package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.invoice.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.AccountingBlock; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.ButtonPanel; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.ListTable; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.OperationalFieldsMenu; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.GenericButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.LocaleUtil; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; /** * PaymentRecordMaintenance is an IdegaWeb block were the user can search, view * and edit payment records. * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/11/03 10:07:14 $ by $Author: gimmi $ * * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg </a> * @author <a href="">Joakim Johnson </a> * @version $Revision: 1.111 $ * @see com.idega.presentation.IWContext * @see * @see * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.AccountingBlock */ public class PaymentRecordMaintenance extends AccountingBlock implements InvoiceStrings { private static final String ACTION_KEY = PREFIX + "action_key"; private static final String LAST_ACTION_KEY = PREFIX + "last_action_key"; private static final int ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT = 0, ACTION_SHOW_RECORD_DETAILS = 1, ACTION_SHOW_EDIT_RECORD_FORM = 2, ACTION_SHOW_RECORD = 3, ACTION_SAVE_RECORD = 4, ACTION_REMOVE_RECORD = 5, ACTION_GENERATE_CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_PDF = 6; private static final NumberFormat integerFormatter = NumberFormat .getIntegerInstance(LocaleUtil.getSwedishLocale()); private static final SimpleDateFormat periodFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyMM"); private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd"); private ICPage providerAuthorizationPage = null; private ICPage createPaymentPage = null; /** * Init is the event handler of InvoiceCompilationEditor * * @param context * session data like user info etc. */ public void init(final IWContext context) { try { if (null != getSchoolByLoggedInUser(context) && !isSchoolUserAllowed(context)) { add(getSmallText(localize( YOU_DONT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_THIS_FUNCTION_KEY, YOU_DONT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_THIS_FUNCTION_DEFAULT))); return; } int actionId = ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT; try { if (!hasChangedProvider(context)) { actionId = Integer.parseInt(context .getParameter(ACTION_KEY)); } } catch (final Exception dummy) { try { actionId = Integer.parseInt(context .getParameter(LAST_ACTION_KEY)); } catch (final Exception dummy2) { // do nothing, actionId is default } } switch (actionId) { case ACTION_SHOW_RECORD_DETAILS: showRecordDetails(context); break; case ACTION_SHOW_EDIT_RECORD_FORM: showEditRecordForm(context); break; case ACTION_SHOW_RECORD: showRecord(context); break; case ACTION_SAVE_RECORD: saveRecord(context); break; case ACTION_REMOVE_RECORD: removeRecord(context); break; case ACTION_GENERATE_CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_PDF: generateCheckAmountListPdf(context); break; default: showPayment(context); break; } } catch (Exception exception) { logUnexpectedException(context, exception); } } private void generateCheckAmountListPdf(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, DocumentException, FinderException { Link link1 = getCheckAmountListLink(context, localize( CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_WITHOUT_POSTING_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_WITHOUT_POSTING_DEFAULT), false); Link link2 = getCheckAmountListLink(context, localize( CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_WITH_POSTING_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_WITH_POSTING_DEFAULT), true); link2.addParameter(POSTING_KEY, true + ""); int row = 1; final Table htmlTable = createTable(1); htmlTable.add("<li>", 1, row); htmlTable.add(link1, 1, row++); htmlTable.add("<li>", 1, row); htmlTable.add(link2, 1, row++); htmlTable.setHeight(row++, 12); addCancelButton(htmlTable, 1, row++, ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT); final Form form = new Form(); form.maintainParameter(PROVIDER_KEY); form.setOnSubmit("return checkInfoForm()"); form.add(htmlTable); final Table formTable = createTable(1); formTable.add(form, 1, 1); add(createMainTable(CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_DEFAULT, formTable)); } private Link getCheckAmountListLink(final IWContext context, final String linkText, final boolean isShowPosting) throws RemoteException, DocumentException, FinderException { final Integer providerId = getProviderIdParameter(context); final Date startPeriod = getPeriodParameter(context, START_PERIOD_KEY); final Date endPeriod = getPeriodParameter(context, END_PERIOD_KEY); final String schoolCategoryId = getSession().getOperationalField(); final MemoryFileBuffer buffer = getCheckAmountBusiness() .getInternalCheckAmountListBuffer(schoolCategoryId, providerId, startPeriod, endPeriod, isShowPosting); final int fileId = getInvoiceBusiness().generatePdf(linkText, buffer); final Link link = new Link(linkText); link.setFile(fileId); link.setTarget("check_amount_list_window_" + fileId); return link; } private void removeRecord(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException, RemoveException { // find payment record final PaymentRecord record = getPaymentRecord(context); // remove record getInvoiceBusiness().removePaymentRecord(record); // re-render showPayment(context); } private void saveRecord(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // get updated values final User currentUser = context.getCurrentUser(); final Integer amount = getIntegerParameter(context, AMOUNT_KEY); final Integer placementCount = getIntegerParameter(context, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY); final Integer pieceAmount = getIntegerParameter(context, PIECE_AMOUNT_KEY); final Integer vatAmount = getIntegerParameter(context, VAT_AMOUNT_KEY); final Date period = getPeriodParameter(context, PERIOD_KEY); final String doublePosting = getPostingString(context, DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY); final String ownPosting = getPostingString(context, OWN_POSTING_KEY); final String paymentText = context.getParameter(PAYMENT_TEXT_KEY); final String note = context.getParameter(NOTE_KEY); final String regulationSpecType = context .getParameter(REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY); final Integer vatRule = getIntegerParameter(context, VAT_RULE_KEY); final PaymentRecord record = getPaymentRecord(context); // set updated values if (null != amount) record.setTotalAmount(amount.floatValue()); if (null != placementCount) record.setPlacements(placementCount.intValue()); if (null != pieceAmount) record.setPieceAmount(pieceAmount.floatValue()); if (null != vatAmount) record.setTotalAmountVAT(vatAmount.floatValue()); record.setChangedBy(getSignature(currentUser)); record.setDateChanged(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); if (null != period) record.setPeriod(period); if (null != doublePosting) record.setDoublePosting(doublePosting); if (null != ownPosting) record.setOwnPosting(ownPosting); if (null != paymentText) record.setPaymentText(paymentText); if (null != note) record.setNotes(note); record.setRuleSpecType(regulationSpecType); if (null != vatRule && vatRule.intValue() > 0) { record.setVATRuleRegulationId(vatRule.intValue()); } // store updated record; // re-render showPayment(context); } private void showEditRecordForm(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final PaymentRecord record = getPaymentRecord(context); final java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); map.put(ADJUSTED_SIGNATURE_KEY, getSmallSignature(record.getChangedBy())); addSmallText(map, ADJUSTED_SIGNATURE_KEY, record.getChangedBy()); addStyledInput(map, AMOUNT_KEY, record.getTotalAmount()); map .put(CREATED_SIGNATURE_KEY, getSmallSignature(record .getCreatedBy())); addSmallText(map, DATE_ADJUSTED_KEY, record.getDateChanged()); addSmallText(map, DATE_CREATED_KEY, record.getDateCreated()); addStyledWideInput(map, NOTE_KEY, record.getNotes()); addStyledWideInput(map, PAYMENT_TEXT_KEY, record.getPaymentText()); map.put(PERIOD_KEY, getStyledInput(PERIOD_KEY, getFormattedPeriod(record.getPeriod()))); addStyledInput(map, PIECE_AMOUNT_KEY, record.getPieceAmount()); addStyledInput(map, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY, record.getPlacements()); addSmallText(map, STATUS_KEY, record.getStatus() + ""); addSmallText(map, TRANSACTION_DATE_KEY, record.getDateTransaction()); addStyledInput(map, VAT_AMOUNT_KEY, record.getTotalAmountVAT()); final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); final DropdownMenu regulationSpecTypeDropdown = getLocalizedDropdown(business .getAllRegulationSpecTypes()); map.put(REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY, regulationSpecTypeDropdown); final String regulationSpecType = record.getRuleSpecType(); if (null != regulationSpecType) { regulationSpecTypeDropdown.setSelectedElement(regulationSpecType); } final PresentationObject ownPostingForm = getPostingParameterForm( OWN_POSTING_KEY, record.getOwnPosting()); map.put(OWN_POSTING_KEY, ownPostingForm); final PresentationObject doublePostingForm = getPostingParameterForm( DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, record.getDoublePosting()); map.put(DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, doublePostingForm); final DropdownMenu vatRuleDropdown = getLocalizedDropdownForVAT(business .getAllVATRuleRegulations()); map.put(VAT_RULE_KEY, vatRuleDropdown); final int vatRuleRegulationId = record.getVATRuleRegulationId(); if (0 < vatRuleRegulationId) { vatRuleDropdown.setSelectedElement(vatRuleRegulationId + ""); } else { vatRuleDropdown.addMenuElement("-1", ""); vatRuleDropdown.setSelectedElement("-1"); } try { final PaymentHeader header = getPaymentHeader(context); final School school = header.getSchool(); map.put(LAST_PROVIDER_KEY, school.getPrimaryKey()); final SchoolManagementType managementType = school .getManagementType(); //--verksamhet //--skol�r/timmar //--grupp addSmallText(map, PROVIDER_KEY, school.getName()); addSmallText(map, MANAGEMENT_TYPE_KEY, managementType .getLocalizedKey(), managementType.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { logWarning("Missing school properties in payment record " + record.getPrimaryKey()); log(e); } map.put(HEADER_KEY, getSmallHeader(localize(EDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, EDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD_DEFAULT))); map.put(ACTION_KEY, getSubmitButton(ACTION_SAVE_RECORD, SAVE_EDITS_KEY, SAVE_EDITS_DEFAULT)); renderRecordDetailsOrForm(context, map); } private void showRecord(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final PaymentRecord record = getPaymentRecord(context); final java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); map.put(ADJUSTED_SIGNATURE_KEY, getSmallSignature(record.getChangedBy())); addSmallText(map, ADJUSTED_SIGNATURE_KEY, record.getChangedBy()); addSmallText(map, AMOUNT_KEY, getFormattedAmount(record .getTotalAmount())); map .put(CREATED_SIGNATURE_KEY, getSmallSignature(record .getCreatedBy())); addSmallText(map, DATE_ADJUSTED_KEY, record.getDateChanged()); addSmallText(map, DATE_CREATED_KEY, record.getDateCreated()); map.put(DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, getPostingListTable(record .getDoublePosting())); addSmallText(map, NOTE_KEY, record.getNotes()); map.put(OWN_POSTING_KEY, getPostingListTable(record.getOwnPosting())); addSmallText(map, PAYMENT_TEXT_KEY, record.getPaymentText()); addSmallPeriodText(map, PERIOD_KEY, record.getPeriod()); addSmallText(map, PIECE_AMOUNT_KEY, getFormattedAmount(record .getPieceAmount())); addSmallText(map, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY, record.getPlacements()); addSmallText(map, STATUS_KEY, record.getStatus() + ""); addSmallText(map, TRANSACTION_DATE_KEY, record.getDateTransaction()); addSmallText(map, VAT_AMOUNT_KEY, getFormattedAmount(record .getTotalAmountVAT())); final String ruleSpecType = record.getRuleSpecType(); addSmallText(map, REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY, ruleSpecType, ruleSpecType); if (0 < record.getVATRuleRegulationId()) { final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); final Regulation vatRule = business.getVATRuleRegulation(record .getVATRuleRegulationId()); final String ruleName = vatRule.getLocalizationKey(); map.put(VAT_RULE_KEY, getSmallText(localize(ruleName, ruleName))); } try { final PaymentHeader header = getPaymentHeader(context); final School school = header.getSchool(); map.put(LAST_PROVIDER_KEY, school.getPrimaryKey()); final SchoolManagementType managementType = school .getManagementType(); //--verksamhet //--skol�r/timmar //--grupp addSmallText(map, PROVIDER_KEY, school.getName()); addSmallText(map, MANAGEMENT_TYPE_KEY, managementType .getLocalizedKey(), managementType.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { logWarning("Missing school properties i payment record " + record.getPrimaryKey()); log(e); } map.put(HEADER_KEY, getSmallHeader(localize(PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, PAYMENT_RECORD_DEFAULT))); renderRecordDetailsOrForm(context, map); } private SchoolCategory getSchoolCategory(final String schoolCategoryId) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = getSchoolBusiness(); final SchoolCategoryHome categoryHome = schoolBusiness .getSchoolCategoryHome(); return categoryHome.findByPrimaryKey(schoolCategoryId); } private void showRecordDetails(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // get business objects final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = getSchoolBusiness(); // get home objects final InvoiceRecordHome home = business.getInvoiceRecordHome(); // get data objects final PaymentRecord record = getPaymentRecord(context); final PaymentHeader header = record.getPaymentHeader(); final SchoolCategory category = getSchoolCategory(header .getSchoolCategoryID()); final School school = schoolBusiness.getSchool(new Integer(header .getSchoolID())); final Collection invoiceRecords = home .findByPaymentRecordOrderedByStudentName(record); // render final Table table = createTable(2); table.setColumnWidth(1, "25%"); int row = 1; int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, MAIN_ACTIVITY_KEY, MAIN_ACTIVITY_DEFAULT, ":"); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, category.getLocalizedKey(), category .getName()); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ":"); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, school.getName()); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PLACEMENT_KEY, PLACEMENT_DEFAULT, ":"); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, record.getPaymentText()); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT, ":"); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, getFormattedPeriod(record.getPeriod())); table.setHeight(row++, 6); table.mergeCells(1, row, table.getColumns(), row); table.add(getDetailedPaymentRecordListTable(invoiceRecords), 1, row++); table.setHeight(row++, 6); table.mergeCells(1, row, table.getColumns(), row); table.add(getDetailedPaymentRecordSummaryTable(invoiceRecords), 1, row++); table.setHeight(row++, 6); table.mergeCells(1, row, table.getColumns(), row); table.add(new HiddenInput(PROVIDER_KEY, school.getPrimaryKey() + ""), 1, row); addCancelButton(table, 1, row++, ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT); // add to form final Form form = new Form(); form.setOnSubmit("return checkInfoForm()"); form.add(table); final Table outerTable = createTable(1); outerTable.add(form, 1, 1); add(createMainTable(localize(DETAILED_PAYMENT_RECORDS_KEY, DETAILED_PAYMENT_RECORDS_DEFAULT), outerTable)); } private void showPayment(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final Table table = createTable(3); setColumnWidthsEqual(table); int row = 2; // first row is reserved for setting column widths addOperationalFieldDropdown(context, table, row++); addProviderDropdown(context, table, row++); addPeriodForm(context, table, row); final int columnCount = table.getColumns(); table.setAlignment(columnCount, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add(getSubmitButton(ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT + "", SEARCH_KEY, SEARCH_DEFAULT), columnCount, row++); final String schoolCategory = getSession().getOperationalField(); final Integer providerId = getProviderIdParameter(context); if (null != schoolCategory && null != providerId) { final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); final Date startPeriod = getPeriodParameter(context, START_PERIOD_KEY); final Date endPeriod = getPeriodParameter(context, END_PERIOD_KEY); final PaymentRecord[] records = business .getPaymentRecordsBySchoolCategoryAndProviderAndPeriod( schoolCategory, providerId, new Date(startPeriod .getTime()), new Date(endPeriod.getTime())); table.setHeight(row++, 12); table.mergeCells(1, row, columnCount, row); final ButtonPanel buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel(this); if (0 < records.length) { table .setAlignment(columnCount, 2, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add(getSubmitButton(ACTION_GENERATE_CHECK_AMOUNT_LIST_PDF + "", PRINT_KEY, PRINT_DEFAULT), columnCount, 2); table .add(getPaymentRecordListTable(context, records), 1, row++); table.mergeCells(1, row, columnCount, row); table.add(getPaymentSummaryTable(records), 1, row++); if (null != providerAuthorizationPage) { // buttonPanel.addLocalizedButton("no_param", // PROVIDER_CONFIRM_KEY, PROVIDER_CONFIRM_DEFAULT, // providerAuthorizationPage); GenericButton button = new GenericButton("no_param", localize(PROVIDER_CONFIRM_KEY, PROVIDER_CONFIRM_DEFAULT)); button.setPageToOpen(providerAuthorizationPage); button.addParameterToPage( ManuallyPaymentEntriesList.PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER, providerId + ""); buttonPanel.addButton(button); } } else { addSmallText(table, 1, row++, NO_PAYMENT_RECORDS_FOUND_KEY, NO_PAYMENT_RECORDS_FOUND_DEFAULT); } table.setHeight(row++, 12); table.mergeCells(1, row, columnCount, row); table.add(buttonPanel, 1, row); if (null != createPaymentPage) { final GenericButton button = new GenericButton("no_param", localize(NEW_KEY, NEW_DEFAULT)); button.setPageToOpen(createPaymentPage); button.addParameterToPage( ManuallyPaymentEntriesList.PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER, providerId + ""); buttonPanel.addButton(button); } } final Form form = new Form(); form.setOnSubmit("return checkInfoForm()"); form.add(table); final Table outerTable = createTable(1); outerTable.add(form, 1, 1); add(createMainTable( localize(PAYMENT_HEADER_KEY, PAYMENT_HEADER_DEFAULT), outerTable)); } private boolean hasCurrentSchoolCategoryFlowInAndFlowOut() throws RemoteException, FinderException { final String schoolCategory = getSession().getOperationalField(); if (null == schoolCategory) return false; final ExportDataMapping mapping = getExportBusiness() .getExportDataMapping(schoolCategory); if (null == mapping) return false; return mapping.getCashFlowIn() && mapping.getCashFlowOut(); } private Table getDetailedPaymentRecordListTable( final Collection invoiceRecords) throws RemoteException { // set up header row final String[][] columnNames = { { SSN_KEY, SSN_DEFAULT}, { NAME_KEY, NAME_DEFAULT}, { CHECK_PERIOD_KEY, CHECK_PERIOD_DEFAULT}, { DAYS_KEY, DAYS_DEFAULT}, { CHECK_AMOUNT_KEY, CHECK_AMOUNT_DEFAULT}, { PLACEMENT_PERIOD_KEY, PLACEMENT_PERIOD_DEFAULT}, { ADJUSTMENT_DATE_KEY, ADJUSTMENT_DATE_DEFAULT}, { ADJUSTMENT_SIGNATURE_KEY, ADJUSTMENT_SIGNATURE_DEFAULT}}; final Table table = createTable(columnNames.length); table.setColumns(columnNames.length); setIconColumnWidth(table); int row = 1; table.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { addSmallHeader(table, i + 1, row, columnNames[i][0], columnNames[i][1]); } row++; //render final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = getSchoolBusiness(); final SchoolClassMemberHome memberHome = schoolBusiness .getSchoolClassMemberHome(); for (Iterator i = invoiceRecords.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final InvoiceRecord invoiceRecord = (InvoiceRecord); showDetailedPaymentRecordOnARow(table, row++, invoiceRecord, memberHome); } return table; } private Table getDetailedPaymentRecordSummaryTable( final Collection invoiceRecords) throws RemoteException { final Set placements = new HashSet(); final Set individuals = new HashSet(); long totalAmountVatExcluded = 0; // get home object final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = getSchoolBusiness(); final SchoolClassMemberHome home = schoolBusiness .getSchoolClassMemberHome(); // count values for summary for (Iterator i = invoiceRecords.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final InvoiceRecord invoiceRecord = (InvoiceRecord); try { final Integer placementId = new Integer(invoiceRecord .getSchoolClassMemberId()); placements.add(placementId); final SchoolClassMember placement = home .findByPrimaryKey(placementId); final User user = placement.getStudent(); individuals.add(user.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (Exception e) { logError("InvoiceRecord " + invoiceRecord.getPrimaryKey() + " has an unknown School Class Member Id"); e.printStackTrace(); } totalAmountVatExcluded += roundAmount(invoiceRecord.getAmount()); } // render final Table table = createTable(3); table.setColumnWidth(3, "50%"); int row = 2; int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, integerFormatter.format(placements .size())); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, integerFormatter.format(individuals .size())); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, getFormattedAmount(totalAmountVatExcluded)); return table; } private void showDetailedPaymentRecordOnARow(final Table table, final int row, final InvoiceRecord record, final SchoolClassMemberHome home) { final String checkPeriod = getFormattedDate(record .getPeriodStartCheck()) + " - " + getFormattedDate(record.getPeriodEndCheck()); final String days = integerFormatter.format(record.getDays()); final String amount = getFormattedAmount(record.getAmount()); final String placementPeriod = getFormattedDate(record .getPeriodStartPlacement()) + " - " + getFormattedDate(record.getPeriodEndPlacement()); final String dateChanged = getFormattedDate(record.getDateChanged()); final String changedBy = record.getChangedBy(); final Integer memberId = new Integer(record.getSchoolClassMemberId()); String ssn = ""; String userName = localize(PLACEMENT_REMOVED_KEY, PLACEMENT_REMOVED_DEFAULT); try { final SchoolClassMember member = home.findByPrimaryKey(memberId); final User user = member.getStudent(); ssn = formatSsn(user.getPersonalID()); userName = getUserName(user); } catch (Exception e) { logError("InvoiceRecord " + record.getPrimaryKey() + " has an unknown School Class Member Id " + memberId); e.printStackTrace(); } int col = 1; table.setRowColor(row, (row % 2 == 0) ? getZebraColor1() : getZebraColor2()); addSmallText(table, col++, row, ssn); addSmallText(table, col++, row, userName); addSmallText(table, col++, row, checkPeriod); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row, days); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row, amount); addSmallText(table, col++, row, placementPeriod); addSmallText(table, col++, row, dateChanged); addSmallText(table, col++, row, changedBy); } private Table getPaymentSummaryTable(final PaymentRecord[] records) throws RemoteException { final PaymentSummary summary = new PaymentSummary(records); // render final Table table = createTable(3); table.setColumnWidth(3, "50%"); int row = 2; int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_PLACEMENTS_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, integerFormatter.format(summary .getPlacementCount())); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_INDIVIDUALS_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, integerFormatter.format(summary .getIndividualsCount())); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_EXCLUDED_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, getFormattedAmount(summary .getTotalAmountVatExcluded())); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_VAT_DEFAULT, ":"); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row++, getFormattedAmount(summary .getTotalAmountVat())); return table; } private Table getPaymentRecordListTable(final IWContext context, final PaymentRecord[] records) throws FinderException, RemoteException { // set up header row final String[][] columnNames = { { STATUS_KEY, STATUS_DEFAULT}, { PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT}, { PLACEMENT_KEY, PLACEMENT_DEFAULT}, { NO_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY, NO_OF_PLACEMENTS_DEFAULT}, { TOTAL_AMOUNT_KEY, TOTAL_AMOUNT_DEFAULT}, { NOTE_KEY, NOTE_DEFAULT}, { "no_text", ""}, { "no_text", ""}}; final Table table = createTable(columnNames.length); table.setColumns(columnNames.length); setIconColumnWidth(table); int row = 1; table.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { addSmallHeader(table, i + 1, row, columnNames[i][0], columnNames[i][1]); } row++; // show each payment record in a row for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { showPaymentRecordOnARow(context, table, row++, records[i]); } return table; } private static boolean isPreliminaryRecord(final PaymentRecord record) { return record.getStatus() == ConstantStatus.PRELIMINARY; /* * final String autoSignature = BillingThread.getBatchRunSignatureKey * (); final String createdBy = record.getCreatedBy (); return null == * createdBy || !createdBy.equals (autoSignature); */ } private Text getSmallSignature(final String string) { final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); final String autoSignature = BillingThread.getBatchRunSignatureKey(); if (null != string) { if (string.equals(autoSignature)) { result.append(localize(string, string)); } else { result.append(string); } } return getSmallText(result.toString()); } private boolean isCheck(final RegulationSpecType regSpecType) { try { final MainRule mainRule = regSpecType.getMainRule(); final String mainRuleName = mainRule.getMainRule(); return mainRuleName.equals(RegSpecConstant.MAIN_RULE_CHECK); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private boolean isCheck(final String regSpecTypeName) { try { final RegulationSpecTypeHome regSpecTypeHome = (RegulationSpecTypeHome) IDOLookup .getHome(RegulationSpecType.class); final RegulationSpecType regSpecType = regSpecTypeHome .findByRegulationSpecType(regSpecTypeName); return isCheck(regSpecType); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private void showPaymentRecordOnARow(final IWContext context, final Table table, final int row, final PaymentRecord record) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final String recordId = record.getPrimaryKey() + ""; final String[][] showDetailsLinkParameters = { { ACTION_KEY, ACTION_SHOW_RECORD_DETAILS + ""}, { PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, recordId}}; final String regSpecType = record.getRuleSpecType(); final boolean userIsSchoolManager = null != getSchoolByLoggedInUser(context); final boolean isFlowInAndOut = hasCurrentSchoolCategoryFlowInAndFlowOut(); final boolean isRecordEditAllowed = isPreliminaryRecord(record) && !(isFlowInAndOut && isCheck(regSpecType)) && !userIsSchoolManager; final String[][] showRecordLinkParameters = isRecordEditAllowed ? new String[][] { { ACTION_KEY, ACTION_SHOW_EDIT_RECORD_FORM + ""}, { PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, recordId}} : new String[][] { { ACTION_KEY, ACTION_SHOW_RECORD + ""}, { PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, recordId}}; final char status = record.getStatus(); final Date period = record.getPeriod(); final String periodText = getFormattedPeriod(period); final String paymentText = null == record.getPaymentText() ? "?" : record.getPaymentText(); final Link paymentTextLink = createSmallLink(paymentText, showRecordLinkParameters); final Link placementLink = createSmallLink(integerFormatter .format(record.getPlacements()), showDetailsLinkParameters); final String note = record.getNotes(); final Link editLink = createIconLink(getEditIcon(), showRecordLinkParameters); int col = 1; table.setRowColor(row, (row % 2 == 0) ? getZebraColor1() : getZebraColor2()); addSmallText(table, col++, row, status + ""); addSmallText(table, col++, row, periodText); table.add(paymentTextLink, col++, row); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add(placementLink, col++, row); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); addSmallText(table, col++, row, getFormattedAmount(record .getTotalAmount())); addSmallText(table, col++, row, note); table.add(editLink, col++, row); if (isRecordEditAllowed) { final String[][] removeRecordLinkParameters = new String[][] { { ACTION_KEY, ACTION_REMOVE_RECORD + ""}, { PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, recordId}}; final Link removeLink = createIconLink(getRemoveIcon(), removeRecordLinkParameters); table.add(removeLink, col++, row); } } private PaymentRecord getPaymentRecord(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); final Integer recordId = getIntegerParameter(context, PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY); final PaymentRecordHome recordHome = business.getPaymentRecordHome(); return null != recordId ? recordHome.findByPrimaryKey(recordId) : null; } private PaymentHeader getPaymentHeader(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final InvoiceBusiness business = getInvoiceBusiness(); if (!context.isParameterSet(PAYMENT_HEADER_KEY)) { return getPaymentRecord( context).getPaymentHeader(); } final Integer headerId = getIntegerParameter(context, PAYMENT_HEADER_KEY); final PaymentHeaderHome headerHome = business.getPaymentHeaderHome(); return null != headerId ? headerHome.findByPrimaryKey(headerId) : null; } private void renderRecordDetailsOrForm(final IWContext context, final java.util.Map presentationObjects) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final PaymentHeader header = getPaymentHeader(context); // render form/details final Table table = createTable(4); setColumnWidthsEqual(table); int row = 2; int col = 1; addOperationalFieldRow(table, header, row++); col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, PROVIDER_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, MANAGEMENT_TYPE_KEY, MANAGEMENT_TYPE_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, MANAGEMENT_TYPE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PLACEMENT_KEY, PLACEMENT_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, PAYMENT_TEXT_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, PERIOD_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, DATE_CREATED_KEY, DATE_CREATED_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, DATE_CREATED_KEY, col++, row); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, SIGNATURE_KEY, SIGNATURE_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, CREATED_SIGNATURE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, DATE_ADJUSTED_KEY, DATE_ADJUSTED_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, DATE_ADJUSTED_KEY, col++, row); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, SIGNATURE_KEY, SIGNATURE_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, ADJUSTED_SIGNATURE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, TRANSACTION_DATE_KEY, TRANSACTION_DATE_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, TRANSACTION_DATE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, STATUS_KEY, STATUS_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, STATUS_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, NUMBER_OF_PLACEMENTS_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PIECE_AMOUNT_KEY, PIECE_AMOUNT_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, PIECE_AMOUNT_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, AMOUNT_KEY, AMOUNT_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, AMOUNT_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, VAT_AMOUNT_KEY, VAT_AMOUNT_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, VAT_AMOUNT_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, NOTE_KEY, NOTE_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, NOTE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, SCHOOL_TYPE_KEY, SCHOOL_TYPE_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, SCHOOL_TYPE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY, SCHOOL_YEAR_DEFAULT, ":"); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, SCHOOL_CLASS_KEY, SCHOOL_CLASS_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, SCHOOL_CLASS_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY, REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, VAT_RULE_KEY, VAT_RULE_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, VAT_RULE_KEY, col++, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, OWN_POSTING_KEY, OWN_POSTING_DEFAULT, ":"); col = 1; row++; table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, OWN_POSTING_KEY, col, row); col = 1; row++; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, DOUBLE_POSTING_DEFAULT, ":"); col = 1; row++; table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, DOUBLE_POSTING_KEY, col, row); col = 1; row++; table.setHeight(row++, 12); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); addPresentation(table, presentationObjects, ACTION_KEY, 1, row); table.add(new HiddenInput(PROVIDER_KEY, "" + presentationObjects.get(LAST_PROVIDER_KEY)), 1, row); addCancelButton(table, 1, row++, ACTION_SHOW_PAYMENT); final Form form = new Form(); form.maintainParameter(PAYMENT_HEADER_KEY); form.maintainParameter(PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY); form.setOnSubmit("return checkInfoForm()"); form.add(table); final Table outerTable = createTable(1); outerTable.add(form, 1, 1); add(createMainTable(presentationObjects.get(HEADER_KEY) + "", outerTable)); } private String getPostingString(final IWContext context, final String postingKey) throws RemoteException { final PostingBusiness business = getPostingBusiness(); final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); final PostingField[] fields = getCurrentPostingFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { final PostingField field = fields[i]; final String key = postingKey + (i + 1); final String parameter = context.isParameterSet(key) ? context .getParameter(key) : ""; final String value = parameter.length() > field.getLen() ? parameter .substring(0, field.getLen()) : business.pad(parameter, field); result.append(value); } return result.toString(); } private ListTable getPostingParameterForm(final String key, final String value) throws RemoteException { final String postingString = value != null && !value.equals(null + "") ? value : ""; final PostingField[] fields = getCurrentPostingFields(); final ListTable postingInputs = new ListTable(this, fields.length); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { final PostingField field = fields[i]; final int j = i + 1; final int endPosition = min(offset + field.getLen(), postingString .length()); postingInputs.setHeader(field.getFieldTitle(), j); final String subString = postingString.substring(offset, endPosition).trim(); final TextInput textInput = getTextInput(key + j, subString, 80, field.getLen()); postingInputs.add(getStyledInterface(textInput)); offset = endPosition; } return postingInputs; } private String getSignature(final User user) { if (null == user) return ""; final String firstName = user.getFirstName(); final String lastName = user.getLastName(); return (firstName != null ? firstName + " " : "") + (lastName != null ? lastName : ""); } /** * Returns a styled table with content placed properly * * @param content * the page unique content * @return Table to add to output */ private Table createMainTable(final String headerKey, final String headerDefault, final PresentationObject content) { return createMainTable(localize(headerKey, headerDefault), content); } private void addPresentation(final Table table, final java.util.Map map, final String key, final int col, final int row) { final PresentationObject object = (PresentationObject) map.get(key); if (null != object) { table.add(object, col, row); } } private String getFormattedPeriod(Date date) { return null != date ? periodFormatter.format(date) : ""; } private String getFormattedDate(Date date) { return null != date ? dateFormatter.format(date) : ""; } private Image getEditIcon() { return getEditIcon(localize(EDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD_KEY, EDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD_DEFAULT)); } private Image getRemoveIcon() { return getDeleteIcon(localize(DELETE_ROW_KEY, DELETE_ROW_DEFAULT)); } private static Link addParametersToLink(final Link link, final String[][] parameters) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { link.addParameter(parameters[i][0], parameters[i][1]); } return link; } private String formatSsn(final String ssn) { return null == ssn || 12 != ssn.length() ? ssn : ssn.substring(2, 8) + '-' + ssn.substring(8, 12); } private static String getUserName(final User user) { return user.getLastName() + ", " + user.getFirstName(); } private Link createSmallLink(final String displayText, final String[][] parameters) { final Link link = getSmallLink(displayText); addParametersToLink(link, parameters); return link; } private static Link createIconLink(final Image icon, final String[][] parameters) { final Link link = new Link(icon); addParametersToLink(link, parameters); return link; } private void addSmallText(final Table table, final int col, final int row, final String key, String value) { table.add(getSmallText(localize(key, value)), col, row); } private void addSmallText(final Table table, final int col, final int row, final String string) { table.add(getSmallText(null == string || string.equals(null + "") ? "" : string), col, row); } private void addSmallHeader(final Table table, final int col, final int row, final String key, final String defaultString) { addSmallHeader(table, col, row, key, defaultString, ""); } private SubmitButton getSubmitButton(final int action, final String key, final String defaultName) { return (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(localize(key, defaultName), ACTION_KEY, action + "")); } private void setIconColumnWidth(final Table table) { final int columnCount = table.getColumns(); table.setColumnWidth(columnCount - 1, getEditIcon().getWidth()); table.setColumnWidth(columnCount, getRemoveIcon().getWidth()); } /** * Returns a date from a parameter string of type "YYMM". The date * represents the first day of that month. If the input string is unparsable * for this format then null is returned. * * @param context * session data * @param key * key to lookup in context to retreive the actual value * @return date from the first of this particular month or null on failure */ private static Date getPeriodParameter(final IWContext context, final String key) { return getPeriodParameter(context.getRequest(), key); } static Date getPeriodParameter(final HttpServletRequest request, final String key) { final String rawString = request.getParameter(key); final HttpSession session = request.getSession(); final Date sessionPeriod = (Date) session.getAttribute(key); Date result = null != sessionPeriod ? sessionPeriod : new Date(System .currentTimeMillis()); if (null != rawString && 4 == rawString.length()) { try { final int year = Integer.parseInt(rawString.substring(0, 2)) + 2000; final int month = Integer.parseInt(rawString.substring(2, 4)) + Calendar.JANUARY - 1; final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(year, month, 1, 0, 0); result = new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); } catch (final NumberFormatException exception) { // no problem, stick with current time } } session.setAttribute(key, result); return result; } private static boolean hasChangedProvider(final IWContext context) { final HttpSession session = context.getRequest().getSession(); final Integer lastProviderId = (Integer) session .getAttribute(PROVIDER_KEY + "old"); final Integer currentProviderId = getProviderIdParameter(context); session.setAttribute(PROVIDER_KEY + "old", currentProviderId); return null != lastProviderId && null != currentProviderId && !lastProviderId.equals(currentProviderId); } private static Integer getProviderIdParameter(final IWContext context) { return getProviderIdParameter(context.getRequest()); } static Integer getProviderIdParameter(final HttpServletRequest request) { Integer result = null; final String postedString = request.getParameter(PROVIDER_KEY); final HttpSession session = request.getSession(); try { result = new Integer(postedString); } catch (final Exception exception) { result = (Integer) session.getAttribute(PROVIDER_KEY); } session.setAttribute(PROVIDER_KEY, result); return result; } /** * Returns a styled table with content placed properly * * @param content * the page unique content * @return Table to add to output */ private Table createMainTable(final String header, final PresentationObject content) { final Table mainTable = createTable(1); mainTable.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); mainTable.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); mainTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); int row = 1; mainTable.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); mainTable.setRowAlignment(row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); mainTable.add(getSmallHeader(header), 1, row++); mainTable.add(content, 1, row++); return mainTable; } private DropdownMenu getLocalizedDropdownForVAT(final Collection rules) { final DropdownMenu dropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu( VAT_RULE_KEY)); for (Iterator iter = rules.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Regulation rule = (Regulation); final String ruleName = rule.getName(); final Object ruleId = rule.getPrimaryKey(); dropdown.addMenuElement(ruleId + "", localize(ruleName, ruleName)); } return dropdown; } private DropdownMenu getLocalizedDropdown(final RegulationSpecType[] types) { final DropdownMenu dropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu( REGULATION_SPEC_TYPE_KEY)); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { final RegulationSpecType type = types[i]; final String regSpecType = type.getRegSpecType(); dropdown.addMenuElement(regSpecType, localize(regSpecType, regSpecType)); } return dropdown; } private void addPeriodForm(final IWContext context, final Table table, final int row) { int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PERIOD_KEY, PERIOD_DEFAULT, ":"); final Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); final Date startDate = getPeriodParameter(context, START_PERIOD_KEY); final Date endDate = getPeriodParameter(context, END_PERIOD_KEY); table.add(getStyledInput(START_PERIOD_KEY, getFormattedPeriod(startDate == null ? now : startDate)), col, row); table.add(new Text(" - "), col, row); table.add(getStyledInput(END_PERIOD_KEY, getFormattedPeriod(endDate == null ? now : endDate)), col, row); } private String getSchoolCategoryName(final String schoolCategoryId) { try { final SchoolCategory category = getSchoolCategory(schoolCategoryId); return localize(category.getLocalizedKey(), category.getName()); } catch (Exception dummy) { return ""; } } private void addProviderDropdown(final IWContext context, final Table table, final int row) throws RemoteException { final SchoolBusiness business = getSchoolBusiness(); int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ":"); final String schoolCategory = getSession().getOperationalField(); final School loggedInUsersProvider = getSchoolByLoggedInUser(context); if (null != loggedInUsersProvider) { addSmallText(table, loggedInUsersProvider.getName(), col, row); table.add(new HiddenInput(PROVIDER_KEY, "" + loggedInUsersProvider.getPrimaryKey()), col, row); } else if (isCentralAdministrator(context) && null != schoolCategory) { final DropdownMenu providerDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(new DropdownMenu( PROVIDER_KEY)); final Collection schools = business .findAllSchoolsByCategory(schoolCategory); final Integer oldProviderId = getProviderIdParameter(context); for (Iterator i = schools.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final School provider = (School); final Integer providerId = (Integer) provider.getPrimaryKey(); final String providerName = provider.getName(); if (null != providerName && null != providerId) { providerDropdown.addMenuElement(providerId + "", providerName); if (null != oldProviderId && oldProviderId.equals(providerId)) { providerDropdown.setSelectedElement(oldProviderId + ""); } } } providerDropdown.setOnChange("this.form.submit()"); table.add(providerDropdown, col++, row); } } private boolean isCentralAdministrator(final IWContext context) { try { // first see if we have cached certificate final String sessionKey = getClass() + ".isCentralAdministrator"; final User verifiedCentralAdmin = (User) context .getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); final User user = context.getCurrentUser(); if (null != verifiedCentralAdmin && user.equals(verifiedCentralAdmin)) { // certificate were cached return true; } // since no cert were cached, check current users group instaed final int groupId = getCommuneUserBusiness() .getRootAdministratorGroupID(); final GroupHome home = (GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); final Group communeGroup = home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer( groupId)); final Collection usersGroups = getUserBusiness().getUserGroups( ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (usersGroups != null && communeGroup != null && (usersGroups.contains(communeGroup) || user .getPrimaryKey().equals(new Integer(1)))) { // user is allaowed, cache certificate and return true context.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, user); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private void addSmallText(final Table table, final String string, final int col, final int row) { table .add( getSmallText(null != string && !string.equals(null + "") ? string : ""), col, row); } private boolean isSchoolUserAllowed(final IWContext context) { try { final School provider = getSchoolByLoggedInUser(context); final User user = context.getCurrentUser(); final SchoolUserHome home = (SchoolUserHome) IDOLookup .getHome(SchoolUser.class); final Collection schoolUsers = home.findBySchoolAndUser(provider, user); for (Iterator i = schoolUsers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final SchoolUser schoolUser = (SchoolUser); if (SchoolUserBMPBean.USER_TYPE_HEADMASTER == schoolUser .getUserType() || schoolUser.isEconomicalResponsible()) { return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private Collection getSchoolCategoryIdsManagedByLoggedOnUser( final IWContext context) { final Collection categoryIds = new HashSet(); try { final School provider = getSchoolByLoggedInUser(context); if (null != provider) { final Collection schoolTypes = provider.getSchoolTypes(); for (Iterator i = schoolTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final SchoolType schoolType = (SchoolType); categoryIds.add(schoolType.getSchoolCategory()); } } } catch (Exception e) { // no problem, ignore this } return categoryIds; } private void addOperationalFieldDropdown(final IWContext context, final Table table, final int row) throws RemoteException { int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, MAIN_ACTIVITY_KEY, MAIN_ACTIVITY_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns() - 1, row); final Collection schoolCategoryIds = getSchoolCategoryIdsManagedByLoggedOnUser(context); if (1 == schoolCategoryIds.size()) { final String schoolCategoryId = "" + schoolCategoryIds.iterator().next(); if (null != schoolCategoryId && 0 < schoolCategoryId.length()) { addSmallText(table, getSchoolCategoryName(schoolCategoryId), col++, row); getSession().setOperationalField(schoolCategoryId); } } else { String operationalField = getSession().getOperationalField(); operationalField = operationalField == null ? "" : operationalField; final OperationalFieldsMenu dropdown = new OperationalFieldsMenu(); if (context.isParameterSet(ACTION_KEY)) { dropdown.setParameter(LAST_ACTION_KEY, context .getParameter(ACTION_KEY)); } else if (context.isParameterSet(LAST_ACTION_KEY)) { dropdown.maintainParameter(LAST_ACTION_KEY); } table.add(dropdown, col++, row); } } private void addOperationalFieldRow(final Table table, final PaymentHeader header, final int row) throws RemoteException { int col = 1; addSmallHeader(table, col++, row, MAIN_ACTIVITY_KEY, MAIN_ACTIVITY_DEFAULT, ":"); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns() - 1, row); addSmallText(table, getSchoolCategoryName(header.getSchoolCategoryID()), col++, row); final String schoolCategory = header.getSchoolCategoryID(); if (null != schoolCategory && 0 < schoolCategory.length()) { getSession().setOperationalField(schoolCategory); } } private Table createTable(final int columnCount) { final Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); table.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setColumns(columnCount); return table; } private void logUnexpectedException(final IWContext context, final Exception exception) { final StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); message.append("Exception caught in " + getClass().getName() + " " + (new java.util.Date()) + '\n'); message.append("Parameters:\n"); final java.util.Enumeration enumer = context.getParameterNames(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { final String key = (String) enumer.nextElement(); message.append('\t' + key + "='" + context.getParameter(key) + "'\n"); } logWarning(message.toString()); final sw = new; exception.printStackTrace(new, true)); logWarning(sw.toString()); add("Det intr�ffade ett fel. F�rs�k igen senare."); } private ListTable getPostingListTable(final String postingString) throws RemoteException { final PostingField[] fields = getCurrentPostingFields(); final ListTable result = new ListTable(this, fields.length); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { final StringBuffer title = new StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); final PostingField field = fields[i]; if (null != field) { title.append(field.getFieldTitle()); if (null != postingString) { final int endPosition = min(offset + field.getLen(), postingString.length()); value.append(postingString.substring(offset, endPosition) .trim()); offset = endPosition; } } result.setHeader(title.toString(), i + 1); result.add(getSmallText(value.toString())); } return result; } private int min(final int a, final int b) { return a < b ? a : b; } private PostingField[] getCurrentPostingFields() throws RemoteException { final PostingBusiness business = getPostingBusiness(); final Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); final Collection fields = business.getAllPostingFieldsByDate(now); final PostingField[] array = new PostingField[0]; return fields != null ? (PostingField[]) fields.toArray(array) : array; } private TextInput getStyledWideInput(final String key, final String value) { final TextInput input = getStyledInput(key, value); input.setLength(48); return input; } private void addStyledWideInput(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final String value) { final TextInput input = getStyledWideInput(key, null != value && !value.equals(null + "") ? value : ""); map.put(key, input); } private void addStyledInput(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final float number) { final TextInput input = getStyledInput(key, roundAmount(number) + ""); map.put(key, input); } private void addSmallText(final java.util.Map map, final String mapKey, final String localKey, final String localDefault) { final String value = null != localKey && null != localDefault ? localize( localKey, localDefault) : ""; addSmallText(map, mapKey, value); } private void addSmallText(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final String value) { map.put(key, getSmallText(null != value && !value.equals(null + "") ? value : "")); } private void addSmallText(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final long value) { map.put(key, getSmallText(-1 != value ? integerFormatter.format(value) : "0")); } private void addSmallText(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final Date date) { map.put(key, getSmallText(null != date ? dateFormatter.format(date) : "")); } private void addSmallPeriodText(final java.util.Map map, final String key, final Date date) { map.put(key, getSmallText(null != date ? periodFormatter.format(date) : "")); } private static Integer getIntegerParameter(final IWContext context, final String key) { final String rawString = context.getParameter(key); if (null == rawString) return null; try { final Integer result = new Integer(rawString); return result; } catch (final NumberFormatException exception) { return null; } } private static void setColumnWidthsEqual(final Table table) { final int columnCount = table.getColumns(); final int percentageInt = 100 / columnCount; final String percentageString = percentageInt + "%"; for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { table.setColumnWidth(i, percentageString); } } private TextInput getStyledInput(final String key, final String value) { final TextInput input = (TextInput) getStyledInterface(new TextInput( key)); input.setLength(12); if (null != value) { input.setValue(value); } return input; } private void addCancelButton(final Table table, final int col, final int row, final int actionId) { table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), col, row); table.add(getSubmitButton(actionId, CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT), col, row); } private void addSmallHeader(final Table table, final int col, final int row, final String key, final String defaultString, final String suffix) { if (null != key) { final String localizedString = localize(key, defaultString) + suffix; table.add(getSmallHeader(localizedString), col, row); } } private SubmitButton getSubmitButton(final String action, final String key, final String defaultName) { return (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(localize(key, defaultName), ACTION_KEY, action)); } private School getSchoolByLoggedInUser(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException { final User user = context.getCurrentUser(); School school = null; if (null != user) { final SchoolUserBusiness business = getSchoolUserBusiness(); try { final Collection schoolIds = business.getSchools(user); if (!schoolIds.isEmpty()) { final Object schoolId = schoolIds.iterator().next(); school = getSchoolBusiness().getSchool(schoolId); } } catch (FinderException e) { // no problem, no school found } } return school; } long roundAmount(final float f) { return .roundAmount(f); } private String getFormattedAmount(final float f) { return f == -1.0f ? "0" : integerFormatter.format(roundAmount(f)); } public ICPage getProviderAuthorizationPage() { return providerAuthorizationPage; } public void setProviderAuthorizationPage(final ICPage page) { providerAuthorizationPage = page; } public ICPage getCreatePaymentPage() { return createPaymentPage; } public void setCreatePaymentPage(final ICPage page) { createPaymentPage = page; } private UserBusiness getUserBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), UserBusiness.class); } private SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (SchoolUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), SchoolUserBusiness.class); } private SchoolBusiness getSchoolBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (SchoolBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), SchoolBusiness.class); } private ExportBusiness getExportBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (ExportBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), ExportBusiness.class); } private PostingBusiness getPostingBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (PostingBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), PostingBusiness.class); } private InvoiceBusiness getInvoiceBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (InvoiceBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), InvoiceBusiness.class); } CheckAmountBusiness getCheckAmountBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (CheckAmountBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), CheckAmountBusiness.class); } CommuneUserBusiness getCommuneUserBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (CommuneUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( getIWApplicationContext(), CommuneUserBusiness.class); } }