/* * $Id: CaseBMPBean.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:38 idegaweb Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2002 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.block.process.data; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode; import com.idega.data.IDOException; import com.idega.data.IDOQuery; import com.idega.data.IDORuntimeException; import com.idega.data.query.CountColumn; import com.idega.data.query.InCriteria; import com.idega.data.query.MatchCriteria; import com.idega.data.query.SelectQuery; import com.idega.data.query.Table; import com.idega.data.query.WildCardColumn; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.user.data.Group; import com.idega.user.data.User; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public final class CaseBMPBean extends com.idega.data.GenericEntity implements Case, com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode { public static final String TABLE_NAME = "PROC_CASE"; public static final String COLUMN_CASE_CODE = "CASE_CODE"; public static final String COLUMN_CASE_STATUS = "CASE_STATUS"; public static final String COLUMN_CREATED = "CREATED"; static final String COLUMN_PARENT_CASE = "PARENT_CASE_ID"; static final String COLUMN_USER = "USER_ID"; static final String COLUMN_HANDLER = "HANDLER_GROUP_ID"; static final String PK_COLUMN = TABLE_NAME + "_ID"; static final String CASE_STATUS_OPEN_KEY = "UBEH"; static final String CASE_STATUS_INACTIVE_KEY = "TYST"; static final String CASE_STATUS_GRANTED_KEY = "BVJD"; static final String CASE_STATUS_DENIED_KEY = "AVSL"; static final String CASE_STATUS_REVIEW_KEY = "OMPR"; static final String CASE_STATUS_CANCELLED_KEY = "UPPS"; static final String CASE_STATUS_PRELIMINARY_KEY = "PREL"; static final String CASE_STATUS_CONTRACT_KEY = "KOUT"; static final String CASE_STATUS_READY_KEY = "KLAR"; static final String CASE_STATUS_REDEEM_KEY = "CHIN"; static final String CASE_STATUS_ERROR_KEY = "ERRR"; static final String CASE_STATUS_MOVED_KEY = "FLYT"; static final String CASE_STATUS_PLACED_KEY = "PLAC"; static final String CASE_STATUS_DELETED_KEY = "DELE"; static final String CASE_STATUS_PENDING_KEY = "PEND"; static final String CASE_STATUS_WAITING = "WAIT"; public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(COLUMN_CASE_CODE, "Case Code", true, true, String.class, 7, super.MANY_TO_ONE, CaseCode.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, "Case status", true, true, String.class, 4, super.MANY_TO_ONE, CaseStatus.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_CREATED, "Created when", Timestamp.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_PARENT_CASE, "Parent case", true, true, Integer.class, super.MANY_TO_ONE, Case.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_USER, "Owner", User.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_HANDLER, "Handler Group/User", Group.class); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_2", new String[]{getIDColumnName(), COLUMN_USER}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_3", new String[]{getIDColumnName(), COLUMN_CASE_CODE}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_4", new String[]{getIDColumnName(), COLUMN_CASE_STATUS}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_5", new String[]{getIDColumnName(), COLUMN_CASE_CODE, COLUMN_CASE_STATUS}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_6", new String[]{COLUMN_USER, COLUMN_CASE_CODE, COLUMN_CASE_STATUS}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_7", new String[]{COLUMN_HANDLER, COLUMN_USER}); addIndex("IDX_PROC_CASE_8", new String[]{COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, COLUMN_CASE_CODE, COLUMN_CREATED}); } public String getIDColumnName() { return PK_COLUMN; } public String getEntityName() { return (TABLE_NAME); } protected boolean doInsertInCreate() { return true; } /*public void insertStartData() { try { //CaseHome chome = (CaseHome)IDOLookup.getHome(Case.class); CaseCodeHome cchome = (CaseCodeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(CaseCode.class); CaseStatusHome cshome = (CaseStatusHome) IDOLookup.getHome(CaseStatus.class); CaseCode code = cchome.create(); code.setCode("GARENDE"); code.setDescription("General Case"); code.store(); CaseStatus status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("UBEH"); status.setDescription("Open"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("TYST"); status.setDescription("Inactive"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("BVJD"); status.setDescription("Granted"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("AVSL"); status.setDescription("Denied"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("OMPR"); status.setDescription("Review"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("KOUT"); status.setDescription("Contract sent"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("UPPS"); status.setDescription("Cancelled"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); status = cshome.create(); status.setStatus("PREL"); status.setDescription("Preliminary Accepted"); status.store(); status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); status.store(); // status = cshome.create(); // status.setStatus("PREL"); // status.setDescription("Preliminary Accepted in school"); // status.store(); // status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); // status.store(); // // // status = cshome.create(); // status.setStatus("PLAC"); // status.setDescription("Accepted and placed in school group"); // status.store(); // status.setAssociatedCaseCode(code); // status.store(); // } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error inserting start data for com.idega.block.process.Case"); e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ public void setDefaultValues() { //System.out.println("Case : Calling setDefaultValues()"); setCreated(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); } protected CaseHome getCaseHome() { return (CaseHome) this.getEJBLocalHome(); } public void setCode(String caseCode) { setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_CASE_CODE, caseCode); } public String getCode() { return (this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_CASE_CODE)); } public void setCaseCode(CaseCode caseCode) { setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_CASE_CODE, caseCode); } public CaseCode getCaseCode() { return (CaseCode) (this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_CASE_CODE)); } public void setCaseStatus(CaseStatus status) { setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, status); } public CaseStatus getCaseStatus() { return (CaseStatus) (this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS)); } public void setStatus(String status) { setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, status); } public String getStatus() { return (this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS)); } public void setCreated(Timestamp statusChanged) { setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_CREATED, statusChanged); } public Timestamp getCreated() { return ((Timestamp) getColumnValue(COLUMN_CREATED)); } public void setParentCase(Case theCase) { //throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("setParentCase() not implemented yet"); this.setColumn(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_PARENT_CASE, theCase); } public Case getParentCase() { //return (Case)super.getParentNode(); return (Case) getColumnValue(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_PARENT_CASE); } public void setOwner(User owner) { super.setColumn(COLUMN_USER, owner); } public Group getHandler() { return (Group) this.getColumnValue(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_HANDLER); } public int getHandlerId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_HANDLER); } public void setHandler(Group handler) { super.setColumn(COLUMN_HANDLER, handler); } public void setHandler(int handlerGroupID) { super.setColumn(COLUMN_HANDLER, handlerGroupID); } public User getOwner() { return (User) this.getColumnValue(CaseBMPBean.COLUMN_USER); } public ICTreeNode getParentNode() { return this.getParentCase(); } public ICTreeNode getChildAtIndex(int childIndex) { try { return this.getCaseHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(childIndex)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } public int getChildCount() { try { return this.getCaseHome().countSubCasesUnder(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } public Iterator getChildrenIterator() { Iterator it = null; Collection children = getChildren(); if (children != null) { it = children.iterator(); } return it; } public Collection getChildren() { try { return this.getCaseHome().findSubCasesUnder(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } public int getSiblingCount() { try { return this.getParentCase().getChildCount(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the query for finding all the cases for a user ordered in chronological order */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByUserOrdered(User user) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user); query.appendOrderBy(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Gets the query for finding all the cases for a group ordered in chronological order */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroupOrdered(Group group) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroup(group); query.appendOrderBy(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Gets all the cases of all casetypes for a user and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByUser(User user) throws FinderException { return idoFindPKsByQuery(idoQueryGetAllCasesByUserOrdered(user)); /* return (Collection) super.idoFindPKsBySQL( "select * from " + this.TABLE_NAME + " where " + this.COLUMN_USER + "=" + user.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " order by " + COLUMN_CREATED); */ } /** * Gets all the cases of all casetypes for a group and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByGroup(Group group) throws FinderException { return idoFindPKsByQuery(idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroupOrdered(group)); } /** * Gets all the cases for a user with a specified caseCode and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByUser(User user, CaseCode caseCode) throws FinderException { return ejbFindAllCasesByUser(user, caseCode.getCode()); } /** * Gets the query for finding all the cases for a user with a specified caseCode and orders in chronological order */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(User user, String caseCode) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user); query.appendAndEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_CASE_CODE,caseCode); query.appendOrderBy(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Gets all the cases for a user with a specified caseCode and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByUser(User user, String caseCode) throws FinderException { return idoFindPKsByQuery(idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user,caseCode)); /* return (Collection) super.idoFindPKsBySQL( "select * from " + this.TABLE_NAME + " where " + this.COLUMN_USER + "=" + user.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " and " + this.COLUMN_CASE_CODE + "='" + caseCode + "'" + " order by " + COLUMN_CREATED); */ } /** * Gets all the cases for a user with a specified caseStatus and caseCode and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByUser(User user, CaseCode caseCode, CaseStatus caseStatus) throws FinderException { return ejbFindAllCasesByUser(user, caseCode.getCode(), caseStatus.getStatus()); } /** * Gets the query for finding all the cases for a user with a specified caseStatus and caseCode and orders in chronological order */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(User user, String caseCode, String caseStatus) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user); query.appendAndEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_CASE_CODE,caseCode); query.appendAndEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS,caseStatus); query.appendOrderBy(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Gets all the cases for a user with a specified caseStatus and caseCode and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByUser(User user, String caseCode, String caseStatus) throws FinderException { return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user,caseCode,caseStatus)); /* return (Collection) super.idoFindPKsBySQL( "select * from " + this.TABLE_NAME + " where " + this.COLUMN_USER + "=" + user.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " and " + this.COLUMN_CASE_CODE + "='" + caseCode + "'" + " and " + this.COLUMN_CASE_STATUS + "='" + caseStatus + "'" + " order by " + COLUMN_CREATED);*/ } protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetSubCasesUnder(Case theCase) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhereEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_PARENT_CASE,theCase.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } public Collection ejbFindSubCasesUnder(Case theCase) throws FinderException { return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(idoQueryGetSubCasesUnder(theCase)); } protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetCountSubCasesUnder(Case theCase) { try{ IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetSelectCount(); query.appendWhereEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_PARENT_CASE,theCase.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } public int ejbHomeCountSubCasesUnder(Case theCase) { try { return super.getNumberOfRecords(idoQueryGetCountSubCasesUnder(theCase).toString()); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new EJBException(sqle.getMessage()); } } public int getNodeID() { return this.getID(); } public String getNodeName() { return getName(); } public String getNodeName(Locale locale) { return getNodeName(); } public String getNodeName(Locale locale, IWApplicationContext iwac) { return getNodeName(locale); } public boolean isLeaf() { return (this.getChildCount() == 0); } public int getIndex(ICTreeNode node) { return node.getNodeID(); } public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return true; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_CANCELLED_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusCancelled() { return CASE_STATUS_CANCELLED_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_DELETED_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusDeleted() { return CASE_STATUS_DELETED_KEY; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_DENIED_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusDenied() { return CASE_STATUS_DENIED_KEY; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_GRANTED_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusGranted() { return CASE_STATUS_GRANTED_KEY; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_INACTIVE_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusInactive() { return CASE_STATUS_INACTIVE_KEY; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_OPEN_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusOpen() { return CASE_STATUS_OPEN_KEY; } /** * Returns the cASE_STATUS_REVIEW_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusReview() { return CASE_STATUS_REVIEW_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_WAITING. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusWaiting() { return CASE_STATUS_WAITING; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_PRELIMINARY_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusPreliminary() { return CASE_STATUS_PRELIMINARY_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_PENDING_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusPending() { return CASE_STATUS_PENDING_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_CONTRACT_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusContract() { return CASE_STATUS_CONTRACT_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_READY_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusReady() { return CASE_STATUS_READY_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_REDEEM_KEY. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusRedeem() { return CASE_STATUS_REDEEM_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_ERROR. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusError() { return CASE_STATUS_ERROR_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_MOVED. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusMoved() { return CASE_STATUS_MOVED_KEY; } /** * Returns the CASE_STATUS_PLACED. * @return String */ public String ejbHomeGetCaseStatusPlaced() { return CASE_STATUS_PLACED_KEY; } protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesForUserExceptCodes(User user,CaseCode[] codes) { IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user); if (codes != null) { String notInClause = getIDOUtil().convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(codes); query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_CODE); query.appendNotIn(notInClause); } query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS); query.appendNOTEqual(); query.appendWithinSingleQuotes(CASE_STATUS_DELETED_KEY); query.appendOrderByDescending(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesForGroupExceptCodes(Group group,CaseCode[] codes) { String notInClause = getIDOUtil().convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(codes); IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroup(group); query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_CODE); query.appendNotIn(notInClause); query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_STATUS); query.appendNOTEqual(); query.appendWithinSingleQuotes(CASE_STATUS_DELETED_KEY); query.appendOrderBy(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } /** * Gets all the Cases for the User except the ones with one of the CaseCode in the codes[] array and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesForUserExceptCodes(User user,CaseCode[] codes, int startingCase, int numberOfCases) throws FinderException { IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesForUserExceptCodes(user,codes); return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(query, numberOfCases, startingCase); /* return (Collection) super.idoFindPKsBySQL( "select * from " + this.TABLE_NAME + " where " + this.USER + "=" + user.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " and " + this.CASE_CODE + " not in (" + notInClause + ") order by " + CREATED ); */ } public Collection ejbFindAllCasesForUserByStatuses(User user, String[] statuses, int startingCase, int numberOfCases) throws FinderException { SelectQuery query = getUserCaseQuery(user, statuses); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn()); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query, numberOfCases, startingCase); } public int ejbHomeGetCountOfAllCasesForUserByStatuses(User user, String[] statuses) throws IDOException { SelectQuery query = getUserCaseQuery(user, statuses); query.addColumn(new CountColumn(getIDColumnName())); return idoGetNumberOfRecords(query); } private SelectQuery getUserCaseQuery(User user, String[] statuses) { Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table, COLUMN_USER, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, user)); query.addCriteria(new InCriteria(table, COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, statuses)); query.addOrder(table, COLUMN_CREATED, false); return query; } public Collection ejbFindAllCasesForGroupsByStatuses(Collection groups, String[] statuses, int startingCase, int numberOfCases) throws FinderException { SelectQuery query = getGroupCaseQuery(groups, statuses); query.addColumn(new WildCardColumn()); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query, numberOfCases, startingCase); } public int ejbHomeGetCountOfAllCasesForGroupsByStatuses(Collection groups, String[] statuses) throws IDOException { SelectQuery query = getGroupCaseQuery(groups, statuses); query.addColumn(new CountColumn(getIDColumnName())); return idoGetNumberOfRecords(query); } private SelectQuery getGroupCaseQuery(Collection groups, String[] statuses) { Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addCriteria(new InCriteria(table, COLUMN_HANDLER, groups)); query.addCriteria(new InCriteria(table, COLUMN_CASE_STATUS, statuses)); query.addOrder(table, COLUMN_CREATED, false); return query; } public Collection ejbFindAllCasesForGroupsAndUserExceptCodes(User user, Collection groups, CaseCode[] codes, int startingCase, int numberOfCases) throws FinderException { String[] groupIDs = new String[groups.size()]; int row = 0; Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group element = (Group) iter.next(); groupIDs[row++] = element.getPrimaryKey().toString(); } IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroupsOrUserExceptCodes(((Integer)user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), groupIDs, codes); return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(query, numberOfCases, startingCase); } /** * Gets all the Cases for the User except the ones with one of the CaseCode in the codes[] array and orders in chronological order */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesForGroupExceptCodes(Group group, CaseCode[] codes) throws FinderException { IDOQuery query = idoQueryGetAllCasesForGroupExceptCodes(group, codes); return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } /** * Gets the query for selecting all cases by user. * @param user the cases has to be owned by * @return IDOQuery the resulting query. */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByUser(User user){ try{ IDOQuery query = this.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhereEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_USER,user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e,this); } } /** * Gets the query for selecting all cases by group. * @param group the cases will be handled by * @return IDOQuery the resulting query. */ protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroup(Group group){ try{ IDOQuery query = this.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhereEqualsQuoted(COLUMN_HANDLER, group.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return query; } catch(Exception e){ throw new IDORuntimeException(e, this); } } protected IDOQuery idoQueryGetAllCasesByGroupsOrUserExceptCodes(int userID, String[] groupIDs, CaseCode[] codes) { IDOQuery query = this.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhere().appendLeftParenthesis().appendEquals(COLUMN_USER, userID); query.appendOr().append(COLUMN_HANDLER).appendInArray(groupIDs).appendRightParenthesis(); if (codes != null) { String notInClause = getIDOUtil().convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(codes); query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_CODE); query.appendNotIn(notInClause); } query.appendOrderByDescending(COLUMN_CREATED); return query; } public int ejbHomeGetNumberOfCasesForUserExceptCodes(User user, CaseCode[] codes) throws IDOException { Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new CountColumn(getIDColumnName())); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table, COLUMN_USER, MatchCriteria.EQUALS, user)); if (codes != null) { query.addCriteria(new InCriteria(table, COLUMN_CASE_CODE, codes, true)); } return super.idoGetNumberOfRecords(query); } public int ejbHomeGetNumberOfCasesByGroupsOrUserExceptCodes(User user, Collection groups, CaseCode[] codes) throws IDOException { String[] groupIDs = new String[groups.size()]; int row = 0; Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group element = (Group) iter.next(); groupIDs[row++] = element.getPrimaryKey().toString(); } IDOQuery query = this.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhere().appendLeftParenthesis().appendEquals(COLUMN_USER, user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); query.appendOr().append(COLUMN_HANDLER).appendInArray(groupIDs).appendRightParenthesis(); if (codes != null) { String notInClause = getIDOUtil().convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(codes); query.appendAnd(); query.append(COLUMN_CASE_CODE); query.appendNotIn(notInClause); } query.appendOrderByDescending(COLUMN_CREATED); return super.idoGetNumberOfRecords(query); } }