package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: idegaWeb TravelBooking * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Grimur Jonsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class TourBusinessBean extends TravelStockroomBusinessBean implements TourBusiness{ private HashMap tourMap = new HashMap(); public TourBusinessBean() { } public int updateTourService(int tourId,int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, String[] tourTypeIDs, String departureFrom, IWTimestamp departureTime, String arrivalAt, IWTimestamp arrivalTime, String[] pickupPlaceIds, int[] activeDays, Integer numberOfSeats, Integer minNumberOfSeats, Integer numberOfDays, Float kilometers, int estimatedSeatsUsed, int discountTypeId) throws Exception{ return createTourService(tourId,supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, tourTypeIDs, departureFrom, departureTime, arrivalAt, arrivalTime, pickupPlaceIds, activeDays, numberOfSeats, minNumberOfSeats, numberOfDays, kilometers, estimatedSeatsUsed, discountTypeId); } public int createTourService(int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, String[] tourTypeIDs, String departureFrom, IWTimestamp departureTime, String arrivalAt, IWTimestamp arrivalTime, String[] pickupPlaceIds, int[] activeDays, Integer numberOfSeats, Integer minNumberOfSeats, Integer numberOfDays, Float kilometers, int estimatedSeatsUsed, int discountTypeId) throws Exception { return createTourService(-1,supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, tourTypeIDs, departureFrom, departureTime, arrivalAt, arrivalTime, pickupPlaceIds, activeDays, numberOfSeats,minNumberOfSeats, numberOfDays, kilometers, estimatedSeatsUsed, discountTypeId); } private int createTourService(int tourId, int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, String[] tourTypeIDs, String departureFrom, IWTimestamp departureTime, String arrivalAt, IWTimestamp arrivalTime, String[] pickupPlaceIds, int[] activeDays, Integer numberOfSeats, Integer minNumberOfSeats,Integer numberOfDays, Float kilometers, int estimatedSeatsUsed, int discountTypeId) throws Exception { boolean isError = false; /** * @todo handle isError og pickupTime */ if (super.timeframe == null) isError = true; if (activeDays.length == 0) isError = true; int hotelPickupAddressTypeId =; int[] departureAddressIds = setDepartureAddress(tourId, departureFrom, departureTime); int[] arrivalAddressIds = setArrivalAddress(tourId, arrivalAt); int[] hotelPickupPlaceIds ={}; if (pickupPlaceIds != null && pickupPlaceIds.length > 0 && !pickupPlaceIds[0].equals("") ) { hotelPickupPlaceIds = new int[pickupPlaceIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pickupPlaceIds.length; i++) { hotelPickupPlaceIds[i] = Integer.parseInt(pickupPlaceIds[i]); } } int serviceId = -1; if (tourId == -1) { serviceId = createService(supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, departureAddressIds, departureTime.getTimestamp(), arrivalTime.getTimestamp(), discountTypeId); }else { serviceId = updateService(tourId,supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, departureAddressIds, departureTime.getTimestamp(), arrivalTime.getTimestamp(), discountTypeId); } javax.transaction.UserTransaction userT = getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); if (serviceId != -1) try { userT.begin(); Service service = (( Integer(serviceId)); Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct(serviceId);// Product(serviceId); Tour tour; invalidateTour(product.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (tourId == -1) { tour = ((; tour.setPrimaryKey(new Integer(serviceId)); }else { tour = (( Integer(tourId)); } if (numberOfSeats != null) tour.setTotalSeats(numberOfSeats.intValue()); if (minNumberOfSeats != null) tour.setMinumumSeats(minNumberOfSeats.intValue()); if (numberOfDays != null) tour.setNumberOfDays(numberOfDays.intValue()); if (kilometers != null) tour.setLength(kilometers.floatValue()); if (estimatedSeatsUsed != -1) tour.setEstimatedSeatsUsed(estimatedSeatsUsed); if (arrivalAddressIds.length > 0) { Address addrs; AddressHome aHome = (AddressHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Address.class); try { for (int i = 0; i < arrivalAddressIds.length; i++) { addrs = aHome.findByPrimaryKey(arrivalAddressIds[i]); getProductBusiness().addArrivalAddress(product, addrs); // product.addArrivalAddress(addrs); // product.addTo(Address.class,arrivalAddressIds[i]); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } PickupPlaceHome hppHome = (PickupPlaceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PickupPlace.class); service.removeAllHotelPickupPlaces(); // hppHome.create().removeFromService(service); //service.removeFrom(HotelPickupPlace.class); if(hotelPickupPlaceIds.length > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < hotelPickupPlaceIds.length; i++) { if (hotelPickupPlaceIds[i] != -1) try{ (( Integer(hotelPickupPlaceIds[i])).addToService(service); // service.addTo((( Integer(hotelPickupPlaceIds[i]))); }catch (IDOAddRelationshipException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } } tour.setHotelPickup(true); }else{ tour.setHotelPickup(false); }; tour.setTourTypes(tourTypeIDs); this.removeDepartureDaysApplication(this.getIWApplicationContext(), product); setActiveDays(serviceId, activeDays); ProductCategory pCat = ( (ProductCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ProductCategory.class)).getProductCategory(ProductCategoryFactoryBean.CATEGORY_TYPE_TOUR); try { if (pCat != null) { product.removeAllFrom(ProductCategory.class); pCat.addTo(Product.class, serviceId); // product.addTo(pCat); } }catch (SQLException sql) { } userT.commit(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); userT.rollback(); } return serviceId; } public boolean invalidateTour(String tourID) { return invalidateTour(tourID, null); } public boolean invalidateTour(String tourID, String remoteDomainToExclude) { tourMap.remove(tourID); super.executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "invalidateTour&tourID="+tourID); return true; } public int getNumberOfTours(int serviceId, IWTimestamp fromStamp, IWTimestamp toStamp) { int returner = 0; try { IWTimestamp toTemp = new IWTimestamp(toStamp); int counter = 0; int[] daysOfWeek = new int[]{};//; try { ServiceDayHome sdayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); daysOfWeek = sdayHome.getDaysOfWeek(serviceId); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } int fromDayOfWeek = fromStamp.getDayOfWeek(); int toDayOfWeek = toStamp.getDayOfWeek(); toTemp.addDays(1); int daysBetween = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(fromStamp, toTemp); if (fromStamp.getWeekOfYear() != toTemp.getWeekOfYear()) { daysBetween = daysBetween - (8 - fromDayOfWeek + toDayOfWeek); for (int i = 0; i < daysOfWeek.length; i++) { if (daysOfWeek[i] >= fromDayOfWeek) { ++counter; } if (daysOfWeek[i] <= toDayOfWeek) { ++counter; } } counter += ( (daysBetween / 7) * daysOfWeek.length ); }else { for (int i = 0; i < daysOfWeek.length; i++) { if ((daysOfWeek[i] >= fromDayOfWeek) && (daysOfWeek[i] <= toDayOfWeek)) { ++counter; } } } returner = counter; }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public Tour getTour(Product product) throws TourNotFoundException, RemoteException{ Tour tour = null; try { tour = ((; } catch (FinderException sql) { throw new TourNotFoundException(); } return tour; } public DropdownMenu getDepartureDaysDropdownMenu(IWContext iwc, List days, String name) { DropdownMenu menu = new DropdownMenu(name); IWTimestamp stamp; for (int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++) { stamp = (IWTimestamp) days.get(i); menu.addMenuElement(stamp.toSQLDateString(),stamp.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } return menu; } /** * return a date if the inserted date is part of a tour */ private IWTimestamp getDepartureDateForDate(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ Tour tour = ( (TourHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tour.class)).findByPrimaryKey(product.getPrimaryKey()); IWTimestamp returnStamp = null; IWTimestamp stamp1 = null; IWTimestamp stamp2 = null; boolean found = false; int numberOfDays = tour.getNumberOfDays(); IWTimestamp temp1 = new IWTimestamp(stamp); temp1.addDays(numberOfDays); IWTimestamp temp2 = new IWTimestamp(stamp); temp2.addDays(-1 * numberOfDays); List days = getDepartureDays(iwc, product, temp1, temp2, true); if ( numberOfDays > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { stamp1 = (IWTimestamp) days.get(0); stamp2 = (IWTimestamp) days.get(1); ++i; }else { stamp1 = (IWTimestamp) days.get(i-1); stamp2 = (IWTimestamp) days.get(i); } if (stamp.isLaterThanOrEquals(stamp1) && stamp2.isLaterThan(stamp)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { int daysBetween = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(stamp1, stamp); if (stamp1.equals(stamp)) { return stamp; }else if (stamp2.equals(stamp)) { return stamp; }else if (daysBetween < numberOfDays) { return stamp1; }else if (daysBetween >= numberOfDays) { return null; } }else { return null; } }else { } return returnStamp; } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Contract contract, Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) { try { IWTimestamp temp = getDepartureDateForDate(iwc, product, stamp); if (temp == null) { return super.getIfDay(iwc, contract, product, stamp); }else { return (stamp.equals(temp)); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return false; } } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp stamp, boolean includePast) { try { IWTimestamp temp = getDepartureDateForDate(iwc, product, stamp); if (temp == null) { // Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct((Integer) tour.getPrimaryKey()); return super.getIfDay(iwc, product, getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product), stamp, includePast, true); }else { return (stamp.equals(temp)); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return false; } } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product) { return getDepartureDays(iwc, product, true); } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product, boolean showPast) { return getDepartureDays(iwc, product, null, null, showPast); } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp fromStamp, IWTimestamp toStamp, boolean showPast) { List returner = new Vector(); try { Tour tour = ((TourHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tour.class)).findByPrimaryKey(product.getPrimaryKey()); // Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct((Integer) tour.getPrimaryKey()); Service service = ((; Timeframe[] frames = getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product); Timeframe tempFrame = (Timeframe) IDOLookup.create(Timeframe.class); String applicationString = "prodDepDays"+tour.getPrimaryKey().toString()+"_"+fromStamp+"_"+toStamp+"_"+showPast; List tempList = (List) iwc.getApplicationAttribute(applicationString); if (tempList != null) { returner = tempList; }else { // System.err.println("TourBusiness : getDepartDays : "+fromStamp+ " - " +toStamp); for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { // System.err.println("------------------------------------------------"); // System.err.println("-----------------------"+i+"------------------------"); // System.err.println("------------------------------------------------"); boolean yearly = frames[i].getIfYearly(); IWTimestamp tFrom = new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getFrom()); IWTimestamp tTo = new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getTo()); IWTimestamp from = null; if (fromStamp != null) from = new IWTimestamp(fromStamp); IWTimestamp to = null; if (toStamp != null) to = new IWTimestamp(toStamp); // System.err.println("tFrom... : "+tFrom.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("tTo..... : "+tTo.toSQLDateString()); int numberOfDays = tour.getNumberOfDays(); if (numberOfDays < 1) numberOfDays = 1; if (from == null) { from = new IWTimestamp(tFrom); } if (to == null) { to = new IWTimestamp(tTo); } from.addDays(-1); to.addDays(1); int yearsBetween = 0; int toY = to.getYear(); frames[i] = fixTimeframe(frames[i], from, to); tFrom = new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getFrom()); tTo = new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getTo()); int daysBetween = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(from, to); //WTF to = new IWTimestamp(from); // to.addDays(daysBetween); yearsBetween = to.getYear() - toY; // System.err.println("tFrom : "+tFrom.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("tTo : "+tTo.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("------------------------------------------------"); // System.err.println("from : "+from.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("to : "+to.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("------------------------------------------------"); // System.err.println("tFrom... : "+tFrom.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("tTo..... : "+tTo.toSQLDateString()); IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(from); IWTimestamp temp; IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); tempFrame.setFrom(tFrom.getTimestamp()); tempFrame.setTo(tTo.getTimestamp()); while (to.isLaterThan(stamp)) { // System.err.println("Stamp : "+stamp.toSQLDateString()); temp = getNextAvailableDay(iwc, tour, product,tempFrame, stamp); // temp = getNextAvailableDay(iwc, tour, product,frames[i], stamp); if (temp != null) { if (getStockroomBusiness().isInTimeframe(tFrom, tTo, temp, yearly)) { // System.err.println("TEMP : "+temp.toSQLDateString()+" .... yearsBetween : "+yearsBetween+" ... yearly ("+yearly+")"); if (yearly) { temp.addYears(-yearsBetween); } // System.err.println("TEMP : "+temp.toSQLDateString()); if (!showPast) { if (temp.isLaterThanOrEquals(now)) { returner.add(temp); stamp = new IWTimestamp(temp); }else { stamp = new IWTimestamp(temp); } }else { returner.add(temp); stamp = new IWTimestamp(temp); } if (yearly) { stamp.addYears(yearsBetween); } } else { stamp.addDays(numberOfDays); } //stamp = new IWTimestamp(temp); }else { stamp.addDays(numberOfDays); } } //System.err.println("STAMP : "+stamp.toSQLDateString()); } iwc.setApplicationAttribute(applicationString, returner); } // Exception ex = new Exception("Repps"); // throw ex; }catch (Exception sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public IWTimestamp getNextAvailableDay(IWContext iwc, Tour tour, Product product, Timeframe timeframe, IWTimestamp from) { return getNextAvailableDay(iwc, tour, product, new Timeframe[] {timeframe}, from); } public IWTimestamp getNextAvailableDay(IWContext iwc, Tour tour, Product product, IWTimestamp from) throws SQLException, RemoteException { return getNextAvailableDay(iwc, tour, product, getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product), from); } public IWTimestamp getNextAvailableDay(IWContext iwc, Tour tour, Product product, Timeframe[] timeframes, IWTimestamp from) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(from); boolean found = false; /** * @todo Speed up.... */ try { int nod = tour.getNumberOfDays(); if (nod < 1) nod = 1; int teljari = 0; while (teljari++ < nod) { stamp.addDays(1); if (this.getIfDay(iwc,product, timeframes, stamp, false, true)) { /** @todo breytti false i true..... skoda takk */ found = true; break; } } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if (found) { return stamp; }else { return null; } } public boolean invalidateMaxDayCache(Collection products) { super.invalidateMaxDayCache(products); if (products != null) { Iterator iter = products.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { maxBookings.remove(((Product); } } return true; } private HashMap maxBookings = new HashMap(); public int getMaxBookings(Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException { Integer theReturner = (Integer) maxBookings.get(product.getPrimaryKey()); if (theReturner == null) { Tour tour = getTour(product.getPrimaryKey()); theReturner = new Integer(tour.getTotalSeats()); } if (theReturner.intValue() == BookingForm.UNLIMITED_AVAILABILITY) { return super.getMaxBookings(product, stamp); //return tour.getTotalSeats(); } else { return theReturner.intValue(); } } public int getMinBookings(Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException { int min = super.getMinBookings(product, stamp); if (min <= 0) { Tour tour = getTour(product.getPrimaryKey()); return tour.getMinimumSeats(); } return min; } protected Tour getTour(Object primaryKey) throws IDOLookupException, FinderException { Tour tour = (Tour) tourMap.get(primaryKey); if (tour == null) { tour = ((TourHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tour.class)).findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); tourMap.put(primaryKey, tour); } return tour; } protected ProductBusiness getProductBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (ProductBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ProductBusiness.class); } protected StockroomBusiness getStockroomBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (StockroomBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), StockroomBusiness.class); } }