package com.idega.block.category.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; /** * <p> * Title: idegaWeb</p> <p> * Description: </p> <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> <p> * Company: idega</p> * *@author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> *@created 15. mars 2002 *@version 1.0 */ public class FolderBlock extends Block { private boolean _useLocalizedFolders = true; private InformationFolder _workFolder = null; private InformationFolder[] _visibleFolders = null; private InformationCategory[] _categoriesForInstance = null; private boolean _autocreate = true; private String _contentLocaleIdentifier = null; FolderBlockBusiness _business= null; private int _blockInstanceID = -1; private int _blockObjectID = -1; private boolean _utilisesCategories = true; /** * Constructor for the FolderBlock object */ public FolderBlock() { } public void useLocalizedFolders(boolean use){ this._useLocalizedFolders = use; } /** * Gets the workFolderId attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@return The workingFolderId value *@deprecated rather use getWorkFolder() */ public int getWorkFolderID() { return this._workFolder.getID(); } /** * Gets the workingFolder attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@return The workingFolder value */ public InformationFolder getWorkFolder() { return this._workFolder; } /* * public InformationFolder[] getFoldersToView(){ * return _viewFolders; * } */ /** * Gets the categoriesToView attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@return The categoriesToView value */ public InformationCategory[] getCategoriesToView() { return this._categoriesForInstance; } /** * Sets the work folder attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@param folder The new work folder value */ public void setWorkFolder(InformationFolder folder) { this._workFolder = folder; } /** * Sets the autoCreate attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@param autocreate The new autoCreate value */ public void setAutoCreate(boolean autocreate) { this._autocreate = autocreate; } /** * Sets the contentLocaleIdentifier attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@param identifier The new contentLocaleIdentifier value */ public void setContentLocaleIdentifier(String identifier) { this._contentLocaleIdentifier = identifier; } /** * Gets the contentLocaleIdentifier attribute of the FolderBlock object * *@return The contentLocaleIdentifier value */ public String getContentLocaleIdentifier() { return this._contentLocaleIdentifier; } /** * Sets the contentLocaleDependent attribute of the FolderBlock object */ public void setContentLocaleDependent() { this._contentLocaleIdentifier = null; } public FolderBlockBusiness getBlockBusinessInstance(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws IBOLookupException{ if(this._business == null){ this._business = (FolderBlockBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac,getBlockBusinessClass()); } return this._business; } public Class getBlockBusinessClass(){ return FolderBlockBusiness.class; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter *@exception Exception Description of the Exception */ public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (getBlockInstanceID() > 0) { FolderBlockBusiness business = getBlockBusinessInstance(iwc); int localeId = -1; if (getContentLocaleIdentifier() != null) { ICLocale locale = ICLocaleBusiness.getICLocale(getContentLocaleIdentifier()); //getContentLocaleIdentifier(); if (locale != null) { localeId = locale.getLocaleID(); } } if (localeId == -1) { localeId = iwc.getCurrentLocaleId(); } InformationFolder folder = business.getInstanceWorkeFolder(getBlockInstanceID(), getBlockObjectID(), localeId, this._autocreate); if (folder != null) { if(this._useLocalizedFolders){ setWorkFolder(folder); } else { setWorkFolder(folder.getParent()); } } List infoCategories = business.getInstanceCategories(getBlockInstanceID()); if (infoCategories != null && infoCategories.size() > 0) { this._categoriesForInstance = new InformationCategory[infoCategories.size()]; int pos = 0; Iterator iter = infoCategories.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { InformationCategory item = (InformationCategory); this._categoriesForInstance[pos] = item; pos++; } } else { if(utilisesCategories() && !business.hasAvailableCategory(this.getBlockObjectID())){ createDefaultCategories(iwc); } this._categoriesForInstance = new InformationCategory[0]; } } super._main(iwc); } /** * Description of the Method * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public synchronized Object clone() { FolderBlock obj = null; try { obj = (FolderBlock)super.clone(); obj._workFolder = this._workFolder; obj._visibleFolders = this._visibleFolders; obj._categoriesForInstance = this._categoriesForInstance; obj._autocreate = this._autocreate; obj._blockInstanceID = this._blockInstanceID; obj._blockObjectID = this._blockObjectID; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public boolean deleteBlock(int ICObjectInstanceId){ try { return ((FolderBlockBusiness)IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(),FolderBlockBusiness.class)).detachWorkfolderFromObjectInstance(this.getICObjectInstance()); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Returns a Link to FolderBlockCategoryWindow */ public Link getCategoryLink(){ Link L = new Link(); //L.addParameter(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.prmCategoryId,getCategoryId()); L.addParameter(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.prmObjInstId,getBlockInstanceID()); L.addParameter(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.prmObjId,getBlockObjectID()); L.addParameter(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.prmWorkingFolder,this.getWorkFolderID()); // if(getMultible()) { L.addParameter(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.prmMulti,"true"); // } // if (orderManually) { // L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmOrder, "true"); // } L.setWindowToOpen(FolderBlockCategoryWindow.class); return L; } public boolean createDefaultCategories(IWContext iwc){ try { this.getBlockBusinessInstance(iwc).createICInformationCategory(iwc,iwc.getCurrentLocaleId(),"Default","Default category",null,getBlockObjectID(),-1); return true; } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public int getBlockInstanceID(){ if(this._blockInstanceID == -1){ this._blockInstanceID = this.getICObjectInstanceID(); } return this._blockInstanceID; } public int getBlockObjectID(){ if(this._blockObjectID == -1){ this._blockObjectID = this.getICObjectID(); } return this._blockObjectID; } public void setBlockInstanceID(int id){ this._blockInstanceID = id; } public void setBlockObjectID(int id){ this._blockObjectID = id; } public boolean utilisesCategories() { return this._utilisesCategories; } public void utiliseCategories(boolean value) { this._utilisesCategories = value; } }