package com.idega.block.calendar.presentation; /** * Title: Calendar Description: idegaWeb Calendar (Block) Copyright: Copyright * (c) 2001 Company: idega * * @author Laddi * @version 1.0 */ import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.idegaweb.presentation.*; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; public class Calendar extends CategoryBlock implements Builderaware { private int _timeStyle = IWTimestamp.SHORT; private int _dateStyle = IWTimestamp.SHORT; private boolean hasEdit = false, hasAdd = false, hasPref = false; private int _iLocaleID; private int _view = CalendarParameters.MONTH; private IWTimestamp _stamp; private String _width = "100%"; private boolean _isSelectedDay = false; private Integer _daysAhead = null; // = 7; private Integer _daysBack = null; // = 7; private int _numberOfShown = 4; private String _bodyColor = "#000000"; private String _headlineColor = "#000000"; private String _dateColor = "#000000"; private String _noActionDay = "#999966"; private String _actionDay = "#660000"; private ICPage _page; private boolean _showMonth = false; private boolean _showMonthButton = false; private boolean _asLineView = false; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.calendar"; protected IWResourceBundle _iwrb; protected IWBundle _iwb; protected IWBundle _iwbCalendar; private String AddPermission = "add"; private String PrePermission = "pref"; private int iUserId = -1; private static final String HEADLINE_STYLE_NAME = "headline"; private static final String BODY_STYLE_NAME = "body"; private static final String DATE_STYLE_NAME = "date"; private String CATEGORY_STYLE_NAME = "category"; private String HEADLINE_STYLE = "font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;"; private String BODY_STYLE = "font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px;"; private String DATE_STYLE = "font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;"; private String CATEGORY_STYLE = "font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #666666;"; private String headlineStyleName; private String bodyStyleName; private String dateStyleName; private String categoryStyleName; private int _spaceBetween = 16; private int iCellpadding = 2; private boolean _showCategory; private boolean showBodyText = true; private Image iNextImage; private Image iPreviousImage; private String iInactiveDayStyleClass; private String iActiveDayStyleClass; private String iHeaderTextStyleClass; private String iMonthTextStyleClass; public Calendar() { // _stamp = IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow(); } public Calendar(IWTimestamp timestamp) { this._stamp = timestamp; } public void registerPermissionKeys() { registerPermissionKey(this.AddPermission); registerPermissionKey(this.PrePermission); } public String getCategoryType() { return ((; } public boolean getMultible() { return true; } public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super._main(iwc); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super.main(iwc); this._iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this._iwb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); this._iwbCalendar = getBundle(iwc); if (this.headlineStyleName == null) { this.headlineStyleName = getStyleName(HEADLINE_STYLE_NAME); } if (this.bodyStyleName == null) { this.bodyStyleName = getStyleName(BODY_STYLE_NAME); } if (this.dateStyleName == null) { this.dateStyleName = getStyleName(DATE_STYLE_NAME); } if (this.categoryStyleName == null) { this.categoryStyleName = getStyleName(this.CATEGORY_STYLE_NAME); } this.iUserId = iwc.getUserId(); this.hasEdit = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); this.hasAdd = iwc.hasPermission(this.AddPermission, this); this.hasPref = iwc.hasPermission(this.PrePermission, this); this._iLocaleID = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); if (iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_VIEW) != null) { this._view = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_VIEW)); } if (this._stamp == null) { String day = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_DAY); String month = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH); String year = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR); this._stamp = CalendarBusiness.getTimestamp(day, month, year); } this._isSelectedDay = CalendarBusiness.getIsSelectedDay(iwc); switch (this._view) { case CalendarParameters.DAY: drawDay(iwc); break; case CalendarParameters.MONTH: drawMonth(iwc); break; case CalendarParameters.YEAR: drawYear(iwc); break; case CalendarParameters.AHEAD_VIEW: drawAheadView(iwc); break; } } private void getParameter(IWContext iwc) { String string = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR); if (string != null && string.equalsIgnoreCase(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_TRUE)) { this._showMonth = true; iwc.setSessionAttribute(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR, CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_TRUE); } else if (string != null && string.equalsIgnoreCase(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_FALSE)) { this._showMonth = false; iwc.removeSessionAttribute(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR); } else if (string == null) { if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR) != null) { this._showMonth = true; } } } private void drawDay(IWContext iwc) { getParameter(iwc); Table outerTable = new Table(); outerTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); if (this._width != null) { outerTable.setWidth(this._width); } outerTable.setWidth(1, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); Table entriesTable = new Table(); entriesTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); outerTable.add(entriesTable, 1, 1); String[] localeStrings = null; Text headlineText = null; Text bodyText = null; IWTimestamp startDate = null; IWTimestamp endDate = null; boolean hasImage = true; int imageID; int ypos = 1; // /// Permisson Area //////////// boolean buttonsAdded = false; if (this.hasAdd || this.hasEdit) { entriesTable.add(getAddIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasPref || this.hasEdit) { entriesTable.add(getPropertiesIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasEdit) { entriesTable.add(getCategoryIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (buttonsAdded) { ypos++; // /////////////////////////////// } int numberOfShown = 0; List entries = null; if (this._isSelectedDay) { entries = CalendarFinder.getInstance().listOfEntries(this._stamp, getCategoryIds()); if (entries != null) { numberOfShown = entries.size(); } } else { if (this._daysAhead != null || this._daysBack != null) { entries = CalendarFinder.getInstance().listOfWeekEntries(this._stamp, this._daysAhead.intValue(), this._daysBack.intValue(), getCategoryIds()); } else { entries = CalendarFinder.getInstance().listOfNextEntries(getCategoryIds()); } if (entries != null) { if (entries.size() > this._numberOfShown) { numberOfShown = this._numberOfShown; } else { numberOfShown = entries.size(); } } } if (entries != null) { CalendarEntry entry; for (int a = 0; a < numberOfShown; a++) { Image typeImage = null; entry = (CalendarEntry) entries.get(a); localeStrings = CalendarFinder.getInstance().getEntryStrings(entry, this._iLocaleID); imageID = CalendarFinder.getInstance().getImageID(entry.getEntryTypeID()); if (imageID != -1) { try { typeImage = new Image(imageID); typeImage.setHorizontalSpacing(3); } catch (Exception e) { typeImage = null; } } if (typeImage == null) { typeImage = this._iwbCalendar.getImage("shared/day_dot.gif"); } if (localeStrings != null) { if (localeStrings[0] != null) { headlineText = new Text(localeStrings[0]); } else { headlineText = null; } if (localeStrings[1] != null) { bodyText = new Text(localeStrings[1]); } else { bodyText = null; } } int xpos = 1; if (headlineText != null) { if (typeImage != null) { typeImage.setName(CalendarFinder.getInstance().getEntryTypeName(entry.getEntryTypeID(), this._iLocaleID)); entriesTable.add(typeImage, xpos, ypos); entriesTable.setWidth(xpos, ypos, "1"); hasImage = true; xpos++; } headlineText.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color: " + this._headlineColor + ";"); entriesTable.add(headlineText, xpos, ypos); startDate = new IWTimestamp(entry.getDate()); DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); Date fromDate = new Date(startDate.getTimestamp().getTime()); Text fromDateText = new Text(format.format(fromDate)); fromDateText.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: " + this._dateColor + ";"); xpos++; entriesTable.setAlignment(xpos, ypos, "right"); entriesTable.add(fromDateText, xpos, ypos); if(entry.getEndDate() != null) { endDate = new IWTimestamp(entry.getEndDate()); Date toDate = new Date(endDate.getTimestamp().getTime()); Text toDateText = new Text(format.format(toDate)); toDateText.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: " + this._dateColor + ";"); xpos++; entriesTable.setAlignment(xpos, ypos, "right"); entriesTable.add(toDateText, xpos, ypos); } // Checking permissions if (this.hasEdit || this.hasPref || this.iUserId == entry.getUserID()) { xpos++; entriesTable.add(getEditButtons(entry.getID()), xpos, ypos); } if (bodyText != null && bodyText.getText().length() > 0) { ypos++; bodyText.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: " + this._bodyColor + ";"); if (hasImage) { entriesTable.mergeCells(2, ypos, entriesTable.getColumns(), ypos); entriesTable.add(bodyText, 2, ypos); } else { entriesTable.mergeCells(1, ypos, entriesTable.getColumns(), ypos); entriesTable.add(bodyText, 1, ypos); } } ypos++; entriesTable.setHeight(ypos++, 12); } } } else { headlineText = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_entries", "No entries in calendar")); headlineText.setFontStyle("font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color: " + this._headlineColor + ";"); entriesTable.add(headlineText, 1, 2); ypos++; } if (buttonsAdded) { entriesTable.mergeCells(1, 1, entriesTable.getColumns(), 1); } if (this._showMonth) { SmallCalendar cal = getCalendar(this._stamp); cal.setICObjectInstanceID(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); cal.setWidth(100); outerTable.setWidth(2, 1, "6"); outerTable.setAlignment(3, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); outerTable.add(cal, 3, 1); } if (this._showMonthButton) { outerTable.mergeCells(1, 2, outerTable.getColumns(), 2); outerTable.setAlignment(1, 2, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); if (this._showMonth) { Link link = new Link(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("hide_month", "Hide month")); link.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR, CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_FALSE); outerTable.add(link, 1, 2); } else { Link link = new Link(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("show_month", "Show month")); link.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_SHOW_CALENDAR, CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_TRUE); outerTable.add(link, 1, 2); } } outerTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); add(outerTable); } private void drawAheadView(IWContext iwc) { Table outerTable = new Table(); outerTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); if (this._width != null) { outerTable.setWidth(this._width); } outerTable.setWidth(1, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); Table dateTable; Table entriesTable; String[] localeStrings = null; Text headlineText = null; Text bodyText = null; IWTimestamp stamp = null; int ypos = 1; // /// Permisson Area //////////// boolean buttonsAdded = false; if (this.hasAdd || this.hasEdit) { outerTable.add(getAddIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasPref || this.hasEdit) { outerTable.add(getPropertiesIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasEdit) { outerTable.add(getCategoryIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (buttonsAdded) { ypos++; outerTable.setHeight(ypos++, 3); } // /////////////////////////////// int numberOfShown = 0; List entries = CalendarFinder.getInstance().listOfNextEntries(getCategoryIds()); if (entries != null) { if (entries.size() > this._numberOfShown) { numberOfShown = this._numberOfShown; } else { numberOfShown = entries.size(); } CalendarEntry entry; for (int a = 0; a < numberOfShown; a++) { entriesTable = new Table(); entriesTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); entriesTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); outerTable.add(entriesTable, 1, ypos++); dateTable = new Table(2, 1); dateTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); dateTable.setAlignment(2, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); dateTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); if ((a + 1) < numberOfShown && this._spaceBetween > 0) { outerTable.setHeight(ypos++, this._spaceBetween); } entry = (CalendarEntry) entries.get(a); localeStrings = CalendarFinder.getInstance().getEntryStrings(entry, this._iLocaleID); if (localeStrings != null) { if (localeStrings[0] != null) { headlineText = new Text(localeStrings[0]); headlineText.setStyle(this.headlineStyleName); } else { headlineText = null; } if (localeStrings[1] != null) { bodyText = new Text(localeStrings[1]); bodyText.setStyle(this.bodyStyleName); } else { bodyText = null; } } int row = 1; if (headlineText != null) { stamp = new IWTimestamp(entry.getDate()); Text dateText = new Text(stamp.getLocaleDateAndTime(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), this._dateStyle, this._timeStyle)); dateText.setStyle(this.dateStyleName); Text category = new Text(CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategory(entry.getCategoryId()).getName(iwc.getCurrentLocale())); category.setStyle(this.categoryStyleName); dateTable.add(dateText, 1, 1); if (this._showCategory) { dateTable.add(category, 2, 1); } entriesTable.add(dateTable, 1, row++); entriesTable.add(headlineText, 1, row++); if (bodyText != null && bodyText.getText().length() > 0 && this.showBodyText) { entriesTable.add(bodyText, 1, row++); } if (this.hasEdit || this.hasPref || this.iUserId == entry.getUserID()) { entriesTable.setHeight(row++, 3); entriesTable.add(getEditButtons(entry.getID()), 1, row); } } } } else { headlineText = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_entries", "No entries in calendar")); headlineText.setFontStyle("font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color: " + this._headlineColor + ";"); outerTable.add(headlineText, 1, ypos); } add(outerTable); } private void drawMonth(IWContext iwc) { SmallCalendar cal = getCalendar(this._stamp); cal.setAsLineView(this._asLineView); cal.setICObjectInstanceID(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); if (this._width != null) { try { cal.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(this._width)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { cal.setWidth(110); } } Table monthTable = new Table(); monthTable.setCellpadding(0); monthTable.setCellspacing(0); int ypos = 1; // /// Permisson Area //////////// boolean buttonsAdded = false; if (this.hasAdd || this.hasEdit) { monthTable.add(getAddIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasPref || this.hasEdit) { monthTable.add(getPropertiesIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasEdit) { monthTable.add(getCategoryIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (buttonsAdded) { ypos++; // /////////////////////////////// } monthTable.add(cal, 1, ypos); add(monthTable); } private SmallCalendar getCalendar(IWTimestamp stamp) { List list = CalendarFinder.getInstance().getMonthEntries(stamp, getCategoryIds()); SmallCalendar calendar = new SmallCalendar(stamp); calendar.setDaysAsLink(true); calendar.setNextImage(this.iNextImage); calendar.setPreviousImage(this.iPreviousImage); if (this._page != null) { calendar.setPage(this._page); } if (this.iInactiveDayStyleClass != null) { calendar.setInactiveTextStyleClass(this.iInactiveDayStyleClass); } if (this.iHeaderTextStyleClass != null) { calendar.setHeaderFontStyleName(this.iHeaderTextStyleClass); } calendar.setCellpadding(this.iCellpadding); if (this.iMonthTextStyleClass != null) { calendar.setMonthTextStyleClass(this.iMonthTextStyleClass); } if (list != null) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CalendarEntry entry = (CalendarEntry); if (this.iActiveDayStyleClass != null) { calendar.setDayFontStyleClass(new IWTimestamp(entry.getDate()), this.iActiveDayStyleClass); } calendar.setDayColor(new IWTimestamp(entry.getDate()), this._actionDay); } } return calendar; } private void drawYear(IWContext iwc) { Table yearTable = new Table(); IWTimestamp yearStamp = null; SmallCalendar calendar = null; int ypos = 1; int xpos = 1; // /// Permisson Area //////////// boolean buttonsAdded = false; if (this.hasEdit || this.hasAdd) { yearTable.add(getAddIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasEdit || this.hasPref) { yearTable.add(getPropertiesIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (this.hasEdit) { yearTable.add(getCategoryIcon(), 1, ypos); buttonsAdded = true; } if (buttonsAdded) { ypos++; // /////////////////////////////// } for (int a = 1; a <= 12; a++) { yearStamp = new IWTimestamp(this._stamp.getDay(), a, this._stamp.getYear()); calendar = getCalendar(yearStamp); calendar.setICObjectInstanceID(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); calendar.setOnlySelectedHighlighted(true); calendar.useNextAndPreviousLinks(false); calendar.setAsLineView(this._asLineView); yearTable.add(calendar, xpos, ypos); yearTable.setRowVerticalAlignment(ypos, "top"); if (!this._asLineView) { xpos = xpos % 3 + 1; if (xpos == 1) { ypos++; } } else { ypos++; } } add(yearTable); } private Link getAddIcon() { Image image = this._iwb.getImage("shared/create.gif"); Link link = new Link(image); link.setWindowToOpen(CalendarEditor.class); link.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_IC_CAT, getCategoryId()); link.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID, getICObjectInstanceID()); if (this._isSelectedDay) { link.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_ENTRY_DATE, this._stamp.toSQLString()); } return link; } private Link getPropertiesIcon() { Image image = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif", "Types"); Link link = new Link(image); link.setWindowToOpen(CalendarTypeEditor.class); return link; } private Link getCategoryIcon() { Image image = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif", "Categories"); Link link = getCategoryLink(((; link.setImage(image); // link.setWindowToOpen(CalendarTypeEditor.class); return link; } private Table getEditButtons(int entryID) { Table table = new Table(2, 1); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); Image editImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); Image deleteImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/delete.gif"); Link editLink = new Link(editImage); editLink.setWindowToOpen(CalendarEditor.class); editLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_ENTRY_ID, entryID); editLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MODE, CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MODE_EDIT); editLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_IC_CAT, getCategoryId()); editLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_INSTANCE_ID, getICObjectInstanceID()); table.add(editLink, 1, 1); Link deleteLink = new Link(deleteImage); deleteLink.setWindowToOpen(ConfirmDeleteWindow.class); deleteLink.addParameter(ConfirmDeleteWindow.PRM_DELETE_ID, entryID); deleteLink.addParameter(ConfirmDeleteWindow.PRM_DELETE, CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_TRUE); table.add(deleteLink, 2, 1); return table; } public void setView(int view) { this._view = view; } public void setWidth(int width) { this._width = Integer.toString(width); } public void setWidth(String width) { this._width = width; } public void setNumberOfShown(int numberOfShown) { this._numberOfShown = numberOfShown; } public void setDaysAhead(int daysAhead) { this._daysAhead = new Integer(daysAhead); } public void setDaysBack(int daysBack) { this._daysBack = new Integer(daysBack); } public void setHeadlineColor(String headlineColor) { this._headlineColor = headlineColor; } public void setBodyColor(String bodyColor) { this._bodyColor = bodyColor; } public void setDateColor(String dateColor) { this._dateColor = dateColor; } public void setInActiveDayColor(String color) { this._noActionDay = color; } public void setActiveDayColor(String color) { this._actionDay = color; } public void setAsLineView(boolean line) { this._asLineView = line; } public void setDate(int year, int month, int day) { if (this._stamp == null) { this._stamp = new IWTimestamp(day, month, year); } else { this._stamp.setDay(day); this._stamp.setMonth(month); this._stamp.setYear(year); } } public void setPage(ICPage page) { this._page = page; } public void setShowMonthButton(boolean showButton) { this._showMonthButton = showButton; } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public boolean deleteBlock(int ICObjectInstanceID) { return CalendarBusiness.deleteBlock(getICObjectInstanceID()); } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.Block#getStyleNames() */ public Map getStyleNames() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); String[] styleNames = { HEADLINE_STYLE_NAME, BODY_STYLE_NAME, DATE_STYLE_NAME, this.CATEGORY_STYLE_NAME }; String[] styleValues = { this.HEADLINE_STYLE, this.BODY_STYLE, this.DATE_STYLE, this.CATEGORY_STYLE }; for (int a = 0; a < styleNames.length; a++) { map.put(styleNames[a], styleValues[a]); } return map; } /** * Sets the spaceBetween. * * @param spaceBetween * The spaceBetween to set */ public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } /** * Sets the showCategory. * * @param showCategory * The showCategory to set */ public void setShowCategory(boolean showCategory) { this._showCategory = showCategory; } /** * Sets the dateStyle. * * @param dateStyle * The dateStyle to set */ public void setDateStyle(int dateStyle) { this._dateStyle = dateStyle; } /** * Sets the timeStyle. * * @param timeStyle * The timeStyle to set */ public void setTimeStyle(int timeStyle) { this._timeStyle = timeStyle; } /** * @param bodyStyleName * The bodyStyleName to set. */ public void setBodyStyleName(String bodyStyleName) { this.bodyStyleName = bodyStyleName; } /** * @param categoryStyleName * The categoryStyleName to set. */ public void setCategoryStyleName(String categoryStyleName) { this.categoryStyleName = categoryStyleName; } /** * @param dateStyleName * The dateStyleName to set. */ public void setDateStyleName(String dateStyleName) { this.dateStyleName = dateStyleName; } /** * @param headlineStyleName * The headlineStyleName to set. */ public void setHeadlineStyleName(String headlineStyleName) { this.headlineStyleName = headlineStyleName; } /** * @param showBodyText * The showBodyText to set. */ public void setShowBodyText(boolean showBodyText) { this.showBodyText = showBodyText; } public void setNextImage(Image nextImage) { this.iNextImage = nextImage; } public void setPreviousImage(Image previousImage) { this.iPreviousImage = previousImage; } public void setActiveDayStyleClass(String activeDayStyleClass) { this.iActiveDayStyleClass = activeDayStyleClass; } public void setInactiveDayStyleClass(String inactiveDayStyleClass) { this.iInactiveDayStyleClass = inactiveDayStyleClass; } public void setHeaderTextStyleClass(String headerTextStyleClass) { this.iHeaderTextStyleClass = headerTextStyleClass; } public void setCellpadding(int cellpadding) { this.iCellpadding = cellpadding; } public void setMonthTextStyleClass(String monthTextStyleClass) { this.iMonthTextStyleClass = monthTextStyleClass; } }