package; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FileGrabber { //private int objectcounter= 0; public int errorFlag = 0;//-1 is MalformedURLException, -3 is IOException //Methods //This gets an url and writes what it gets in a file public int getTheURL(String theFileURL,String theFileName,String theFilePath) { //Variables String line = new String(""); String fileName = new String(""); String filePath = new String(""); String fileURL = new String(""); StringBuffer pageString = new StringBuffer(); BufferedInputStream mybuffer; BufferedReader in; URL url; OutputWriter writer; filePath=theFilePath; fileName=theFileName; fileURL = theFileURL; //Go get the file try { url = new URL(fileURL); mybuffer = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream()); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mybuffer)); //Put the contents in a string while ((line = in.readLine()) != null){ pageString.append(line); pageString.append("\n"); } in.close();//close the file } catch(MalformedURLException mue) { // URL c'tor //System.out.println(fileURL + "is an invalid URL: " + mue); this.errorFlag = -1; return this.errorFlag; } catch(IOException ioe) { // Stream constructors //System.out.println("IOException: " + ioe); this.errorFlag=-3; return this.errorFlag; } writer = new OutputWriter(); this.errorFlag = writer.WriteToFile(pageString.toString(),fileName,filePath); return this.errorFlag; } //This gets an url and returns it as a string public String getTheURL(String theFileURL) { String fileURL = new String(""); fileURL = theFileURL; BufferedInputStream mybuffer; BufferedReader in; URL url; String line = new String(""); StringBuffer pageString = new StringBuffer(""); try { url = new URL(fileURL); mybuffer = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream()); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mybuffer)); //Put the contents in a string while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { pageString.append(line);//var +"\n" } in.close(); } catch(MalformedURLException mue) { // URL c'tor //System.out.println(fileURL); // System.out.println(fileURL + "is an invalid URL: " + mue); return "Error 1"; } catch(IOException ioe) { // Stream constructors //System.out.println("IOException: " + ioe); return "Error 2"; } return pageString.toString(); } }