/* * $Id: NackaCCTotalPlacementReportModel.java,v 1.4 2004/02/23 14:55:36 anders Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2003 Agura IT. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Agura IT AB. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business; import java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * Report model for total number of child care placements in Nacka. * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/02/23 14:55:36 $ by $Author: anders $ * * @author Anders Lindman * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ */ public class NackaCCTotalPlacementReportModel extends ReportModel { private final static int ROW_SIZE = 7; private final static int COLUMN_SIZE = 1; private final static int ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS = 1; private final static int ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_PRE_SCHOOL_OPERATION = 2; private final static int ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_AFTER_SCHOOL_OPERATION = 3; private final static int ROW_METHOD_TOTAL = 4; private final static int COLUMN_METHOD_COUNT = 101; private final static String QUERY_TOTAL_PLACEMENTS = "total_placements"; private final static String KEY_REPORT_TITLE = KP + "title_nacka_child_care_total_placements"; private final static int SCHOOL_TYPE_PRE_SCHOOL = 1; private final static int SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_DAYCARE = 2; private final static int SCHOOL_TYPE_AFTER_SCHOOL = 3; private final static int SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_AFTER_SCHOOL = 4; /** * Constructs this report model. * @param reportBusiness the report business instance for calculating cell values */ public NackaCCTotalPlacementReportModel(ReportBusiness reportBusiness) { super(reportBusiness); } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#initReportSize() */ protected void initReportSize() { setReportSize(ROW_SIZE, COLUMN_SIZE); } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#buildRowHeaders() */ protected Header[] buildRowHeaders() { Header[] headers = new Header[9]; headers[0] = new Header(KEY_PRE_SCHOOL, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[1] = new Header(KEY_FAMILY_DAYCARE, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[2] = new Header(KEY_TOTAL_PRE_SCHOOL_OPERATION, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[3] = new Header(null, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_SPACER); headers[4] = new Header(KEY_AFTER_SCHOOL, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[5] = new Header(KEY_FAMILY_AFTER_SCHOOL, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[6] = new Header(KEY_TOTAL_AFTER_SCHOOL_OPERATION, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); headers[7] = new Header(null, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_SPACER); headers[8] = new Header(KEY_TOTAL, Header.HEADERTYPE_ROW_HEADER); return headers; } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#buildColumnHeaders() */ protected Header[] buildColumnHeaders() { Header[] headers = new Header[1]; headers[0] = new Header(KEY_NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN, Header.HEADERTYPE_COLUMN_HEADER); return headers; } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#buildCells() */ protected void buildCells() { for (int column = 0; column < getColumnSize(); column++) { int row = 0; int columnMethod = COLUMN_METHOD_COUNT; Object columnParameter = null; Object rowParameter = null; Cell cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS, columnMethod, new Integer(SCHOOL_TYPE_PRE_SCHOOL), columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS, columnMethod, new Integer(SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_DAYCARE), columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_PRE_SCHOOL_OPERATION, columnMethod, rowParameter, columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS, columnMethod, new Integer(SCHOOL_TYPE_AFTER_SCHOOL), columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS, columnMethod, new Integer(SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_AFTER_SCHOOL), columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_AFTER_SCHOOL_OPERATION, columnMethod, rowParameter, columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); cell = new Cell(this, row, column, ROW_METHOD_TOTAL, columnMethod, rowParameter, columnParameter, Cell.CELLTYPE_NORMAL); setCell(row++, column, cell); } } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#calculate() */ protected float calculate(Cell cell) throws RemoteException { float value = 0f; switch (cell.getColumnMethod()) { case COLUMN_METHOD_COUNT: switch (cell.getRowMethod()) { case ROW_METHOD_COUNT_PLACEMENTS: Integer schoolType = (Integer) cell.getRowParameter(); value = getChildCareTotalPlacementCount(schoolType.intValue()); break; case ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_PRE_SCHOOL_OPERATION: value = getCell(0, 0).getFloatValue() + getCell(1, 0).getFloatValue(); break; case ROW_METHOD_TOTAL_AFTER_SCHOOL_OPERATION: value = getCell(3, 0).getFloatValue() + getCell(4, 0).getFloatValue(); break; case ROW_METHOD_TOTAL: value = getCell(2, 0).getFloatValue() + getCell(5, 0).getFloatValue(); break; } break; } return value; } /** * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.school.report.business.ReportModel#getReportTitleLocalizationKey() */ public String getReportTitleLocalizationKey() { return KEY_REPORT_TITLE; } /** * Returns the number of total child placements in Nacka commune. */ protected int getChildCareTotalPlacementCount(int schoolType) throws RemoteException { ReportBusiness rb = getReportBusiness(); int schoolType1 = 0; int schoolType2 = 0; int schoolType3 = 0; int schoolType4 = 0; switch (schoolType) { case SCHOOL_TYPE_PRE_SCHOOL: schoolType1 = rb.getPreSchoolTypeId(); schoolType2 = rb.getGeneralPreSchoolTypeId(); schoolType3 = schoolType2; schoolType4 = schoolType2; break; case SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_DAYCARE: schoolType1 = rb.getFamilyDayCareSchoolTypeId(); schoolType2 = rb.getGeneralFamilyDaycareSchoolTypeId(); schoolType3 = schoolType2; schoolType4 = schoolType2; break; case SCHOOL_TYPE_AFTER_SCHOOL: schoolType1 = rb.getAfterSchool6TypeId(); schoolType2 = rb.getAfterSchool7_9TypeId(); schoolType3 = schoolType2; schoolType4 = schoolType2; break; case SCHOOL_TYPE_FAMILY_AFTER_SCHOOL: schoolType1 = rb.getFamilyAfterSchool6TypeId(); schoolType2 = rb.getFamilyAfterSchool7_9TypeId(); schoolType3 = schoolType2; schoolType4 = schoolType2; break; } PreparedQuery query = null; query = getQuery(QUERY_TOTAL_PLACEMENTS); if (query == null) { query = new PreparedQuery(getConnection()); query.setSelectCount(); query.setChildCarePlacements(); query.setOnlyNackaCitizens(); query.setFourSchoolTypes(); // parameter 1-4 query.prepare(); setQuery(QUERY_TOTAL_PLACEMENTS, query); } query.setInt(1, schoolType1); query.setInt(2, schoolType2); query.setInt(3, schoolType3); query.setInt(4, schoolType4); return query.execute(); } }