package com.idega.block.image.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; /** * * * * Title: idegaWeb Description: ImageGallery is a block to show images that are * stored in a specified folder. A subset of these images is shown in a table. * The sample can be changed by clicking on a forward and a back button. If * there are more than one ImageGallery on a single page each gallery works * independently of the others. * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 Company: idega software * * @author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig </a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ImageGallery extends Block { // folder with the images private ICFile imageFileFolder = null; // enlarge image to specified height and width private boolean enlargeImage = false; // heigth of the images private int heightOfImages = -1; // width of the images private int widthOfImages = -1; // page where the images are shown when you click on it private ICPage viewerPage; // show image in a special popup window private boolean popUpOriginalImageOnClick = false; // show name of image in table private boolean showNameOfImage = false; // number of new images that is shown per step private int numberOfImagesPerStep = 0; // flag to show if the image should keep it�s proportion private boolean scaleProportional = true; // border of all images private int borderOfImage = 0; // gallery color private String colorGallery = null; private int galleryBorder = 0; private String colorGalleryBorder = "#000000"; private String heightOfGallery = null; private String widthOfGallery = null; // table properties... private int cellBorderTable = 0; private String colorCellBorderTable = null; private String colorCell = null; // image properties private String colorBorderImage = null; private int cellBorder = 0; private String colorCellBorder = "#000000"; private int cellSpacingTable = 0; private int cellPaddingTable = 0; private int rows = 1; private int columns = 1; // corresponding bundle private static final String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.image"; // string forward button private static final String STRING_FORWARD_BUTTON = ">"; // string back button private static final String STRING_BACK_BUTTON = "<"; public static final int BUTTON_POSITON_BOTTOM = 0; public static final int BUTTON_POSITON_TOP = 1; //public static int BUTTON_POSITON_LEFT = 2; //public static int BUTTON_POSITON_RIGHT = 3; // button position private int _posButton = BUTTON_POSITON_BOTTOM; public ImageGallery() { } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return ImageGallery.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void setFilesFolder(ICFile imageFileFolder) { this.imageFileFolder = imageFileFolder; } public void setHeightOfImages(int heightOfImages) { this.heightOfImages = heightOfImages; } public void setWidthOfImages(int widthOfImages) { this.widthOfImages = widthOfImages; } public void setEnlargeImage(boolean enlargeImage) { this.enlargeImage = enlargeImage; } public void setViewerPage(ICPage viewerPage) { this.viewerPage = viewerPage; } public void setScaleProportional(boolean scaleProportional) { this.scaleProportional = scaleProportional; } public void setRows(int rows) { if (rows > 0) { this.rows = rows; } } public void setColumns(int columns) { if (columns > 0) { this.columns = columns; } } public void setShowNameOfImage(boolean showNameOfImage) { this.showNameOfImage = showNameOfImage; } public void setPopUpOriginalImageOnClick(boolean popUpOriginalImageOnClick) { this.popUpOriginalImageOnClick = popUpOriginalImageOnClick; } public void setNumberOfImagesPerStep(int numberOfImagesPerStep) { this.numberOfImagesPerStep = numberOfImagesPerStep; } public void setBorderOfImage(int borderOfImage) { this.borderOfImage = borderOfImage; } public void setCellBorderTable(int cellBorderTable) { this.cellBorderTable = cellBorderTable; } public void setColorCellBorderTable(String colorCellBorderTable) { this.colorCellBorderTable = colorCellBorderTable; } public void setCellBorder(int cellBorder) { this.cellBorder = cellBorder; } public void setColorCellBorder(String colorCellBorder) { this.colorCellBorder = colorCellBorder; } public void setColorBorderImage(String colorBorderImage) { this.colorBorderImage = colorBorderImage; } public void setCellPadding(int cellPaddingTable) { this.cellPaddingTable = cellPaddingTable; } public void setCellSpacing(int cellSpacingTable) { this.cellSpacingTable = cellSpacingTable; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { Table mainTable = new Table(1, 2); //mainTable.setBorder(1); if (this.heightOfGallery != null) { mainTable.setHeight(this.heightOfGallery); } if (this.widthOfGallery != null) { mainTable.setWidth(this.widthOfGallery); } int bottonRow; int contentRow; switch (this._posButton) { case BUTTON_POSITON_TOP: contentRow = 2; bottonRow = 1; break; default: contentRow = 1; bottonRow = 2; break; } mainTable.setRowAlignment(1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); mainTable.setRowAlignment(2, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); mainTable.add(getImageTable(iwc), 1, contentRow); mainTable.add(getButtonTable(iwc), 1, bottonRow); if (this.colorGallery != null) { if (this.galleryBorder > 0) { Table borderTable = new Table(1, 1); if (this.heightOfGallery != null) { borderTable.setHeight(this.heightOfGallery); } if (this.widthOfGallery != null) { borderTable.setWidth(this.widthOfGallery); } borderTable.setCellspacing(this.galleryBorder); borderTable.setColor(this.colorGalleryBorder); borderTable.setColor(1, 1, this.colorGallery); borderTable.add(mainTable); add(borderTable); } else { mainTable.setColor(this.colorGallery); add(mainTable); } } else { add(mainTable); } } private Table getImageTable(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { ArrayList images = getImages(iwc); // insert rows if names should be shown int rowsOfTable = (this.showNameOfImage) ? (this.rows * 2) : (this.rows); Table galleryTable = new Table(this.columns, rowsOfTable); //galleryTable.setBorder(1); galleryTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); for (int i = 1; i <= rowsOfTable; i++) { galleryTable.setRowAlignment(i, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); } if (this.cellPaddingTable > 0 && this.cellBorder < 1) { galleryTable.setCellpadding(this.cellPaddingTable); } if (this.cellSpacingTable > 0) { galleryTable.setCellspacing(this.cellSpacingTable); } if (this.cellBorderTable > 0) { galleryTable.setBorder(this.cellBorderTable); } if (this.colorCellBorderTable != null) { galleryTable.setBorderColor(this.colorCellBorderTable); } AdvancedImage image; int count = -1; Iterator iterator = images.iterator(); int imageNumber = restoreNumberOfFirstImage(iwc); while (iterator.hasNext()) { count++; image = (AdvancedImage); /* * table starts with coordinates 1,1 ! fill the table: start at the * left corner, fill the first row, then go to the second row and so * on */ if (this.widthOfImages > 0) { image.setHeight(this.heightOfImages); } if (this.heightOfImages > 0) { image.setWidth(this.widthOfImages); } // set properties of advanced image image.setEnlargeProperty(this.enlargeImage); image.setScaleProportional(this.scaleProportional); if (this.borderOfImage > 0) { image.setBorder(this.borderOfImage); } if (this.colorBorderImage != null) { image.setBorderColor(this.colorBorderImage); } PresentationObject pres = null; // check if a link to a viewer page should be added if (this.viewerPage != null) { Link link; link = new Link(image); link.setPage(this.viewerPage); link.addParameter(, image.getImageID(iwc)); pres = link; } // check if a link to a popup window should be added else if (this.popUpOriginalImageOnClick) { image.setLinkToDisplayWindow(iwc, imageNumber); pres = image; } // show only the image without a link else { pres = image; } int xPositionImage = ((count % this.columns) + 1); int yPositionImage; if (this.showNameOfImage) { yPositionImage = ((count / this.columns) * 2) + 1; PresentationObject name = null; if (this.colorCell != null) { if (this.cellBorder > 0) { Table borderTable = new Table(1, 1); if (this.cellPaddingTable > 0) { borderTable.setCellpadding(this.cellPaddingTable); } borderTable.setColor(1, 1, this.colorCell); borderTable.setColor(this.colorCellBorder); borderTable.setCellspacing(this.cellBorder); borderTable.setWidth("100%"); //borderTable.setHeight("100%"); //borderTable.setRowHeight(1,"100%"); borderTable.add(image.getName()); name = borderTable; } else { galleryTable.setColor(xPositionImage, yPositionImage + 1, this.colorCell); //name = new Text(image.getName()); name = new Text(image.getName()); } } else { name = new Text(image.getName()); } galleryTable.setVerticalAlignment(xPositionImage, yPositionImage + 1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); galleryTable.add(name, xPositionImage, yPositionImage + 1); } else { yPositionImage = ((count / this.columns) + 1); } if (this.colorCell != null) { if (this.cellBorder > 0) { Table borderTable = new Table(1, 1); if (this.cellPaddingTable > 0) { borderTable.setCellpadding(this.cellPaddingTable); } borderTable.setColor(1, 1, this.colorCell); borderTable.setColor(this.colorCellBorder); borderTable.setCellspacing(this.cellBorder); borderTable.setWidth("100%"); //borderTable.setHeight("100%"); //borderTable.setRowHeight(1,"100%"); PresentationObject tmp = (PresentationObject) pres.clone(); borderTable.add(tmp); pres = borderTable; } else { galleryTable.setColor(xPositionImage, yPositionImage, this.colorCell); } } galleryTable.setVerticalAlignment(xPositionImage, yPositionImage, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); // set size of the cell that shows the image if (this.heightOfImages > 0) { galleryTable.setHeight(xPositionImage, yPositionImage, Integer.toString(this.heightOfImages)); } if (this.widthOfImages > 0) { galleryTable.setWidth(xPositionImage, yPositionImage, Integer.toString(this.widthOfImages)); } galleryTable.add(pres, xPositionImage, yPositionImage); imageNumber++; } return galleryTable; } private SubmitButton createButton(String displayText) { SubmitButton button = new SubmitButton(Integer.toString(this.getICObjectInstanceID()), displayText); button.setToEncloseByForm(true); return button; } private Table getButtonTable(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { SubmitButton backButton = createButton(STRING_BACK_BUTTON); SubmitButton forwardButton = createButton(STRING_FORWARD_BUTTON); int limit = getImageProvider(iwc).getImageCount(this.imageFileFolder); int startPosition = restoreNumberOfFirstImage(iwc); int endPosition; if ((endPosition = startPosition + getNumberOfImagePlaces() - 1) >= limit) { endPosition = limit; } // special case: If there are not any imgages do not show start position // one but zero int displayedStartPosition = (limit == 0) ? 0 : startPosition; // create an info text showing the number of the first image and the // last image // that are currently shown and the total numbers of imgages: // for example: 2 - 6 of 9 StringBuffer infoText = new StringBuffer(); // show: "2 - 6 of 9" // special case: Only one image is shown, in this case avoid showing: "2 // - 2 of 9" if (displayedStartPosition != endPosition) { infoText.append(" ").append(displayedStartPosition).append("-"); } infoText.append(endPosition).append(" ").append(this.getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString("of", "of")).append( " ").append(limit); // possibly disable buttons if (startPosition == 1) { backButton.setDisabled(true); } if (endPosition == limit) { forwardButton.setDisabled(true); } // arrange table // three columns and one row Table buttonTable = new Table(3, 1); buttonTable.add(backButton, 1, 1); buttonTable.add(new Text(infoText.toString()), 2, 1); buttonTable.add(forwardButton, 3, 1); return buttonTable; } private String getParameter(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { return iwc.getParameter(getObjectInstanceIdentifierString()); } private ArrayList getImages(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { int step = getStep(); int startPosition = restoreNumberOfFirstImage(iwc); int newStartPosition; String parameterValue = getParameter(iwc); if (STRING_FORWARD_BUTTON.equals(parameterValue)) { newStartPosition = startPosition + step; } else if (STRING_BACK_BUTTON.equals(parameterValue)) { newStartPosition = startPosition - step; } else { newStartPosition = startPosition; } if (newStartPosition > 0 && newStartPosition <= getImageProvider(iwc).getImageCount(this.imageFileFolder)) { startPosition = newStartPosition; } storeNumberOfFirstImage(iwc, startPosition); return getImagesFromTo(iwc, startPosition, startPosition + getNumberOfImagePlaces() - 1); } private ArrayList getImagesFromTo(IWContext iwc, int startPosition, int endPosition) throws RemoteException, java.sql.SQLException { return getImageProvider(iwc).getImagesFromTo(this.imageFileFolder, startPosition, endPosition); } private void storeNumberOfFirstImage(IWContext iwc, int firstImageNumber) { iwc.setSessionAttribute(getObjectInstanceIdentifierString(), new Integer(firstImageNumber)); } private int restoreNumberOfFirstImage(IWContext iwc) { Integer i = (Integer) iwc.getSessionAttribute(getObjectInstanceIdentifierString()); if (i == null) { return 1; } return i.intValue(); } private String getObjectInstanceIdentifierString() { return Integer.toString(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); } private ImageProvider getImageProvider(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (ImageProvider) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, ImageProvider.class); } private int getStep() { int totalSumOfImagesInTable = getNumberOfImagePlaces(); return (this.numberOfImagesPerStep > 0 && this.numberOfImagesPerStep < totalSumOfImagesInTable) ? this.numberOfImagesPerStep : totalSumOfImagesInTable; } private int getNumberOfImagePlaces() { // how many images can I show in the current table? return this.rows * this.columns; } /** * @return */ public String getGalleryColor() { return this.colorGallery; } /** * @return */ public String getCellColor() { return this.colorCell; } /** * @param color */ public void setGalleryColor(String color) { this.colorGallery = color; } /** * @param color */ public void setCellColor(String color) { this.colorCell = color; } /** * @return */ public int getButtonPosition() { return this._posButton; } /** * @param posConst, * one of the BOTTON_POSITION_... constants */ public void setButtonPosition(int posConst) { this._posButton = posConst; } /** * @return */ public String getColorGalleryBorder() { return this.colorGalleryBorder; } /** * @return */ public int getGalleryBorder() { return this.galleryBorder; } /** * @return */ public String getHeightOfGallery() { return this.heightOfGallery; } /** * @return */ public String getWidthOfGallery() { return this.widthOfGallery; } /** * @param color */ public void setGalleryBorderColor(String color) { this.colorGalleryBorder = color; } /** * @param width */ public void setGalleryBorderWith(int width) { this.galleryBorder = width; } /** * @param height */ public void setHeightOfGallery(String height) { this.heightOfGallery = height; } /** * @param width */ public void setWidthOfGallery(String width) { this.widthOfGallery = width; } }