package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.axis.util.AxisUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import; import; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: IW Trade * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author 2000 - idega team - <br><a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a><br><a href="">Grimur Jonsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class StockroomBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements StockroomBusiness { public static final String REMOTE_TRAVEL_APPLICATION_URL_CSV_LIST = "REMOTE_TRAVEL_APPLICATION_URL_CSV_LIST"; public StockroomBusinessBean() { } public void addSupplies(int product_id, float amount) { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method addSupplies() not yet implemented."); } public void depleteSupplies(int product_id, float amount) { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method depleteSupplies() not yet implemented."); } public void setSupplyStatus(int product_id, float status) { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method addSupplies() not yet implemented."); } public float getSupplyStatus(int product_id) throws SQLException { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method getSupplyStatus() not yet implemented."); } public float getSupplyStatus(int product_id, Timestamp time) { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method getSupplyStatus() not yet implemented."); } public ProductPrice setPrice(int productPriceIdToReplace, int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time, float price, int priceType, int timeframeId, int addressId) throws FinderException, IDOAddRelationshipException, CreateException, RemoteException { return setPrice(productPriceIdToReplace, productId, priceCategoryId, currencyId, time, price, priceType, timeframeId, addressId, -1); } public ProductPrice setPrice(int productPriceIdToReplace, int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time, float price, int priceType, int timeframeId, int addressId, int maxUsage) throws FinderException, IDOAddRelationshipException, CreateException, RemoteException { if (productPriceIdToReplace != -1) { ProductPrice pPrice = (( Integer(productPriceIdToReplace)); pPrice.invalidate();; } return setPrice(productId, priceCategoryId, currencyId, time, price, priceType, timeframeId, addressId, maxUsage, null); } public ProductPrice setPrice(int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time, float price, int priceType, int timeframeId, int addressId) throws IDOAddRelationshipException, CreateException, RemoteException { return setPrice(productId, priceCategoryId, currencyId, time, price, priceType, timeframeId, addressId, -1, null); } public ProductPrice setPrice(int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time, float price, int priceType, int timeframeId, int addressId, int maxUsage, Date exactDate) throws IDOAddRelationshipException, CreateException, RemoteException { ProductPrice prPrice = ((; prPrice.setProductId(productId); prPrice.setCurrencyId(currencyId); prPrice.setPriceCategoryID(priceCategoryId); prPrice.setPriceDate(time); prPrice.setPrice(price); prPrice.setPriceType(priceType); prPrice.setMaxUsage(maxUsage); if(exactDate != null) { prPrice.setExactDate(exactDate); }; if (timeframeId != -1) { prPrice.addTimeframe(new Integer(timeframeId)); } if (addressId != -1) { prPrice.addTravelAddress(new Integer(addressId)); } getProductPriceBusiness().invalidateCache(Integer.toString(productId)); return prPrice; } public float getPrice(int productPriceId, int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time) throws SQLException, RemoteException { return getPrice(productPriceId, productId, priceCategoryId, currencyId, time, -1, -1); } public ProductPrice getPrice(Product product) throws RemoteException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("SELECT * FROM "; buffer.append(" WHERE "); buffer.append( +" = "+product.getID()); buffer.append(" AND "); buffer.append( +" is null"); buffer.append(" ORDER BY "" DESC"); try { // EntityFinder.debug = true; List prices = EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(ProductPrice.class, buffer.toString()); // List prices = EntityFinder.findAll(((, buffer.toString()); // EntityFinder.debug = false; if (prices != null) { if (prices.size() > 0) { return ((ProductPrice)prices.get(0)); } } }catch (IDOFinderException ido) { ido.printStackTrace(System.err); } return null; } public float getPrice(int productPriceId, int productId, int priceCategoryId, Timestamp time, int timeframeId, int addressId) throws SQLException, RemoteException { return getPrice(productPriceId, productId, priceCategoryId, -1, time, timeframeId, addressId); } public float getPrice(int productPriceId, int productId, int priceCategoryId, int currencyId, Timestamp time, int timeframeId, int addressId) throws SQLException, RemoteException { /**@todo: Implement this method*/ /*skila ver�i ef PRICETYPE_PRICE annars ver�i me� tilliti til afsl�ttar*/ try { PriceCategory cat = ((; ProductPrice ppr = ((ProductPrice); TravelAddress taddr = ((TravelAddress); Timeframe tfr = ((Timeframe); String addrTable = EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(TravelAddress.class, ProductPrice.class); String tfrTable = EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(Timeframe.class, ProductPrice.class); String ppColName = ppr.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName(); String ppTable = ppr.getEntityDefinition().getSQLTableName(); if(cat.getType().equals({ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("select p.* from "+ppTable+" p"); if (timeframeId != -1) { buffer.append(", "+tfrTable+" tm"); } if (addressId != -1) { buffer.append(", "+addrTable+" am"); } buffer.append(" where "); buffer.append("p."" = "+productId); if (timeframeId != -1) { buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("tm."+tfr.getIDColumnName()+" = "+timeframeId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."+ppColName+" = tm."+ppColName); } if (addressId != -1) { buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("am."+taddr.getIDColumnName()+" = "+addressId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."+ppColName+" = am."+ppColName); } if (productPriceId != -1) { buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."+ppColName+" = "+productPriceId); } buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" = "+priceCategoryId); buffer.append(" and "); IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(time); // buffer.append("p."" = "+currencyId); // buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" <= '"+stamp.toSQLString()+"'"); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" = "; //buffer.append(" and "); //buffer.append("p."" = 'Y'"); buffer.append(" order by p." " desc"); // List result = EntityFinder.findAll(ppr,buffer.toString()); // List result = EntityFinder.findAll(ppr,buffer.toString()); ProductPriceHome ppHome = (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); Collection result = ppHome.findBySQL(buffer.toString()); if(result != null && result.size() > 0){ Iterator iter = result.iterator(); ProductPrice price = (ProductPrice); CurrencyHolder iceCurr = CurrencyBusiness.getCurrencyHolder(CurrencyHolder.ICELANDIC_KRONA); if ( iceCurr != null && (price.getCurrencyId() == iceCurr.getCurrencyID())) { return new Float(Math.round( price.getPrice()) ).floatValue(); } else { return price.getPrice(); } }else{ System.err.println(buffer.toString()); throw new ProductPriceException("No Price Was Found"); } }else if(cat.getType().equals({ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("select p.* from "+ppTable+" p"); if (timeframeId != -1) { buffer.append(", "+tfrTable+" tm"); } if (addressId != -1) { buffer.append(", "+addrTable+" am"); } buffer.append(" where "); buffer.append("p."" = "+productId); if (timeframeId != -1) { buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("tm."+tfr.getIDColumnName()+" = "+timeframeId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."+ppColName+" = tm."+ppColName); } if (addressId != -1) { buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("am."+taddr.getIDColumnName()+" = "+addressId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."+ppColName+" = am."+ppColName); } buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" = "+priceCategoryId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" < '"+time.toString()+"'"); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append("p."" = "; //buffer.append(" and "); //buffer.append("p."" = 'Y'"); buffer.append(" order by p." " desc"); ProductPriceHome ppHome = (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); Collection result = ppHome.findBySQL(buffer.toString()); // List result = EntityFinder.findAll(ppr,buffer.toString()); float disc = 0; if(result != null && result.size() > 0){ Iterator iter = result.iterator(); ProductPrice price = (ProductPrice); disc = price.getPrice(); } float pr = getPrice(-1, productId,cat.getParentId(),currencyId,time, timeframeId, addressId); return pr*((100-disc) /100); }else{ throw new ProductPriceException("No Price Was Found"); } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return 0; } catch (IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return 0; } } /** * returns 0.0 if pricecategory is not of type * @throws SQLException * @throws SQLException * @throws FinderException */ public float getDiscount(int productId, int priceCategoryId, Timestamp time) throws RemoteException, SQLException, FinderException { PriceCategory cat = ((; if(cat.getType().equals({ ProductPrice ppr = ((ProductPrice); String ppTable = ppr.getEntityDefinition().getSQLTableName(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("select * from "+ppTable); buffer.append(" where "); buffer.append(" = "+productId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append(" = "+priceCategoryId); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append(" < '"+time.toString()+"'"); buffer.append(" and "); buffer.append(" = 'Y'"); buffer.append(" order by "; ProductPriceHome ppHome = (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); Collection result = ppHome.findBySQL(buffer.toString()); // List result = EntityFinder.findAll(ppr,buffer.toString()); if(result != null && result.size() > 0){ Iterator iter = result.iterator(); ProductPrice price = (ProductPrice); return price.getPrice(); }else{ return 0; } }else{ throw new ProductPriceException(); } } public int createPriceCategory(int supplierId, String name, String description, String extraInfo) throws SQLException { return createPriceCategory(supplierId, name, description, extraInfo, null); } public int createPriceCategory(int supplierId, String name, String description, String extraInfo, String key)throws SQLException { try { PriceCategory cat = ((; cat.setType(; cat.setName(name); if(description != null){ cat.setDescription(description); } if(extraInfo != null){ cat.setExtraInfo(extraInfo); } if (key != null) { cat.setKey(key); } cat.insert(); return cat.getID(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } public void createPriceDiscountCategory(int parentId, int supplierId, String name, String description, String extraInfo) throws SQLException{ try { PriceCategory cat = ((; cat.setParentId(parentId); cat.setType(; cat.setName(name); if(description != null){ cat.setDescription(description); } if(extraInfo != null){ cat.setExtraInfo(extraInfo); } cat.insert(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } public int getUserSupplierId(User user) throws RuntimeException, SQLException{ try { List gr = user.getParentGroups(); if(gr != null){ SupplierHome sHome = (SupplierHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Supplier.class); Iterator iter = gr.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if(item.getGroupType().equals(SupplierStaffGroupBMPBean.GROUP_TYPE_VALUE)){ try { Collection coll = sHome.findAllByGroupID( ((Integer) item.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { return ((Supplier) coll.iterator().next()).getID(); } } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } // IDOLegacyEntity[] supp = ((Supplier) SupplierBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Supplier.class)).findAllByColumn(SupplierBMPBean.getColumnNameGroupID(),item.getID()); // if(supp != null && supp.length > 0){ // return supp[0].getID(); // } } } } throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any supplier"); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any supplier"); } } public int getUserSupplierId(IWContext iwc) throws RuntimeException, SQLException { String supplierLoginAttributeString = "sr_supplier_id"; Object obj = LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(supplierLoginAttributeString,iwc); if(obj != null){ return ((Integer)obj).intValue(); }else{ User us = iwc.getCurrentUser();//LoginBusinessBean.getUser(iwc); if(us != null){ int suppId = getUserSupplierId(us); LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(supplierLoginAttributeString,new Integer(suppId), iwc); return suppId; } else{ throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } } } public int getUserResellerId(IWContext iwc) throws RuntimeException, SQLException { String resellerLoginAttributeString = "sr_reseller_id"; Object obj = LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(resellerLoginAttributeString,iwc); if(obj != null){ return ((Integer)obj).intValue(); }else{ User us = iwc.getCurrentUser();//LoginBusinessBean.getUser(iwc); if(us != null){ int resellerId = getUserResellerId(us); LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(resellerLoginAttributeString,new Integer(resellerId), iwc); return resellerId; } else{ throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } } } public int getUserResellerId(User user) throws RuntimeException, SQLException{ List gr = user.getParentGroups(); if(gr != null){ try { ResellerHome rHome = (ResellerHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Reseller.class); Iterator iter = gr.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if(item.getGroupType().equals(((ResellerStaffGroup) ResellerStaffGroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(ResellerStaffGroup.class)).getGroupTypeValue())){ try { Collection coll = rHome.findAllByGroupID( item.getPrimaryKey() ); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { return ((Reseller) coll.iterator().next()).getID(); } } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } // IDOLegacyEntity[] reseller = ((Reseller) ResellerBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Reseller.class)).findAllByColumn(ResellerBMPBean.getColumnNameGroupID(),item.getID()); // if(reseller != null && reseller.length > 0){ // return reseller[0].getID(); // } } } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any reseller"); /* gGroup = ((; List gr = gGroup.getAllGroupsContainingUser(user); if(gr != null){ Iterator iter = gr.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GenericGroup item = (GenericGroup); if(item.getGroupType().equals(((ResellerStaffGroup){ IDOLegacyEntity[] reseller = ((Reseller),item.getID()); if(reseller != null && reseller.length > 0){ return reseller[0].getID(); } } } } throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any reseller"); */ } public int updateProduct(int productId, int supplierId, Integer fileId, String productName, String number, String productDescription, boolean isValid, int[] addressIds, int discountTypeId) throws Exception{ return getProductBusiness().createProduct(productId,supplierId, fileId, productName, number, productDescription, isValid, addressIds, discountTypeId); } public int createProduct(int supplierId, Integer fileId, String productName, String number, String productDescription, boolean isValid, int[] addressIds, int discountTypeId) throws Exception{ return getProductBusiness().createProduct(-1,supplierId, fileId, productName, number, productDescription, isValid, addressIds, discountTypeId); } private ProductBusiness getProductBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (ProductBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ProductBusiness.class); } public DropdownMenu getCurrencyDropdownMenu(String menuName) { DropdownMenu menu = new DropdownMenu(menuName); List currencyList = CurrencyBusiness.getCurrencyList(); Iterator iter = currencyList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CurrencyHolder holder = (CurrencyHolder); menu.addMenuElement(holder.getCurrencyID(), holder.getCurrencyName()); } return menu; } public boolean isInTimeframe(IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, IWTimestamp stampToCheck, boolean yearly) { return isBetween(from, to, stampToCheck, yearly, true); } public boolean isBetween(IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, IWTimestamp stampToCheck, boolean yearly, boolean bordersCount) { from.setAsDate(); to.setAsDate(); if (yearly) { IWTimestamp temp = new IWTimestamp(stampToCheck); temp.setAsDate(); if (from.getYear() == to.getYear()) { temp.setYear(from.getYear()); if (bordersCount) { return (temp.isLaterThanOrEquals(from) && to.isLaterThanOrEquals(temp)); } else { return (temp.isLaterThan(from) && to.isLaterThan(temp)); } } else { if (temp.getYear() >= to.getYear()) { if (temp.getMonth() > to.getMonth()) { temp.setYear(from.getYear()); } else { temp.setYear(to.getYear()); } } return isBetween(from, to, temp, false, bordersCount); } } else { if (bordersCount) { return (stampToCheck.isLaterThanOrEquals(from) && to.isLaterThanOrEquals(stampToCheck)); } else { return (stampToCheck.isLaterThan(from) && to.isLaterThan(stampToCheck)); } } } protected ProductPriceBusiness getProductPriceBusiness() { try { return (ProductPriceBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ProductPriceBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public void executeRemoteService(String remoteDomainToExclude, String methodQuery) { executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, methodQuery, "/idegaweb/bundles/"); } /** * <p> * Method for calling methods on remote domains * </p> * @param remoteDomainToExclude * @param methodQuery */ protected void executeRemoteService(String remoteDomainToExclude, String methodQuery, String webserviceURI) { IWBundle bundle = getIWMainApplication().getBundle(""); String remoteTravelWebs = bundle.getProperty(REMOTE_TRAVEL_APPLICATION_URL_CSV_LIST,""); if(!"".equals(remoteTravelWebs) && remoteTravelWebs != null){ // log("Invalidating REMOTE stored search results"); String prmCallingServer = "remoteCallingHostName"; String serverName = "unspecified"; try { serverName = AxisUtil.getHttpServletRequest().getServerName(); } catch (Exception e) { serverName = IWContext.getInstance().getRequest().getServerName(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(remoteTravelWebs,","); while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ String remoteWeb = tokenizer.nextToken(); if(remoteDomainToExclude == null || remoteWeb.indexOf(remoteDomainToExclude)==-1){ if(remoteWeb.endsWith("/")){ remoteWeb = remoteWeb.substring(0,remoteWeb.length()-1); } String response = FileUtil.getStringFromURL(remoteWeb+webserviceURI+"?method="+methodQuery+"&"+prmCallingServer+"="+serverName); if( response.indexOf("iwtravel-ok")==-1){ logError("Webservice method : "+methodQuery+" failed on : "+remoteWeb+" message was : "+response); } else{ log("Webservice method : "+methodQuery+" successful for :"+remoteWeb); } } else{ log("Skipping round-trip decaching for calling remote server : "+remoteDomainToExclude); } } } } }