinaryData.length > 256) { testBytes = new byte[256]; System.arraycopy(rawBinaryData, 0, testBytes, 0, 256); } else { testBytes = rawBinaryData; } /* * Make a (slightly ad-hoc) check to see if it is actually a utf-8 string *pretending* to by bytes... */ if (CBUtility.isUTF8(testBytes)) { try { return new String(rawBinaryData, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) // as per String constructor doco, behaviour is 'unspecified' if the above fails... { // drop through to return the raw binary data instead... } } return rawBinaryData; } /** * Read an entry from LDIF text. Attribute/value pairs are read until * a blank line is encountered. * * @param readText a buffered Reader to read lines of ldif text from... * @return the read entry, as a DXAttributes object * @throws InterruptedIOException if the user hits cancel on the progress bar */ public DXEntry readLdifEntry(BufferedReader textReader) throws IOException { DXEntry entry = new DXEntry(); String line = ""; String oldLine = ""; /* This is a little tricky. Because lines may be extended by line wrapping, * we need to read ahead a line until we're sure that we've finished any * possible wrapping, and only then (when we've already read the 'next' line) * can we process the old line. */ while ((line = textReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length()>0 && line.charAt(0)==' ') // line wrap { line = oldLine + line.substring(1); // extend the value... } else if (oldLine.length()>1 && oldLine.charAt(0) == '#') { // comment... do nothing. } else if (oldLine.length()>2) { ldifDecode(oldLine, entry); } if (line==null||line.equals("")) // end of entry... { return entry; } oldLine = line; } if (entry.getDN().size()>0) // dn check is for unexpectedly truncated files { // unusual - end of file reached, and the file *doesn't* have // a blank line at the end - hence a special case while we write // the last entry if (oldLine != null && oldLine.trim().length()>0) { ldifDecode(oldLine, entry); } return entry; // should be last entry } return null; // finished reading everything... } /** * This method expands the strings inside the ldif file * that match the list of expandable strings in params list. * @param value value to be expanded * @return expanded object */ public Object expandValueParams(Object value) { if (this.params != null) { Enumeration keys = this.params.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); String keyvalue = (String)this.params.get(key); // check for the key String oldValue = (String)value; int index = oldValue.indexOf(key); if (index > -1) { String newValue = oldValue.substring(0, index) + keyvalue + oldValue.substring(index+key.length(), oldValue.length()); System.out.println(newValue); value = newValue; } } } // load the file if the value is a url if (this.filedir != null) { // check if it is a file, i.e. look for "< file:" String oldValue = (String)value; String match = "< file://"; int index = (oldValue.toLowerCase()).indexOf(match); if (index > -1) { String filename = this.filedir + oldValue.substring(index+9, oldValue.length()); File file = new File(filename); try { FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); int length = (int)file.length(); if (length > 0) { byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; int read =; if (read > 0) { value = bytes; } } input.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Error opening the file!" + e); } } } return value; } }