package com.idega.presentation.awt; import java.awt.*; import*; import java.awt.image.*; // For ImageFilter stuff // This appears in Core Web Programming from // Prentice Hall Publishers, and may be freely used // or adapted. 1997 Marty Hall, //====================================================== /** * A button class that uses an image instead of a * textual label. Clicking and releasing the mouse over * the button triggers an ACTION_EVENT, so you can add * behavior in the same two ways as you with a normal * Button (in Java 1.0): * <OL> * <LI>Make an ImageButton subclass and put the * behavior in the action method of that subclass. * <LI>Use the main ImageButton class but then catch * the events in the action method of the Container. * </OL> * <P> * Normally, the ImageButton's preferredSize (used, * for instance, by FlowLayout) is just big enough * to hold the image. However, if you give an explicit * resize or reshape call <B>before</B> adding the * ImageButton to the Container, this size will * override the defaults. * <P> * @author Marty Hall ( * @see Icon * @see GrayFilter * @version 1.0 (1997) */ public class ImageButton extends ImageLabel { //---------------------------------------------------- /** Default width of 3D border around image. * Currently 4. * @see ImageLabel#setBorder * @see ImageLabel#getBorder */ protected static final int defaultBorderWidth = 4; /** Default color of 3D border around image. * Currently a gray with R/G/B of 160/160/160. * Light grays look best. * @see ImageLabel#setBorderColor * @see ImageLabel#getBorderColor */ protected static final Color defaultBorderColor = new Color(160, 160, 160); private boolean mouseIsDown = false; //---------------------------------------------------- // Constructors /** Create an ImageButton with the default image. * @see ImageLabel#getDefaultImageString */ public ImageButton() { super(); setBorders(); } /** Create an ImageButton using the image at URL * specified by the string. * @param imageURLString A String specifying the URL * of the image. */ public ImageButton(String imageURLString) { super(imageURLString); setBorders(); } /** Create an ImageButton using the image at URL * specified. * @param imageURL The URL of the image. */ public ImageButton(URL imageURL) { super(imageURL); setBorders(); } /** Creates an ImageButton using the file in * the directory specified. * @param imageDirectory The URL of a directory * @param imageFile File in the above directory */ public ImageButton(URL imageDirectory, String imageFile) { super(imageDirectory, imageFile); setBorders(); } /** Create an ImageButton using the image specified. * You would only want to use this if you already * have an image (e.g. created via createImage). * @param image The image. */ public ImageButton(Image image) { super(image); setBorders(); } //---------------------------------------------------- /** Draws the image with the border around it. If you * override this in a subclass, call super.paint(). */ public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if (this.grayImage == null) { createGrayImage(g); } drawBorder(true); } //---------------------------------------------------- // You only want mouseExit to repaint when mouse // is down, so you have to set that flag here. /** When the mouse is clicked, reverse the 3D border * and draw a dark-gray version of the image. * The action is not triggered until mouseUp. */ public boolean mouseDown(Event event, int x, int y) { this.mouseIsDown = true; Graphics g = getGraphics(); int border = getTheBorder(); if (hasExplicitSize()) { g.drawImage(this.grayImage, border, border, getWidth()-2*border, getHeight()-2*border, this); } else { g.drawImage(this.grayImage, border, border, this); } drawBorder(false); return(true); } //---------------------------------------------------- /** If cursor is still inside, trigger the action * event and redraw the image (non-gray, button * "out"). Otherwise ignore this. */ public boolean mouseUp(Event event, int x, int y) { this.mouseIsDown = false; if (inside(x,y)) { paint(getGraphics()); = Event.ACTION_EVENT; event.arg = getImage(); return(action(event, event.arg)); } else { return(false); } } //---------------------------------------------------- /** Generated when the button is clicked and released. * Override this in subclasses to give behavior to * the button. Alternatively, since the default * behavior is to pass the ACTION_EVENT along to the * Container, you can catch events for a bunch of * buttons there. * @see Component#action */ public boolean action(Event event, Object arg) { debug("Clicked on button for " + getImageString() + "."); return(false); } //---------------------------------------------------- /** If you move the mouse off the button while the * mouse is down, abort and do <B>not</B> trigger * the action. Ignore this if button was not * already down. */ public boolean mouseExit(Event event, int x, int y) { if (this.mouseIsDown) { paint(getGraphics()); } return(true); } //---------------------------------------------------- /** The darkness value to use for grayed images. * @see #setDarkness */ public int getDarkness() { return(this.darkness); } /** An int whose bits are combined via "and" ("&") * with the alpha, red, green, and blue bits of the * pixels of the image to produce the grayed-out * image to use when button is depressed. * Default is 0xffafafaf: af combines with r/g/b * to darken image. */ public void setDarkness(int darkness) { this.darkness = darkness; } // Changing darker is consistent with regular buttons private int darkness = 0xffafafaf; //---------------------------------------------------- /** The gray image used when button is down. * @see #setGrayImage */ public Image getGrayImage() { return(this.grayImage); } /** Sets gray image created automatically from regular * image via an image filter to use when button is * depressed. You won't normally use this directly. */ public void setGrayImage(Image grayImage) { this.grayImage = grayImage; } private Image grayImage = null; //---------------------------------------------------- private void drawBorder(boolean isUp) { Graphics g = getGraphics(); g.setColor(getBorderColor()); int left = 0; int top = 0; int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); int border = getTheBorder(); for(int i=0; i<border; i++) { g.draw3DRect(left, top, width, height, isUp); left++; top++; width = width - 2; height = height - 2; } } //---------------------------------------------------- private void setBorders() { setBorder(defaultBorderWidth); setBorderColor(defaultBorderColor); } //---------------------------------------------------- // The first time the image is drawn, update() is // called, and the result does not come out correctly. // So this forces a brief draw on loadup, replaced // by real, non-gray image. private void createGrayImage(Graphics g) { ImageFilter filter = new GrayFilter(this.darkness); ImageProducer producer = new FilteredImageSource(getImage().getSource(), filter); this.grayImage = createImage(producer); int border = getTheBorder(); if (hasExplicitSize()) { prepareImage(this.grayImage, getWidth()-2*border, getHeight()-2*border, this); } else { prepareImage(this.grayImage, this); } super.paint(g); } //---------------------------------------------------- }