package com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming; //import java.util.Vector; //import*; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; /** * An RDN element. May be multi-valued (but most aren't)<p> * * Some quick definitions: <ul> * <li>'raw' means an rdn with unescaped special * characters in it, suitable for display to a user - cn=fred+nurk. * <li>'escaped' means with special characters escaped in a form suitable * for jndi transmission (leading '\' characters, and quad slashes '\\\\' for * an escaped slash. * <li>'jndireturn' means an incorrectly escaped string from a jndi query * which requires special handling due to bugs (?) in jndi (as of java 1.3) * </ul> * Values are entered and stored in the RDN <i>escaped</i>, in an internal * string ldapEscapedRDN. Utility ftns * are provided to translate rdns between these different forms, and functions * creating/changing rdns should make sure always to pass the final (no escape * character) form when using RDNs.<p> * * While parts of an rdn (particular attributes and values) may be manipulated * as raw, unescaped strings, entire rdns are always escaped when represented * as strings (e.g. by the 'toString()' method).<p> * * An added complication is unicode. While strings may be entered as escaped * utf8, they are always converted to unicode asap, and never returned as utf8. * (they are automatically translated to utf8 by jndi when transmitted to the * server, or manually by JXplorer when saving ldif files as a final step). * * <p>The class is optimised for single valued RDNs, as this represents the * majority of examples seen by the author...</p> * * <p>This class uses delayed evaluation of RDN strings. Hence invalid RDNs * can be instantiated, and will only throw exceptions when used.</p> * * @author Chris Betts */ public class RDN { /** * <p>This gives the positions of seperators ('+') or '1 past the end of string' * for att-value sub elements in a multi-valued rdn. The first element is * always -1, the last is the length of the string. * Usually length 2, since most RDNs are * not multivalued.</p> * * <pre> * cn=Sue\,Grabbit\+Run+sn=Law (27 characters) * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * -1 20 27 * [0] [1] [2] * </pre> * * Any rdn sub string (i) is thus element[i]+1 to element[i+1] */ private int[] elements = null; /** * The escaped ldap RDN (e.g. cn=Sue\,Grabbit\+Run+sn=Law) */ private String ldapEscapedRDN; /** * status constants of the RDN - whether it has been tested, * and if it has, whether it is single valued or multi valued. */ private int UNTESTED = 0, SINGLEVALUED = 1, MULTIVALUED = 2; /** * the status of the RDN (one of UNTESTED|SINGLEVALUED|MULTIVALUED) */ private int status = this.UNTESTED; /** * Default number of allowable elements (before a manual array resize * must be done). */ private static int MAXELEMENTS = 16; // maximum number of multi-valued attributes... /** * Empty constructor - creates an RDN with no values. */ public RDN() { this.ldapEscapedRDN = "";} private boolean debug = false; /** * Standard constructor - creates an RDN using an ldap escaped utf8 * rdn string, which may be multi-valued. * @param rdn the string rdn to be parsed */ public RDN(String rdn) { if (rdn == null) { rdn = ""; } else { // trim any unnecessary white spaces off both ends... if (rdn.indexOf('\\') > -1) { int len = rdn.length(); if (len >=2 && rdn.charAt(len-2) == '\\') { rdn = specialSpaceHandling(rdn); // pathalogical case } else { rdn = rdn.trim(); } } else { rdn = rdn.trim(); } } this.ldapEscapedRDN = rdn; if (this.debug) { System.out.println(" % NEW RDN: " + rdn); } } /** * clones an RDN. * @param copyMe the RDN to copy. */ public RDN(RDN copyMe) { this(copyMe.ldapEscapedRDN); } /** * This RDN may have a special escaped space on the end... * this method handles this (rare) case and cleans up the rdn * in a process that takes a bit longer than normal. */ private String specialSpaceHandling(String rdn) { // count the slashes... int finalPos = rdn.length() - 2; int pos = finalPos; while (rdn.charAt(pos) == '\\') // remember '\\' is a *single* slash! { pos--; } int numSlashes = finalPos - pos; if (numSlashes%2 == 0) // o.k. - we can trim that pesky space { rdn = rdn.trim(); } // (otherwise leave it alone, it's else // escaped and meant to be there) - so { // just get rid of leading spaces... while ( rdn.length()>0 && rdn.charAt(0) == ' ' ) { rdn = rdn.substring(1); } } return rdn; } /** * Whether the rdn is empty (i.e. is an empty string) */ public boolean isEmpty() { return ("".equals(this.ldapEscapedRDN)); } /** * adds an ldap escaped utf8 Name element (i.e. the portion of an rdn separated by a '+' sign) * @param rdnfragment an attribute = value pair. */ public void addEscaped(String rdnfragment) throws InvalidNameException { validate(); // throws InvalidNameException int equalpos =, 0, '='); // check rdn has at least one non null attribute and one non null value if (equalpos <= 0 || equalpos == rdnfragment.length()-2) { throw new InvalidNameException("RDN.add(): invalid rdn fragment '" + ((rdnfragment==null)?"<null>":rdnfragment) + "' (can't find equal sign)"); } this.ldapEscapedRDN += "+" + rdnfragment; } /** * adds an unescaped unicode Name element (i.e. one of the parts seperated by a '+' sign). * XXX - does this escape the equals sign? * @param rdnfragment an attribute = value pair. */ public void addRaw(String rdnfragment) throws InvalidNameException { addEscaped(NameUtility.escape(rdnfragment)); } /** * Returns the RDN as an ldap escaped ldap utf8 string. * (This is a very inexpensive operation - it simply * returns the pre-existing string.) * @return the internal representation of the RDN as an ldap escaped string. */ public String toString() { return this.ldapEscapedRDN; } /** * Debug prints the raw, unescaped form of the elements. */ public void dump() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } System.out.println("DEBUG DUMP - RDN: " + this.ldapEscapedRDN + ((this.status==this.MULTIVALUED)?" MULTI VALUED":" SINGLE VALUED")); if (this.status == this.MULTIVALUED) { for (int i=0; i<(this.elements.length - 1); i++) { System.out.println("element-m (" + (this.elements[i]+1) + ") -> (" + this.elements[i+1] + ") " + i + ": " + getElement(i)); } } else { System.out.println("element-s 0: " + this.ldapEscapedRDN); } Thread.dumpStack(); } /** * Returns the Ith att-val pair in escaped ldap form. * @param i the element index to get (counting from 0) * @return the attribute value pair. */ public String getElement(int i) { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (this.status == this.SINGLEVALUED && i==0) { return this.ldapEscapedRDN; } if (i<0 || this.elements == null || this.elements.length <= i+1) { return "error VII"; } return this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(this.elements[i]+1, this.elements[i+1]); } /** * Returns all elements as a string array, in escaped ldap form. */ public String[] getElements() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (this.status == this.SINGLEVALUED) { return new String[] {this.ldapEscapedRDN}; } if (this.elements == null) { return new String[] {"error VIIB"}; } String[] elementArray = new String[this.elements.length-1]; for (int i=0; i<(this.elements.length-1); i++) { elementArray[i] = this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(this.elements[i]+1, this.elements[i+1]); } return elementArray; } /** * Sets the Ith att-val pair in escaped ldap form. * @param i the element index to get (counting from 0) * @param ldapEscapedElement the element to replace (if the * rdn is single valued, this would be the whole rdn.) */ public void setElement(int i, String ldapEscapedElement) throws InvalidNameException { validate(); if (this.status == this.SINGLEVALUED) { if (i==0) { this.ldapEscapedRDN = ldapEscapedElement; } else { throw new InvalidNameException("cannot set non zero element of single valued rdn."); } } else { if (i < 0 || i >= size()) { throw new InvalidNameException("attempt to set element " + i + " of rdn: '" + this.ldapEscapedRDN + "' (size = " + size() + ")"); } this.ldapEscapedRDN = this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(0, this.elements[i]+1) + ldapEscapedElement + this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(this.elements[i+1]); parseMultiValued(); } } /** * Gets the first attribute name. */ public String getAtt() { return getAtt(0); } /** * gets the attribute name from a particular indexed rdn element. */ public String getAtt(int i) { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (this.status == this.SINGLEVALUED && i!=0) { return "rdn error VIII"; } String element = getElement(i); int pos = element.indexOf('='); // no need for escape check, since att must be unescaped always. if (pos == -1) { return "rdn error IX"; } if (this.debug) { System.out.println("Debug = " + this.debug); Thread.dumpStack(); System.out.println(" % RDN -> found attribute as '" + element.substring(0,pos) + "'"); } return element.substring(0, pos); } /** * gets the attribute type names as a String array. * @return an array of attribute types as a string; e.g. {'cn', 'uid'} */ public String[] getAtts() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } String[] atts = getElements(); for (int i=0; i<atts.length; i++) { int pos = atts[i].indexOf('='); // no need for escape check, since att must be unescaped always. if (pos == -1) { return new String[] {"rdn error IXB"}; } atts[i] = atts[i].substring(0, pos); } return atts; } /** * Utility function - returns true if the passed attribute value * is contained within the RDN. This is case insensitive. * * @param attributeType the Attribute name (e.g. "cn") to search for. * @return true if it exists in the RDN, false if not. */ public boolean contains(String attributeType) { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (attributeType == null || attributeType.length()==0) { return false; } for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase(getAtt(i))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Utility function - returns a raw attribute value looked up * by name. This search is case insensitive. Note that this * class is not optimized for this function . * * @param attributeType the attribute type to find the corresponding * value for (e.g. "cn"). * @return String the corresponding value (e.g. "Fred"), or null * if there is no such value. */ public String getRawVal(String attributeType) { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (attributeType == null || attributeType.length()==0) { return null; } for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase(getAtt(i))) { return getRawVal(i); } } return null; } /** * Gets the first raw, unescaped, attribute value. */ public String getRawVal() { return getRawVal(0); } /** * gets the raw, unescaped, attribute value from a particular indexed rdn element. */ public String getRawVal(int i) { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (this.status == this.SINGLEVALUED && i!=0) { return "rdn error X"; } String element = getElement(i); int pos = element.indexOf('='); // no need for escape check, since att must be unescaped always. if (pos == -1) { return "rdn error XI"; } String raw = element.substring(pos+1); // since the value may be escaped, try to unescape it... try { return NameUtility.unescape(raw); } catch (Exception e) { return "rdn error XII"; } } /** * gets the attribute values as a String array. * @return an array of attribute types as a string; e.g. {'cn', 'uid'} */ public String[] getRawVals() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } String[] vals = getElements(); for (int i=0; i<vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = getRawVal(i); } return vals; } /** * Sets the raw, unescaped value of uni-valued rdn. */ public void setRawVal(String v) throws InvalidNameException { setRawVal(v, 0); } /** * sets a raw, unescaped, value at a particular index position. */ public void setRawVal(String v, int i) throws InvalidNameException { validate(); String attval = getElement(i); String att = attval.substring(0, attval.indexOf('=')); if (att == null || att.length()==0) { throw new InvalidNameException("can't parse old RDN '" + this.ldapEscapedRDN); } String newElement = att + "=" + NameUtility.escape(v); setElement(i, newElement); } /** * returns the number of sub-elements in this rdn. (usually one!) */ public int size() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } return (this.status==this.SINGLEVALUED)?1:this.elements.length-1; } /** * Returns whether the rdn is multi-valued. */ public boolean isMultiValued() { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } return (this.status == this.MULTIVALUED); } /** * Test two RDNs for equivalence. Takes a bit of a shortcut - * checks for case insensitive equivalence, doesn't check schema * to see whether the value is case sensitive or not...i.e. the importance * is low because currently we set delete RDN to false by default therefore * you can't store two attributes in the dir that are only different b/c of their * case. Having delete RDN set to false means that in changing the case we will * have two copies of it in the entry - which can't happen if their differences are * just in their case (upper/lower). * @param test the RDN to test this RDN against for equality. * @return true if the two RDNs are the same, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(RDN test) { if (test == null) { return false; } else if (test.size() != size()) { return false; } if (isMultiValued()) { // XXX complex equality test for multi valued RDNs // should be made here - e.g. ordering of RDN subelements // shouldn't be important... in the meantime, we'll cheat. //TE: Eventually this will come up as a do: sort the arrays //TE: so that we avoid saying that two multivalued RDNs are different if in fact they are //TE: the same but just ordered differently. [e.g cn=A+sn=B == sn=B+cn=A but this method will //TE: return false]. // el hack. String[] atts = getAtts(); String[] vals = getRawVals(); // get unescaped unicode value String[] testAtts = test.getAtts(); String[] testVals = test.getRawVals(); // get unescaped unicode value for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { if (!elementsEqual(atts[i], testAtts[i], vals[i], testVals[i]) ) { return false; } } return true; } else { return elementsEqual(getAtt(), test.getAtt(), getRawVal(), test.getRawVal()); // use unescaped unicode value } } /** * Check that the two attributes are the same, and that the values * are the same. The values must be passed in *unescaped* (we use * the unescaped form to get around the problem of having different * types of utf-8/unicode/whatever floating around). * @param att1 the attribute type of the first RDN. * @param att2 the attribute type of the second RDN. * @param val1 the attribute value of the first RDN. * @param val2 the attribute value of the second RDN. * @return true if the the attribute type and value of the first and second RDN are the same (ignoring case). */ private boolean elementsEqual(String att1, String att2, String val1, String val2) { /* Multiple trailing white spaces will be cut off val2 but not val1...therefore this method will return false & try to mod DN which fails b/c DN already exists? I would expect this to succeed. If I trim val1 a mod DN is not done but a modify is done - and again fails because a modify on a DN is not allowed?? --JX doesn't allow the user to enter spaces at the end of values. But it should handle values that already has a space at the end. I think this multiple trailing white space thing could be a dir bug - the white spaces appear not to be escaped. eg... baseObject: ou=AAA \ ,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU. Seems to work fine with correctly escaped single white space eg...baseObject: ou=AAA\ ,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU. System.out.println(">>"+val1+"<<"); System.out.println(">>"+val2+"<<"); val1=val1.trim(); System.out.println(">>"+val1+"<<"); System.out.println(">>"+val2+"<<"); */ if (att1.equalsIgnoreCase(att2) == false) { return false; } // XXX THIS ASSUME CASE INSENSITIVE MATCH! (Really should check schema...) if (val1.equalsIgnoreCase(val2) == false) { return false; } return true; } /** * Generic equality test allows for test against non-RDN objects * via their 'toString()' and a case-insensitive match. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (o instanceof RDN) { return equals((RDN)o); } else { return (this.ldapEscapedRDN.equalsIgnoreCase(o.toString())); } } /** * Test for multivaluedness by simply checking for unescaped * plus symbols. Does *not* validate the entire RDN, or do * any syntax checking, but does break the rdn up into sub units. */ private void checkForMultiValued() { if (this.status != this.UNTESTED) { return; // nothing to do } if (, 0, '+') == -1) // test for simplest case { this.status = this.SINGLEVALUED; } else // things now get complicated and slow... { this.status = this.MULTIVALUED; parseMultiValued(MAXELEMENTS); } } /** * Parse a multi valued RDN. */ private void parseMultiValued() { parseMultiValued(MAXELEMENTS); } private void parseMultiValued(int max) { if (max > 512) { System.err.println("wierd error in RDN - attempt to parse RDN with more than 512 sub units???"); return; } try { int[] temp = new int[max]; temp[0] = -1; // each element is one *before* the next attval pair, including the first int numElements = 0; int pos = 0; if (this.debug) { System.out.println("\n*** parsing multi valued rdn"); } if (this.debug) { System.out.println("parsing " + this.ldapEscapedRDN); } while ((pos =, pos, '+'))>-1) { numElements++; temp[numElements] = pos; if (this.debug) { System.out.println("found " + numElements + " -th element at " + pos); } int pos1, pos2; pos1 = temp[numElements-1] + 1; pos2 = temp[numElements]; if (this.debug) { System.out.println(" = string " + pos1 + " -> " + pos2 + " = "); } if (this.debug) { System.out.println(this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(pos1, pos2)); } pos++; } numElements++; temp[numElements] = this.ldapEscapedRDN.length(); int pos1, pos2; pos1 = temp[numElements-1] + 1; pos2 = temp[numElements]; if (this.debug) { System.out.println("found " + numElements + " -th element at " + pos + " = string " + pos1 + " -> " + pos2 + " final len: " + this.ldapEscapedRDN.length()); } if (this.debug) { System.out.println(" = '" + this.ldapEscapedRDN.substring(pos1, pos2) + "'"); } if (this.debug) { System.out.println("found total of " + numElements + " elements...\n*****\n"); } this.elements = new int[numElements+1]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, this.elements, 0, numElements+1); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (this.debug) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println("huge number of multi-valued RDN units - increasing to: " + max*2); parseMultiValued(max*2); } } /** * Checks whether the RDN is valid (i.e. has non null, correctly escaped elements). * A (relatively) expensive operation. */ public boolean validate() { try { if (this.status == this.UNTESTED) { checkForMultiValued(); } if (isEmpty()) { return false; } int noElements = size(); for (int i=0; i<noElements; i++) { String att = getAtt(i); String val = getRawVal(i); if (att == null || att.length()==0) { return false; } if (val == null || val.length()==0 || val.startsWith("error ")) { return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; // XXX check whether the RDN is sane - i.e. parse it and confirm. } }