/* * Created on 16.9.2003 */ package com.idega.block.navigation.presentation; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; /** * <p> * This is the old style standard "NavigationList" component. This class by default renders its layout in an html table. * This class is now not recommended to use but is kept because of legacy reasons. The new class replacing this class is this class' superclass, * NavigationList which is based on a CSS based layout. * @see NavigationList * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:49 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:laddi@idega.com">laddi</a>,<a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">tryggvil</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class NavigationTree extends NavigationList{ private int _imagePadding = 0; private int _initialIndent = 0; private int _indent = 12; private int _spaceBetween = 0; private int _padding = 0; protected String _textAlignment; protected String _imageAlignment; //protected String _width; protected String _backgroundColor; protected String _borderColor; private boolean _showBorder = false; protected boolean useStyleBasedLayout=false; private Image _iconImage; private Image _iconHoverImage; private Image _iconSelectedImage; private Image _iconCurrentImage; private Image _openImage; private Image _closedImage; private Image _blankImage; private Image _paddingImage; private Map _depthColor; private Map _depthHoverColor; private Map _depthImage; private Map _depthHoverImage; private Map _depthSelectedColor; private Map _depthCurrentColor; private Map _depthSelectedImage; private Map _depthCurrentImage; private Map _depthHeight; private Map _depthPaddingTop; private Map _depthSpacingColor; private Map _depthSpacingImage; private Map _depthAlignment; private Map _depthOpenImage; private Map _depthClosedImage; //Default width of 150 for table layout protected static String DEFAULT_WIDTH="150"; public NavigationTree(){ //Overriding settings from the superclass: this._textAlignment = Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT; this._imageAlignment = Image.ALIGNMENT_ABSOLUTE_MIDDLE; setWidth(DEFAULT_WIDTH); //Temporary debug: //setUseStyleBasedLayout(true); } /** * Initialized the tree (by default rendered out as a Table for legacy reasons) * tree. * * @param iwc * @return */ protected UIComponent getTree(IWContext iwc) { if(isUseStyleBasedLayout()){ return super.getTree(iwc); } else{ return getTreeTable(iwc); } } /** * Initialized the surrounding <code>Table</code> and adds all pages to the * tree. * * @param iwc * @return */ protected UIComponent getTreeTable(IWContext iwc) { if (this._paddingImage != null) { this._paddingImage.setPaddingLeft(this._imagePadding); this._paddingImage.setPaddingRight(this._imagePadding); this._paddingImage.setAlignment(Image.ALIGNMENT_ABSOLUTE_MIDDLE); } Table table = new Table(); String width = getWidth(); if(width!=null){ table.setWidth(width); } table.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); if (this._openImage != null || this._closedImage != null) { table.setColumns(2); table.setWidth(1, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); } if (this._showBorder) { table.setLineFrame(true); table.setLinesBetween(true); if (this._borderColor != null) { table.setLineColor(this._borderColor); } } int row = 1; int depth = 0; row = addHeaderObject(table, row); row = addToTree(iwc, getRootNode().getChildren(), table, row, depth); if (getShowRoot()) { addObject(iwc, getRootNode(), table, row, depth, false); setRowAttributes(table, getRootNode(), row, depth, false, true); } return table; } /** * Overrided here because of legacy Table implementation */ protected UIComponent getSubTreeComponent(UIComponent outerContainer,int row,int depth){ if(isUseStyleBasedLayout()){ return super.getSubTreeComponent(outerContainer,row,depth); } else{ //in this case it's returning the same table used for the whole tree return outerContainer; } } /** * Overrided here because of legacy Table implementation. * */ protected UIComponent getNodeComponent(UIComponent outerContainer,List pages,ICTreeNode page,int row,int depth, int index, boolean isdisabled){ if(isUseStyleBasedLayout()){ return super.getSubTreeComponent(outerContainer,row,depth); } else{ //in this case it's returning the same table used for the whole tree return outerContainer; } } protected int setRowAttributes(UIComponent listComponent, ICTreeNode page, int row, int depth, boolean isFirstChild, boolean isLastChild) { if(listComponent instanceof Table){ Table table = (Table)listComponent; return setTableRowAttributes(table,page,row,depth,isLastChild); } else{ return super.setRowAttributes(listComponent,page,row,depth,isFirstChild,isLastChild); } } /** * Sets the attributes for the specified row and depth. * * @param table * @param row * @param depth * @return */ protected int setTableRowAttributes(Table table, ICTreeNode page, int row, int depth, boolean isLastChild) { table.setCellpadding(1, row, this._padding); if (table.getColumns() == 2) { table.setVerticalAlignment(2, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); } String alignment = getDepthAlignment(depth); if (alignment == null) { alignment = this._textAlignment; } if (alignment.equals(Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT)) { if (this._paddingImage != null && depth > 0) { for (int a = 0; a < depth; a++) { table.add(this._paddingImage, 1, row); } } else { table.setCellpaddingLeft(1, row, getIndent(depth)); } } else if (alignment.equals(Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT)) { table.setCellpaddingRight(1, row, getIndent(depth)); } String color = getDepthColor(page, depth); if (color != null) { table.setRowColor(row, color); } String height = getDepthHeight(depth); if (height != null) { table.setHeight(row, height); } int topPadding = getDepthPaddingTop(depth); if (topPadding != -1) { table.setVerticalAlignment(1, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); table.setCellpaddingTop(1, row, topPadding); } table.getCellAt(1, row).setID("row" + row); table.setAlignment(1, row, alignment); table.setNoWrap(1, row++); boolean addBreak = false; if (this._spaceBetween > 0) { String spacingColor = null; if (isLastChild && depth != 0) { spacingColor = getDepthSpacingColor(depth - 1); } else { spacingColor = getDepthSpacingColor(depth); } if (spacingColor != null) { table.setRowColor(row, spacingColor); } table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); addBreak = true; } Image depthSpacingImage = getDepthSpacingImage(depth); if (isLastChild && depth != 0) { depthSpacingImage = getDepthSpacingImage(depth - 1); } else if (!isOpen(page)) { depthSpacingImage = getDepthSpacingImage(depth); } if (depthSpacingImage != null) { table.mergeCells(1, row, table.getColumns(), row); table.add(depthSpacingImage, 1, row); addBreak = true; } if (addBreak) { row++; } return row; } protected int addHeaderObject(Table table, int row) { return row; } /* protected int addToTree(IWContext iwc, Collection childrenCollection, Table table, int row, int depth) { List list = new ArrayList(childrenCollection); if (getDepthOrderPagesAlphabetically(depth)) { Collections.sort(list, new ICTreeNodeComparator(iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } Iterator children = list.iterator(); while (children.hasNext()) { ICTreeNode page = (ICTreeNode) children.next(); boolean hasPermission = true; try { Page populatedPage = getBuilderService(iwc).getPage(String.valueOf(page.getNodeID())); hasPermission = iwc.hasViewPermission(populatedPage); } catch (Exception re) { log(re); } if (hasPermission) { addObject(iwc, page, table, row, depth); row = setRowAttributes(table, page, row, depth, !children.hasNext()); if (isOpen(page) && page.getChildCount() > 0) { row = addToTree(iwc, page.getChildren(), table, row, depth + 1); } } } return row; } */ /** * Adds the <code>PresentationObject</code> corresponding to the specified * <code>PageTreeNode</code> and depth as well as the icon image (if it * exists). * * @param iwc * @param page * @param row * @param depth * @param table */ protected void addObject(IWContext iwc, ICTreeNode page, UIComponent list, int row, int depth, boolean linkIsDisabled) { if(list instanceof Table){ Table table = (Table)list; addObjectToTable(iwc,page,table,row,depth); } else{ super.addObject(iwc,page,list,row,depth, linkIsDisabled); } } /** * Adds the <code>PresentationObject</code> corresponding to the specified * <code>PageTreeNode</code> and depth as well as the icon image (if it * exists). * * @param iwc * @param page * @param table * @param row * @param depth */ protected void addObjectToTable(IWContext iwc, ICTreeNode page, Table table, int row, int depth) { PresentationObject link = (PresentationObject)getLink(page, iwc, depth, false); Image curtainImage = getCurtainImage(depth, isOpen(page)); if (curtainImage != null && page.getChildCount() > 0) { Link imageLink = new Link(curtainImage); addParameterToLink(imageLink, page); table.add(imageLink, 2, row); } else if (this._blankImage != null) { table.add(this._blankImage, 2, row); } boolean isSelected = isSelected(page); boolean isCurrent = isCurrent(page); Image linkImage = null; if (isSelected) { linkImage = getDepthSelectedImage(depth); } else if (isCurrent) { linkImage = getDepthCurrentImage(depth); } if (linkImage == null) { linkImage = getDepthImage(depth); } if (linkImage != null) { if (this._imagePadding > 0) { linkImage.setPaddingRight(this._imagePadding); } table.add(linkImage, 1, row); if (!isSelected && !isCurrent) { Image linkHoverImage = getDepthHoverImage(depth); if (linkHoverImage != null) { linkImage.setOverImage(linkHoverImage); linkHoverImage.setVerticalSpacing(3); link.setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onmouseover", "swapImage('" + linkImage.getName() + "','','" + linkHoverImage.getMediaURL(iwc) + "',1)"); link.setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onmouseout", "swapImgRestore()"); } } } String hoverColor = getDepthHoverColor(page, depth); if (hoverColor != null) { link.setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onmouseover", "getElementById('row" + row + "').style.background='" + hoverColor + "'"); String color = getDepthColor(page, depth); if (color != null) { link.setMarkupAttributeMultivalued("onmouseout", "getElementById('row" + row + "').style.background='" + color + "'"); } } table.add(link, 1, row); } /** * Returns the open/closed image to display to the far right of the page in * the tree. * * @param page * @return */ private Image getCurtainImage(ICTreeNode page) { if (isOpen(page)) { return this._openImage; } return this._closedImage; } private Image getCurtainImage(int depth, boolean isOpen) { if (isOpen) { if (this._depthOpenImage != null) { return (Image) this._depthOpenImage.get(new Integer(depth)); } return this._openImage; } else { if (this._depthClosedImage != null) { return (Image) this._depthClosedImage.get(new Integer(depth)); } return this._closedImage; } } /** * Gets the icon image for the depth specified. If no image is specified for * the depth, the general icon image is returned. If the general icon image is * non existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the icon image for. * @return */ private Image getDepthHoverImage(int depth) { if (this._depthHoverImage != null) { Image image = (Image) this._depthHoverImage.get(new Integer(depth)); if (image != null) { image.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return image; } } if (this._iconHoverImage != null) { this._iconHoverImage.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return this._iconHoverImage; } return null; } /** * Gets the background color for the depth specified. If no color is specified * for the depth, the general color is returned. If the general color is non * existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the background color for. * @return */ private String getDepthColor(ICTreeNode page, int depth) { if (!page.equals(this.getRootNode())) { if (getMarkOnlyCurrentPage()) { if (getCurrentPageId() == page.getNodeID()) { if (this._depthCurrentColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthCurrentColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } else { return (String) this._depthCurrentColor.get(new Integer(0)); } } } } else { if (isCurrent(page)) { if (this._depthCurrentColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthCurrentColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } else { return (String) this._depthCurrentColor.get(new Integer(0)); } } } if (isSelected(page)) { if (this._depthSelectedColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthSelectedColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } else { return (String) this._depthSelectedColor.get(new Integer(0)); } } } } } if (this._depthColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } } if (this._backgroundColor != null) { return this._backgroundColor; } return null; } /** * Gets the row height for the depth specified. * * @param depth * The depth to get the row height for. * @return */ private String getDepthHeight(int depth) { if (this._depthHeight != null) { String height = (String) this._depthHeight.get(new Integer(depth)); if (height != null) { return height; } } return null; } /** * Gets the spacing color for the depth specified. * * @param depth * The depth to get the row height for. * @return */ private String getDepthSpacingColor(int depth) { if (this._depthSpacingColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthSpacingColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } } return null; } /** * Gets the spacing image for the depth specified. * * @param depth * The depth to get the row height for. * @return */ private Image getDepthSpacingImage(int depth) { if (this._depthSpacingImage != null) { Image image = (Image) this._depthSpacingImage.get(new Integer(depth)); if (image != null) { return image; } } return null; } /** * Gets the alignment for the depth specified. * * @param depth * The depth to get the row height for. * @return */ private String getDepthAlignment(int depth) { if (this._depthAlignment != null) { String alignment = (String) this._depthAlignment.get(new Integer(depth)); if (alignment != null) { return alignment; } } return null; } /** * Gets the top padding for the depth specified. * * @param depth * The depth to get the top padding for. * @return */ private int getDepthPaddingTop(int depth) { if (this._depthPaddingTop != null) { Integer padding = (Integer) this._depthPaddingTop.get(new Integer(depth)); if (padding != null) { return padding.intValue(); } } return -1; } /** * Gets the icon image for the depth specified. If no image is specified for * the depth, the general icon image is returned. If the general icon image is * non existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the icon image for. * @return */ private Image getDepthImage(int depth) { if (this._depthImage != null) { Image image = (Image) this._depthImage.get(new Integer(depth)); if (image != null) { image.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return image; } } if (this._iconImage != null) { this._iconImage.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return this._iconImage; } return null; } /** * Gets the icon image for the depth specified. If no image is specified for * the depth, the general icon image is returned. If the general icon image is * non existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the icon image for. * @return */ private Image getDepthSelectedImage(int depth) { if (this._depthSelectedImage != null) { Image image = (Image) this._depthSelectedImage.get(new Integer(depth)); if (image != null) { image.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return image; } } if (this._iconSelectedImage != null) { this._iconSelectedImage.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return this._iconSelectedImage; } return null; } /** * Gets the icon image for the depth specified. If no image is specified for * the depth, the general icon image is returned. If the general icon image is * non existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the icon image for. * @return */ private Image getDepthCurrentImage(int depth) { if (this._depthCurrentImage != null) { Image image = (Image) this._depthCurrentImage.get(new Integer(depth)); if (image != null) { image.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return image; } } if (this._iconCurrentImage != null) { this._iconCurrentImage.setAlignment(this._imageAlignment); return this._iconCurrentImage; } return null; } /** * Sets the background color for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param color */ public void setDepthColor(int depth, String color) { if (this._depthColor == null) { this._depthColor = new HashMap(); } this._depthColor.put(new Integer(depth - 1), color); } /** * Sets the background hover color for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param color */ public void setDepthHoverColor(int depth, String color) { if (this._depthHoverColor == null) { this._depthHoverColor = new HashMap(); } this._depthHoverColor.put(new Integer(depth - 1), color); } /** * Sets the icon image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthImage == null) { this._depthImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the current icon image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthCurrentImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthCurrentImage == null) { this._depthCurrentImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthCurrentImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the selected icon image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthSelectedImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthSelectedImage == null) { this._depthSelectedImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthSelectedImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the icon image to display for a specific depth level on hover. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthHoverImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthHoverImage == null) { this._depthHoverImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthHoverImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the icon image to display for a specific depth level on hover. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthHeight(int depth, String height) { if (this._depthHeight == null) { this._depthHeight = new HashMap(); } this._depthHeight.put(new Integer(depth - 1), height); } /** * Sets the spacing color to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthSpacingColor(int depth, String color) { if (this._depthSpacingColor == null) { this._depthSpacingColor = new HashMap(); } this._depthSpacingColor.put(new Integer(depth - 1), color); } /** * Sets the spacing image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthSpacingImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthSpacingImage == null) { this._depthSpacingImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthSpacingImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the icon image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthPaddingTop(int depth, int padding) { if (this._depthPaddingTop == null) { this._depthPaddingTop = new HashMap(); } this._depthPaddingTop.put(new Integer(depth - 1), new Integer(padding)); } /** * Sets the icon image to display for all depth levels. * * @param image */ public void setIconImage(Image image) { this._iconImage = image; } /** * Sets the hover icon image to display for all depth levels. * * @param image */ public void setIconHoverImage(Image image) { this._iconHoverImage = image; } /** * Sets the current icon image to display for all depth levels. * * @param image */ public void setIconCurrentImage(Image image) { this._iconCurrentImage = image; } /** * Sets the selected icon image to display for all depth levels. * * @param image */ public void setIconSelectedImage(Image image) { this._iconSelectedImage = image; } /** * Sets the alignment of the text/link relative to the icon image specified. * * @param imageAlignment * @see com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.NavigationTree#setIconImage(com.idega.block.presentation.Image) * @see com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.NavigationTree#setDepthImage(int,com.idega.block.presentation.Image) */ public void setImageAlignment(String imageAlignment) { this._imageAlignment = imageAlignment; } /** * Sets the distance from the icon image to the link. Set to 0 by default. * * @param imagePadding * @see com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.NavigationTree#setIconImage(com.idega.block.presentation.Image) * @see com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.NavigationTree#setDepthImage(int,com.idega.block.presentation.Image) */ public void setImagePadding(int imagePadding) { this._imagePadding = imagePadding; } /** * Sets the closed <code>Image</code> to display in the tree. * * @param closedImage */ public void setClosedImage(Image closedImage) { this._closedImage = closedImage; } /** * Sets the closed image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthClosedImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthClosedImage == null) { this._depthClosedImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthClosedImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the open <code>Image</code> to display in the tree. * * @param openImage */ public void setOpenImage(Image openImage) { this._openImage = openImage; } /** * Sets the open image to display for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param image */ public void setDepthOpenImage(int depth, Image image) { if (this._depthOpenImage == null) { this._depthOpenImage = new HashMap(); } this._depthOpenImage.put(new Integer(depth - 1), image); } /** * Sets the blank <code>Image</code> to display in the tree when page has no * children. * * @param blankImage */ public void setBlankImage(Image blankImage) { this._blankImage = blankImage; } /** * Sets the background color for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param color */ public void setDepthCurrentColor(int depth, String color) { if (this._depthCurrentColor == null) { this._depthCurrentColor = new HashMap(); } this._depthCurrentColor.put(new Integer(depth - 1), color); } /** * Sets the background color for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param color */ public void setDepthSelectedColor(int depth, String color) { if (this._depthSelectedColor == null) { this._depthSelectedColor = new HashMap(); } this._depthSelectedColor.put(new Integer(depth - 1), color); } /** * Sets the alignment for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param alignment */ public void setDepthAlignment(int depth, String alignment) { if (this._depthAlignment == null) { this._depthAlignment = new HashMap(); } this._depthAlignment.put(new Integer(depth - 1), alignment); } public void setPaddingImage(Image image) { this._paddingImage = image; } /** * Gets the background color for the depth specified. If no color is specified * for the depth, the general color is returned. If the general color is non * existing, NULL is returned. * * @param depth * The depth to get the background color for. * @return */ private String getDepthHoverColor(ICTreeNode page, int depth) { if (isCurrent(page)) { return null; } else if (isSelected(page)) { return null; } else { if (this._depthHoverColor != null) { String color = (String) this._depthHoverColor.get(new Integer(depth)); if (color != null) { return color; } } return null; } } /** * Get the indent for the depth specified. * * @param depth * @return */ private int getIndent(int depth) { return (depth * this._indent) + this._initialIndent + this._padding; } /** * Sets the background color for the pages that are 'current', i.e. the * current page or its parent pages. * * @param currentColor * The currentColor to set. */ public void setCurrentColor(String currentColor) { setDepthCurrentColor(1, currentColor); } /** * Sets the background color for the pages that are 'selected', i.e. the * selected page or its parent pages. * * @param selectedColor * The selectedColor to set. */ public void setSelectedColor(String selectedColor) { setDepthSelectedColor(1, selectedColor); } /** * Sets the spacing between each row of the tree. Set to 0 by default. * * @param spaceBetween */ public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } /** * Sets the indent for the first level in the tree. Set to 0 by default. * * @param initialIndent */ public void setInitialIndent(int initialIndent) { this._initialIndent = initialIndent; } /** * Sets the padding for individual cells in the <code>NavigationTree</code>. * Set to 0 by default. * * @param padding */ public void setPadding(int padding) { this._padding = padding; } /** * Sets the width of the <code>NavigationTree</code>. Set to 150px by * default. * * @param width */ public void setWidth(String width) { super.setWidth(width); } public void setAlignment(String alignment) { this._textAlignment = alignment; } /** * Sets the background color for all depth levels. * * @param color */ public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { this._backgroundColor = color; } /** * Sets the indent from parent to child. Set to 12 by default. * * @param indent */ public void setIndent(int indent) { this._indent = indent; } /** * Sets the color for the border around the <code>NavigationTree</code> * * @param borderColor * @see com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.NavigationTree#setShowBorder(boolean) */ public void setBorderColor(String borderColor) { this._borderColor = borderColor; } /** * Sets whether to set a border around the entire <code>NavigationTree</code> * * @param showBorder */ public void setShowBorder(boolean showBorder) { this._showBorder = showBorder; } /** * Returns the padding used for the tree. * * @return */ protected int getPadding() { return this._padding; } /** * Returns the background color used for the tree. Returns NULL if no color is * set. * * @return */ protected String getBackgroundColor() { return this._backgroundColor; } /** * Gets if to use the style-class based layout (from the superclass) rather than the default table based one * @return */ protected boolean isUseStyleBasedLayout() { return this.useStyleBasedLayout; } /** * Set to use the style-class based layout. By default this is set to false but if set to true it uses the * pure CSS based layout instead of the default Table based one. If this is set to true it disables most of the "layout" set methods in this class. * @param useStyleBasedLayout */ protected void setUseStyleBasedLayout(boolean useStyleBasedLayout) { this.useStyleBasedLayout = useStyleBasedLayout; } }