package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * @author root * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ public class ServiceSearchBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements ServiceSearchBusiness, ActionListener { private HashMap resultMap = new HashMap(); public static String SEARCH_FORM_CACHE_KEY = "abstract_search_form"; public static String PARAMETER_BOOKING_IDS_FOR_BASKET = "ssbb_obifb"; public static final String PARAMETER_BOOKING_ID_REMOVAL = "ssbb_bir"; private String SEARCH_ENGINE_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTION = "Search Engine administator group"; private String permissionGroupNameExtention = " - admins"; public ServiceSearchBusinessBean() { super(); } public void initializeBean() { getProductBusiness().addActionListener(this); } public List getErrorFormFields(IWContext iwc, String categoryKey, boolean useCVC, boolean useBasket) throws IDOLookupException, FinderException { List list = new Vector(); String firstName = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_FIRST_NAME); String lastName = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_LAST_NAME); String street = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_STREET); String pc = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_POSTAL_CODE); String city = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CITY); String country = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_COUNTRY); String email = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_EMAIL); String ccNum = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_NUMBER); String ccMon = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_MONTH); String ccYear = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_YEAR); String ccCVC = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_CVC); String ccName = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_NAME_ON_CARD); if (firstName == null || firstName.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_FIRST_NAME); } if (lastName == null || lastName.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_LAST_NAME); } if (street == null || street.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_STREET); } if (pc == null || pc.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_POSTAL_CODE); } if (city == null || city.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CITY); } if (country == null || country.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_COUNTRY); } if (email == null || email.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_EMAIL); } if (ccNum == null || ccNum.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_NUMBER); } if (ccMon == null || ccMon.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_MONTH); } if (ccYear == null || ccYear.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_YEAR); } if (useCVC && (ccCVC == null || ccCVC.equals(""))) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_CC_CVC); } if (ccName == null || ccName.equals("")) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_NAME_ON_CARD); } if (!useBasket) { String productId = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_PRODUCT_ID); ProductPriceHome ppHome = (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); Collection pPrices = ppHome.findProductPrices(Integer.parseInt(productId), -1, -1, true, categoryKey); Iterator iter = pPrices.iterator(); ProductPrice price; int iMany = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { price = (ProductPrice); try { iMany += Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("priceCategory"+price.getPrimaryKey())); }catch (NumberFormatException n) { //n.printStackTrace(); } } if (iMany < 1) { list.add(AbstractSearchForm.ERROR_NO_BOOKING_COUNT); } } return list; } public Collection sortProducts(IWContext iwc, Collection productsToSort, PriceCategory priceCat, IWTimestamp bookingDate, int sortMethod) { try { //if (productComparator == null) { ProductComparator productComparator = new ProductComparator(sortMethod, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); productComparator.setPriceCategoryValues(priceCat, -1, bookingDate); //} /** Gera betra */ //Collection tmp = getProductInstanceCollection(productsToSort); Collections.sort( (Vector) productsToSort, productComparator); return productsToSort; //return getPKCollectionFromInstances(tmp); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return productsToSort;//getProductInstanceCollection(productsToSort); //return getPKCollectionFromInstances(productsToSort); // return productsToSort; } public Collection checkResults(IWContext iwc, Collection results) throws RemoteException { if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : checking reults : " +results.size()); results = getProductInstanceCollection(results); // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : results converted to products"); HashMap map = new HashMap(); Collection coll = new Vector(); ProductHome pHome = (ProductHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Product.class); Product product; IWTimestamp from = null; IWTimestamp to = null; IWTimestamp tmp; Collection addresses = null; try { from = new IWTimestamp(iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_FROM_DATE)); int betw = 1; try { betw = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_MANY_DAYS)); to = new IWTimestamp(from); to.addDays(betw); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { try { to = new IWTimestamp(iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_TO_DATE)); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); to = new IWTimestamp(from); to.addDays(betw); } } }catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("error getting stamps : "+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } int addressId = -1; int timeframeId = -1; Timeframe timeframe; BookingForm bf; ProductPrice[] prices; Iterator iter = results.iterator(); Collection toRemove = new Vector(); boolean productIsValid = true; if (from == null || to == null || to.isEarlierThan(from)) { return new Vector(); } while (iter.hasNext() && from != null && to != null) { try { product = (Product); // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : checking product : " +product.getProductName(iwc.getCurrentLocaleId())); productIsValid = getBookingBusiness().getIsProductValid(iwc, product, from, to, true, true); if (productIsValid) { // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : valid"); map.put(product, new Boolean(productIsValid)); } else { // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : invalid"); toRemove.add(product); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } results.removeAll(toRemove); return results; } else { // System.out.println("ServiceSearchBusiness : No results"); } return new Vector(); } private Collection getProductInstanceCollection(Collection pks) { Collection coll = new Vector(); try { ProductHome pHome = (ProductHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Product.class); Iterator iter = pks.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { coll.add( pHome.findByPrimaryKey(((IDOEntity); } } catch (Exception e) { } return coll; } private Collection getPKCollectionFromInstances(Collection insts) { Collection coll = new Vector(); Iterator iter = insts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { coll.add( ((Product); } return coll; } public Collection getServiceSearchEngines(Group supplierManager) { Collection coll = new Vector(); try { coll = getSearchEngineHome().findAll(supplierManager); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } return coll; } public ServiceSearchEngine findByName(String name) { ServiceSearchEngine engine = null; try { return getSearchEngineHome().findByName(name); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } return engine; } public ServiceSearchEngine findByCode(String code) { ServiceSearchEngine engine = null; try { return getSearchEngineHome().findByCode(code); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } return engine; } /** * @deprecated * @return */ public ServiceSearchEngine storeEngine(Object pk, String name, String code, String url, Group supplierManager) { return storeEngine(pk, name, code, url, supplierManager, false); } public ServiceSearchEngine storeEngine(Object pk, String name, String code, String url, Group supplierManager, boolean useBasket) { ServiceSearchEngine engine = null; UserTransaction t = getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); try { t.begin(); String oldCode = null; boolean isUpdate = pk != null; if (pk == null) { engine = getSearchEngineHome().create(); } else { engine = getSearchEngineHome().findByPrimaryKey(pk); oldCode = engine.getCode(); if (code != null && code.equals(oldCode)) { oldCode = null; } } engine.setName(name); engine.setCode(code); if (supplierManager != null) { engine.setSupplierManager(supplierManager); } engine.setURL(url); engine.setUseBasket(useBasket);; if (getServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup(engine) == null) { String sName = name+"_"+engine.getPrimaryKey().toString(); Object object = IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class); ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupHome ssesgh = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class); ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup sGroup = ssesgh.create(); sGroup.setName(sName);; engine.setStaffGroupID(((Integer)sGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue());; } else if (engine.getStaffGroupID() < 1){ System.out.println("[ServiceSearchBusinessBean] Fixing engine, setting groupID"); engine.setStaffGroupID(((Integer)getServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup(engine).getPrimaryKey()).intValue());; } if (getPermissionGroup(engine) == null) { String sName = name+"_"+engine.getPrimaryKey().toString(); Group pGroup = ((GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class)).create(); pGroup.setName(sName+permissionGroupNameExtention); pGroup.setDescription(SEARCH_ENGINE_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTION); pGroup.setGroupType("permission");; // pGroup.addGroup(user); // AccessControl ac = new AccessControl(); // ac.createPermissionGroup(sName+permissionGroupNameExtention, SEARCH_ENGINE_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTION, "", null ,null); } if (oldCode != null) { GeneralBookingHome gbHome = (GeneralBookingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(GeneralBooking.class); Collection bookings = gbHome.findAllByCode(oldCode); if (bookings != null && !bookings.isEmpty()) { GeneralBooking booking; Iterator iter = bookings.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() ){ booking = (GeneralBooking); booking.setCode(code);; } } } t.commit(); return engine; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return engine; } public void addSearchEngineUser(ServiceSearchEngine engine, String name, String userName, String password, boolean addToPermissionGroup) { User user; try { user = getUserBusiness().insertUser(name,"","- admin",name+" - admin","Search Engine administrator",null,IWTimestamp.RightNow(),null); LoginDBHandler.createLogin(user.getID(), userName, password); addUser(engine, user, addToPermissionGroup); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean isUserInPermissionGroup(ServiceSearchEngine engine, User user) throws RemoteException, FinderException { Group pGroup = getPermissionGroup(engine); Collection allUsers = getUserBusiness().getUsersInGroup(pGroup); return allUsers.contains(user); } public Group getPermissionGroup(ServiceSearchEngine engine) throws RemoteException, FinderException { String name = engine.getName()+"_"+engine.getPrimaryKey().toString() + permissionGroupNameExtention; String description = SEARCH_ENGINE_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTION ; Group pGroup = null; Collection coll = getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByNameAndDescription(name, description); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); pGroup = (Group); } if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { coll = getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByNameAndDescription(engine.getName()+permissionGroupNameExtention, description); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); pGroup = (Group); } } // List listi = null; // try { // listi = EntityFinder.findAllByColumn((PermissionGroup) GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Group.class), GroupBMPBean.getNameColumnName(), name, GroupBMPBean.getGroupDescriptionColumnName(), description); // } catch (SQLException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if (listi != null) { // if (listi.size() > 0) { // pGroup = (Group) listi.get(listi.size()-1); // } // } else { // try { // listi = EntityFinder.findAllByColumn((PermissionGroup) GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Group.class), GroupBMPBean.getNameColumnName(), engine.getName()+permissionGroupNameExtention, GroupBMPBean.getGroupDescriptionColumnName(), description); // } catch (SQLException e1) { // e1.printStackTrace(); // } // // if (listi != null) { // if (listi.size() > 0) { // pGroup = (Group) listi.get(listi.size()-1); // } // } // } return pGroup; } public ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup getServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup(ServiceSearchEngine engine) throws RemoteException, FinderException { String name = engine.getName()+"_"+engine.getPrimaryKey().toString(); ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup sGroup = null; ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupHome ssesgh = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class); Collection coll = ssesgh.findGroupsByName(name); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); sGroup = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup); } if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { coll = ssesgh.findGroupsByName(engine.getName()); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); sGroup = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup); } } // List listi = EntityFinder.findAllByColumn((GenericGroup) ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class), ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupBMPBean.getNameColumnName(), name); // if (listi != null) { // if (listi.size() > 0) { // sGroup = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup) listi.get(listi.size()-1); // } // } // if (listi == null) { // listi = EntityFinder.findAllByColumn((GenericGroup) ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class), ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupBMPBean.getNameColumnName(), engine.getName()); // if (listi != null && listi.size() > 0) { // sGroup = (ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup) listi.get(listi.size()-1); // } // } if (sGroup == null) { System.err.println("searchEngineStaffGroup == null"); } return sGroup; } public void addUser(ServiceSearchEngine engine, User user, boolean addToPermissionGroup) throws RemoteException, FinderException { Group pGroup = getPermissionGroup(engine); ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup sGroup = getServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup(engine); if (addToPermissionGroup) { pGroup.addGroup(user); } sGroup.addGroup(user); } public ServiceSearchEngine getUserSearchEngine(User user) throws RuntimeException, RemoteException{ try { // Group gGroup = ((GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class)).createLegacy(); // List gr = gGroup.getAllGroupsContainingUser(user); Collection gr = getUserBusiness().getUserGroups(user); if(gr != null){ Iterator iter = gr.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { try { Group item = (Group); String flepps = item.getGroupTypeValue(); if(item.getGroupType().equals(((ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup) ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup.class)).getGroupTypeValue())){ return getSearchEngineHome().findByGroupID( ((Integer) item.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { System.out.println("[ServiceSearchBusinessBean] classcastexception"); } } } throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any searchengine"); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any searchengine"); } catch (FinderException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Does not belong to any searchengine"); } } public boolean deleteServiceSearchEngine(ServiceSearchEngine engine, User performer) { try { ServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup sGroup = this.getServiceSearchEngineStaffGroup(engine); Collection users = getUserBusiness().getUsersInGroup(sGroup); // List users = UserGroupBusiness.getUsersContained(sGroup.getID()); if (users != null) { Iterator iter = users.iterator(); User user; while (iter.hasNext()) { try { user = (User); sGroup.removeGroup(user, performer); //sGroup.removeFrom(user); LoginDBHandler.deleteUserLogin( user.getID() ); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } engine.remove(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public Collection getSearchResults(String key) { return (Collection) resultMap.get(key); } public void addSearchResults(String key, Collection results) { resultMap.put(key, results); } public ServiceSearchEngineHome getSearchEngineHome() throws IDOLookupException { return (ServiceSearchEngineHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceSearchEngine.class); } public TravelSessionManager getTravelSessionManager(IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException { return (TravelSessionManager) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwuc, TravelSessionManager.class); } public TravelStockroomBusiness getTravelStockroomBusiness() { try { return (TravelStockroomBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), TravelStockroomBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public TravelStockroomBusiness getBusiness(Product product) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return getServiceHandler().getServiceBusiness(product); } public ProductBusiness getProductBusiness() { try { return (ProductBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ProductBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public ServiceHandler getServiceHandler() throws RemoteException { return (ServiceHandler) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ServiceHandler.class); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event != null) { if (event.getActionCommand().equals(ProductBusinessBean.COMMAND_CLEAR_CACHE)) { clearAllEngineCache(); } } } protected BookingBusiness getBookingBusiness() { try { return (BookingBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), BookingBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected GroupBusiness getGroupBusiness() { try { return (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), GroupBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected UserBusiness getUserBusiness() { try { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), UserBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } /** * This method throws away the local search results cache and calls remote webservices of other portals to clear their cache. */ public void clearAllEngineCache() { clearAllEngineCache(null); } /** * This method throws away the local search results cache and calls remote webservices of other portals to clear their cache. * Except for the remoteDomainToExclude domain * @param remoteDomainToExclude */ public void clearAllEngineCache(String remoteDomainToExclude) { resultMap = new HashMap(); log("Invalidating LOCAL stored search results"); getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getIWCacheManager().invalidateCache(SEARCH_FORM_CACHE_KEY); String methodQuery = "decacheAllSupplierManagers"; getTravelStockroomBusiness().executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, methodQuery); } public void setNewBookingsInBasket(IWContext iwc, String[] newBookingIds) throws RemoteException { if (newBookingIds != null && newBookingIds.length > 0) { GeneralBookingHome home = getBooker().getGeneralBookingHome(); GeneralBooking book; BasketBusiness bBus = getBasketBusiness(iwc); bBus.emptyBasket(); System.out.print("[ServiceSearchBusiness] Populating basket with ids ="); for (int i = 0; i < newBookingIds.length; i++) { try { System.out.print(" "+newBookingIds[i]); book = home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(newBookingIds[i])); bBus.addItem(book); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println(""); } else { getBasketBusiness(iwc).emptyBasket(); } } /** * Creates a booking and adds it to the basket * @param iwc * @return */ public boolean addToBasket(IWContext iwc) { BasketBusiness travelbasket = getBasketBusiness(iwc); try { GeneralBooking booking = doBooking(iwc, false); // booking.setIsValid(false); //; Collection coll = getBooker().getMultibleBookings(booking); if (coll != null) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GeneralBooking b = (GeneralBooking); b.setIsValid(false);; } } getBooker().invalidateCache(booking.getPrimaryKey().toString()); booking.setIsValid(false);; travelbasket.addItem(booking); return true; } catch (Exception e1) { String message = e1.getMessage(); try { int error = Integer.parseInt(message); switch (error) { case BookingForm.errorTooMany : getSearchSession(iwc).setAddToBasketErrorLocalizedKey("travel.error_too_many", "Too many"); break; case BookingForm.errorTooFew : getSearchSession(iwc).setAddToBasketErrorLocalizedKey("travel.error_too_few", "Too few"); break; case BookingForm.errorFieldsEmpty : getSearchSession(iwc).setAddToBasketErrorLocalizedKey("travel.error_field_empty", "Some fields are empty"); break; case BookingForm.errorTravelAddressesTooMany : getSearchSession(iwc).setAddToBasketErrorLocalizedKey("travel.error_prices_used_from_more_than_one_departure_address", "Prices used from more than one departure address"); break; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException r) { } } return false; } public boolean removeFromBasket(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { String bId = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_BOOKING_ID_REMOVAL); if (bId != null) { GeneralBookingHome gbHome = (GeneralBookingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(GeneralBooking.class); IDOPrimaryKey key = gbHome.getPrimaryKey(new Integer(bId)); if (getBasketBusiness(iwc).getBasket().containsKey(key)) { getBasketBusiness(iwc).getBasket().remove(key); return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } public ServiceSearchSession getSearchSession(IWContext iwc) { try { return (ServiceSearchSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, ServiceSearchSession.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected BasketBusiness getBasketBusiness(IWContext iwc) { try { return (BasketBusiness) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, BasketBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected CreditCardBusiness getCreditCardBusiness() { try { return (CreditCardBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), CreditCardBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected Booker getBooker() { try { return (Booker) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), Booker.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public Collection doBasketBooking(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String sEngine = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_CODE); if (sEngine != null) { ServiceSearchEngine engine = getSearchEngineHome().findByCode(sEngine); return doBasketBooking(iwc, engine.getSupplierManager()); } else if (TravelBlock.getTravelSessionManagerStatic(iwc).getSupplierManager() != null) { return doBasketBooking(iwc, TravelBlock.getTravelSessionManagerStatic(iwc).getSupplierManager()); } else { throw new NullPointerException("Engine Code is null"); } } public Collection doBasketBooking(IWContext iwc, Group supplierManager) throws Exception { CreditCardClient client = getCreditCardBusiness().getCreditCardClient(supplierManager, IWTimestamp.RightNow()); IWBundle bundle = getIWMainApplication().getBundle(TravelBlock.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); IWResourceBundle iwrb = bundle.getResourceBundle(iwc); String paymentType = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_PAYMENT_TYPE); int iPaymentType = Booking.PAYMENT_TYPE_ID_CREDIT_CARD; if (paymentType != null) { iPaymentType = Integer.parseInt(paymentType); } String authNr = null; // Going through bookings, getting prices and currencies HashMap currMaps = new HashMap(); // A map with Currency as key and float[] as value Collection values = getBasketBusiness(iwc).getBasket().values(); Collection bookings = new Vector(); Collection suppliers = new Vector(); BasketEntry entry; GeneralBooking booking; Iterator iter = values.iterator(); String ccCurr = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry = (BasketEntry); booking = (GeneralBooking) entry.getItem(); suppliers.add(booking.getService().getProduct().getSupplier()); ccCurr = getBooker().getCurrency(booking).getCurrencyAbbreviation(); if (currMaps.get(ccCurr) == null) { currMaps.put(ccCurr, new float[]{0}); } float price = getBooker().getBookingPrice(getBooker().getMultibleBookings(booking)); ((float[])currMaps.get(ccCurr))[0] += price; bookings.add(booking); } if (currMaps.keySet().size() != 1) { CreditCardAuthorizationException e = new CreditCardAuthorizationException(); e.setDisplayError("Invalid number of currencies ("+currMaps.keySet().size()+")"); e.setErrorMessage("Invalid number of currencies ("+currMaps.keySet().size()+")"); throw e; } if (iPaymentType == Booking.PAYMENT_TYPE_ID_CREDIT_CARD) { // Getting parameters needed for the cc authorization String ccName = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_NAME_ON_CARD); String ccNumber = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.parameterCCNumber); String ccYear = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.parameterCCYear); String ccMonth = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.parameterCCMonth); String ccCVC = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.parameterCCCVC); String refNum = iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_REFERENCE_NUMBER); // Checking for Authorization for every currency Collection responseStrings = new Vector(); Iterator currIterator = currMaps.keySet().iterator(); while (currIterator.hasNext()) { String curr = (String); float cPrice = ((float[])currMaps.get(curr))[0]; System.out.println("[SearchBus] checking for price = "+cPrice+" "+curr+" in merchant = "+client.getCreditCardMerchant().getMerchantID()); try { authNr = client.doSale(ccName, ccNumber, ccMonth, ccYear, ccCVC, cPrice, curr, refNum); responseStrings.add(authNr); } catch (CreditCardAuthorizationException e) { throw e; } } } // If no authorization error have been thrown, the bookings must now be validated String surname = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_FIRST_NAME); String lastname = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_LAST_NAME); String address = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_ADDRESS); String areaCode = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_AREA_CODE); String email = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_EMAIL); String phone = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_PHONE); String city = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_CITY); String country = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_COUNTRY); String comment = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_COMMENT); String code = iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_CODE); String name = surname; if (lastname != null && !lastname.trim().equals("")) { name += " "+lastname; } Iterator biter = bookings.iterator(); while (biter.hasNext()) { booking = (GeneralBooking); Collection coll = getBooker().getMultibleBookings(booking); if (coll != null) { Iterator miter = coll.iterator(); while (miter.hasNext()) { GeneralBooking b = (GeneralBooking); b.setIsValid(true); b.setName(name); b.setAddress(address); b.setPostalCode(areaCode); b.setEmail(email); b.setTelephoneNumber(phone); b.setCity(city); b.setCountry(country); if (comment != null) { b.setComment(comment); } if (code != null) { b.setCode(code); } b.setPaymentTypeId(iPaymentType); b.setCreditcardAuthorizationNumber(authNr); b.setIsValid(true);; } } // Getting booking again (cause booking object hasnt been update, even though the DB has) booking = getBooker().getGeneralBookingHome().findByPrimaryKey(booking.getPrimaryKey()); // booking.setName(name); //; // Send emails BookingForm bf = getServiceHandler().getBookingForm(iwc, booking.getService().getProduct(), false); bf.sendEmails(iwc, booking, iwrb, supplierManager); getBooker().invalidateCache(booking.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } // Iterator citer = responseStrings.iterator(); // while (citer.hasNext()) { // String reps = (String); // client.finishTransaction(reps); // } getBasketBusiness(iwc).emptyBasket(); return bookings; // getBasketBusiness(iwc).repps(); } public GeneralBooking doBooking(IWContext iwc, boolean doCreditCardCheck) throws Exception { Product product = getProduct(iwc); int bookingId = -1; if (!doCreditCardCheck) { bookingId = getBookingForm(iwc).checkBooking(iwc, true, false, false, doCreditCardCheck); } else { bookingId = getBookingForm(iwc).handleInsert(iwc, doCreditCardCheck); } GeneralBookingHome gBookingHome = (GeneralBookingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(GeneralBooking.class); GeneralBooking gBooking = null; if (bookingId > 0) { gBooking = gBookingHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(bookingId)); gBooking.setCode(iwc.getParameter(BookingForm.PARAMETER_CODE)); } else if (bookingId == BookingForm.errorTooFew) { throw new Exception(Integer.toString(bookingId)); } else if (bookingId == BookingForm.errorTooMany) { throw new Exception(Integer.toString(bookingId)); } else if (bookingId == BookingForm.errorFieldsEmpty) { throw new Exception(Integer.toString(bookingId)); } else if (bookingId == BookingForm.errorTravelAddressesTooMany) { throw new Exception(Integer.toString(bookingId)); } return gBooking; } protected BookingForm getBookingForm(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { return getServiceHandler().getBookingForm(iwc, getProduct(iwc)); } protected Product getProduct(IWContext iwc) { try { ProductHome home = (ProductHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Product.class); return home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(iwc.getParameter(AbstractSearchForm.PARAMETER_PRODUCT_ID))); }catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }