package com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil; import; /** * Converts back and forth between binary and base 64 (rfc 1521). There are * almost certainly java classes that already do this, but it will * take longer to find them than to write this :-) <p> * * Not fully optimised for speed - might be made faster if necessary... <p> * * Maybe should rewrite sometime as a stream? * @author Chris Betts */ public class CBBase64 { protected static class Base64EncodingException extends Exception { public Base64EncodingException(String msg) { super(msg);} } /* if speeding up by using array, maybe mess around with this array... static int binToChar[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; */ /** * Purely static class; hence no one should be able to instantiate it... */ private CBBase64 () {} /** * Takes a binary byte array and converts it to base64 mime * encoded data. * @param byteArray an array of 8 bit bytes to be converted * @return the resultant encoded string */ public static String binaryToString(byte[] byteArray) { return binaryToString(byteArray, 0); } /** * Takes a binary byte array and converts it to base64 mime * encoded data. * @param byteArray an array of 8 bit bytes to be converted * @param offset The first line of the string may be offset by * by this many characters for nice formatting (e.g. in * an ldif file, the first line may include 'att value = ...' * at the beginning of the base 64 encoded block). * @return the resultant encoded string * */ public static String binaryToString(byte[] byteArray, int offset) { if (byteArray == null) { return null; // XXX correct behaviour? } //int arraySize = byteArray.length; //int thirdSize = arraySize/3; byte[] base64Data = encode(byteArray); if (base64Data == null) { return null; // Exception occurred. } return format(base64Data, offset); } /** * This returns a formatted string representing the base64 data. * @param base64Data a byte array of base64 encoded data. * @param offset the string is formatted to fit inside column 76. * The offset number provides for the first line to be * foreshortened (basically for pretty formatting in ldif * files). */ // XXX this is unusually sucky, even for me. Better would be too format on the fly... public static String format(byte[] base64Data, int offset) { String data; try { data = new String(base64Data, "US-ASCII"); } catch (Exception e) { data = new String(base64Data); // should be equivalent to above } // some magic to make the columns line up nicely, and everythin, // including leading space, to fit under column 76... StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(data); int i = 76 - offset; while (i < base64Data.length) { buffer.insert(i, "\r\n "); i += 78; } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Encodes an arbitrary byte array into an array of base64 encoded bytes * (i.e. bytes that have values corresponding to the ascii values of base 64 * data, and can be type cast to those chars). * @param byteArray the raw data to encode * @return the base64 encoded bytes (the length of this is ~ 4/3 the length of * the raw data). */ public static byte[] encode(byte[] byteArray) { try { int arraySize = byteArray.length; int outputSize = (arraySize%3 == 0)? (arraySize/3)*4 : ((arraySize/3)+1)*4; byte[] output = new byte[outputSize]; // iterate through array, reading off byte triplets and converting to base64 int bufferLength = 0; for (int i=0; i<=(arraySize-3); i+=3) { convertTriplet(byteArray[i], byteArray[i+1], byteArray[i+2], 3, output, bufferLength); bufferLength += 4; } switch (arraySize%3) { case 0: break; case 1: convertTriplet(byteArray[arraySize-1], (byte)0, (byte)0, 1, output, bufferLength); break; case 2: convertTriplet(byteArray[arraySize-2], byteArray[arraySize-1],(byte)0,2, output, bufferLength); break; } return output; } catch (Base64EncodingException e) { return null; } } /** * Encode an arbitrary byte array into an array of base64 encoded bytes. * That is, bytes that have values corresponding to the ascii values of base 64 * data, and can be type cast to those chars. * * @param byteArray the raw data to encode * @param start the number of padding spaces to have at the start (must be less than colSize) * @param colSize the length of each line of text (i.e. the right hand margin). Must * be a multiple of 4. * @return the base64 encoded bytes (the length of this is ~ 4/3 the length of * the raw data). */ public static byte[] encodeFormatted(byte[] byteArray, int start, int colSize) throws Base64EncodingException { try { if (colSize%4 != 0) { throw new Base64EncodingException("error in encodeFormatted - colSize not a multiple of 4."); } if (start >= colSize) { throw new Base64EncodingException("error in encodeFormatted - start is not less than colSize."); } int arraySize = byteArray.length; int outputSize = start + ((arraySize%3 == 0)? (arraySize/3)*4 : ((arraySize/3)+1)*4); outputSize += (outputSize/colSize) + 1; // allow for new lines! byte[] output = new byte[outputSize]; // iterate through array, reading off byte triplets and converting to base64 for (int i=0; i<start; i++) { output[i] = (byte) ' '; // pad to 'start' with spaces. } int bufferLength = start; for (int i=0; i<=(arraySize-3); i+=3) { convertTriplet(byteArray[i], byteArray[i+1], byteArray[i+2], 3, output, bufferLength); bufferLength += 4; if (bufferLength%(colSize+1) == colSize) // check if we're at the end of a column { output[bufferLength++] = (byte) '\n'; } } switch (arraySize%3) { case 0: break; case 1: convertTriplet(byteArray[arraySize-1], (byte)0, (byte)0, 1, output, bufferLength); bufferLength += 4; break; case 2: convertTriplet(byteArray[arraySize-2], byteArray[arraySize-1],(byte)0,2, output, bufferLength); bufferLength += 4; break; } // final '\n' if (bufferLength < outputSize) // it should be exactly one less! { output[bufferLength++] = (byte) '\n'; } else { System.err.println("wierdness in formatted base 64 : bufferlength (" + bufferLength + ") != 1 + outputsize (" + outputSize + ")"); } return output; } catch (Base64EncodingException e) { return null; } catch (Exception e2) { System.err.println("unexpected error in base 64 encoding"); e2.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Takes a base 64 encoded string and converts it to a * binary byte array. * @param chars a string of base64 encoded characters to be converted * @return the resultant binary array */ public static byte[] stringToBinary(String chars) { if (chars == null) { return null; } byte charArray[]; try { charArray = chars.getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { charArray = chars.getBytes(); } return decode(charArray); } /** * Decodes a byte array containing base64 encoded data. * @param rawData a byte array, each byte of which is a seven-bit ASCII value. * @return the raw binary data, each byte of which may have any value from * 0 - 255. This value will be null if a decoding error occurred. */ public static byte[] decode(byte[] rawData) { try { int resultLength = (int)(rawData.length*.75); // set upper limit for binary array byte result[] = new byte[resultLength]; int noBytesWritten = 0; int validCharacters = 0; byte c; byte quad[] = new byte[4]; // temp store for a quad of base64 byte characters int bytes; // temp store for a triplet of bytes int numfound = 0; // number of chars found for quad // iterate through, finding valid quads, and converting to byte triplets for (int i=0; i<rawData.length; i++) { c = rawData[i]; { if ((c >= (byte)'A' && c <= (byte)'Z') || (c>=(byte)'a' && c<=(byte)'z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') || ( c == '+') || (c == (byte)'/') || (c== (byte)'=')) { quad[numfound++] = c; validCharacters++; } else if (" \r\n\t\f".indexOf((char)c)==-1) { CBUtility.log("error... bad character (" + (char)c + ") read from base64 encoded string", 6); return null; } } // write the quad; paying special attention to possible 'filler' // characters '=' or '==' at the end of the string (see rfc). if (numfound == 4) { bytes = convertQuad(quad); result[noBytesWritten++] = (byte) ((bytes & 0xFF0000)>>16); if (c != '=') { result[noBytesWritten++] = (byte) ((bytes & 0xFF00)>>8); result[noBytesWritten++] = (byte) (bytes & 0xFF); } else if (rawData[i-1] != '=') { result[noBytesWritten++] = (byte) ((bytes & 0xFF00)>>8); if ((bytes & 0xFF)>0) { CBUtility.log("Warning: Corrupt base64 Encoded File - contains trailing bits after file end.", 6); return null; } } else if ((bytes & 0xFF00)>0) { CBUtility.log("Warning: Corrupt base64 Encoded File - contains trailing bits after file end.", 6); return null; } numfound = 0; } } // check that the number of real characters is correct - must be cleanly // divisible by 4... if (validCharacters%4!=0) { CBUtility.log("Warning: Corrupt base64 Encoded File - Length (" + validCharacters + ") of valid characters not divisible by 4.", 6); return null; } byte finalResult[] = new byte[noBytesWritten]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, finalResult, 0, noBytesWritten); return finalResult; } catch (Exception e) { CBUtility.log("unable to create final decoded byte array from base64 bytes: " + e, 6); return null; } } /** * Converts three bytes to 4 base 64 values... * a half hearted attempt has been made to make it go fast... * @param a the first byte to convert * @param b the second byte to convert * @param c the third byte to convert * @param Num the Number of 'real' bytes to convert - i.e. 1 (just a), * 2 (a and b), or 3 (a,b and c). * @param buffer the result buffer to put the final values in. * @param bufpos the position to start filling the result buffer from. * @return the current end position of data in the result buffer... */ private static void convertTriplet(byte a, byte b, byte c, int Num, byte[] buff, int buffpos) throws Base64EncodingException { byte w,x,y,z; // the four 6 bit values extracted. int trip = (a<<16) | ((b<<8) & 0xFF00) | ( c & 0xFF); w = (byte) (( trip & 0xFC0000 ) >> 18); x = (byte) (( trip & 0x03F000 ) >> 12); y = (byte) (( trip & 0x000FC0 ) >> 6); z = (byte) ( trip & 0x00003F ); buff[buffpos] = convertFrom6Bit(w); buff[buffpos+1] = convertFrom6Bit(x); if (Num == 1) { buff[buffpos+2] = (byte) '='; buff[buffpos+3] = (byte) '='; } else { buff[buffpos+2] = convertFrom6Bit(y); if (Num == 2) { buff[buffpos+3] = (byte)'='; } else { buff[buffpos+3] = convertFrom6Bit(z); } } } /** * Use rfc 1521 specified character conversions * (I wonder if a preset array would be faster?) * @param b the 6 significant bit byte to be converted * @return the converted base64 character */ // this might be sped up using an array index as provided above... private static byte convertFrom6Bit(byte b) throws Base64EncodingException { //byte c; if (b < 26) { return (byte)('A' + b); // 'A' -> 'Z' } else if (b < 52) { return (byte)(('a' - 26 ) + b ); // 'a' -> 'z' } else if (b < 62) { return (byte)(('0' - 52 ) + b ); // '0' -> '9' } else if (b == 62) { return ((byte)'+'); } else if (b == 63) { return ((byte)'/'); } else // error - should never happen { throw new Base64EncodingException ("erroroneous value " + (char)b + " passed in convertFrom6bit"); } } /** * Use rfc 1521 specified character conversions * (I wonder if a preset array would be faster?) * @param c a byte representing a single base64 encoded character * @return the corresponding raw 6 bit 'true' value. */ private static byte convertTo6Bit(byte c) throws Base64EncodingException { if (c == (byte)'+') { return 62; } else if (c == (byte)'/') { return 63; } else if (c == (byte)'=') { return 0; } else if (c <= (byte)'9') { return (byte)( c - (byte)'0' + 52 ); } else if (c <= (byte)'Z') { return (byte)( c - (byte)'A'); } else if (c <= (byte)'z') { return (byte)( c - (byte)'a' + 26); } else // error - should never happen { throw new Base64EncodingException("erroroneous value " + (char)c + " passed in convertTo6bit"); } } /** * Takes a triplet of base64 encoded characters, and returns * a triplet of appropriate bytes * * @param quad four base 64 encoded characters * @return the corresponding 'true' 24 bit value, as an int. */ private static int convertQuad(byte[] quad) throws Base64EncodingException { byte a = convertTo6Bit(quad[0]); byte b = convertTo6Bit(quad[1]); byte c = convertTo6Bit(quad[2]); byte d = convertTo6Bit(quad[3]); int ret = (a << 18) + (b << 12) + (c << 6) + d; return ret; } }