package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.childcare.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.Script; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Break; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DateInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.RadioButton; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; class ChildCarePlaceOfferTable1 extends Table { private static Text HEADER_YOUR_CHOICE; //private static Text HEADER_OFFER; //private static Text HEADER_PROGNOSE; //private static Text HEADER_QUEUE_INFO; private static Text HEADER_YES; private static Text HEADER_YES_BUT; private static Text HEADER_NO; private static Text HEADER_FROM_DATE; private static Text HEADER_CREATED_DATE; private static Text HEADER_QUEUE_POSITION; private static String CONFIRM_DELETE; private static String CONFIRM_REQUEST; private int itemRow; private static String GRANTED, VALID_UNTIL; private final static String[] SUBMIT_ALERT_1 = new String[] { "ccot_alert_1", "Do you want to commit your choice? This can not be undone afterwards." }, SUBMIT_UNVALID_DATE = new String[] { "ccot_valid_date", "Please select a valid date." }, EDIT_TOOLTIP = new String[] { "ccot_edit_tooltip", "View prognosis and provider queue" }, DELETE_TOOLTIP = new String[] { "ccot_delete_tooltip", "Delete" }, ALERT_TERMINATE_CONTRACT = new String[] { "ccot_terminate_contract", "After accepting this offer, remember to cancel your active contract./n" }; private static boolean _initializeStatics = false; private String _onSubmitHandler = ""; private static ChildCareCustomerApplicationTable _page; private List offerList; final static String[] REQUEST_INFO = new String[] { "ccatp1_request_info", "Request info" }; private boolean containsSortedByBirthdateProvider = false; private static final int ORDER_BY_QUEUE_DATE = 1; // see ChildCareApplicationBMPBean ORDER_BY_QUEUE_DATE private static final int ORDER_BY_DATE_OF_BIRTH = 2; // see ChildCareApplicationBMPBean ORDER_BY_DATE_OF_BIRTH private void initConstants(ChildCareCustomerApplicationTable page) { if (!_initializeStatics) { _page = page; HEADER_YOUR_CHOICE = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_your_choice", "Your Choice"); //HEADER_OFFER = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_offer", "Offer"); //HEADER_PROGNOSE = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_prognose", "Prognoses"); //HEADER_QUEUE_INFO = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_queue_info", "Request queue information"); HEADER_YES = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_yes", "Yes"); HEADER_YES_BUT = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_yes_but", "No, but don't delete from queue"); HEADER_NO = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_no", "No"); HEADER_FROM_DATE = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_from_date", "From date"); HEADER_CREATED_DATE = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_created_date", "Created date"); HEADER_QUEUE_POSITION = page.getLocalHeader("ccatp1_queue_position", "Queue pos."); CONFIRM_DELETE = page.localize("ccatp1_confirm_delete", "Really delete?").toString(); CONFIRM_REQUEST = page.localize("ccatp1_confirm_request", "Do you want to send a request?").toString(); GRANTED = page.localize("ccatp1_granted", "You have received an offer from").toString(); VALID_UNTIL = page.localize("ccatp1_valid_until", "This offer is valid until").toString(); _initializeStatics = true; } } public ChildCarePlaceOfferTable1(IWContext iwc, ChildCareCustomerApplicationTable parent, SortedSet applications, boolean hasOffer, boolean hasActivePlacement, boolean hasAcceptedApplication) throws RemoteException { initConstants(parent); Iterator i = applications.iterator(); //int row = 2; int row = 2; boolean offerPresented = false; itemRow = 1; //To avoid more than the first offer to be presented with accept/reject possibilities StringBuffer validateDateScript = new StringBuffer("false "); StringBuffer alertTerminateContractScript = new StringBuffer("false "); boolean choiceOneAccepted = false; // int itemRow = 2; while (i.hasNext()) { ChildCareApplication app = ((ComparableApp); itemRow = app.getChoiceNumber(); if (app.isActive()) { continue; } //Only first offer should be presented with possibility to accept / reject boolean isOffer = app.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(ChildCareCustomerApplicationTable.STATUS_BVJD); //When simultaneous offers for choice 1 and 2 and choice 1 is accepted, the user shall, for offer 2, //be presented with possibilities only to reject with new date or reject, not accept. boolean disableAccept = false; if (app.isAcceptedByParent() && app.getChoiceNumber() == 1) { choiceOneAccepted = true; } if (app.getChoiceNumber() == 2 && isOffer && choiceOneAccepted) { disableAccept = true; } //Adding row to the table validateDateScript.append(" || "); alertTerminateContractScript.append(" || "); //String[] scripts = addToTable(iwc, row, app, isOffer, offerPresented, disableAccept, iwc.getSessionAttribute(_page.REQ_BUTTON + app.getNodeID()) != null); String[] scripts = addToTable(iwc, row, app, isOffer, offerPresented, disableAccept, hasAcceptedApplication); validateDateScript.append(scripts[0]); alertTerminateContractScript.append(scripts[1]); if (isOffer) { offerPresented = true; } if (!this.isContainsSortedByBirthdateProvider()) { School provider = app.getProvider(); if (provider.getSortByBirthdate()) { this.setContainsSortedByBirthdateProvider(true); } } row++; } if (offerList != null) { setHeight(row++, 12); this.mergeCells(1, row, getColumns(), row); Iterator iter = offerList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String element = (String); add(_page.getSmallText(element), 1, row); if (iter.hasNext()) add(new Break(), 1, row); } } //Cannot use DateInput.setAsNotEmpty because we doesn't want this requirement //unless the user has selected the actual radio button. Page page = parent.getParentPage(); Script script = null; if (page != null) { script = page.getAssociatedScript(); } else { script = new Script(); parent.add(script); } script.setFunction("validateDates", "function validateDates() { if(" + validateDateScript + ") { alert('" + _page.localize(SUBMIT_UNVALID_DATE) + "'); return false; } else {return true;}}"); script.setFunction("alertTerminateContract", "function alertTerminateContract() { " + (!hasActivePlacement ? "return true; }" : "if(" + alertTerminateContractScript + ") { alert('" + _page.localize(ALERT_TERMINATE_CONTRACT) + "'); return true; } else {return true;}}")); _onSubmitHandler = "if (!validateDates()) " + "return false; " + "if (!alertTerminateContract()) " + "return false; " + "return confirm('" + _page.localize(SUBMIT_ALERT_1) + "')"; initTable(hasOffer); } public String getOnSubmitHandler() { return _onSubmitHandler; } /** * Method addToTable. * @param table * @param row * @param name * @param status * @param prognosis */ //private String[] addToTable(IWContext iwc, int row, ChildCareApplication app, boolean isOffer, boolean offerPresented, boolean disableAccept, boolean disableReqBtn) throws RemoteException { private String[] addToTable(IWContext iwc, int row, ChildCareApplication app, boolean isOffer, boolean offerPresented, boolean disableAccept, boolean hasAcceptedApplication) throws RemoteException { int providerId = app.getProviderId(); int ownerId = ((Integer)app.getOwner().getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); boolean isAfterSchoolApplication = _page.childCarebusiness.isAfterSchoolApplication(app); String validUntil = app.getOfferValidUntil() != null ? VALID_UNTIL + " " + new IWTimestamp(app.getOfferValidUntil()).getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT) + "." : ""; String offerText = isOffer ? app.getChoiceNumber() + ": " + GRANTED + " " + new IWTimestamp(app.getFromDate()).getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT) + ". " + validUntil : ""; if (isOffer) addToOfferList(offerText); boolean presentOffer = isOffer && !offerPresented; boolean disable = offerPresented || app.getApplicationStatus() == _page.childCarebusiness.getStatusRejected(); boolean isAccepted = app.isAcceptedByParent(); boolean isCancelled = app.isCancelledOrRejectedByParent(); boolean canDelete = _page.getBundle().getBooleanProperty("can_delete_after_school_care_choices", true); int index = row - 1; int column = 1; //row=2 for first row because of heading is in row 1 add(new HiddenInput(CCConstants.APPID + index, "" + app.getNodeID()), 1, 1); String textColor = "black"; if (isCancelled) { textColor = "red"; } else if (disable) { textColor = "grey"; } //adding choice number and provider name add(getProviderName(app, isAccepted, textColor), column++, row); String validateDateScript = "false"; String alertTerminateContractScript = "false"; if (presentOffer) { RadioButton rb1 = new RadioButton(CCConstants.ACCEPT_OFFER + index, CCConstants.YES); RadioButton rb2 = new RadioButton(CCConstants.ACCEPT_OFFER + index, CCConstants.NO_NEW_DATE); RadioButton rb3 = new RadioButton(CCConstants.ACCEPT_OFFER + index, CCConstants.NO); rb3.setMustBeSelected(_page.localize("child_care.must_select_offer_option", "You must select an offer option.")); if (disableAccept) rb1.setDisabled(true); if (hasAcceptedApplication) { rb1.setOnClick("document.getElementById('" + rb1.getID() + "').checked = false; alert('" + _page.localize("child_care.must_delete_accepted_offer", "You must delete accepted offer before you can choose a new offer.") + "'); return false;"); } DateInput date = (DateInput) _page.getStyledInterface(new DateInput(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + index, true)); date.setStyleAttribute("style", _page.getSmallTextFontStyle()); add(rb1, column++, row); setNoWrap(column, row); add(rb2, column, row); add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), column, row); add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), column, row); add(date, column++, row); add(rb3, column++, row); validateDateScript = "(document.getElementById('" + rb2.getID() + "').checked && " + "(document.getElementById('" + date.getIDForDay() + "').value == '00' || " + "document.getElementById('" + date.getIDForMonth() + "').value == '00' || " + "document.getElementById('" + date.getIDForYear() + "').value == 'YY'))"; alertTerminateContractScript = "(document.getElementById('" + rb1.getID() + "').checked)"; } else { IWTimestamp created = new IWTimestamp(app.getQueueDate()); IWTimestamp validFrom = new IWTimestamp(app.getFromDate()); setNoWrap(column, row); add(_page.getSmallText(created.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT)), column++, row); setNoWrap(column, row); add(_page.getSmallText(validFrom.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT)), column++, row); int queuePosition; if (app.getProvider().getSortByBirthdate()) { queuePosition = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getNumberInQueue(app, ORDER_BY_DATE_OF_BIRTH); } else { queuePosition = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getNumberInQueue(app, ORDER_BY_QUEUE_DATE); } add(_page.getSmallText(String.valueOf(queuePosition)), column++, row); } //if (!disableReqBtn && !isCancelled) { if (!isCancelled && !isAfterSchoolApplication) { Link reqBtn = new Link(_page.getQuestionIcon(_page.localize(REQUEST_INFO))); reqBtn.setOnClick("return confirm('" + CONFIRM_REQUEST + "')"); reqBtn.addParameter(CCConstants.ACTION, CCConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_INFO); reqBtn.addParameter(CCConstants.APPID, app.getNodeID()); reqBtn.setName(REQUEST_INFO[0]); add(reqBtn, column++, row); } if (!isCancelled && !isAfterSchoolApplication) { Link popup = new Link(_page.getEditIcon(_page.localize(EDIT_TOOLTIP))); popup.setWindowToOpen(ChildCareWindow.class); popup.setParameter(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(ChildCareAdminWindow.METHOD_VIEW_PROVIDER_QUEUE)); popup.addParameter(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID, getParentPageID()); popup.addParameter(CCConstants.PROVIDER_ID, "" + providerId); popup.addParameter(CCConstants.APPID, "" + app.getNodeID()); popup.addParameter(CCConstants.USER_ID, "" + ownerId); add(popup, column++, row); } if (!isCancelled && canDelete) { Link delete = new Link(_page.getDeleteIcon(_page.localize(DELETE_TOOLTIP))); delete.setOnClick("return confirm('" + CONFIRM_DELETE + "')"); delete.addParameter(CCConstants.ACTION, CCConstants.ACTION_DELETE); delete.addParameter(CCConstants.APPID, app.getNodeID()); add(delete, column++, row); } if (row % 2 == 0) { setRowColor(row++, _page.getZebraColor1()); } else { setRowColor(row++, _page.getZebraColor2()); } return new String[] { validateDateScript, alertTerminateContractScript }; } private PresentationObjectContainer getProviderName(ChildCareApplication app, boolean isAccepted, String textColor) { PresentationObjectContainer nameContainer = new PresentationObjectContainer(); School provider = app.getProvider(); // String choiceNumber = app.getChoiceNumber() + ": "; String choiceNumber = itemRow + ": "; itemRow ++ ; String name = provider.getName() + _page.getDebugInfo(app); Text t = _page.getSmallText(choiceNumber); if (isAccepted) { t.setBold(); } t.setStyleAttribute("color:" + textColor); nameContainer.add(t); if (provider.getSortByBirthdate()) { Text star = new Text("* "); star.setStyleClass("commune_" + CommuneBlock.STYLENAME_SMALL_EXPLANATION_STAR_TEXT); nameContainer.add(star); } t = _page.getSmallText(name); if (isAccepted) { t.setBold(); } t.setStyleAttribute("color:" + textColor); nameContainer.add(t); return nameContainer; } /** * Method createTable. * @return Table */ private void initTable(boolean hasOffer) { setCellspacing(2); setCellpadding(2); //Heading int col = 1; add(HEADER_YOUR_CHOICE, col++, 1); if (hasOffer) { setWidth(HUNDRED_PERCENT); setWidth(1, HUNDRED_PERCENT); setColumnAlignment(col, HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_YES, col++, 1); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_YES_BUT, col++, 1); setColumnAlignment(col, HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_NO, col++, 1); } else { setWidth(HUNDRED_PERCENT); setWidth(1, HUNDRED_PERCENT); setColumnAlignment(col, HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_CREATED_DATE, col++, 1); setColumnAlignment(col, HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_FROM_DATE, col++, 1); setColumnAlignment(col, HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); setNoWrap(col, 1); add(HEADER_QUEUE_POSITION, col++, 1); } setRowColor(1, _page.getHeaderColor()); } private void addToOfferList(String offerText) { if (offerList == null) offerList = new ArrayList(); offerList.add(offerText); } ChildCareBusiness getChildCareBusiness(IWContext iwc) { try { return (ChildCareBusiness), ChildCareBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } } public boolean isContainsSortedByBirthdateProvider() { return containsSortedByBirthdateProvider; } public void setContainsSortedByBirthdateProvider( boolean containsSortedByBirthdateProvider) { this.containsSortedByBirthdateProvider = containsSortedByBirthdateProvider; } }