package; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.1 */ public abstract class PhoneFinder { public final static int NAME = 0, SSN = 1, APARTMENT = 2, FLOOR = 3, BUILDING = 4, COMPLEX = 5, CATEGORY = 6, TYPE = 7; /* public static Map mapOfPhonesByPhoneNumber() { List L = listOfPhones(); if (L != null) { Hashtable H = new Hashtable(); int len = L.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CampusPhone C = (CampusPhone) L.get(i); H.put(C.getPhoneNumber(), C); } return H; } else return null; } */ /* public static List listOfPhonesInUse() { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select pho.* "); sql.append(" from cam_phone pho,cam_contract con "); sql.append(" where pho.bu_apartment_id = con.bu_apartment_id"); sql.append(" and con.status = '"); sql.append(; sql.append("'"); try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(CampusPhone.class, sql.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } */ public static Collection listOfAccountWithPhoneNumber() { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("Select a.* from "); sql.append(; sql.append(" a ,"); sql.append(; sql.append(" p where a.fin_account_id = p.fin_account_id"); //System.err.println (sql.toString()); try { //AccountHome ahome = return new Vector(((AccountHome); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static Collection listOfAccountWithPhoneNumber(IWTimestamp from) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("Select a.* from "); sql.append(; sql.append(" a ,"); sql.append(; sql.append(" p where a.fin_account_id = p.fin_account_id"); if (from != null) { sql.append(" and "); sql.append(; sql.append(" >= '"); sql.append(from.getDate()); sql.append("'"); } //System.err.println (sql.toString()); try { return new Vector(((AccountHome); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static AccountPhoneHome getAccountPhoneHome() throws RemoteException{ return (AccountPhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(AccountPhone.class); } public static Map mapOfAccountIdsByPhoneNumber()throws java.rmi.RemoteException,FinderException { Hashtable H = null; Collection L = getAccountPhoneHome().findAll(); if (L != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); AccountPhone A; while (I.hasNext()) { A = (AccountPhone); H.put(A.getPhoneNumber(), A.getAccountId()); } } return H; } public static Map mapOfAccountsByPhoneNumber() throws java.rmi.RemoteException,FinderException { Hashtable H = null; Collection L = getAccountPhoneHome().findAll(); Map M = mapOfAccountsWithPhoneNumber(); if (L != null && M != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); AccountPhone A; Account a; Integer id; while (I.hasNext()) { A = (AccountPhone); id = A.getAccountId(); if (M.containsKey(id)) H.put(A.getPhoneNumber(), M.get(id)); } } return H; } public static Map mapOfAccountPhoneListsByPhoneNumber(IWTimestamp from)throws java.rmi.RemoteException,FinderException { Hashtable H = null; Collection L = getAccountPhoneHome().findAll(); if (L != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); String number; AccountPhone A; while (I.hasNext()) { List apList; A = (AccountPhone); number = A.getPhoneNumber(); if (H.containsKey(number)) apList = (List) H.get(number); else apList = new Vector(); apList.add(A); H.put(number, apList); } } return H; } /* public static Map mapOfAccountsListsByPhoneNumber(IWTimestamp from) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,FinderException { Hashtable H = null; Collection L = getAccountPhoneHome().findValid(from.getDate()); Map M = mapOfAccountsWithPhoneNumber(from); if (L != null && M != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); AccountPhone A; Account a; Integer id; Vector V; String number; while (I.hasNext()) { A = (AccountPhone); id = A.getAccountId(); number = A.getPhoneNumber(); if (M.containsKey(id)) { if (H.containsKey(number)) { V = (Vector) H.get(number); } else { V = new Vector(); } V.add(M.get(id)); H.put(number, V); } } } return H; } */ public static Map mapOfAccountsWithPhoneNumber() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { Hashtable H = null; Collection L = listOfAccountWithPhoneNumber(); if (L != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); Account A; while (I.hasNext()) { A = (Account); H.put((Integer) A.getPrimaryKey(), A); } } return H; } /* public static Map mapOfAccountsWithPhoneNumber(IWTimestamp from) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { Hashtable H = null; List L = listOfAccountWithPhoneNumber(from); if (L != null) { H = new Hashtable(L.size()); Iterator I = L.iterator(); Account A; while (I.hasNext()) { A = (Account); H.put((Integer) A.getPrimaryKey(), A); } } return H; } */ /* public static Map mapOfPhonesInUse() { Hashtable H = null; List L = listOfPhonesInUse(); if (L != null) { int len = L.size(); H = new Hashtable(len); Iterator I = L.iterator(); CampusPhone P; while (I.hasNext()) { P = (CampusPhone); H.put(P.getPhoneNumber(), P); } } return H; } */ /* public static Map mapOfPhonesInContractByPhoneNumber() { List L = listOfPhones(); if (L != null) { Hashtable H = new Hashtable(); int len = L.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CampusPhone C = (CampusPhone) L.get(i); H.put(C.getPhoneNumber(), C); } return H; } else return null; } */ /* private static String getOrderString(int type) { String order = null; switch (type) { case NAME : order = " p.first_name,p.middle_name,p.last_name "; break; case SSN : order = " p.ssn "; break; case BUILDING : order = " "; break; case COMPLEX : order = " "; break; case FLOOR : order = " "; break; case APARTMENT : order = " "; break; case CATEGORY : order = " "; break; case TYPE : order = " "; break; default : order = " con.bu_apartment_id "; } return order; } */ public static Map mapOfPhones(Collection listOfPhones) { if (listOfPhones != null) { int len = listOfPhones.size(); Hashtable H = new Hashtable(len); for (Iterator iter = listOfPhones.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CampusPhone P = (CampusPhone); H.put((Integer)P.getPrimaryKey(), P); } return H; } else return null; } public static Map mapOfPhonesByApartmentId(Collection listOfPhones) { if (listOfPhones != null) { int len = listOfPhones.size(); Hashtable H = new Hashtable(len); for (Iterator iter = listOfPhones.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CampusPhone P = (CampusPhone); H.put(new Integer(P.getApartmentId()), P); } return H; } else return null; } /* public static List listOfPhones(String sComplexId, String sBuildingId, String sFloorId, String sType, String sCategory, int iOrder) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select pho.* "); sql.append(" from bu_apartment a,bu_floor f,bu_building b"); sql.append(",bu_complex c,bu_aprt_type t,bu_aprt_cat y,cam_phone pho "); sql.append(" where a.bu_aprt_type_id = t.bu_aprt_type_id "); sql.append(" and t.bu_aprt_cat_id = y.bu_aprt_cat_id"); sql.append(" and a.bu_floor_id = f.bu_floor_id "); sql.append(" and f.bu_building_id = b.bu_building_id "); sql.append(" and b.bu_complex_id = c.bu_complex_id "); sql.append(" and a.bu_apartment_id = pho.bu_apartment_id"); if (sComplexId != null && !"-1".equals(sComplexId)) { sql.append(" and bu_complex_id = "); sql.append(sComplexId); } if (sBuildingId != null && !"-1".equals(sBuildingId)) { sql.append(" and bu_building_id = "); sql.append(sBuildingId); } if (sFloorId != null && !"-1".equals(sFloorId)) { sql.append(" and bu_floor_id = "); sql.append(sFloorId); } if (sType != null && !"-1".equals(sType)) { sql.append(" and bu_aprt_type_id = "); sql.append(sType); } if (sCategory != null && !"-1".equals(sCategory)) { sql.append(" and bu_aprt_cat_id = "); sql.append(sCategory); } String order = getOrderString(iOrder); if (order != null) { sql.append(" order by "); sql.append(order); } String sSQL = sql.toString(); //System.err.println(sSQL); try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(CampusPhone.class, sql.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } */ public static Collection listOfPhoneContracts(String phoneNumber){ StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select c.* from cam_contract c,cam_phone p"); sql.append(" where p.bu_apartment_id = c.bu_apartment_id "); sql.append(" and p.phone_number = '"); sql.append(phoneNumber); sql.append("'"); sql.append(" order by c.cam_contract_id"); try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(, sql.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } /** * @return */ public static Collection listOfPhones() { try { return ((CampusPhoneHome)IDOLookup.getHome(CampusPhone.class)).findAll(); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { } return null; } }