package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: IW Trade Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * *@author 2000 - idega team - <br> * <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a> <br> * <a href="">Gr�mur J�nsson</a> *@created 6. mars 2002 *@version 1.0 */ public class ProductBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements Product, IDOLegacyEntity, MetaDataCapable { public final static int DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID_AMOUNT = 0; public final static int DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID_PERCENT = 1; private final int FILTER_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_CATEGORY = 0; private static final String COLUMN_REFUNDABLE = "refundable"; private static final String COLUMN_VOUCHER_COMMENT = "VOUCHER_COMMENT"; /** * Constructor for the Product object */ public ProductBMPBean() { super(); } /** *@param id Description of the Parameter *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception *@deprecated */ public ProductBMPBean( int id ) throws SQLException { super( id ); } /** * Description of the Method */ public void initializeAttributes() { this.addAttribute( getIDColumnName() ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameSupplierId(), "Birgi", true, true, Integer.class, "many_to_one", Supplier.class ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameFileId(), "Fylgiskjal(mynd)", true, true, Integer.class, "many_to_one", ICFile.class ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameIsValid(), "� notkun", true, true, Boolean.class ); this.addAttribute( getDiscountTypeIdColumnName(), "discount type", true, true, Integer.class ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameNumber(), "n�mer", true, true, String.class ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameCreationDate(), "creation date", true, true, Timestamp.class ); this.addAttribute( getColumnNameModificationDate(), "edit date", true, true, Timestamp.class ); addAttribute( COLUMN_REFUNDABLE, "refundable", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameAuthorizationCheck(),"authorization", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute( COLUMN_VOUCHER_COMMENT, "voucher_comment", true, true, String.class, 1000); this.addManyToManyRelationShip( ProductCategory.class, "SR_PRODUCT_PRODUCT_CATEGORY" ); this.setNullable( getColumnNameFileId(), true ); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(, "SR_PRODUCT_LOCALIZED_TEXT" ); this.addManyToManyRelationShip( Address.class, "SR_PRODUCT_IC_ADDRESS" ); this.addManyToManyRelationShip( TxText.class ); this.addManyToManyRelationShip( ICFile.class ); addMetaDataRelationship(); addIndex("IDX_PROD_1", new String[]{getColumnNameSupplierId(), getColumnNameIsValid()}); addIndex("IDX_PROD_2", new String[]{getIDColumnName(), getColumnNameSupplierId(), getColumnNameIsValid()}); } public void invalidate() throws IDOException{ this.setIsValid( false );; } /** * deprecated */ public int getID() { return ((Integer) this.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } /** * Sets the defaultValues attribute of the Product object */ public void setDefaultValues() { this.setIsValid( true ); this.setDiscountTypeId( DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID_PERCENT ); this.setCreationDate( IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow() ); this.setModificationDate( IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow() ); this.setRefundable(true); } /** * Gets the entityName attribute of the Product object * *@return The entityName value */ public String getEntityName() { return getProductEntityName(); } public static String getIdColumnName() { return ProductBMPBean.getProductEntityName()+"_ID";} public static String getProductEntityName() { return "SR_PRODUCT"; } public static String getColumnNameSupplierId() { return "SR_SUPPLIER_ID"; } public static String getColumnNameFileId() { return "IC_FILE_ID"; } public static String getColumnNameProductName() { return "PRODUCT_NAME"; } public static String getColumnNameProductDescription() { return "PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION"; } public static String getColumnNameIsValid() { return "IS_VALID"; } public static String getDiscountTypeIdColumnName() { return "DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID"; } public static String getColumnNameNumber() { return "PRODUCT_NUMBER"; } public static String getColumnNameCreationDate() { return "CREATION_DATE"; } public static String getColumnNameModificationDate() { return "MODIFICATION_DATE"; } public static String getColumnNameAuthorizationCheck() { return "AUTHORIZATION_CHECK"; } /* * Setters */ /** * Sets the supplierId attribute of the Product object * *@param id The new supplierId value */ public void setSupplierId( int id ) { this.setColumn( getColumnNameSupplierId(), id ); } /** * Sets the supplierId attribute of the Product object * *@param id The new supplierId value */ public void setSupplierId( Integer id ) { this.setColumn( getColumnNameSupplierId(), id ); } /** * Sets the fileId attribute of the Product object * *@param id The new fileId value */ public void setFileId( int id ) { this.setColumn( getColumnNameFileId(), id ); } /** * Sets the fileId attribute of the Product object * *@param id The new fileId value */ public void setFileId( Integer id ) { if (id == null) { this.removeFromColumn(getColumnNameFileId()); }else { this.setColumn( getColumnNameFileId(), id ); } } /* * public void setProductName(String name){ * this.setColumn(getColumnNameProductName(),name); * } * public void setProdcutDescription(String description){ * this.setColumn(getColumnNameProductDescription(),description); * } */ /** * Sets the isValid attribute of the Product object * *@param valid The new isValid value */ public void setIsValid( boolean valid ) { this.setColumn( getColumnNameIsValid(), valid ); } /** * Sets the discountTypeId attribute of the Product object * *@param discountTypeId The new discountTypeId value */ public void setDiscountTypeId( int discountTypeId ) { setColumn( getDiscountTypeIdColumnName(), discountTypeId ); } /** * Sets the number attribute of the Product object * *@param number The new number value */ public void setNumber( String number ) { setColumn( getColumnNameNumber(), number ); } /** * Sets the creationDate attribute of the Product object * *@param timestamp The new creationDate value */ public void setCreationDate( IWTimestamp timestamp ) { setCreationDate( timestamp.getTimestamp() ); } /** * Sets the creationDate attribute of the Product object * *@param timestamp The new creationDate value */ public void setCreationDate( Timestamp timestamp ) { setColumn( getColumnNameCreationDate(), timestamp ); } /** * Sets the modificationDate attribute of the Product object * *@param timestamp The new modificationDate value */ private void setModificationDate( IWTimestamp timestamp ) { setModificationDate( timestamp.getTimestamp() ); } /** * Sets the modificationDate attribute of the Product object * *@param timestamp The new modificationDate value */ private void setModificationDate( Timestamp timestamp ) { setColumn( getColumnNameModificationDate(), timestamp ); } /** * Set to true if the sale is to be set on hold * * @param saleOnHold true if the sale is set on hold while creditcard is checked, false otherwise * */ public void setAuthorizationCheck(boolean saleOnHold) { setColumn(getColumnNameAuthorizationCheck(), saleOnHold); } /* * Getters */ /** * Gets the supplierId attribute of the Product object * *@return The supplierId value */ public int getSupplierId() { return this.getIntColumnValue( getColumnNameSupplierId() ); } public Supplier getSupplier() { return (Supplier) getColumnValue( getColumnNameSupplierId() ); } /** * Gets the fileId attribute of the Product object * *@return The fileId value */ public int getFileId() { return this.getIntColumnValue( getColumnNameFileId() ); } /** * Gets the fileId attribute of the Product object * *@return The fileId value */ public ICFile getFile() { return (ICFile) this.getColumnValue( getColumnNameFileId() ); } /** * Gets the isValid attribute of the Product object * *@return The isValid value */ public boolean getIsValid() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue( getColumnNameIsValid() ); } /** * Gets the discountTypeId attribute of the Product object * *@return The discountTypeId value */ public int getDiscountTypeId() { return getIntColumnValue( getDiscountTypeIdColumnName() ); } /** * Gets the number attribute of the Product object * *@return The number value */ public String getNumber() { return getStringColumnValue( getColumnNameNumber() ); } /** * Gets the timeframes attribute of the Product object * *@return The timeframes value *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public Timeframe[] getTimeframes() throws SQLException { return getTimeframesOrdered( TimeframeComparator.FROMDATE ); } /** * Gets the timeframesOrdered attribute of the Product object * *@param orderBy Description of the Parameter *@return The timeframesOrdered value *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ private Timeframe[] getTimeframesOrdered( int orderBy ) throws SQLException { if ( orderBy != -1 ) { try { Collection coll = this.idoGetRelatedEntities(Timeframe.class); //TimeframeHome tHome = (TimeframeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Timeframe.class); List tFrames = new Vector(); Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { //Timeframe item = tHome.findByPrimaryKey(; tFrames.add(; } TimeframeComparator comparator = new TimeframeComparator( TimeframeComparator.FROMDATE ); Collections.sort( tFrames, comparator ); return ( Timeframe[] ) tFrames.toArray( new Timeframe[]{} ); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } else { return ( Timeframe[] ) this.findRelated( Timeframe.class ) ); } } /** * Gets the timeframe attribute of the Product object * *@return The timeframe value *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public Timeframe getTimeframe() throws SQLException { Timeframe[] temp = getTimeframes(); if ( temp.length > 0 ) { return temp[0]; } else { return null; } } /** * Gets the creationDate attribute of the Product object * *@return The creationDate value */ public Timestamp getCreationDate() { return ( Timestamp ) getColumnValue( getColumnNameCreationDate() ); } /** * Gets the editDate attribute of the Product object * *@return The editDate value */ public Timestamp getEditDate() { return ( Timestamp ) getColumnValue( getColumnNameModificationDate() ); } /** * Gets the text attribute of the Product object * *@return The text value *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public TxText getText() throws SQLException { try { Collection coll = this.idoGetRelatedEntities( TxText.class); if (coll != null && (coll.size() > 0) ) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); Object obj; // Returns the last object in Collection while (iter.hasNext()) { obj =; if (!iter.hasNext()) { return (TxText) obj; } } }else { return null; } } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } return null; // TxText[] texti = ( TxText[] ) this.findRelated( ( TxText ) TxText.class ) ); // if ( texti.length > 0 ) { // return texti[texti.length - 1]; // } else { // return null; // } } /** * Gets the status of the saleOnHold attribute * * @return true if the sale of the product is set on hold, false otherwise */ public boolean getAuthorizationCheck() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue( getColumnNameAuthorizationCheck() ); } /** * Description of the Method * *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public void update() throws SQLException { setModificationDate( IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow() ); super.update(); } public Collection getProductCategories() throws IDORelationshipException { Collection coll = this.idoGetRelatedEntities(ProductCategory.class); return coll; } public void setProductCategories(int[] categoryIds) throws RemoteException, FinderException, IDORemoveRelationshipException{ this.idoRemoveFrom(ProductCategory.class); ProductCategory pCat; ProductCategoryHome pCatHome = (ProductCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductCategory.class); for (int i = 0; i < categoryIds.length; i++) { pCat = pCatHome.findByPrimaryKey(categoryIds[i]); //pCat = (([i]); addCategory(pCat); } } public boolean addCategory(ProductCategory productCategory) { try { productCategory.addTo(this); return true; }catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public void removeCategory(ProductCategory productCategory) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException{ this.idoRemoveFrom(productCategory); } public void removeAllFrom(Class entityInterface) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException{ this.idoRemoveFrom(entityInterface); } public void addTravelAddresses(int[] addressIds) throws RemoteException, FinderException, IDOAddRelationshipException{ TravelAddress address; TravelAddressHome home = (TravelAddressHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TravelAddress.class); if(addressIds != null){ for (int i = 0; i < addressIds.length; i++) { address = home.findByPrimaryKey(addressIds[i]); addTravelAddress(address); // product.addTo(TravelAddress.class, addressIds[i]); } } } public void addTravelAddress(TravelAddress address) { try { this.idoAddTo(address); }catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { debug("product already connencted to address"); } } public void removeTravelAddress(TravelAddress address) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException { this.idoRemoveFrom(address); } public String getProductName(int localeId, String returnIfNull) { LocalizedText text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); if (text == null) { return returnIfNull; } else { return text.getHeadline(); } } public String getProductName(int localeId) { LocalizedText text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); if (text == null) { text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, 1); } String name = ""; if (text != null) { name = text.getHeadline(); } return name; } public String getProductName(int localeId, int localeIDIfNull, String returnIfNull) { String text = getProductName(localeId, returnIfNull); if (text == null) { return getProductName(localeIDIfNull, returnIfNull); } return text; } public void setProductName(int localeId, String name) { LocalizedText locText = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this,localeId); boolean newLocText = false; if ( locText == null ) { locText = ((; newLocText = true; } locText.setHeadline(name); if ( newLocText ) { locText.setLocaleId(localeId); try { locText.insert(); locText.addTo(this); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { try { locText.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public String getProductDescription(int localeId) { LocalizedText text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); if (text == null) { text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, 1); } String description = ""; if (text != null) { description = text.getBody(); } return description; } public void setProductDescription(int localeId, String description) { LocalizedText locText = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this,localeId); boolean newLocText = false; if ( locText == null ) { locText = ((; newLocText = true; } locText.setBody(description); if ( newLocText ) { locText.setLocaleId(localeId); try { locText.insert(); locText.addTo(this); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { try { locText.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public String getProductTeaser(int localeId) { LocalizedText text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); if (text == null) { text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, 1); } String teaser = ""; if (text != null) { teaser = text.getTitle(); if (teaser == null) { teaser = ""; } } return teaser; } public void setProductTeaser(int localeId, String teaser) { LocalizedText locText = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this,localeId); boolean newLocText = false; if ( locText == null ) { locText = ((; newLocText = true; } locText.setTitle(teaser); if ( newLocText ) { locText.setLocaleId(localeId); try { locText.insert(); locText.addTo(this); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { try { locText.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public Collection ejbFindProductsOrderedByProductCategory(int supplierId) throws FinderException { return ejbFindProductsOrderedByProductCategory(supplierId, null, null); } public Collection ejbFindProductsOrderedByProductCategory(int supplierId, IWTimestamp stamp) throws FinderException { return ejbFindProductsOrderedByProductCategory(supplierId, stamp, null); } public Collection ejbFindProductsOrderedByProductCategory(int supplierId, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws FinderException { return ejbFindProducts(supplierId, -1, from, to, ProductCategoryBMPBean.getEntityTableName()+"."+ProductCategoryBMPBean.getColumnName(), -1, -1, false); } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId) throws FinderException { return ejbFindProducts(supplierId, -1, -1); } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId, int firstEntity, int lastEntity) throws FinderException { String pTable =; StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer(); sqlQuery.append("SELECT * FROM ").append(pTable); sqlQuery.append(" WHERE "); sqlQuery.append(pTable).append(".").append(" = 'Y'"); if (supplierId != -1) { sqlQuery.append(" AND ").append(pTable).append(".").append(" = ").append(supplierId); } sqlQuery.append(" order by ").append(; return this.idoFindPKsBySQL(sqlQuery.toString(), lastEntity-firstEntity, firstEntity); } public int ejbHomeGetProductCount(int supplierId) throws IDOException { String pTable =; StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer(); sqlQuery.append("SELECT count(*) FROM ").append(pTable); sqlQuery.append(" WHERE "); sqlQuery.append(pTable).append(".").append(" = 'Y'"); if (supplierId != -1) { sqlQuery.append(" AND ").append(pTable).append(".").append(" = ").append(supplierId); } return this.idoGetNumberOfRecords(sqlQuery.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId, int productCategoryId ,IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws FinderException{ return ejbFindProducts(supplierId, productCategoryId, from, to, null); } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId, int productCategoryId ,IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, String orderBy) throws FinderException{ return ejbFindProducts(supplierId, productCategoryId, from, to, orderBy, -1, -1); } public int ejbHomeGetProductFilterNotConnectedToAnyProductCategory() { return this.FILTER_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_CATEGORY; } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId, int productCategoryId ,IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, String orderBy, int localeId, int filter) throws FinderException{ return ejbFindProducts(supplierId, productCategoryId, from, to, orderBy, localeId, filter, true); } public Collection ejbFindProducts(int supplierId, int productCategoryId ,IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, String orderBy, int localeId, int filter, boolean useTimeframes) throws FinderException{ Collection coll; String orderString =; if (orderBy != null) { orderString = orderBy; } Timeframe timeframe = (Timeframe); ProductCategory pCat = (ProductCategory); LocalizedText locText = (LocalizedText) LocalizedTextBMPBean.getStaticInstance(LocalizedText.class); //Service tService = (Service); String middleTable = EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(Timeframe.class,Product.class); String Ttable =; String Ptable =; String catMiddle = EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(ProductCategory.class,Product.class); String catTable = pCat.getEntityName(); String locMiddleTable = EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(Product.class, LocalizedText.class); String locTxtTable = LocalizedTextBMPBean.getEntityTableName(); StringBuffer timeframeSQL = new StringBuffer(); timeframeSQL.append("SELECT distinct "+Ptable+".*"); if (orderString != null) { timeframeSQL.append(", ").append(orderString); } timeframeSQL.append(" FROM "+Ptable); if (from != null && to != null && useTimeframes) { timeframeSQL.append(", "+Ttable+", "+middleTable); } if (localeId != -1) { timeframeSQL.append(", "+locMiddleTable+", "+locTxtTable); } timeframeSQL.append(", "+catMiddle+", "+catTable); timeframeSQL.append(" WHERE "); timeframeSQL.append(Ptable+"."" = 'Y'"); if (from != null && to != null && useTimeframes) { timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(Ttable+"."+timeframe.getIDColumnName()+" = "+middleTable+"."+timeframe.getIDColumnName()); timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(Ptable+"."+this.getIDColumnName()+" = "+middleTable+"."+this.getIDColumnName()); } timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(Ptable+"."+this.getIDColumnName()+" = "+catMiddle+"."+this.getIDColumnName()); timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(catMiddle+"."+pCat.getIDColumnName() +" = "+catTable+"."+pCat.getIDColumnName()); if (productCategoryId != -1) { timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(catMiddle+"."+pCat.getIDColumnName() +" = "+productCategoryId); } // Hondla ef supplierId != -1 Collection tempProducts = null;; if (supplierId != -1) { tempProducts = ejbFindProducts(supplierId); } if (tempProducts != null) { if (tempProducts.size() > 0) { timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append(Ptable+"."+this.getIDColumnName()+" in ("); Iterator iter = tempProducts.iterator(); Object item; int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { item =; ++counter; if (counter == 1) { timeframeSQL.append(item.toString() ); }else { timeframeSQL.append(","+item.toString() ); } } timeframeSQL.append(")"); } } if (from != null && to != null && useTimeframes) { timeframeSQL.append(" AND "); timeframeSQL.append("("); timeframeSQL.append(" ("" <= '"+from.toSQLDateString()+"' AND "" >= '"+from.toSQLDateString()+"')"); timeframeSQL.append(" OR "); timeframeSQL.append(" ("" <= '"+to.toSQLDateString()+"' AND "" >= '"+to.toSQLDateString()+"')"); timeframeSQL.append(" OR "); timeframeSQL.append(" ("" >= '"+from.toSQLDateString()+"' AND "" <= '"+to.toSQLDateString()+"')"); timeframeSQL.append(")"); } if (localeId != -1) { timeframeSQL.append(" AND ") .append(locMiddleTable+"."+locText.getIDColumnName()+ " = "+locTxtTable+"."+locText.getIDColumnName()) .append(" AND ") .append(locMiddleTable+"."+this.getIdColumnName()+" = "+Ptable+"."+this.getIdColumnName()) .append(" AND ") .append(locTxtTable+"."+LocalizedTextBMPBean.getColumnNameLocaleId()+" = "+localeId); } /** * @todo b�ta vi� filter supporti switch (filter) { case FILTER_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_CATEGORY : break; default: break; } */ if (orderBy != null) { timeframeSQL.append(" ORDER BY "+orderString); }else if (from != null && to != null) { timeframeSQL.append(" ORDER BY "+orderString); } // System.out.println(timeframeSQL.toString()); coll = this.idoFindPKsBySQL(timeframeSQL.toString()); // products = EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(Product.class,timeframeSQL.toString()); return coll; } public List getDepartureAddresses(boolean ordered) throws IDOFinderException { List list = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(this, TravelAddress.class,, Integer.toString( ); if (list == null) { list = new Vector(); } return list; } public void addArrivalAddress(Address address) { try { this.idoAddTo(address); /* StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("INSERT INTO ").append(EntityControl.getManyToManyRelationShipTableName(Product.class, Address.class)) .append(" (SR_PRODUCT_ID, IC_ADDRESS_ID, ").append(TravelAddressBMPBean.getColumnNameAddressTypeId()) .append(") VALUES (") .append(this.getPrimaryKey().toString()).append(", ") .append(address.getID()).append(", ") .append(Integer.toString( .append(")"); this.idoExecuteTableUpdate(sql.toString());*/ }catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); debug("product already connected to address"); } } public List getArrivalAddresses() throws IDOFinderException { List list = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(this, Address.class);//,, Integer.toString( ); if (list == null) { list = new Vector(); } return list; } public Collection getICFile() throws IDORelationshipException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(ICFile.class); } public void removeICFile(ICFile file) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException{ this.idoRemoveFrom(file); } public void addICFile(ICFile file) throws IDOAddRelationshipException{ this.idoAddTo(file); } public void addTimeframe(Timeframe frame) throws IDOAddRelationshipException{ this.idoAddTo(frame); } public void removeTimeframe(Timeframe frame) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException{ this.idoRemoveFrom(frame); } public void addText(TxText text) throws IDOAddRelationshipException{ this.idoAddTo(text); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void delete() throws SQLException { this.removeFrom(MetaData.class); super.delete(); } public void setRefundable(boolean refundable) { setColumn(COLUMN_REFUNDABLE, refundable); } public boolean getRefundable() { return getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_REFUNDABLE, true); } public void setVoucherComment(String comment) { setColumn(COLUMN_VOUCHER_COMMENT, comment); } public String getVoucherComment() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_VOUCHER_COMMENT); } public Collection ejbFindBySupplyPool(SupplyPool pool) throws IDORelationshipException, FinderException, IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException { Table table = new Table(this); Table poolTable = new Table(pool); Column poolID = new Column(poolTable, pool.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName()); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn()); query.addManyToManyJoin(table, poolTable); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(new Column(table, getColumnNameIsValid()), MatchCriteria.EQUALS, true)); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(poolID, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, pool)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } }