package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * * Description: <br> * Copyright: Idega Software 2004 <br> * Company: Idega Software <br> * @author <a href="">Birna Iris Jonsdottir</a> */ public class MusicSchoolImportFileHandlerBean extends IBOServiceBean implements ImportFileHandler,MusicSchoolImportFileHandler{ private UserTransaction transaction; private SchoolBusiness schoolBiz; private SchoolHome sHome; private SchoolType fullStudy; private SchoolType halfStudy; private SchoolSeason schoolSeason; private ImportFile file; //private String line; //private StringTokenizer tokenizer; //private ArrayList schoolValues; private ArrayList failedRecords = new ArrayList(); public MusicSchoolImportFileHandlerBean() {} public boolean handleRecords() throws RemoteException{ transaction = this.getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); try { schoolBiz = (SchoolBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(SchoolBusiness.class); sHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolHome(); fullStudy = getFullTimeStudySchoolType(schoolBiz); halfStudy = getHalfTimeStudySchoolType(schoolBiz); SchoolSeasonHome schoolSeasonHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolSeasonHome(); schoolSeason = schoolSeasonHome.findSeasonByDate(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool(), new IWTimestamp().getDate()); transaction.begin(); String item; int count = 1; while ( !(item=(String)file.getNextRecord()).equals("") ) { if(!processRecord(item)) { failedRecords.add(item); } else { System.out.println("Processed record number: "+ (count++)); } } transaction.commit(); return true; }catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (SystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } /** * The record is: * nr,musicSchoolName,studentSSN,studentTelNr,preSchool, * instrument,singing,level,levelNr, * instrument2,level2Nr,level2, * instument3,level3Nr,level3 */ private boolean processRecord(String record) throws RemoteException{ //data elements from file int index = 1; index++; String musicSchoolName = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String studentSSN = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String studentName = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); index++; index++; String studentTelNr = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String preSchool = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String instrument1 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String singing = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level1 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level1Nr = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String instrument2 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level2Nr = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level2 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String instrument3 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level3Nr = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); String level3 = file.getValueAtIndexFromRecordString(index++,record); boolean success = storeInfo(musicSchoolName,studentName,studentSSN,studentTelNr,preSchool, instrument1,singing,level1,level1Nr, instrument2,level2Nr,level2, instrument3,level3Nr,level3); return success; } protected boolean storeInfo(String musicSchoolName, String studentName,String studentSSN,String studentTelNr,String preSchool, String instrument1,String singing,String level1,String level1Nr, String instrument2,String level2Nr,String level2, String instrument3,String level3Nr,String level3) throws RemoteException{ School musicSchool = null; SchoolClass mainClass = null; SchoolStudyPath firstInstrument = null; SchoolStudyPath secondInstrument = null; SchoolStudyPath thirdInstrument = null; String mainClassName = "mainClass"; SchoolClassHome schoolClassHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolClassHome(); try { musicSchool = sHome.findBySchoolName(musicSchoolName); }catch(FinderException e) { try { musicSchool = sHome.create(); musicSchool.setSchoolName(musicSchoolName);; musicSchool.addSchoolType(fullStudy); musicSchool.addSchoolType(halfStudy); }catch(CreateException ce) { musicSchool = null; }catch(IDOAddRelationshipException idoe) { } } try { mainClass = schoolClassHome.findByNameAndSchool(mainClassName, musicSchool); } catch(FinderException fex) { try { mainClass = schoolClassHome.create(); mainClass.setSchoolClassName(mainClassName); Integer id = (Integer) musicSchool.getPrimaryKey(); mainClass.setSchoolId(id.intValue()); if(schoolSeason != null) { Integer seaId = (Integer) schoolSeason.getPrimaryKey(); mainClass.setSchoolSeasonId(seaId.intValue()); }; } catch(CreateException cre) { mainClass = null; } } if (singing != null && !singing.equals(" ") && !(instrument1 != null && !instrument1.equals(" "))) { instrument1 = singing; } if (preSchool != null && !preSchool.equals(" ")) { level1 = preSchool; } // student = processStudent(studentSSN, studentTelNr, musicSchool, schoolSeason, mainClass, instrument); if(instrument1 != null && !instrument1.equals(" ")) { processInstrument(instrument1, musicSchool, mainClass, schoolSeason, firstInstrument, level1Nr, level1, studentName, studentSSN, studentTelNr); } if(instrument2 != null && !instrument2.equals(" ")) { processInstrument(instrument2, musicSchool, mainClass, schoolSeason, secondInstrument, level2Nr, level2, studentName, studentSSN, studentTelNr); } if(instrument3 != null && !instrument3.equals(" ")) { processInstrument(instrument3, musicSchool, mainClass, schoolSeason, thirdInstrument, level3Nr, level3, studentName, studentSSN, studentTelNr); } return true; } /** * Processes the music school student info. Gets a user by ssn from ic_user table, creates a new student (SchoolClassMember), * stores the students phone number in the ic_user table, connects SchoolClass to the student (the schoolSeason is accessable * through the schoolClass). * @param studentSSN - students social security number - used to find the student in ic_user table * @param studentTelNr - stored in the ic_user table * @param musicSchool - the musicSchool * @param mainClass - this is the main (the only) class in the current music school * @return student (SchoolClassMember) - null if failed to create student * @throws RemoteException */ private SchoolClassMember processStudent(String studentName, String studentSSN, String studentTelNr, School musicSchool, SchoolSeason schoolSeason, SchoolClass mainClass, SchoolStudyPath instrument) throws RemoteException { SchoolClassMemberHome studentHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolClassMemberHome(); UserBusiness userBiz = (UserBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); SchoolClassMember student = null; User studentUser = null; Phone studentPhone = null; try { studentUser = userBiz.getUser(studentSSN); }catch(FinderException ce) { //studentUser = null; //this is temporary for testing on an empty database: try { studentUser = userBiz.createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist(studentName,studentSSN,null,null); }catch(CreateException crEx) { studentUser = null; } } if(studentUser != null) { if(studentTelNr != null && !studentTelNr.equals(" ")) { PhoneHome phHome = userBiz.getPhoneHome(); try { studentPhone = phHome.findUsersHomePhone(studentUser); if(!studentPhone.getNumber().equals(studentTelNr)) { studentPhone.setNumber(studentTelNr);; } } catch(FinderException fEx) { try { studentPhone = phHome.create(); studentPhone.setNumber(studentTelNr);; }catch(CreateException crEx) { studentPhone = null; } } if(studentPhone != null) { try { studentUser.addPhone(studentPhone);; }catch(IDOAddRelationshipException idoEx) { } } } Integer userID = (Integer) studentUser.getPrimaryKey(); Integer musicSchoolID = new Integer(-1); Integer seasonID = new Integer(-1); Integer instrumentID = new Integer(-1); if(musicSchool != null) { musicSchoolID = (Integer) musicSchool.getPrimaryKey(); } if(schoolSeason != null) { seasonID = (Integer) schoolSeason.getPrimaryKey(); } if(instrument != null) { instrumentID = (Integer) instrument.getPrimaryKey(); } try { student = studentHome.findByUserAndSchoolAndSeasonAndStudyPath(userID.intValue(),musicSchoolID.intValue(),seasonID.intValue(),instrumentID.intValue()); }catch(FinderException fEx) { try { student = studentHome.create(); student.setClassMemberId(userID.intValue()); if(mainClass != null) { Integer mainClassID = (Integer) mainClass.getPrimaryKey(); //SchoolClassmember (many-to-one) SchoolClass student.setSchoolClassId(mainClassID.intValue()); }; }catch(CreateException crEx) { student = null; } } } return student; } /** * Processes the instrument (SchoolStudyPath). Creates it if it doesn't exist. * Connects instrument to musicSchool if it doesn't exist for musicSchool * Connects instrument to mainClass if it doesn't exist for mainClass * Connects instrument to student (SchoolClassMember) * Connects the level to the mainClass, the student and the instrument * @param instrument1 * @param musicSchool * @param student * @param firstInstrument * @param instrumentHome */ private void processInstrument(String instrumentCode, School musicSchool, SchoolClass mainClass, SchoolSeason schoolSeason, SchoolStudyPath instrument, String levelNr, String levelString, String studentName, String studentSSN, String studentTelNr) throws RemoteException{ SchoolStudyPathHome instrumentHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolStudyPathHome(); SchoolYearHome levelHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolYearHome(); SchoolYear level = null; SchoolYear levelStr = null; SchoolClassMember student = null; try { instrument = instrumentHome.findByCode(instrumentCode); }catch(FinderException fEx) { try { instrument = instrumentHome.create(); instrument.setCode(instrumentCode); instrument.setDescription(instrumentCode); instrument.setSchoolCategory(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool());; } catch(CreateException crEx) { instrument = null; } } if(instrument != null) { student = processStudent(studentName,studentSSN,studentTelNr,musicSchool,schoolSeason,mainClass,instrument); try { instrument.addSchool(musicSchool); } catch(IDOAddRelationshipException idoEx) { } try { mainClass.addStudyPath(instrument); } catch(IDOAddRelationshipException idoEx) { } student.setStudyPathId(((Integer)instrument.getPrimaryKey()).intValue());; try { if(levelNr != null && !levelNr.equals(" ")) { try { level = schoolBiz.getSchoolYearHome().findByYearName(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool(), levelNr); } catch (FinderException fe) { level = levelHome.create(); level.setSchoolCategory(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool()); level.setSchoolYearName(levelNr); level.setLocalizedKey("sch_year." + levelNr); level.setIsSelectable(false);; } //SchoolClass (many-to-many) SchoolYear try { mainClass.addSchoolYear(level); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { /*Connection already exists...*/ } try { musicSchool.addSchoolYear(level); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { /*Connection already exists...*/ } Integer levelID = (Integer) level.getPrimaryKey(); //SchoolClassMember (many-to-one) SchoolYear student.setSchoolYear(levelID.intValue());; } if(levelString != null && !levelString.equals(" ")) { try { levelStr = schoolBiz.getSchoolYearHome().findByYearName(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool(), levelString); } catch (FinderException fe) { levelStr = levelHome.create(); levelStr.setSchoolCategory(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool()); levelStr.setSchoolYearName(levelString); levelStr.setLocalizedKey("sch_year." + levelString); levelStr.setIsSelectable(true);; } if(level == null) { //SchoolClass (many-to-many) SchoolYear (only if levelNr is empty) try { mainClass.addSchoolYear(levelStr); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { /*Connection already exists...*/ } try { musicSchool.addSchoolYear(levelStr); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { /*Connection already exists...*/ } Integer levelStrID = (Integer) levelStr.getPrimaryKey(); //SchoolClassMember (many-to-many) SchoolYear student.setSchoolYear(levelStrID.intValue());; } } }catch(CreateException crEx) { } } } private SchoolType getHalfTimeStudySchoolType(SchoolBusiness schoolBiz) { String schoolTypeKey="sch_type.music_school_half_time_study"; return getSchoolType(schoolBiz,schoolTypeKey,"MusicSchHalf"); } private SchoolType getFullTimeStudySchoolType(SchoolBusiness schoolBiz) { String schoolTypeKey="sch_type.music_school_full_time_study"; return getSchoolType(schoolBiz,schoolTypeKey,"MusicSchFull"); } /** * If school type with schoolTypeKey does not exist it is created * @param schoolBiz * @param schoolTypeKey * @param SchoolTypeName * @return the school type - */ private SchoolType getSchoolType( SchoolBusiness schoolBiz, String schoolTypeKey, String SchoolTypeName) { SchoolType type=null; try { SchoolTypeHome stHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolTypeHome(); try { type = stHome.findByTypeKey(schoolTypeKey); } catch (FinderException fe) { try { type = stHome.create(); type.setLocalizationKey(schoolTypeKey); type.setSchoolTypeName(SchoolTypeName); type.setCategory(schoolBiz.getCategoryMusicSchool());; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } return type; } public void setImportFile(ImportFile file) throws RemoteException{ this.file = file; } public void setRootGroup(Group rootGroup) throws RemoteException{ } public List getFailedRecords() throws RemoteException{ return failedRecords; } }