package; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This bean is an implementation which is backwards compatible with the old User system and structure. * This bean is used as an implemention of User when the application attribute IW_USER_SYSTEM is set to OLD. * <br><br>Copyright (c) 2001-2003 * Company: *@author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class OldUserBMPBean extends implements { private static String sClassName = User.class.getName(); public OldUserBMPBean() { super(); } public OldUserBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } public String getEntityName() { return "ic_user"; } public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(getColumnNameFirstName(), "First name", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameMiddleName(), "Middle name", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameLastName(), "Last name", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameDisplayName(), "Display name", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameDescription(), "Description", true, true, java.lang.String.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameDateOfBirth(), "Birth date", true, true, java.sql.Date.class); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnNameGender(), "Gender",; addOneToOneRelationship(getColumnNameSystemImage(), "Image", ICFile.class); addOneToOneRelationship(_COLUMNNAME_USER_GROUP_ID, "User", GenericGroup.class); addOneToOneRelationship(_COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID, "Primary group", GenericGroup.class); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(Address.class, "ic_user_address"); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(Phone.class, "ic_user_phone"); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(Email.class, "ic_user_email"); this.setNullable(getColumnNameSystemImage(), true); this.setNullable(_COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID, true); //temp this.addManyToManyRelationShip(GenericGroup.class, "ic_group_user"); addAttribute(getColumnNamePersonalID(), "Personal ID", true, true, String.class, 20); } public void setDefaultValues() { } public void insertStartData() throws SQLException { } public String getIDColumnName() { return getColumnNameUserID(); } public static User getStaticInstance() { return (User) GenericEntity.getStaticInstance(sClassName); } public static String getAdminDefaultName() { return "Administrator"; } /* ColumNames begin */ public static String getColumnNameUserID() { return "ic_user_id"; } public static String getColumnNameFirstName() { return "first_name"; } public static String getColumnNameMiddleName() { return "middle_name"; } public static String getColumnNameLastName() { return "last_name"; } public static String getColumnNameDisplayName() { return "display_name"; } public static String getColumnNameDescription() { return "description"; } public static String getColumnNameDateOfBirth() { return "date_of_birth"; } public static String getColumnNameGender() { return "ic_gender_id"; } public static String getColumnNameSystemImage() { return "system_image_id"; } public static final String _COLUMNNAME_USER_GROUP_ID = "user_representative"; public static final String _COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID = "primary_group"; /* ColumNames end */ /* Getters begin */ public String getFirstName() { return (String) getColumnValue(getColumnNameFirstName()); } public String getMiddleName() { return (String) getColumnValue(getColumnNameMiddleName()); } public String getLastName() { return (String) getColumnValue(getColumnNameLastName()); } public String getDisplayName() { return (String) getColumnValue(getColumnNameDisplayName()); } public String getDescription() { return (String) getColumnValue(getColumnNameDescription()); } public Date getDateOfBirth() { return (Date) getColumnValue(getColumnNameDateOfBirth()); } public int getGenderID() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameGender()); } public int getSystemImageID() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameSystemImage()); } public int getGroupID() { return getIntColumnValue(_COLUMNNAME_USER_GROUP_ID); } public int getPrimaryGroupID() { return getIntColumnValue(_COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID); } public String getName() { String firstName = this.getFirstName(); String middleName = this.getMiddleName(); String lastName = this.getLastName(); if (firstName == null) { firstName = ""; } if (middleName == null) { middleName = ""; } else { middleName = " " + middleName; } if (lastName == null) { lastName = ""; } else { lastName = " " + lastName; } return firstName + middleName + lastName; } /* Getters end */ /* Setters begin */ public void setFirstName(String fName) { if (! { fName = "Invalid firstname"; } if ( { // if not Administrator setColumn(getColumnNameFirstName(), fName); } } public void setMiddleName(String mName) { setColumn(getColumnNameMiddleName(), mName); } public void setLastName(String lName) { setColumn(getColumnNameLastName(), lName); } public void setDisplayName(String dName) { setColumn(getColumnNameDisplayName(), dName); } public void setDescription(String description) { setColumn(getColumnNameDescription(), description); } public void setDateOfBirth(Date dateOfBirth) { setColumn(getColumnNameDateOfBirth(), dateOfBirth); } public void setGender(Integer gender) { setColumn(getColumnNameGender(), gender); } public void setGender(int gender) { setColumn(getColumnNameGender(), gender); } public void setSystemImageID(Integer fileID) { setColumn(getColumnNameSystemImage(), fileID); } public void setSystemImageID(int fileID) { setColumn(getColumnNameSystemImage(), fileID); } public void setGroupID(int icGroupId) { setColumn(_COLUMNNAME_USER_GROUP_ID, icGroupId); } public void setPrimaryGroupID(int icGroupId) { setColumn(_COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID, icGroupId); } public void setPrimaryGroupID(Integer icGroupId) { setColumn(_COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID, icGroupId); } public static String getColumnNamePersonalID() { return "PERSONAL_ID"; } public String getPersonalID() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnNamePersonalID()); } public void setPersonalID(String personalId) { setColumn(getColumnNamePersonalID(), personalId); } public Integer ejbFindUserFromEmail(String emailAddress) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select iu.* "); sql.append("from ic_email ie,ic_user_email iue,ic_user iu "); sql.append("where ie.ic_email_id = iue.ic_email_address "); sql.append("and iue.ic_user_id = iu.ic_user_id "); sql.append(" and ie.address = '"); sql.append(emailAddress); sql.append("'"); java.util.Collection coll = super.idoFindIDsBySQL(sql.toString()); if (!coll.isEmpty()) { return (Integer) coll.iterator().next(); } else { throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("No user found"); } } public Integer ejbFindByPersonalID(String personalId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select * from ic_user where "); sql.append(getColumnNamePersonalID()); sql.append(" = '"); sql.append(personalId); sql.append("'"); java.util.Collection coll = super.idoFindIDsBySQL(sql.toString()); if (!coll.isEmpty()) { return (Integer) coll.iterator().next(); } else { throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("No user found"); } } public boolean equals(Object o ){ if(o instanceof{ user = (; Object thisPK = this.getPrimaryKey(); if(thisPK!=null){ return thisPK.equals(user.getPrimaryKey()); } } else if(o instanceof{ user = (; Object thisPK = this.getPrimaryKey(); if(thisPK!=null){ return thisPK.equals(user.getPrimaryKey()); } } return false; } }