/* * $Id: GolfUserPluginBusinessBean.java,v 2007/05/22 23:18:45 sigtryggur Exp $ * Created on Nov 15, 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2004 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. Use is subject to * license terms. */ package is.idega.idegaweb.golf.business.plugin; import is.idega.idegaweb.golf.entity.Member; import is.idega.idegaweb.golf.entity.MemberHome; import is.idega.idegaweb.golf.presentation.GolferTab; import is.idega.idegaweb.golf.util.GolfConstants; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.MemberUserBusiness; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.NoClubFoundException; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.NoDivisionFoundException; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.util.IWMemberConstants; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.business.IBOLookupException; import com.idega.business.IBOServiceBean; import com.idega.core.contact.data.Email; import com.idega.core.contact.data.Phone; import com.idega.core.location.business.AddressBusiness; import com.idega.core.location.data.Address; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.user.business.GroupBusiness; import com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness; import com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness; import com.idega.user.data.Gender; import com.idega.user.data.Group; import com.idega.user.data.User; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; /** * A user application plugin for various golf specific stuff such as the Golfer * Info tab. Last modified: $Date: 2007/05/22 23:18:45 $ by $Author: sigtryggur $ * * @author <a href="mailto:eiki@idega.com">Eirikur S. Hrafnsson</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class GolfUserPluginBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements UserGroupPlugInBusiness, GolfUserPluginBusiness { public static final String GOLF_IS_URI_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_4_NO_PERSON_FOUND_WITH_THE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER = "-4, No person found with the social security number : "; public static final String WS_MSG_SUCCESS = "success"; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_5_UNKNOWN_CLUB_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE = "-5, Unknown club membership type : "; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_6_PARTIAL_SUCCESS_BUT_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_GOLF_IS = "-6, partial success but failed to update golf.is"; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_3_CLUB_HAS_NO_PLAYER_GROUPS = "-3, Club has no player groups"; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_2_CLUB_IS_NOT_A_GOLF_CLUB = "-2, Club is not a golf club"; public static final String WS_ERROR_MSG_1_NO_CLUB_WITH_THE_NUMBER = "-1, No club with the number : "; public static final String GSI_CLUB_NUMBER = "07"; public static final String GSI_UUID = "f5dbebeb-79f1-11d9-bd42-054a20130abb"; private Collection clubs; private GroupBusiness groupBiz; private UserBusiness userBiz; /** * */ public GolfUserPluginBusinessBean() { super(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#afterGroupCreateOrUpdate(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public void afterGroupCreateOrUpdate(Group group, Group parentGroup) throws CreateException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#afterUserCreateOrUpdate(com.idega.user.data.User) */ public void afterUserCreateOrUpdate(User user, Group parentGroup) throws CreateException, RemoteException { String encoding = this.getIWMainApplication().getSettings().getProperty("golf.is.uri.encoding", GOLF_IS_URI_ENCODING); String subClubs = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY); String mainClub = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY); if (subClubs == null) { subClubs = ""; } if (mainClub == null) { mainClub = ""; } String golfURL = "http://www.golf.is/pages/?"; String requestToGolf = ""; try { requestToGolf = GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(subClubs, encoding) + "&" + GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(mainClub, encoding) + "&" + GolfConstants.MEMBER_UUID + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getUniqueId(), encoding) + "&" + GolfConstants.MEMBER_PIN + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getPersonalID(), encoding) + "&" + GolfConstants.MEMBER_NAME + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getName(), encoding); if (user.getDateOfBirth() != null) { requestToGolf = requestToGolf + "&" + GolfConstants.MEMBER_DATE_OF_BIRTH + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(user.getDateOfBirth().toString(), encoding); } Gender genderBean = user.getGender(); if (genderBean != null) { String gender = null; if (genderBean.isMaleGender()) { gender = "M"; } else { gender = "F"; } requestToGolf += "&" + GolfConstants.MEMBER_GENDER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(gender, encoding); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } golfURL += requestToGolf; // String html = // do the request FileUtil.getStringFromURL(golfURL); System.out.println("Syncing with golf.is : " + golfURL); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#beforeGroupRemove(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public void beforeGroupRemove(Group group, Group parentGroup) throws RemoveException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#beforeUserRemove(com.idega.user.data.User) */ public void beforeUserRemove(User user, Group parentGroup) throws RemoveException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#getGroupPropertiesTabs(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public List getGroupPropertiesTabs(Group group) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#getGroupToolbarElements(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public List getGroupToolbarElements(Group group) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#getMainToolbarElements() */ public List getMainToolbarElements() throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#getUserPropertiesTabs(com.idega.user.data.User) */ public List getUserPropertiesTabs(User user) throws RemoteException { // only add the tab if superuser or a club admin (golfclub in top nodes) // or a golf union admin IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); if (iwc != null) { List tabs = new ArrayList(); if (!iwc.isSuperAdmin()) { // this might mean not all e.g. division admin might see this // tab, if so then add a role like "Golf Admin" boolean showTab = isCurrentUserGolfAdmin(iwc); if (showTab) { tabs.add(new GolferTab()); } } else { tabs.add(new GolferTab()); } return (tabs.isEmpty()) ? null : tabs; } return null; } /** * @param iwc * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean isCurrentUserGolfAdmin(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { boolean isGolfAdmin = false; UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); Collection groups = userBiz.getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(iwc.getCurrentUser(), iwc); if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() && !isGolfAdmin) { Group group = (Group) iter.next(); String type = group.getGroupType(); String name = group.getName(); if ((name.startsWith("Golf") || name.startsWith("golf")) && (type.equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB) || type.equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_LEAGUE) || type.equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION))) { isGolfAdmin = true; break; } } } return isGolfAdmin; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#instanciateEditor(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public PresentationObject instanciateEditor(Group group) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#instanciateViewer(com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public PresentationObject instanciateViewer(Group group) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#isUserAssignableFromGroupToGroup(com.idega.user.data.User, * com.idega.user.data.Group, com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public String isUserAssignableFromGroupToGroup(User user, Group sourceGroup, Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#isUserSuitedForGroup(com.idega.user.data.User, * com.idega.user.data.Group) */ public String isUserSuitedForGroup(User user, Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * Clubs must start their name with "Golf". * * @return A list of golfclubs (Groups) */ public Collection getGolfClubs() { // if(clubs==null){ try { clubs = getGroupBusiness().getGroupsByGroupTypeAndFirstPartOfName(GolfConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB, "Golf"); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // } return clubs; } public GroupBusiness getGroupBusiness() { if (groupBiz == null) { try { groupBiz = (GroupBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(GroupBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return groupBiz; } public UserBusiness getUserBusiness() { if (userBiz == null) { try { userBiz = (UserBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return userBiz; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness#canCreateSubGroup(com.idega.user.data.Group,java.lang.String) */ public String canCreateSubGroup(Group group, String groupTypeOfSubGroup) throws RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * * @param ssn * The persons social security number * @param clubNumber * The number of the golf club (lotto number) * @param clubMembershipType * The type of membership , "main" or "sub" * @return * @throws RemoteException * @throws */ public String registerGolferToClubAndGolfDotIs(String ssn, String clubNumber, String clubMembershipType) throws RemoteException { GroupBusiness groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); User user = null; try { user = userBiz.getUser(ssn); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return WS_ERROR_MSG_4_NO_PERSON_FOUND_WITH_THE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER + ssn; } Collection clubs = groupBiz.getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER, clubNumber); if (clubs != null && !clubs.isEmpty() && clubs.size() == 1) { Group club = (Group) clubs.iterator().next(); String clubAbbreviation = club.getAbbrevation(); // check connection with GSI on the club itself and then under a // division // add user to the first iwme_member group and set his metadata List divisionType = new ArrayList(); divisionType.add(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION); Collection divisions = groupBiz.getChildGroups(club, divisionType, true); Group division = null; for (Iterator iter = divisions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { division = (Group) iter.next(); boolean correctLeague = isCorrectLeague(division); if (correctLeague) { break; } else { division = null; } } if (division != null) { String[] groupTypes = { IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_PLAYER }; Collection playerGroups = groupBiz.getChildGroupsRecursive(division, groupTypes, true); if (playerGroups != null && !playerGroups.isEmpty()) { Group firstPlayerGroup = (Group) playerGroups.iterator().next(); firstPlayerGroup.addGroup(user); String subClubs = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY); String mainClub = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY); if (subClubs == null) { subClubs = ""; } if (mainClub == null) { mainClub = ""; } List subClubList = getListFromSubClubsString(subClubs); if("main".equalsIgnoreCase(clubMembershipType)){ if(subClubList.contains(clubAbbreviation)){ subClubList.remove(clubAbbreviation); } if(!"".equals(mainClub) && !mainClub.equals(clubAbbreviation)){ subClubList.remove(mainClub); //to avoid duplicates subClubList.add(mainClub); } mainClub = clubAbbreviation; } else if("sub".equalsIgnoreCase(clubMembershipType)){ if(!subClubList.contains(clubAbbreviation)){ subClubList.add(clubAbbreviation); } if(mainClub.equals(clubAbbreviation)){ mainClub = null; } } else{ return WS_ERROR_MSG_5_UNKNOWN_CLUB_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE+clubMembershipType; } user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY, ListUtil.convertListOfStringsToCommaseparatedString(subClubList)); user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY, mainClub); user.store(); try { afterUserCreateOrUpdate(user,firstPlayerGroup); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return WS_ERROR_MSG_6_PARTIAL_SUCCESS_BUT_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_GOLF_IS; } return WS_MSG_SUCCESS; } else { return WS_ERROR_MSG_3_CLUB_HAS_NO_PLAYER_GROUPS; } } else { return WS_ERROR_MSG_2_CLUB_IS_NOT_A_GOLF_CLUB; } } else { return WS_ERROR_MSG_1_NO_CLUB_WITH_THE_NUMBER + clubNumber; } } /** * @param clubNumber * @param uuid * @return * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws IBOLookupException */ protected boolean isCorrectLeague(Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException { // check if the division of the target group is connected to GSI try { Group league = getLeagueForGroup(targetGroup); String leagueNumber = league.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER); String uuid = league.getUniqueId(); leagueNumber = leagueNumber.trim(); return GSI_CLUB_NUMBER.equals(leagueNumber) || uuid.equals(GSI_UUID); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * Changes the users metadata and syncs with golf.is * @param ssn * @param clubNumber * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public String disableGolferInClub(String ssn, String clubNumber) throws RemoteException{ GroupBusiness groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); User user = null; try { user = userBiz.getUser(ssn); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return WS_ERROR_MSG_4_NO_PERSON_FOUND_WITH_THE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER + ssn; } Collection clubs = groupBiz.getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER, clubNumber); if (clubs != null && !clubs.isEmpty() && clubs.size() == 1) { Group club = (Group) clubs.iterator().next(); String clubAbbreviation = club.getAbbrevation(); if(clubAbbreviation!=null && !"".equals(clubAbbreviation)){ String mainClub = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY); String subClubs = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY); if (subClubs != null) { List subs = getListFromSubClubsString(subClubs); if(subs.contains(clubAbbreviation)){ subs.remove(clubAbbreviation); } if(!subs.isEmpty()){ user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY, ListUtil.convertListOfStringsToCommaseparatedString(subs)); } else{ //so we erase it on golf.is user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY, ""); } }else{ //so we erase it on golf.is user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY, ""); } if (mainClub !=null) { if(mainClub.equalsIgnoreCase(clubAbbreviation)){ user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY, ""); } } else{ // so we erase it on golf.is user.setMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY, ""); } //...and store user.store(); try { //sync with golf.is afterUserCreateOrUpdate(user,null); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return WS_ERROR_MSG_6_PARTIAL_SUCCESS_BUT_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_GOLF_IS; } } else{ return WS_ERROR_MSG_1_NO_CLUB_WITH_THE_NUMBER+clubNumber+" Club abbreviation was null"; } } else{ return WS_ERROR_MSG_1_NO_CLUB_WITH_THE_NUMBER+clubNumber; } return WS_MSG_SUCCESS; } /** * @param targetGroup * @param biz * @return * @throws NoDivisionFoundException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NoClubFoundException * @throws FinderException * @throws IBOLookupException */ protected Group getLeagueForGroup(Group targetGroup) throws NoDivisionFoundException, RemoteException, NoClubFoundException, FinderException, IBOLookupException { MemberUserBusiness biz = getMemberUserBusiness(); Group division; if (IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION.equals(targetGroup.getGroupType())) { division = targetGroup; } else { division = biz.getDivisionForGroup(targetGroup); } String leagueId = division.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION); // if it is a single division club get the number from the club if (leagueId == null || "".equals(leagueId)) { Group club = biz.getClubForGroup(targetGroup); leagueId = club.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_LEAGUE_CONNECTION); } Group league = getGroupBusiness().getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(leagueId)); return league; } private MemberUserBusiness getMemberUserBusiness() throws IBOLookupException { return (MemberUserBusiness) getServiceInstance(MemberUserBusiness.class); } private List getListFromSubClubsString(String subClubAbbreviations) { return ListUtil.convertCommaSeparatedStringToList(subClubAbbreviations); } /** * @param ssn The golfers social security number * @return Basic information about the golfer such as name,address,phone,handicap,sub and main clubs * @throws Exception */ public Map getGolferInfo(String ssn) throws Exception{ Map info = new HashMap(); UserBusiness userBiz = getUserBusiness(); try { User user = userBiz.getUser(ssn); //general stuff info.put("name", user.getName()); info.put("ssn", user.getPersonalID()); info.put("date-of-birth", user.getDateOfBirth().toString()); info.put("gender", user.getGender().getName()); //address Address address = userBiz.getUsersMainAddress(user); if(address!=null){ String addressString = getAddressBusiness().getFullAddressString(address); info.put("address",addressString); } //email Collection emails = user.getEmails(); if (emails != null && !emails.isEmpty()) { Email email = (Email) emails.iterator().next(); info.put("email",email.getEmailAddress()); } //phone try { Phone fax; fax = getUserBusiness().getPhoneHome().findUsersFaxPhone(user); info.put("fax", fax.getNumber()); } catch (FinderException e1) { //e1.printStackTrace(); } try { Phone home = getUserBusiness().getPhoneHome().findUsersHomePhone(user); info.put("home", home.getNumber()); } catch (FinderException e1) { //e1.printStackTrace(); } try { Phone mobile = getUserBusiness().getPhoneHome().findUsersMobilePhone(user); info.put("mobile", mobile.getNumber()); } catch (FinderException e1) { //e1.printStackTrace(); } //golf stuff String mainClub = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.MAIN_CLUB_META_DATA_KEY); info.put("main-club", mainClub); String subClubs = user.getMetaData(GolfConstants.SUB_CLUBS_META_DATA_KEY); info.put("sub-clubs-csv", subClubs); try { MemberHome mHome = (MemberHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Member.class); Member member = mHome.findMemberByIWMemberSystemUser(user); String handicap = Float.toString(member.getHandicap()); info.put("handicap", handicap); } catch (FinderException f) { System.err.println("No record in Member for user: "+user.getName()+" ssn: "+user.getPersonalID()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception(WS_ERROR_MSG_4_NO_PERSON_FOUND_WITH_THE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER + ssn); } return info; } protected AddressBusiness getAddressBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (AddressBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext(), AddressBusiness.class); } }