package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.IntegerInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * @author <a href="">Aron Birkir </a> * @version 1.0 */ public class PaymentViewer extends com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer { private String union_id, unionName, unionAbbrev, member_id; private int un_id, mem_id, cashier_id; private Union union; private String[][] Values; private Member thisMember, Cashier; private Member[] unionMembers; private PriceCatalogue[] Catalogs; private String MenuColor, ItemColor, HeaderColor, LightColor, DarkColor, OtherColor; private boolean isAdmin = false; private java.util.Locale currentLocale; private Link sidan, UpdateLink, PriceLink; private Window window; private Member[][] mbsArray; private Integer[][] totals; private int cellspacing = 1, cellpadding = 2; private Thread payThread = null; private String sTablewidth = "650"; private int numOfCat, inputLines, saveCount, count, memberCount = 0; private String payment_action = ""; private Payment[] memberPayments; private String strMessage = ""; public PaymentViewer() { HeaderColor = "#336660"; LightColor = "#CEDFD0"; DarkColor = "#ADCAB1"; OtherColor = "#6E9073"; setMenuColor("#ADCAB1");//,"#CEDFD0" setItemColor("#CEDFD0");//"#D0F0D0" setInputLines(15); currentLocale = java.util.Locale.getDefault(); } public void setMenuColor(String MenuColor) { this.MenuColor = MenuColor; } public void setItemColor(String ItemColor) { this.ItemColor = ItemColor; } public void setInputLines(int inputlines) { this.inputLines = inputlines; } private void control(IWContext modinfo) throws IOException { try { if (modinfo.getParameter("member_id") != null) { member_id = modinfo.getParameter("member_id"); modinfo.getSession().setAttribute("payment_member_id", member_id); } union_id = (String) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("golf_union_id"); member_id = (String) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("payment_member_id"); if (modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("member_login") != null) { Cashier = (Member) modinfo.getSession().getAttribute("member_login"); cashier_id = Cashier.getID(); } un_id = Integer.parseInt(union_id); union = ((UnionHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Union.class)).findByPrimaryKey(un_id); unionName = union.getName(); unionAbbrev = union.getAbbrevation(); if (member_id != null) { mem_id = Integer.parseInt(member_id); thisMember = ((MemberHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Member.class)).findByPrimaryKey(mem_id); } else mem_id = -1; boolean hasSomeValues = false; strMessage = ""; if (modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_action") == null) { doMain(modinfo); } if (modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_action") != null) { payment_action = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_action"); if (payment_action.equals("main")) { doMain(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("change")) { doChange(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("update")) { doUpdate(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("view")) { doView(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("save")) { doSave(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("list")) { doList(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("new")) { doNew(modinfo); } if (payment_action.equals("updatenew")) { doUpdateNew(modinfo); } } } catch (SQLException S) { S.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } private void doMain(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { Table MainTable = makeMainTable(); MainTable.add(makeLinkTable(2), 1, 1); MainTable.add(makeTopTable(), 1, 3); MainTable.add("<br><br><br>", 1, 4); MainTable.add(makeSubTable(), 1, 5); add(MainTable); } private void doChange(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException, FinderException { String paym_id = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_id"); PaymentType[] PT = (PaymentType[]) ((PaymentType) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(PaymentType.class)).findAll(); Form myForm = new Form(); myForm.maintainAllParameters(); if (paym_id != null) { int pm_id = Integer.parseInt(paym_id); Payment P = ((PaymentHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Payment.class)).findByPrimaryKey(pm_id); String description = P.getExtraInfo(); int price = P.getPrice(); IWTimestamp Paydate = new IWTimestamp(P.getPaymentDate()); IWTimestamp Update = new IWTimestamp(P.getLastUpdated()); int pt_id = P.getPaymentTypeID(); String part = P.getInstallmentNr() + "/" + P.getTotalInstallment(); Table T = new Table(9, 2); T.setHorizontalZebraColored(DarkColor, LightColor); T.setRowColor(1, HeaderColor); String fontColor = "#FFFFFF"; Text DESCR = new Text("L�SING", true, false, false); DESCR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYDATE = new Text("GJALDDAGI", true, false, false); PAYDATE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PART = new Text("HLUTI", true, false, false); PART.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PRICE = new Text("UPPH��", true, false, false); PRICE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYTYPE = new Text("GR.GER�", true, false, false); PAYTYPE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text UPDATED = new Text("UPPF�RT", true, false, false); UPDATED.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAID = new Text("GREITT", true, false, false); PAID.setFontColor(fontColor); Text UNPAID = new Text("GREITT", true, false, false); UNPAID.setFontColor(fontColor); Text DEL = new Text("EY�A", true, false, false); DEL.setFontColor(fontColor); T.add(PAYDATE, 1, 1); T.add(DESCR, 2, 1); T.add(PRICE, 3, 1); T.add(PAYTYPE, 4, 1); T.add(PART, 5, 1); T.add(UPDATED, 6, 1); T.add(PAID, 7, 1); T.add(UNPAID, 8, 1); T.add(DEL, 9, 1); TextInput descInput = new TextInput("payment_idesc", description); descInput.setMaxlength(30); descInput.setSize(25); Text partText = new Text(part); IntegerInput priceInput = new IntegerInput("payment_iprice", price); priceInput.setSize(8); priceInput.setMaxlength(8); DropdownMenu drpPayType = new DropdownMenu(PT, "payment_ipaytype"); drpPayType.setSelectedElement(String.valueOf(pt_id)); Text payDateText = new Text(Paydate.toSQLDateString()); Text lastUpdatedText = new Text(Update.toSQLDateString()); CheckBox chkPaid = new CheckBox("payment_ichkpaid", "true"); CheckBox chkUnPaid = new CheckBox("payment_ichkunpaid", "true"); CheckBox chkDel = new CheckBox("payment_ichkdel", "true"); T.add(payDateText, 1, 2); T.add(descInput, 2, 2); T.add(priceInput, 3, 2); T.add(drpPayType, 4, 2); T.add(partText, 5, 2); T.add(lastUpdatedText, 6, 2); T.add(chkPaid, 7, 2); T.add(chkUnPaid, 8, 2); T.add(chkDel, 9, 2); myForm.add(T); myForm.add(new SubmitButton(new Image("/pics/tarif/uppfaera.gif"))); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("payment_action", "update")); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("payment_id", paym_id)); Table MainTable = makeMainTable(); MainTable.add(makeLinkTable(2), 1, 1); MainTable.add(myForm, 1, 3); MainTable.add("<br><br><br>", 1, 4); add(MainTable); } } private void doUpdate(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException, FinderException { String strPaymID, strPrice, strPaytype, strDescr, strChkPaid, strChkUnPaid, strChkDel; strPaymID = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_id"); strPrice = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_iprice"); strDescr = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_idesc"); strPaytype = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_ipaytype"); strChkPaid = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_ichkpaid"); strChkUnPaid = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_ichkunpaid"); strChkDel = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_ichkdel"); int pm_id, price, pt_id; if (strChkDel != null && strChkDel.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { } if (strPrice != null && strPaymID != null && strPaytype != null) { pm_id = Integer.parseInt(strPaymID); price = Integer.parseInt(strPrice); pt_id = Integer.parseInt(strPaytype); Payment P = ((PaymentHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Payment.class)).findByPrimaryKey(pm_id); if (strChkDel != null && strChkDel.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { try { P.delete(); } catch (SQLException e) { strMessage = "T�kst ekki a� ey�a grei�slu"; } } else { if (strChkPaid != null && strChkPaid.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) P.setStatus(true); if (strChkUnPaid != null && strChkUnPaid.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) P.setStatus(false); P.setPrice(price); P.setExtraInfo(strDescr); P.setPaymentTypeID(pt_id); try { P.update(); } catch (SQLException e) { strMessage = "T�kst ekki a� breyta grei�slu"; } } } this.doMain(modinfo); } private void doView(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { } private void doSave(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { } private void doNew(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { PaymentType[] PT = (PaymentType[]) ((PaymentType) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(PaymentType.class)).findAll(); PaymentRound[] PR = (PaymentRound[]) ((PaymentRound) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(PaymentRound.class)).findAllByColumnDescendingOrdered("union_id", union_id, "round_date"); Form myForm = new Form(); myForm.maintainAllParameters(); Table T = new Table(6, 2); T.setWidth(sTablewidth); T.setCellspacing(1); T.setCellpadding(2); T.setHorizontalZebraColored(DarkColor, LightColor); T.setRowColor(1, HeaderColor); String fontColor = "#FFFFFF"; Text DESCR = new Text("L�SING", true, false, false); DESCR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYDATE = new Text("GJALDDAGI", true, false, false); PAYDATE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PART = new Text("HLUTI", true, false, false); PART.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PRICE = new Text("UPPH��", true, false, false); PRICE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYTYPE = new Text("GR.GER�", true, false, false); PAYTYPE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text UPDATED = new Text("UPPF�RT", true, false, false); UPDATED.setFontColor(fontColor); T.add(PAYDATE, 1, 1); T.add(DESCR, 2, 1); T.add(PRICE, 3, 1); T.add(PAYTYPE, 4, 1); T.add(PART, 5, 1); T.add(UPDATED, 6, 1); TextInput descInput = new TextInput("payment_idesc"); Text partText = new Text("1/1"); IntegerInput priceInput = new IntegerInput("payment_iprice"); priceInput.setMaxlength(8); priceInput.setLength(8); DropdownMenu drpPayType = new DropdownMenu(PT, "payment_ipaytype"); DropdownMenu drdInstallment = new DropdownMenu("payment_installments"); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { drdInstallment.addMenuElement(String.valueOf(i)); } Text payDateText = new Text(new IWTimestamp().toSQLDateString()); Text lastUpdatedText = new Text(new IWTimestamp().toSQLDateString()); T.add(drpYear("payment_year"), 1, 2); T.add(drpMonth("payment_month"), 1, 2); T.add(drpDays("payment_day"), 1, 2); T.add(descInput, 2, 2); T.add(priceInput, 3, 2); T.add(drpPayType, 4, 2); T.add(drdInstallment, 5, 2); T.add(lastUpdatedText, 6, 2); CheckBox chkRoundRelation = new CheckBox("payment_roundrel", "true"); DropdownMenu drpRounds = new DropdownMenu(PR, "payment_irounds"); Table T2 = new Table(3, 1); T2.add("Tengja vi� �lagningar h�p", 2, 1); T2.add(chkRoundRelation, 3, 1); T2.add(drpRounds, 3, 1); myForm.add(T); myForm.add(T2); myForm.add(new SubmitButton(new Image("/pics/tarif/uppfaera.gif"))); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("payment_action", "updatenew")); Table MainTable = makeMainTable(); MainTable.add(makeLinkTable(3), 1, 1); MainTable.add(myForm, 1, 3); MainTable.add("<br><br><br>", 1, 4); add(MainTable); } private void doUpdateNew(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException, FinderException { DecimalFormat Formatter = new DecimalFormat("00"); String strPrice, strPaytype, strDescr, strIfRoundRel, strRoundId, strInst; strPrice = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_iprice"); strDescr = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_idesc"); strPaytype = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_ipaytype"); strIfRoundRel = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_roundrel"); strRoundId = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_irounds"); strInst = modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_installments"); int iday = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_day")); int imonth = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_month")); int iyear = Integer.parseInt(modinfo.getRequest().getParameter("payment_year")); int inst = Integer.parseInt(strInst); int pm_id, price, pt_id; if (strPrice != null && strPaytype != null) { price = Integer.parseInt(strPrice); int payRoundId = -1; if (strIfRoundRel != null && strIfRoundRel.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (strIfRoundRel != null && strIfRoundRel.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { payRoundId = Integer.parseInt(strRoundId); PaymentRound pr = ((PaymentRoundHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(PaymentRound.class)).findByPrimaryKey(payRoundId); int prTotals = pr.getTotals(); pr.setTotals(prTotals + price); pr.update(); } } else { PaymentRound payround = (PaymentRound) IDOLookup.createLegacy(PaymentRound.class); payround.setName("Auka"); payround.setRoundDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); payround.setTotals(price); payround.setUnionId(this.un_id); payround.insert(); payRoundId = payround.getID(); } if (payRoundId != -1) { pt_id = Integer.parseInt(strPaytype); for (int i = 0; i < inst; i++) { Payment P = (Payment) IDOLookup.createLegacy(Payment.class); P.setMemberId(this.mem_id); P.setPriceCatalogueId(0); P.setPaymentDate(new IWTimestamp(iday, imonth + i, iyear).getTimestamp()); P.setLastUpdated(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); P.setCashierId(cashier_id); P.setStatus(false); P.setExtraInfo(strDescr); P.setPaymentTypeID(pt_id); if (i == 0) P.setPrice(price / inst + price % inst); else P.setPrice(price / inst); P.setInstallmentNr(i + 1); P.setTotalInstallment(inst); P.setRoundId(payRoundId); try { P.insert(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); strMessage = "T�kst ekki a� breyta grei�slu"; } } } } this.doMain(modinfo); } private void doList(IWContext modinfo) throws SQLException { } private Table makeMainTable() { Table MainTable = new Table(1, 6); MainTable.setWidth(sTablewidth); MainTable.setCellspacing(0); MainTable.setCellpadding(0); MainTable.add(this.makeHeaderTable(), 1, 2); MainTable.add(strMessage, 1, 6); return MainTable; } private Table makeHeaderTable() { Table HeaderTable = new Table(1, 1); HeaderTable.setColor(HeaderColor); HeaderTable.setWidth(sTablewidth); HeaderTable.setCellspacing(0); HeaderTable.setCellpadding(2); if (this.thisMember != null) { String sName = thisMember.getName(); String sKt = " Kt:"; String kt = thisMember.getSocialSecurityNumber(); if (kt != null) sKt += kt; Text sHeader = new Text(sName + " " + sKt); sHeader.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); sHeader.setBold(); HeaderTable.add(sHeader); } return HeaderTable; } private Table makeLinkTable(int menuNr) { Table LinkTable = new Table(1, 1); LinkTable.setBorder(0); LinkTable.setCellpadding(0); LinkTable.setCellspacing(0); LinkTable.setWidth(sTablewidth); Link MainLink = new Link(new Image(menuNr == 1 ? "/pics/tarif/gjaldskra.gif" : "/pics/tarif/gjaldskra1.gif"), "/tarif/tarif.jsp"); MainLink.addParameter("catal_action", "view"); MainLink.addParameter("union_id", union_id); Link UpdateLink = new Link(new Image(menuNr == 2 ? "/pics/tarif/greidslur.gif" : "/pics/tarif/greidslur1.gif")); UpdateLink.addParameter("payment_action", "main"); Link ViewLink = new Link(new Image(menuNr == 3 ? "/pics/tarif/nytt.gif" : "/pics/tarif/nytt1.gif")); ViewLink.addParameter("payment_action", "new"); LinkTable.add(sidan, 1, 1); if (isAdmin) { LinkTable.add(MainLink, 1, 1); LinkTable.add(UpdateLink, 1, 1); LinkTable.add(ViewLink, 1, 1); } return LinkTable; } private Table makeTopTable() { java.text.NumberFormat nf = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance(); memberPayments = this.getPayments(mem_id); Table T = new Table(1, 8); if (memberPayments != null) { int len = memberPayments.length; int d = len + 2; T = new Table(9, d); T.setWidth(sTablewidth); T.setCellspacing(1); T.setCellpadding(2); T.setHorizontalZebraColored(DarkColor, LightColor); T.setRowColor(1, HeaderColor); String fontColor = "#FFFFFF"; Text NR = new Text("NR", true, false, false); NR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text DESCR = new Text("L�SING", true, false, false); DESCR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYDATE = new Text("GJALDDAGI", true, false, false); PAYDATE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PART = new Text("HLUTI", true, false, false); PART.setFontColor(fontColor); Text DEBET = new Text("GREITT", true, false, false); DEBET.setFontColor(fontColor); Text KREDIT = new Text("�GREITT", true, false, false); KREDIT.setFontColor(fontColor); Text UPDATED = new Text("UPPF�RT", true, false, false); UPDATED.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PAYTYPE = new Text("GR.GER�", true, false, false); PAYTYPE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text CHANGE = new Text("BREYTA", true, false, false); CHANGE.setFontColor(fontColor); T.add(NR, 1, 1); T.add(DESCR, 2, 1); T.add(PAYDATE, 3, 1); T.add(PART, 4, 1); T.add(DEBET, 5, 1); T.add(KREDIT, 6, 1); T.add(PAYTYPE, 7, 1); T.add(UPDATED, 8, 1); T.add(CHANGE, 9, 1); PaymentType pt; String pmtname = ""; int price, debetprice = 0, kreditprice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int r = i + 2; try { pt = ((PaymentTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(PaymentType.class)).findByPrimaryKey(memberPayments[i].getPaymentTypeID()); pmtname = pt.getName(); } catch (FinderException e) { } T.add(String.valueOf(i + 1), 1, r); T.add(memberPayments[i].getExtraInfo(), 2, r); T.add(new IWTimestamp(memberPayments[i].getPaymentDate()).toSQLDateString(), 3, r); T.add(memberPayments[i].getInstallmentNr() + "/" + memberPayments[i].getTotalInstallment(), 4, r); price = memberPayments[i].getPrice(); boolean b = memberPayments[i].getStatus(); if (!b) { Text t = new Text(nf.format(price)); T.add(t, 6, r); T.add(" Kr", 6, r); kreditprice += price; } else if (b) { Text t = new Text(nf.format(price)); T.add(t, 5, r); T.add(" Kr", 5, r); debetprice += price; } T.add(pmtname, 7, r); T.add(new IWTimestamp(memberPayments[i].getLastUpdated()).toSQLDateString(), 8, r); T.add(makeChangeLink(memberPayments[i].getID()), 9, r); } String k = nf.format(kreditprice); Text krpriceText = new Text(k); krpriceText.setFontColor("#CC0000"); krpriceText.setBold(); krpriceText.setFontStyle("Regular"); T.add(nf.format(debetprice) + " Kr", 5, d); T.add(krpriceText, 6, d); T.add(" Kr", 6, d); } return T; } private Table makeSubTable() { return new Table(); } private Link makeChangeLink(int payment_id) { Link L = new Link("Breyta"); L.addParameter("payment_action", "change"); L.addParameter("payment_id", payment_id); L.addParameter("catal_member_is", member_id); return L; } private int findAccountID(int member_id, int union_id) { int id = -1; try { Account[] A = (Account[]) ((Account) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Account.class)).findAllByColumnEquals("member_id", String.valueOf(member_id), "union_id", String.valueOf(union_id)); if (A.length > 0) id = A[0].getID(); } catch (SQLException e) { strMessage = "F�lagi � engan reikning"; } return id; } private DropdownMenu drpDays(String name) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++) { drp.addMenuElement(i, String.valueOf(i)); } return drp; } private DropdownMenu drpMonth(String name) { IWTimestamp Today = new IWTimestamp(); int iMonth = Today.getMonth(); DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { drp.addMenuElement(i, String.valueOf(i)); } drp.setSelectedElement(String.valueOf(iMonth)); return drp; } private DropdownMenu drpYear(String name) { IWTimestamp it = new IWTimestamp(); int a = it.getYear(); DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); for (int i = a - 10; i < a + 10; i++) { drp.addMenuElement(i, String.valueOf(i)); } drp.setSelectedElement(String.valueOf(a)); return drp; } private void createAccount(int member_id, int union_id, int cashier_id) throws SQLException { Account account = (Account) IDOLookup.createLegacy(Account.class); account.setMemberId(member_id); account.setUnionId(union_id); account.setCashierId(cashier_id); Payment[] P = this.getPayments(member_id); account.setBalance(this.calculateBalance(P)); account.setLastUpdated(new IWTimestamp().getTimestampRightNow()); account.setCreationDate(new IWTimestamp().getTimestampRightNow()); account.setCashierId(cashier_id); } private void makePayment(int memberID, int PriceCatalogueId, int RoundId, int Price, boolean Status, String Info, int InstallmentNumber, int Totalinstallments, int PaymentTypeID, Timestamp PayDate, int cashier_is) throws SQLException { IWTimestamp today = new IWTimestamp(); Payment P = (Payment) IDOLookup.createLegacy(Payment.class); P.setMemberId(memberID); P.setPriceCatalogueId(PriceCatalogueId); P.setRoundId(RoundId); P.setPrice(Price); P.setStatus(Status); // False meaning; has not been paid P.setExtraInfo(Info); P.setInstallmentNr(InstallmentNumber); P.setTotalInstallment(Totalinstallments); P.setPaymentTypeID(PaymentTypeID); P.setPaymentDate(PayDate); P.setLastUpdated(today.getTimestamp()); P.setCashierId(cashier_id); P.insert(); } private int calculateBalance(Payment[] payments) { int balance = 0; if (payments.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) { if (!payments[i].getStatus()) balance += payments[i].getPrice(); else balance -= payments[i].getPrice(); } } return balance; } private Payment[] getPayments(int member_id) { IWTimestamp today = new IWTimestamp(); Payment[] P; try { //P = (Payment[]) (new Payment()).findAll("select * from payment where // member_id = '"+member_id+"' and (payment_date <= // '"+today.getYear()+"-01-01' or status ='Y' ") ; P = (Payment[]) ((Payment) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Payment.class)).findAll("select * from payment where member_id = '" + member_id + "' and round_id in ( select payment_round_id from payment_round where union_id like '" + union_id + "' ) "); } catch (SQLException e) { strMessage = "Engar grei�slur � gagnagrunni"; P = new Payment[0]; } return P; } public static Table getMemberPayments(String member_id, String union_id) throws SQLException { Payment[] payments = (Payment[]) ((Payment) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Payment.class)).findAllByColumnEqualsOrdered("member_id", member_id, "payment_date"); java.text.NumberFormat nf = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance(); Table T = new Table(6, payments.length + 2); T.setWidth("539"); T.setCellspacing(0); T.setCellpadding(2); T.setHorizontalZebraColored("#ADCAB1", "#CEDFD0"); T.setRowColor(1, "#336660"); T.setColumnAlignment(3, "left"); T.setColumnAlignment(4, "center"); T.setColumnAlignment(5, "right"); T.setColumnAlignment(6, "center"); String fontColor = "#FFFFFF"; Text NR = new Text("NR", true, false, false); NR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text DATE = new Text("DAGS", true, false, false); DATE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text DESCR = new Text("L�SING", true, false, false); DESCR.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PART = new Text("HLUTI", true, false, false); PART.setFontColor(fontColor); Text PRICE = new Text("UPPH��", true, false, false); PRICE.setFontColor(fontColor); Text STATE = new Text("STA�A", true, false, false); STATE.setFontColor(fontColor); T.add(NR, 1, 1); T.add(DATE, 2, 1); T.add(DESCR, 3, 1); T.add(PART, 4, 1); T.add(PRICE, 5, 1); T.add(STATE, 6, 1); T.add("ALLS : ", 4, payments.length + 2); int totalprice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) { T.add(" " + (i + 1), 1, i + 2); T.add(new IWTimestamp(payments[i].getPaymentDate()).getDateString(""), 2, i + 2); T.add(payments[i].getExtraInfo(), 3, i + 2); T.add(payments[i].getInstallmentNr() + "/" + payments[i].getTotalInstallment(), 4, i + 2); T.add("" + nf.format(payments[i].getPrice()) + " Kr", 5, i + 2); totalprice += payments[i].getPrice(); if (!payments[i].getStatus()) { T.add(new Image("/pics/clubs/members/ogreitt.gif"), 6, i + 2); } else T.add(new Image("/pics/clubs/members/greitt.gif"), 6, i + 2); } T.add("" + nf.format(totalprice) + " Kr", 5, payments.length + 2); return T; } public void main(IWContext modinfo) throws IOException { //isAdmin = /** @todo: fixa Admin*/ isAdmin = true; control(modinfo); } }// class PaymentViewer