/* * $Id: ApplicationSubjectBMPBean.java,v 2008/06/06 11:27:48 palli Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.block.application.data; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.data.IDOQuery; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * * @author <a href="mailto:palli@idega.is">Pall Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ApplicationSubjectBMPBean extends com.idega.data.GenericEntity implements com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicationSubject { private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "app_subject"; private static final String COLUMN_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String COLUMN_CREATED = "created"; private static final String COLUMN_STARTS = "starts"; private static final String COLUMN_EXPIRES = "expires"; private static final String COLUMN_STATUS = "status"; private static final String COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE = "INFO_ATTRIBUE"; public ApplicationSubjectBMPBean() { super(); } public ApplicationSubjectBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, "Description", String.class, 255); addAttribute(COLUMN_CREATED, "Created", Date.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_EXPIRES, "Expires", Date.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_STATUS, "Status", String.class, 1); addAttribute(COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE, "Attribute", String.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_STARTS, "Starts", Date.class); } public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } //getters public String getName() { return getDescription(); } public String getDescription() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION); } public Date getCreated() { return getDateColumnValue(COLUMN_CREATED); } public Date getExpires() { return getDateColumnValue(COLUMN_EXPIRES); } public String getStatus() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_STATUS); } public String getExtraAttribute() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE); } public Date getStarts() { return getDateColumnValue(COLUMN_STARTS); } //setters public void setDescription(String description) { setColumn(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, description); } public void setCreated(Date date) { setColumn(COLUMN_CREATED, date); } public void setExpires(Date date) { setColumn(COLUMN_EXPIRES, date); } public void setStatus(String status) { setColumn(COLUMN_STATUS, status); } public void setExtraAttribute(String attribute) { setColumn(COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE, attribute); } public void setStarts(Date starts) { setColumn(COLUMN_STARTS, starts); } //ejb public Collection ejbFindAll() throws FinderException { return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(super.idoQueryGetSelect()); } public Collection ejbFindNonExpired() throws FinderException { IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); IDOQuery query = super.idoQueryGetSelect(); query.appendWhere(COLUMN_EXPIRES); query.appendGreaterThanSign(); query.append(now.getDate()); query.appendAnd(); query.appendLeftParenthesis(); query.append(COLUMN_STARTS); query.appendIsNull(); query.appendOr(); query.append(COLUMN_STARTS); query.appendLessThanOrEqualsSign(); query.append(now.getDate()); query.appendRightParenthesis(); System.out.println("query = " + query.toString()); return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } }