package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.BackButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.PasswordInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; /** * @author gimmi */ public class RegisterNewMember extends GolfBlock { public static final String PARAMETER_PERSONAL_ID = "kt"; private MemberHome mHome; private LoginTableHome ltHome; public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String kt = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_PERSONAL_ID); // boolean needToLogin = false; mHome = (MemberHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Member.class); ltHome = (LoginTableHome) IDOLookup.getHome(LoginTable.class); if (kt != null) { Member member = null; try { member = mHome.findBySSN(kt); } catch (FinderException f) { } String action = iwc.getParameter("action"); if (action == null) { action = "formid"; } if (action.equals("formid")) { if (member != null) { LoginTable lTable = null; try { lTable = ltHome.findByMember(member); } catch (FinderException f) { } if (lTable != null) { login(member, lTable, kt); } else { form(member); } } else { nobodyWasFound(kt); } } else if (action.equals("submitted")) { update(iwc, member); } else if (action.equals("afram")) { verifyPassword(iwc); } } else { add(getSmallText(localize("need_a_personal_id", "Need a personal ID"))); } } /** * Return memberID when valid, -1 when username is invalid, -2 when invalid password, -3 when ssn is invalid, -4 other error; * * @throws FinderException */ public int checkPassword(IWContext iwc) throws FinderException { String login = iwc.getParameter("login"); String password = iwc.getParameter("password"); String kt = iwc.getParameter("kt"); boolean returner = false; Collection coll = ltHome.findByUserLogin(login); if (coll != null) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); LoginTable lTable; Member member; while (iter.hasNext()) { lTable = (LoginTable); if (lTable.getUserPassword().equals(password)) { member = mHome.findByPrimaryKey(lTable.getMemberId()); if (member.getSocialSecurityNumber().equals(kt)) { return member.getID(); } else { return -3; } } else { return -2; } } } else { return -1; } return -4; } public void verifyPassword(IWContext iwc) throws FinderException, IOException, SQLException { int passwStatus = checkPassword(iwc); String kt = iwc.getParameter("kt"); switch (passwStatus) { case -1: VillaIInnslaetti(kt, "login2"); break; case -2: VillaIInnslaetti(kt, "wrong_password"); break; case -3: VillaIInnslaetti(kt, "wrong_ssn"); break; case -4: break; default: form(mHome.findByPrimaryKey(passwStatus)); break; } } public void login(Member member, LoginTable logTable, String kt) { Form myForm = new Form(); Table myTable = new Table(2, 3); myTable.setBorder(0); myTable.setCellpadding(3); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("user", "User")), 1, 1); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("password", "Password")), 1, 2); myTable.add((TextInput) getStyledInterface(new TextInput("login")), 2, 1); myTable.add((PasswordInput) getStyledInterface(new PasswordInput("password")), 2, 2); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("kt", kt), 1, 3); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("action", "afram"), 1, 3); myTable.add(getButton(new SubmitButton(localize("next", "Next"))), 1, 3); myTable.mergeCells(1, 3, 2, 3); myForm.add(myTable); add(myForm); } public boolean checkForUpdate(Member member, String login) throws FinderException { if (login == null) { return false; } Collection coll = ltHome.findByUserLogin(login); if (coll.isEmpty() || coll == null) { return true; } else if (coll.size() == 1) { LoginTable lTable = ltHome.findByMember(member); if (lTable != null) { if (login.equals(lTable.getUserLogin())) { return true; } } } return false; } public void update(IWContext iwc, Member member) throws SQLException, FinderException, IDOLookupException, CreateException { String login = iwc.getParameter("login"); String personalID = iwc.getParameter("social_security_number"); boolean isLoginValid = true; boolean updateLogin = false; boolean isPasswordValid = false; String password = iwc.getParameter("password"); String retypePassword = iwc.getParameter("password2"); if (!(login.equals(""))) { try { isLoginValid = checkForUpdate(member, login); } catch (FinderException e) { isLoginValid = false; // e.printStackTrace(); } updateLogin = isLoginValid; } if (isLoginValid) { if (retypePassword.equals("") || password.equals("")) { updateLogin = false; } else { if (password.equals(retypePassword)) { isPasswordValid = true; } else { isPasswordValid = false; } } if (isPasswordValid || !updateLogin) { LoginTable lTable = null; try { lTable = ltHome.findByMember(member); } catch (FinderException ignore) { } ///////-------------Login-----------//////////////////////////////// if (updateLogin) { if (lTable != null) { lTable.setMemberId(member.getID()); lTable.setUserLogin(login); lTable.setUserPassword(password);; //Syst em.out.println("createLogin : update : updatingLogin"); } else { LoginTable logTable = ltHome.create(); logTable.setMemberId(member.getID()); logTable.setUserLogin(login); logTable.setUserPassword(password);; //Syst em.out.println("createLogin : update : creatingLogin"); } } //////////////////////////////// Login buid ////////-------Handicap-----------////////////////// String handicap = iwc.getParameter("handicap"); float floatHandicap; boolean villa = false; if (handicap.equals("")) { handicap = "36"; } handicap.replace(',', '.'); try { floatHandicap = Float.parseFloat(handicap); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { villa = true; } MemberInfoHome miHome = (MemberInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(MemberInfo.class); if (!(villa)) { MemberInfo mInfo = null; try { mInfo = miHome.findByMember(member); } catch (FinderException ignore) { } if (mInfo != null) { mInfo.setFirstHandicap(Float.parseFloat(handicap));; } else { MemberInfo memberInfo = miHome.create(); memberInfo.setFirstHandicap(Float.parseFloat(handicap)); memberInfo.setMemberId(member.getID());; } } if (villa) { VillaIInnslaetti(personalID, "handicap"); } ////////////////////////////////////// Handicap buid // bool ean villa= false; if (!villa) { completed(iwc, member); } } else { VillaIInnslaetti(personalID, "pass"); } } else { //ef loginEkkiILagi VillaIInnslaetti(personalID, "login"); } } public void completed(IWContext iwc, Member member) { Table myTable = new Table(1, 3); myTable.setBorder(0); myTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); myTable.setHeight(2, 12); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("registration_complete", "Registration complete")), 1, 1); Link link = getLink(localize("click_here_for_start_page", "Click here to return to start page")); try { link.setPage(getBuilderService(iwc).getRootPage()); } catch (RemoteException re) { log(re); } myTable.add(link, 1, 3);//"smelli� h�r til a� fara � upphafss��una","/index.jsp"),1,2); add(myTable); iwc.getSession().setAttribute("member_login", member); AccessControl.internalSetState(iwc, "loggedon"); } public void VillaIInnslaetti(String kt, String comment) { Table myTable = new Table(1, 5); myTable.setBorder(0); myTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); myTable.setHeight(2, 12); myTable.setHeight(4, 12); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("input_error", "Input error")), 1, 1); if (comment.equals("pass")) { myTable.add(getText(localize("passwords_not_the_same", "Passwords were not the same")), 1, 3); } else if (comment.equals("login")) { myTable.add(getText(localize("login_in_use", "Login is in use")), 1, 3); } else if (comment.equals("wrong_password")) { myTable.add(getText(localize("incorrect_password", "Incorrect password")), 1, 3); } else if (comment.equals("handicap")) { myTable.add(getText(localize("incorrect_handicap", "Incorrect handicap")), 1, 3); } myTable.add(new BackButton(localize("back", "Back")), 1, 5); add(myTable); } public void nobodyWasFound(String kt) throws IOException { Table myTable = new Table(); myTable.setAlignment(1, 1, "center"); myTable.setBorder(0); myTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("member_not_found", "No member was found (kt: " + kt + ")"))); add(myTable); } public void form(Member member) throws IOException, SQLException, FinderException { MemberInfoHome miHome = (MemberInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(MemberInfo.class); MemberInfo mInfo = null; try { mInfo = miHome.findByMember(member); } catch (FinderException e1) { } Address[] address = member.getAddress(); Phone[] phone = member.getPhone(); Form myForm = new Form(); Table myTable = new Table(); myForm.add(myTable); myTable.setBorder(0); myTable.setCellpadding(3); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); int row = 1; myTable.add(new HiddenInput("member_id", Integer.toString(member.getID())), 1, row); // For checkpassword to work we need this (kt) hiddenInput myTable.add(new HiddenInput("kt", member.getSocialSecurityNumber()), 1, row); String fullName = member.getName(); String socialSecurityNumber = member.getSocialSecurityNumber(); if (socialSecurityNumber == null) { socialSecurityNumber = ""; } Text name = getText(fullName); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("social_security_number", socialSecurityNumber), 1, 1); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), 1, row); myTable.add(name, 2, row++); //////----------Handicap------------///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (mInfo == null) { myTable.add(getHeader(localize("handicap", "Handicap")), 1, row); TextInput handicap = (TextInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new TextInput("handicap", "")); handicap.setSize(4); myTable.add(handicap, 2, row++); } else if (mInfo != null) { myTable.add(getHeader(localize("handicap", "Handicap")), 1, row); myTable.add(getText(Float.toString(mInfo.getFirstHandicap())), 2, row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("handicap", Float.toString(mInfo.getFirstHandicap())), 2, row++); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Handicap endar ////////------Login / Password-----------////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LoginTable lTable = null; try { lTable = ltHome.findByMember(member); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } row++; if (lTable != null) { TextInput login = (TextInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new TextInput("login", lTable.getUserLogin())); PasswordInput password = (PasswordInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new PasswordInput("password", lTable.getUserPassword())); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("user_name", "User name")), 1, row); myTable.add(login, 2, row++); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("password", "Password")), 1, row); myTable.add(password, 2, row++); } else { TextInput login = (TextInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new TextInput("login")); PasswordInput password = (PasswordInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new PasswordInput("password")); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("user_name", "User name")), 1, row); myTable.add(login, 2, row++); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("password", "Password")), 1, row); myTable.add(password, 2, row++); } PasswordInput password2 = (PasswordInput) getStyledSmallInterface(new PasswordInput("password2")); myTable.add(getHeader(localize("retype_password", "Retype password")), 1, row); myTable.add(password2, 2, row++); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Login/Password endar row = myTable.getRows() + 1; SubmitButton submit = new SubmitButton(localize("save", "Save")); myTable.mergeCells(1, row, 2, row); myTable.setAlignment(1, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); myTable.add(submit, 1, row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("action", "submitted"), 1, 1); add(myForm); } }