package com.idega.presentation.ui; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Layer; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Script; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; /** * Title: idegaWeb * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class TreeViewer extends AbstractTreeViewer { private static final String TREEVIEW_PREFIX = "treeviewer/ui/"; Image folderAndFileIcons[] = null; String folderAndFileIconNames[] = { "treeviewer_node_closed.gif", "treeviewer_node_open.gif", "treeviewer_node_leaf.gif" }; private static final int FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_CLOSED = 0; private static final int FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_OPEN = 1; private static final int FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FILE = 2; public static final String PRM_OPEN_TREENODES = "ic_opn_trnds"; public static final String PRM_TREENODE_TO_CLOSE = "ic_cls_trnd"; String nodeNameTarget = null; String nodeActionPrm = null; Link _linkPrototype = null; Link _linkOpenClosePrototype = null; String _linkStyle = null; boolean _usesOnClick = false; private boolean _nowrap = true; private Layer _nowrapLayer = null; private int _maxNodeNameLength = -1; private String onNodeClickEvent = null; public static final String ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME = "treenodeselect"; public static final String ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME = "iw_node_id"; public static final String ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "iw_node_name"; public TreeViewer() { super(); this.folderAndFileIcons = new Image[3]; setColumns(2); setTreeColumnWidth(1, "16"); setWrap(false); } public static TreeViewer getTreeViewerInstance(ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc) { TreeViewer viewer = new TreeViewer(); viewer.setRootNode(node); return viewer; } protected void updateIconDimensions() { super.updateIconDimensions(); for (int i = 0; i < this.folderAndFileIcons.length; i++) { Image tmp = this.folderAndFileIcons[i]; if (tmp != null) { //tmp.setWidth(iconWidth); tmp.setHeight(this.iconHeight); //tmp.setAlignment("top"); this.folderAndFileIcons[i] = tmp; } } } public void initIcons(IWContext iwc) { super.initIcons(iwc); IWBundle bundle = getBundle(iwc); for (int i = 0; i < this.folderAndFileIcons.length; i++) { if (this.folderAndFileIcons[i] == null) { this.folderAndFileIcons[i] = bundle.getImage(TREEVIEW_PREFIX + getUI() + this.folderAndFileIconNames[i]); } } updateIconDimensions(); } private void addScript() { Script script = getParentPage().getAssociatedScript(); script.addFunction("save", "function save(URL,target) { args['href']=URL; args['target']=target; window.returnValue = args; window.close(); }"); getParentPage().setAssociatedScript(script); } public PresentationObject getObjectToAddToColumn(int colIndex, ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean nodesOpen, boolean nodeHasChild, boolean isRootNode) { boolean fromEditor = false; if (iwc.isParameterSet("from_editor")) { fromEditor = true; addScript(); } switch (colIndex) { case 1 : return getFirstColumnObject(node, nodesOpen, isRootNode); case 2 : return getSecondColumnObject(node, iwc, fromEditor); } return null; } public boolean getShortenedNodeName(String nodeName){ if (this._maxNodeNameLength > 0) { if (nodeName.length() > this._maxNodeNameLength) { nodeName = nodeName.substring(0,this._maxNodeNameLength-3) + "..."; return true; } } return false; } public PresentationObject getSecondColumnObject(ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean fromEditor) { String nodeName = null; String titleName = null; //if (node instanceof ICTreeNode) // nodeName = ((PageTreeNode) node).getLocalizedNodeName(iwc); //else nodeName = node.getNodeName(iwc.getCurrentLocale(),iwc); titleName = nodeName; if(!getShortenedNodeName(nodeName)) { titleName = null; /* if (_maxNodeNameLength > 0) { if (nodeName.length() > _maxNodeNameLength) { titleName = nodeName; nodeName = nodeName.substring(0,_maxNodeNameLength-3) + "..."; } } */ } Link l = getLinkPrototypeClone(nodeName); if (titleName != null) { l.setMarkupAttribute("title",titleName); } if (this.onNodeClickEvent != null) { BuilderService bservice; // Currently a bit of a crap hack try { bservice = getBuilderService(iwc); l.setOnClick(this.onNodeClickEvent+"('"+bservice.getPageURI(node.getNodeID())+"');return false;"); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this._usesOnClick) { l.setURL("#"); if (fromEditor){ BuilderService bservice; try { bservice = getBuilderService(iwc); l.setOnClick("save('http://" + iwc.getServerName() + bservice.getPageURI(node.getNodeID()) + "','_self')"); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else{ l.setOnClick(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + nodeName + "','" + node.getNodeID() + "')"); } } else if (this.nodeActionPrm != null) { l.addParameter(this.nodeActionPrm, node.getNodeID()); } setLinkToMaintainOpenAndClosedNodes(l); return l; } public PresentationObject getFirstColumnObject(ICTreeNode node, boolean nodesOpen, boolean isRootNode) { if (!node.isLeaf()) { if (nodesOpen) { if (isRootNode && !showRootNodeTreeIcons()) { //Link l = new Link(); Link l = getLinkOpenClosePrototype(); l.setImage(this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_OPEN]); if (!nodesOpen) { setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode(l, node, nodesOpen); } return l; } else { return this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_OPEN]; } } else { if (isRootNode && !showRootNodeTreeIcons()) { //Link l = new Link(); Link l = getLinkOpenClosePrototype(); l.setImage(this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_CLOSED]); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode(l, node, nodesOpen); return l; } else { return this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FOLDER_CLOSED]; } } } else { if (isRootNode && !showRootNodeTreeIcons()) { //Link l = new Link(); Link l = getLinkOpenClosePrototype(); l.setImage(this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FILE]); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode(l, node, nodesOpen); return l; } else { return this.folderAndFileIcons[FOLDERANDFILE_ICONINDEX_FILE]; } } } public void setWrap() { setWrap(true); } public void setWrap(boolean value) { super.setNowrap(!value); } public void setNodeActionParameter(String prm) { this.nodeActionPrm = prm; } public void setTarget(String target) { this.nodeNameTarget = target; } public void setTreeStyle(String style) { this._linkStyle = style; } /** Note: Do not forget to set the desired parameter * in <code>addOpenCloseParameter(String,String)</code>. * Example: * Link myLink = new Link(); * myLink.addParameter("hello", "world"); * tree.setLinkPrototype(myLink); * tree.addOpenCloseParameter("hello", "world") */ // above comment added by Thomas public void setLinkPrototype(Link link) { this._linkPrototype = link; } private Link getLinkOpenClosePrototype() { if (this._linkOpenClosePrototype == null) { this._linkOpenClosePrototype = new Link(); } return this._linkOpenClosePrototype; } public void setLinkOpenClosePrototype(Link link) { this._linkOpenClosePrototype = link; } private Link getLinkOpenClosePrototypeClone() { return (Link) getLinkOpenClosePrototype().clone(); } private Link getLinkPrototype() { if (this._linkPrototype == null) { this._linkPrototype = new Link(); } if (this.nodeNameTarget != null) { this._linkPrototype.setTarget(this.nodeNameTarget); } if (this._linkStyle != null) { this._linkPrototype.setFontStyle(this._linkStyle); } return this._linkPrototype; } public Layer getNoWrapLayer() { if (this._nowrapLayer == null) { this._nowrapLayer = new Layer(); this._nowrapLayer.setNoWrap(); } return this._nowrapLayer; } private Link getLinkPrototypeClone() { return (Link) getLinkPrototype().clone(); } private Link getLinkPrototypeClone(String text) { Link l = (Link) getLinkPrototype().clone(); l.setText(text); return l; } private Layer getNoWrapLayerClone() { Layer l = (Layer) getNoWrapLayer().clone(); return l; } private Layer getNoWrapLayerClone(PresentationObject obj) { Layer l = getNoWrapLayerClone(); l.add(obj); return l; } private Link getLinkPrototypeClone(Image image) { Link l = (Link) getLinkPrototype().clone(); l.setImage(image); return l; } public void setToUseOnClick() { setToUseOnClick(ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME, ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); } public void setToUseOnClick(String NodeNameParameterName, String NodeIDParameterName) { this._usesOnClick = true; getAssociatedScript().addFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, "function " + ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + NodeNameParameterName + "," + NodeIDParameterName + "){ }"); } public void setOnClick(String action) { getAssociatedScript().addToFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, action); } public void setOnNodeClickEvent(String event) { this.onNodeClickEvent = event; } public void setMaxNodeNameLength(int length) { this._maxNodeNameLength = length; } public int getMaxNodeNameLength() { return this._maxNodeNameLength; } public void setToMaintainParameter(String parameterName, IWContext iwc) { getLinkOpenClosePrototype().maintainParameter(parameterName, iwc); super.setToMaintainParameter(parameterName, iwc); } }