package; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * *@author Aron unds Eiki *@created 12. mars 2002 *@version 1.0 */ public class TextFormatter { private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.text"; /** * Constructor for the TextFormatter object */ public TextFormatter() { } /** * Gets the dummy "Lorem ipsum..." string from the text bundle * *@param iwc IWContext so we can fetch the text bundle *@return The dummy text */ public static String getLoremIpsumString(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getProperty("lorem", "Lorem ipsum text is missing it should be defined as a bundle property named lorem in com.idega.block.text"); } /** * Gets the dummy "Lorem ipsum..." string from the text bundle and cuts it to a certain length. * *@param iwc IWContext so we can fetch the text bundle. *@param length Get the lorem string of this size. *@return The dummy text */ public static String getLoremIpsumString(IWContext iwc, int length) { String lorem = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getProperty("lorem", "Lorem ipsum text is missing it should be defined as a bundle property named lorem in com.idega.block.text"); int loremLength = lorem.length(); if( length<1 ) { length*=-1; } if(length>loremLength){ int multiply = length/loremLength; int modulus = length % loremLength; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < multiply ; i++) { buf.append(lorem); } buf.append(lorem.substring(0,modulus)); return buf.toString(); } else{ return lorem.substring(0,length); } } /** * Description of the Method * *@param text Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static String formatMSWordStringToIdegaWebString(String text) { String returnString = text; //lists //returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"- ","*"); //returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"� ","*"); returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text, " ", " "); //space in word tables //returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"o ","*"); //returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"� ","*"); returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text, "", "*"); returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text, "", "*"); returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text, "", "*"); returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text, "", "*"); // returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"?\t","*"); // returnString = TextSoap.findAndReplace(text,"o\t","*"); return returnString; } /** *@deprecated Use <code>TextSoap.formatText(String textBody)<code> instead */ public static String formatText(String textBody) { return TextSoap.formatText(textBody); } /** * A unit test for JUnit * *@param textBody Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static Vector testText(String textBody) { Vector testVector = TextSoap.FindAllBetween(textBody, "\r\n\r\n", "\r\n"); return testVector; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param textBody Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static Vector createTextTable(String textBody) { Vector tableVector = TextSoap.FindAllBetween(textBody, "|", "|\r\n"); return tableVector; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param textBody Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static Vector createTextTableNoBanner(String textBody) { Vector tableVector = TextSoap.FindAllBetween(textBody, "?", "?\r\n"); return tableVector; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param textBody Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static Vector createTextLink(String textBody) { Vector linkVector = TextSoap.FindAllBetween(textBody, "Link(", ")"); return linkVector; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param strengur Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static String textReverse(String strengur) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(strengur); String reverse = buffer.reverse().toString(); return reverse; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param strengur Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static String textCrazy(String strengur) { String crazy = ""; StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(strengur); while (token.hasMoreTokens()) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(token.nextToken()); crazy += buffer.reverse().toString(); if (token.hasMoreTokens()) { crazy += " "; } } return crazy; } }