/* * $Id: InterfaceObject.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:04 idegaweb Exp $ * Created in 2000 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.presentation.ui; import java.io.IOException; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.Script; /** * <p> * This is a base class for Form type (input) elements.<br> * In JSF there is now a more recent javax.faces.compoent.UIInput that serves a * similar purpose and is recommended to use/extend in newer pure JSF applications. * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:04 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public abstract class InterfaceObject extends PresentationObjectContainer { protected boolean keepStatus = false; private boolean _checkObject = false; private boolean _disableObject = false; private boolean _checkDisabled = false; private boolean _inFocus = false; private boolean _changeValue = false; private boolean _selectValues = false; public static final String ACTION_ON_BLUR = "onblur"; public static final String ACTION_ON_CHANGE = "onchange"; public static final String ACTION_ON_CLICK = "onclick"; public static final String ACTION_ON_FOCUS = "onfocus"; public static final String ACTION_ON_KEY_PRESS = "onkeypress"; public static final String ACTION_ON_KEY_DOWN = "onkeydown"; public static final String ACTION_ON_KEY_UP = "onkeyup"; public static final String ACTION_ON_SELECT = "onselect"; public static final String ACTION_ON_SUBMIT = "onsubmit"; public Object saveState(FacesContext ctx) { Object values[] = new Object[8]; values[0] = super.saveState(ctx); values[1] = new Boolean(this.keepStatus); values[2] = new Boolean(this._checkObject); values[3] = new Boolean(this._disableObject); values[4] = new Boolean(this._checkDisabled); values[5] = new Boolean(this._inFocus); values[6] = new Boolean(this._changeValue); values[7] = new Boolean(this._selectValues); return values; } public void restoreState(FacesContext ctx, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(ctx, values[0]); this.keepStatus = ((Boolean) values[1]).booleanValue(); this._checkObject = ((Boolean) values[2]).booleanValue(); this._disableObject = ((Boolean) values[3]).booleanValue(); this._checkDisabled = ((Boolean) values[4]).booleanValue(); this._inFocus = ((Boolean) values[5]).booleanValue(); this._changeValue = ((Boolean) values[6]).booleanValue(); this._selectValues = ((Boolean) values[7]).booleanValue(); } public InterfaceObject() { super(); setID(); this.keepStatus = false; } /** * Returns true if the interface object is enclosed by a form object. * @return boolean */ protected boolean isEnclosedByForm() { if (getForm() != null) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the interface object in on a page. * @return boolean */ protected boolean hasParentPage() { if (getParentPage() != null) { return true; } return false; } /** * Sets an action event to perform on this object. * @param actionType The type of action. * @param action The action to perform. */ protected void setOnAction(String actionType, String action) { setMarkupAttributeMultivalued(actionType, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the interface object is on focus. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnFocus(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_FOCUS, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the interface object is set out of focus. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnBlur(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_BLUR, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the interface object is selected. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnSelect(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_SELECT, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the interface object is changed. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnChange(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_CHANGE, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the interface object is on clicked. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnClick(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when a key is pressed down in the interface object. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnKeyDown(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_KEY_DOWN, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when a key is pressed in the interface object. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnKeyPress(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_KEY_PRESS, action); } /** * Sets the action to perform when a key is released in the interface object. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnKeyUp(String action) { setOnAction(ACTION_ON_KEY_UP, action); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the interface object is in focus. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnFocus() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_FOCUS); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the interface object is set out of focus. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnBlur() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_BLUR); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the interface object is in selected. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnSelect() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_SELECT); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the interface object is in changed. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnChange() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_CHANGE); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the interface object is in clicked. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnClick() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_CLICK); } /** * Returns the action to perform when a key is pressed down in the interface object. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnKeyDown() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_KEY_DOWN); } /** * Returns the action to perform when a key is pressed in the interface object. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnKeyPress() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_KEY_PRESS); } /** * Returns the action to perform when a key is released in the interface object. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnKeyUp() { return getMarkupAttribute(ACTION_ON_KEY_UP); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object. * @param value The value to set. */ public void setValue(String value) { setMarkupAttribute("value", value); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object. * @param value The value to set. */ public void setValue(int value) { setValue(Integer.toString(value)); } /** * Sets the content (value) of the interface object. * @param value The content to set. */ public void setContent(String content) { setValue(content); } /** * Returns the value set for the interface object. * @return String The value set. */ public String getValueAsString() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("value")) { return getMarkupAttribute("value"); } return ""; } /** * Returns the content (value) set for the interface object. * @return String The content set. */ public String getContent() { return getValueAsString(); } /** * Sets the action to perform when the parent form is submitted. * @param action The action to perform. */ public void setOnSubmit(String action) { setOnAction("onSubmit", action); } /** * Returns the action to perform when the parent form is submitted. * @return String The action to perform. Returns null if no action is set. */ public String getOnSubmit() { return getMarkupAttribute("onSubmit"); } /** * Sets the given interface object(s) to be checked/unchecked when this object is * clicked on. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectToCheck The interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. */ public void setToCheckOnAction(String action, String objectToCheck, boolean check) { setToCheckOnAction(action, objectToCheck, check, true); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be checked/unchecked when this * object is clicked on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(String objectName, boolean check) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectName, check, true); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be checked/unchecked when this * object is clicked on. Convenient when using javascript function or property to provide the * boolean value ( checkvalue) * @param objectName The name of the interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(String objectName, String checkValue) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectName, checkValue, true); } /** * Sets the given interface object(s) to be checked/unchecked when this object is * clicked on. * @param objectToCheck The interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(InterfaceObject objectToCheck, boolean check) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectToCheck.getName(), check, true); } /** * Sets the given interface object(s) to be checked/unchecked when this object is * clicked on. Convenient when using javascript function or property to provide the * boolean value ( checkvalue) * @param objectToCheck The interface object(s) to check. * @param checkValue Checks if checkvalue is true, unchecks otherwise. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(InterfaceObject objectToCheck, String checkValue) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectToCheck.getName(), checkValue, true); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be checked/unchecked when this * object receives the action specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. * @param checkDisabled If true checks all, otherwise not disabled objects. */ public void setToCheckOnAction(String action, String objectName, boolean check, boolean checkDisabled) { this.setToCheckOnAction(action,objectName,String.valueOf(check),checkDisabled); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be checked/unchecked when this * object receives the action specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object(s) to check. * @param checkValue Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. * @param checkDisabled If true checks all, otherwise not disabled objects. */ public void setToCheckOnAction(String action, String objectName, String checkValue, boolean checkDisabled) { this._checkObject = true; this._checkDisabled = checkDisabled; if (checkDisabled) { setOnAction(action, "checkAllObjects(findObj('" + objectName + "')," + checkValue + ")"); } else { setOnAction(action, "checkEnabledObjects(findObj('" + objectName + "')," +checkValue + ")"); } } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be checked/unchecked when this * object is clicked on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. * @param checkDisabled If true checks all, otherwise not disabled objects. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(String objectName, boolean check, boolean checkDisabled) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectName, check, checkDisabled); } /** * Sets the given interface object(s) to be checked/unchecked when this object is * clicked on. * @param objectToCheck The interface object(s) to check. * @param check Checks if boolean is true, unchecks otherwise. * @param checkDisabled If true checks all, otherwise not disabled objects. */ public void setToCheckOnClick(InterfaceObject objectToCheck, boolean check, boolean checkDisabled) { setToCheckOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectToCheck.getName(), check, checkDisabled); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be enabled when this object * receives the action specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectToEnable The name of the interface object(s) to enable. * @param enable Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ public void setToDisableOnAction(String action, String objectName, boolean disable) { this._disableObject = true; setOnAction(action, "disableObject(findObj('" + objectName + "'),'" + String.valueOf(disable) + "')"); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be enabled when this object is * clicked on. * @param objectToEnable The name of the interface object(s) to enable. * @param enable Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ public void setToDisableOnClick(String objectName, boolean disable) { setToDisableOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK,objectName,disable); } /** * Sets the given interface object to be enabled when this object is clicked on. * @param objectToEnable The interface object to enable. * @param enable Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ public void setToDisableOnClick(InterfaceObject objectToEnable, boolean disable) { setToDisableOnClick(objectToEnable.getName(), disable); } /** * Sets the value of the given interface object when this object receives the action * specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectToChange The interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnAction(String action, InterfaceObject objectToChange, String value) { setValueOnAction(action, objectToChange.getName(), value); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object with the given namewhen this object receives * the action specified. Adds the specified script. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. * @param script the sript to be added */ public void setValueOnActionFollowedByScript(String action, String objectName, String value, String script) { this._changeValue = true; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("changeValue(findObj('"); buffer.append(objectName).append("'),'").append(value).append("');").append(script); setOnAction(action, buffer.toString()); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object with the given namewhen this object receives * the action specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnAction(String action, String objectName, String value) { this._changeValue = true; setOnAction(action, "changeValue(findObj('"+objectName+"'),'"+value+"');"); } /** * Sets the value of the given interface object when this object is clicked. * @param objectToChange The interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnClick(InterfaceObject objectToChange, String value) { setValueOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectToChange.getName(), value); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object with the given name when this object is clicked. * Adds the specified script at the end. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. * @param script the script to be added */ public void setValueOnClickFollowedByScript(String objectName, String value, String script) { setValueOnActionFollowedByScript(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectName, value, script); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object with the given name when this object is clicked. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnClick(String objectName, String value) { setValueOnAction(ACTION_ON_CLICK, objectName, value); } /** * Sets the value of the given interface object when this object changes value. * @param objectToChange The interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnChange(InterfaceObject objectToChange, String value) { setValueOnAction(ACTION_ON_CHANGE, objectToChange.getName(), value); } /** * Sets the value of the interface object with the given name when this object changes value. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to change value of. * @param value The new value to set. */ public void setValueOnChange(String objectName, String value) { setValueOnAction(ACTION_ON_CHANGE, objectName, value); } /** * Sets the given interface object as selected when this object receives the action * specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectToChange The interface object to set selected value of. * @param selected Set true to select, false otherwise. */ public void setSelectedOnAction(String action, InterfaceObject objectToChange, boolean selected) { setSelectedOnAction(action, objectToChange.getName(), selected); } /** * Sets the interface object with the given name as selected when this object receives * the action specified. * @param action The action to perform on. * @param objectName The name of the interface object to set selected value of. * @param selected Set true to select, false otherwise. */ public void setSelectedOnAction(String action, String objectName, boolean selected) { this._selectValues = true; setOnAction(action, "selectValues(findObj('"+objectName+"'),'"+selected+"');"); } /** * Sets the interface object in focus on page load. * @param inFocus Set to true to set focus on object, false otherwise. */ public void setInFocusOnPageLoad(boolean inFocus) { this._inFocus = inFocus; } /** * Sets the interface object to submit its parent form on click. * Must have a parent form to function correctly. */ public void setToSubmit() { setOnClick("this.form.submit()"); } /** * Sets whether the interface object is disabled or not. * @param disabled The status to set. */ public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { if (disabled) { setMarkupAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } else { this.removeMarkupAttribute("disabled"); } } /** * Returns the disabled status of the interface object. * @return boolean True if object is disabled, false otherwise. */ public boolean getDisabled() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("disabled")) { return true; } return false; } /** * Sets the description for the interface object. * @param description The description to set. */ public void setDescription(String description) { setMarkupAttribute("title", description); } /** * Returns the description set to the interface object. * @return String The description set, null otherwise. */ public String getDescription() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("title")) { return getMarkupAttribute("title"); } return null; } /** * A method that handles the actions to perform to keep the status of the interface * object on performed actions. Override if interface object can keep its status on * actions. * @param iwc */ public abstract void handleKeepStatus(IWContext iwc); /** * Returns true if interface object is to keep its status when an action is performed. * @return boolean True if status is kept, false otherwise. */ public boolean statusKeptOnAction() { return this.keepStatus; } /** * Sets to keep the status on the interface object when an action is performed. * @param boolean True if interface object is to keep status, false otherwise. */ public void keepStatusOnAction(boolean keepStatus) { this.keepStatus = keepStatus; } /** * Sets to keep the status on the interface object when an action is performed. */ public void keepStatusOnAction() { keepStatusOnAction(true); } protected void callPrint(FacesContext fc)throws IOException{ //Overridden here to call the same methods as _print(): IWContext iwc = castToIWContext(fc); if (statusKeptOnAction()) { handleKeepStatus(iwc); } super.callPrint(fc); } public void _print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (statusKeptOnAction()) { handleKeepStatus(iwc); } super._print(iwc); } public Object clone() { InterfaceObject obj = null; try { obj = (InterfaceObject) super.clone(); obj.keepStatus = this.keepStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super._main(iwc); if (isEnclosedByForm()) { if (this._checkObject) { if (this._checkDisabled) { getScript().addFunction("checkAllObjects", "function checkAllObjects (inputs,value) {\n if (inputs.length > 1) {\n \tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\tinputs[i].checked=eval(value);\n \t}\n else\n \tinputs.checked=eval(value);\n}"); } else { getScript().addFunction("checkEnabledObjects", "function checkEnabledObjects (inputs,value) {\n if (inputs.length > 1) {\n \tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \tif ( inputs[i].disabled == false )\n \t\tinputs[i].checked=eval(value);\n \t}\n else\n \tif (inputs.disabled == false)\n \t\tinputs.checked=eval(value);\n}"); } } if (this._disableObject) { getScript().addFunction("disableObject", "function disableObject (inputs,value) {\n if (inputs.length > 1) {\n \tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\tinputs[i].disabled=eval(value);\n \t}\n else\n inputs.disabled=eval(value);\n}"); } if (this._changeValue) { getScript().addFunction("changeValue", "function changeValue (input,newValue) {\n input.value=newValue;\n}"); } if (this._selectValues) { getScript().addFunction("selectValues", "function selectValues (inputs,value) {\n if (inputs.length > 0) {\n \tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\tinputs[i].selected=eval(value);\n }\n }"); } } if (this._inFocus && hasParentPage()) { getParentPage().setOnLoad("findObj('" + getName() + "').focus();"); } } /** * Returns the <code>Script</code> associated with the parent <code>Form</code>. If the * interface object has no parent form this method returns null. * @return Script */ protected Script getScript() { if ( getForm() != null ) { if (getForm().getAssociatedFormScript() == null) { getForm().setAssociatedFormScript(new Script()); } return getForm().getAssociatedFormScript(); } return null; } /** * Returns the enclosing form, returns null if no form present. * @return Form The form enclosing the interface object. */ public Form getForm() { return getParentForm(); } /** * Sets the width of the interface object with a style tag. * @param width The width to set. */ public void setWidth(String width) { setWidthStyle(width); } /** * Sets the height of the interface object with a style tag. * @param height The height to set. */ public void setHeight(String height) { setHeightStyle(height); } /** * Sets the tab index for the interface object, that is the index for where in the tab * row the object is in the parent form. * @param index The index to set. */ public void setTabIndex(int index) { setMarkupAttribute("tabindex", String.valueOf(index)); } /** * Returns the tab index set for the interface object. Returns -1 if no value is set. * @return int */ public int getTabIndex() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("tabindex")) { return Integer.parseInt(getMarkupAttribute("tabindex")); } return -1; } /** * Sets whether the interface object shall be read only or not. * @param readOnly The boolean value to set. */ public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { if (readOnly) { setMarkupAttributeWithoutValue("readonly"); } else { removeMarkupAttribute("readonly"); } } /** * Returns true if interface object is set as read only, false otherwise. * @return boolean */ public boolean getReadOnly() { if (isMarkupAttributeSet("readonly")) { return true; } return false; } protected void setCheckSubmit() { if (getScript().getFunction("checkSubmit") == null) { getScript().addFunction("checkSubmit", "function checkSubmit(inputs){\n\n}"); } } /** * Sets a function to perform on submit of the parent form. If the function returns * false the form will not submit. * @param functionName The name of the function to check on submit. * @param function The function to perform. */ public void setOnSubmitFunction(String functionName, String function) { if (getForm() != null) { getParentForm().setOnSubmit("return checkSubmit(this)"); setCheckSubmit(); getScript().addToBeginningOfFunction("checkSubmit", "if ("+functionName+"() == false ){\nreturn false;\n}\n"); getScript().addFunction(functionName, function); } } /** * Sets a function to perform on submit of the parent form. If the function returns * false the form will not submit. * @param functionName The name of the function to check on submit. * @param function The function to perform. * @param value A value to use in the function. */ protected void setOnSubmitFunction(String functionName, String function, String value) { setOnSubmitFunction(functionName, function, value, null); } public void setMaximumChecked(int maximumChecked, String exceedsMaximumErrorMessage) { setOnSubmitFunction("warnIfExceedsMaximum", "function warnIfExceedsMaximum (inputs,warnMsg) {\n\tvar maximum = 0;\n\n\tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) {\n \t\tif(inputs[i].checked == true)\n\t\tmaximum++;\n\t}\n\n\tif (maximum <= "+maximumChecked+")\n\t\treturn true;\n\telse {\n\t\talert(warnMsg);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n}", exceedsMaximumErrorMessage); } /** * Sets a function to perform on submit of the parent form. If the function returns * false the form will not submit. * @param functionName The name of the function to check on submit. * @param function The function to perform. * @param value1 A primary value to use in the function. * @param value2 A seconday value to use in the function. */ protected void setOnSubmitFunction(String functionName, String function, String value1, String value2) { if (getForm() != null) { getParentForm().setOnSubmit("return checkSubmit(this)"); setCheckSubmit(); if (value2 != null) { getScript().addToBeginningOfFunction("checkSubmit", "if ("+functionName+" (findObj('" + getName() + "'),'" + value1 + "', '"+value2+"') == false ){\nreturn false;\n}\n"); } else { getScript().addToBeginningOfFunction("checkSubmit", "if ("+functionName+" (findObj('" + getName() + "'),'" + value1 + "') == false ){\nreturn false;\n}\n"); } getScript().addFunction(functionName, function); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#isContainer() */ public abstract boolean isContainer(); }