package; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.HorizontalRule; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.ui.BackButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * @author gimmi */ public class TournamentLists extends TournamentBlock{ private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=""; private String PARAMETER_UNION_ID = "tl_pui"; private String PARAMETER_YEAR = "tl_y"; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; Image flag; Union union; int iYear; public TournamentLists() { super(); } public void mainAdmin() throws SQLException { Table table = new Table(); Union[] unions = (Union[]) ((Union) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Union.class)).findAllOrdered("abbrevation"); int row = 1; table.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("tournament.tournament","Tournament")), 1, row); Link link; for (int i = 0; i < unions.length; i++) { ++row; link = new Link(getText(unions[i].getAbbrevation()+" "+unions[i].getName())); link.addParameter(PARAMETER_UNION_ID, unions[i].getID()); table.add(link, 1, row); } add(table); } public void clubAdmin() throws SQLException { Form form = new Form(); form.maintainParameter(PARAMETER_UNION_ID); Table table = new Table(); form.add(table); Tournament[] tournaments = (Tournament[]) ((Tournament) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Tournament.class)).findAll("select * from tournament where union_id = " + union.getID() + " and START_TIME < '" + iYear + "-12-31' and START_TIME > '" + iYear + "-01-01' order by START_TIME"); DropdownMenu year = new DropdownMenu(PARAMETER_YEAR); for (int i = 2001 ; i <= IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear(); i++) { year.addMenuElement(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i)); } year.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(iYear)); year.setToSubmit(); int row = 1; int totalCount = 0; String[] sqlRes; table.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); table.setAlignment(1, row, "right"); table.add(year, 1, row); ++row; table.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("tournament.tournament", "Tournament")), 2, row); table.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("tournament.count","Count")), 3, row); for (int i = 0; i < tournaments.length; i++) { ++row; if (tournaments[i].isTournamentFinished()) { table.add(flag, 1, row); } table.add(getText(tournaments[i].getName()), 2, row); try { sqlRes = SimpleQuerier.executeStringQuery("select count(*) from tournament_member where tournament_id = "+tournaments[i].getID()); if (sqlRes != null && sqlRes.length > 0) { table.add(getText(sqlRes[0]), 3, row); totalCount += Integer.parseInt(sqlRes[0]); } else { table.add(getText("0"), 3, row); } } catch (Exception e) { table.add(getText("-err-"), 3, row); e.printStackTrace(); } } ++row; HorizontalRule hr = new HorizontalRule("100%"); hr.setNoShade(true); table.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); table.add(hr, 1, row); ++row; table.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Total")), 2, row); table.add(getHeader(Integer.toString(totalCount)), 3, row); table.setColumnAlignment(3, "right"); add(form); } // private Text getText(String content) { // Text text = new Text(content); // text.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); // return text; // } // // private Text getHeader(String content) { // Text text = getText(content); // text.setBold(true); // return text; // } private void init(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { iwrb = getResourceBundle(modinfo); Member member = (Member) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("member_login"); if (member != null) { try { union = member.getMainUnion(); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new SQLException(fe.getMessage()); } } String sYear = modinfo.getParameter(PARAMETER_YEAR); if (sYear == null) { iYear = IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear(); }else { iYear = Integer.parseInt(sYear); } flag = getBundle(modinfo).getImage("shared/flag.gif"); } public String getBundleIdentifier(){ return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } private void error(Exception e) { add("Villa kom upp ("+e.getMessage()+")"); } public void main(IWContext modinfo) { try { init(modinfo); if (union != null) { if (union.getID() == 3) { String sUnionId = modinfo.getParameter(PARAMETER_UNION_ID); if (sUnionId == null) { mainAdmin(); }else { try { union = ((UnionHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Union.class)).findByPrimaryKey(Integer.parseInt(sUnionId)); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new SQLException(fe.getMessage()); } clubAdmin(); BackButton bb = new BackButton(); add(bb); } }else if (union.getID() > 0) { clubAdmin(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { error(e); } } protected boolean tournamentMustBeSet() { return false; } }