package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; /** * 240 Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author <br> * <a href="">Aron Birkir </a> <br> * * @created 14. mars 2002 * @version 1.0 */ public class NewsLetter extends CategoryBlock { /** * @todo Description of the Field */ public final static int DROP = 1; /** * @todo Description of the Field */ public final static int SINGLE = 2; /** * @todo Description of the Field */ public final static int CHECK = 3; /** * @todo Description of the Field */ public static String EMAIL_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ""; private IWBundle iwb, core; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private Collection topics; private Image submitImage, cancelImage; private int viewType = DROP; private String _inputStyle = ""; private String _checkBoxStyle = ""; private String _checkFontStyle = ""; private int _inputLength = 0; private String _inputWidth = null; private boolean _submitBelow = false; private boolean _submitBelowTopics = false; private String _spaceBetween = "2"; private int _spaceBeforeButtons = 12; private int archivePage = -1; private String archiveTarget = Link.TARGET_TOP_WINDOW; private boolean _showCancelImage; private String _bgColor = "#ffffff"; private boolean useButtons = true; private boolean useLinks = false; private String arrowStyleClass; private String linkStyleClass; /** Constructor for the NewsLetter object */ public NewsLetter() { setAutoCreate(false); } /** * Gets the multible of the NewsLetter object * * @return The multible value */ public boolean getMultible() { return false; } /** * Gets the categoryType of the NewsLetter object * * @return The category type value */ public String getCategoryType() { return "Newsletter"; } /** * Gets the bundleIdentifier of the NewsLetter object * * @return The bundle identifier value */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return EMAIL_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * @param iwc * Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ public void main(IWContext iwc) { //debugParameters(iwc); this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.core = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle(); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); T.setColor(this._bgColor); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); int row = 1; int categoryID = getCategoryId(); if (categoryID > 0) { processForm(iwc); this.topics = MailFinder.getInstance().getInstanceTopics(getICObjectInstanceID()); } if (iwc.hasEditPermission(this)) { T.add(getAdminView(iwc), 1, row); T.setAlignment(1, row++, "left"); } Form F = new Form(); if (categoryID > 0) { if (this.topics != null && !this.topics.isEmpty()) { T.add(getMailInputTable(F, iwc), 1, row++); PresentationObject obj = null; switch (this.viewType) { case DROP: obj = getDropdownView(iwc); break; case CHECK: obj = getCheckBoxView(iwc); break; case SINGLE: obj = getCheckBoxView(iwc); break; } if (obj != null) { T.setHeight(row++, 6); T.add(obj, 1, row++); } if (this._submitBelowTopics) { if (this._spaceBeforeButtons > 0) { T.setHeight(row++, this._spaceBeforeButtons); } T.add(getButtonsBelowTable(F, iwc), 1, row); } } else { T.add(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_topic", "Please create a topic"), 1, row); } } else { T.add(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_category", "Please create a category"), 1, row); } F.add(T); add(F); } /** * Gets the dropdownView of the NewsLetter object * * @param iwc * Description of the Parameter * @return The dropdown view value */ public PresentationObject getDropdownView(IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(); T.setColor(this._bgColor); if (this.topics != null && this.topics.size() > 0) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu("nl_list"); Iterator iter = this.topics.iterator(); if (this.topics.size() > 1) { while (iter.hasNext()) { EmailTopic tpc = (EmailTopic); drp.addMenuElement(tpc.getListId(), tpc.getName()); } T.add(drp, 1, 2); } else if (iter.hasNext()) { EmailTopic tpc = (EmailTopic); T.add(new HiddenInput("nl_list", String.valueOf(tpc.getListId()))); } if (this.archivePage > 0) { T.add(getArchiveLink(), 1, 2); } return T; } else { return null; } } private PresentationObject getMailInputTable(Form form, IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); T.setColor(this._bgColor); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); TextInput email = new TextInput("nl_email"); email.setStyleAttribute(this._inputStyle); if (this._inputLength != 0) { email.setLength(this._inputLength); } if (this._inputWidth != null) { email.setWidth(this._inputWidth); } email.setContent(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("enter_email_here", "Enter e-mail here")); email.setOnFocus("this.value=''"); Table submitTable = new Table(2, 1); submitTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); submitTable.setAlignment(2, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); if (this.useButtons) { SubmitButton send, cancel; if (this.submitImage != null) { send = new SubmitButton(this.submitImage, "nl_send"); } else { send = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("subscribe", "Subscribe"), "nl_send"); } if (this.cancelImage != null) { cancel = new SubmitButton(this.cancelImage, "nl_stop"); } else { cancel = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("unsubscribe", "Unsubscribe"), "nl_stop"); } submitTable.add(send, 1, 1); if (this._showCancelImage) { submitTable.add(cancel, 2, 1); } } else if (this.useLinks) { Link sendLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("subscribe", "Subscribe")); sendLink.addParameter("nl_send", "true"); sendLink.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.linkStyleClass != null) { sendLink.setStyle(this.linkStyleClass); } Link sendArrow = new Link(">>"); sendArrow.addParameter("nl_send", "true"); sendArrow.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.arrowStyleClass != null) { sendArrow.setStyle(this.arrowStyleClass); } Link cancelLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("unsubscribe", "Unsubscribe")); cancelLink.addParameter("nl_stop", "true"); cancelLink.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.linkStyleClass != null) { cancelLink.setStyle(this.linkStyleClass); } Link cancelArrow = new Link(">>"); cancelArrow.addParameter("nl_stop", "true"); cancelArrow.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.arrowStyleClass != null) { cancelArrow.setStyle(this.arrowStyleClass); } submitTable.add(sendLink, 1, 1); submitTable.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 1, 1); submitTable.add(sendArrow, 1, 1); if (this._showCancelImage) { submitTable.add(cancelLink, 2, 1); submitTable.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 2, 1); submitTable.add(cancelArrow, 2, 1); } } if (this._submitBelow) { T.add(email, 1, 1); T.setHeight(1, 2, this._spaceBetween); if (!this._submitBelowTopics) { T.add(submitTable, 1, 3); } } else { T.add(email, 1, 1); T.setWidth(2, 1, this._spaceBetween); if (!this._submitBelowTopics) { T.add(submitTable, 3, 1); } } return T; } /** * Gets the checkBoxView of the NewsLetter object * * @param iwc * Description of the Parameter * @return The check box view value */ public PresentationObject getCheckBoxView(IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); T.setColor(this._bgColor); if (this.topics != null && this.topics.size() > 0) { CheckBox chk; Iterator iter = this.topics.iterator(); int row = 1; if (this.topics.size() > 1) { while (iter.hasNext()) { EmailTopic tpc = (EmailTopic); chk = new CheckBox("nl_list", String.valueOf(tpc.getListId())); chk.setStyleAttribute(this._checkBoxStyle); T.add(chk, 1, row); T.setCellpaddingLeft(1, row, 3); Text tpcName = new Text(tpc.getName()); tpcName.setFontStyle(this._checkFontStyle); T.add(tpcName, 2, row); row++; if (iter.hasNext()) { T.setHeight(row++, this._spaceBetween); } } } else if (iter.hasNext()) { EmailTopic tpc = (EmailTopic); T.add(new HiddenInput("nl_list", String.valueOf(tpc.getListId()))); } if (this.archivePage > 0) { T.mergeCells(1, row, 2, row); T.add(getArchiveLink(), 1, row); } return T; } else { return null; } } /** * Gets the adminView of the NewsLetter object * * @return The admin view value */ private PresentationObject getAdminView(IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(0); T.setCellpadding(0); if (this.topics != null && this.topics.size() > 0) { T.add(getAddLink(this.core.getImage("/shared/create.gif", "Send")), 1, 1); } if (getCategoryIds().length > 0 && getICObjectInstanceID() > 0) { T.add(getSetupLink(this.core.getImage("/shared/edit.gif", "Edit")), 1, 1); } T.add(getCategoryLink(this.core.getImage("/shared/detach.gif")), 1, 1); return T; } private PresentationObject getButtonsBelowTable(Form form, IWContext iwc) { Table submitTable = new Table(2, 1); submitTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); submitTable.setAlignment(2, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); submitTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); if (this.useButtons) { SubmitButton send, cancel; if (this.submitImage != null) { send = new SubmitButton(this.submitImage, "nl_send"); } else { send = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("subscribe", "Subscribe"), "nl_send"); } if (this.cancelImage != null) { cancel = new SubmitButton(this.cancelImage, "nl_stop"); } else { cancel = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("unsubscribe", "Unsubscribe"), "nl_stop"); } submitTable.add(send, 1, 1); if (this._showCancelImage) { submitTable.add(cancel, 2, 1); } } else if (this.useLinks) { Link sendLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("subscribe", "Subscribe")); sendLink.addParameter("nl_send", "true"); sendLink.setToFormSubmit(form); //added 20.01.2005 - ac sendLink.setToolTip("Please fill in your email, mark the desired newsletter and choose subscribe or unsubscribe."); if (this.linkStyleClass != null) { sendLink.setStyle(this.linkStyleClass); } Link sendArrow = new Link(">>"); sendArrow.addParameter("nl_send", "true"); sendArrow.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.arrowStyleClass != null) { sendArrow.setStyle(this.arrowStyleClass); } Link cancelLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("unsubscribe", "Unsubscribe")); cancelLink.addParameter("nl_stop", "true"); cancelLink.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.linkStyleClass != null) { cancelLink.setStyle(this.linkStyleClass); } Link cancelArrow = new Link(">>"); cancelArrow.addParameter("nl_stop", "true"); cancelArrow.setToFormSubmit(form); if (this.arrowStyleClass != null) { cancelArrow.setStyle(this.arrowStyleClass); } submitTable.add(sendLink, 1, 1); submitTable.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 1, 1); submitTable.add(sendArrow, 1, 1); if (this._showCancelImage) { submitTable.add(cancelLink, 2, 1); submitTable.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 2, 1); submitTable.add(cancelArrow, 2, 1); } } return submitTable; } private Link getArchiveLink() { Link L = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("archive", "Archive")); L.setPage(this.archivePage); L.setTarget(this.archiveTarget); return L; } private void processForm(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet("nl_email")) { String email = iwc.getParameter("nl_email"); if (email.indexOf("@") > 0) { String[] sids = iwc.getParameterValues("nl_list"); int[] ids = new int[sids.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sids.length; i++) { ids[i] = Integer.parseInt(sids[i]); } if (iwc.isParameterSet("nl_send") || iwc.isParameterSet("nl_send.x")) { MailBusiness.getInstance().saveEmailToLists(email, ids); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet("nl_stop") || iwc.isParameterSet("nl_stop.x")) { MailBusiness.getInstance().removeEmailFromLists(email, ids); } } } } /** * Gets the addLink of the NewsLetter object * * @param image * Description of the Parameter * @return The add link value */ private Link getAddLink(Image image) { Link L = new Link(image); L.setWindowToOpen(LetterWindow.class); L.addParameter(LetterWindow.prmInstanceId, getICObjectInstanceID()); return L; } /** * Gets the setupLink of the NewsLetter object * * @param image * Description of the Parameter * @return The setup link value */ private Link getSetupLink(Image image) { Link L = new Link(image); L.setWindowToOpen(SetupWindow.class); L.addParameter(SetupEditor.prmInstanceId, getICObjectInstanceID()); return L; } /** * Gets the categoryLink of the NewsLetter object * * @param image * Description of the Parameter * @return The category link value */ private Link getCategoryLink(Image image) { Link L = getCategoryLink(); L.setImage(image); return L; } /** * Sets the viewType attribute of the NewsLetter object * * @param viewType * The new viewType value */ public void setViewType(int viewType) { this.viewType = viewType; } /** * Sets the input style attribute of the NewsLetter object * * @param inputStyle - * the new value for _inputStyle */ public void setInputStyle(String inputStyle) { this._inputStyle = inputStyle; } /** * Sets the checkBox style attribute * * @param checkBoxStyle */ public void setCheckBoxStyle(String checkBoxStyle) { this._checkBoxStyle = checkBoxStyle; } /** * Sets the input length attribute of the NewsLetter object * * @param inputLength - * the new value for _inputStyle */ public void setInputLength(int inputLength) { this._inputLength = inputLength; } /** * Sets the submitImage attribute of the NewsLetter object * * @param submitImage * The new submitImage value */ public void setSubmitImage(Image submitImage) { this.submitImage = submitImage; } /** * Sets the cancelImage attribute of the NewsLetter object * * @param cancelImage * The new cancelImage value */ public void setCancelImage(Image cancelImage) { this.cancelImage = cancelImage; } /** * Sets the submit button below the input * * @param _submitBelow * The new _submitBelow value */ public void setSubmitBelowInput(boolean submitBelow) { this._submitBelow = submitBelow; } /** * Sets the space between the submit button and the input * * @param _spaceBetween * The new _spaceBetween value */ public void setSpaceBetween(String spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } public void setArchivePage(ICPage page) { this.archivePage = page.getID(); } public void setArchiveTarget(String target) { this.archiveTarget = target; } /** * Sets the _showCancelImage. * * @param showUnsubscribe * The _showCancelImage to set */ public void setShowUnsubscribeButton(boolean showUnsubscribe) { this._showCancelImage = showUnsubscribe; } /** * Sets the background color of the main table displaying the NewsLetter * subscribe * * @param color */ public void setBgColor(String color) { this._bgColor = color; } /** * Sets the submit (and cancel) buttons below the topics dropdown or * checkboxes * * @param submitBelowTopics */ public void setSubmitBelowTopics(boolean submitBelowTopics) { this._submitBelowTopics = submitBelowTopics; } /** * Sets the font style of the text displayd with each checkbox * * @param style */ public void setCheckBoxFont(String style) { this._checkFontStyle = style; } /** * Sets the width of the input box * * @param width */ public void setInputWidth(String width) { this._inputWidth = width; } /** * @param arrowStyleClass The arrowStyleClass to set. */ public void setArrowStyleClass(String arrowStyleClass) { this.arrowStyleClass = arrowStyleClass; } /** * @param linkStyleClass The linkStyleClass to set. */ public void setLinkStyleClass(String linkStyleClass) { this.linkStyleClass = linkStyleClass; } /** * @param useButtons The useButtons to set. */ public void setUseButtons(boolean useButtons) { this.useButtons = useButtons; this.useLinks = !useButtons; } /** * @param useLinks The useLinks to set. */ public void setUseLinks(boolean useLinks) { this.useLinks = useLinks; this.useButtons = !useLinks; } /** * @param space The spacing to set. */ public void setSaceBeforeButtons(int spacing) { this._spaceBeforeButtons = spacing; } }