/* * $Id: PostingBusinessBean.java,v 2006/03/31 11:34:29 palli Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2003 Agura IT. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Agura IT AB. Use is subject * to license terms. * */ package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.business; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.export.data.ExportDataMapping; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingField; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingFieldHome; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingParameters; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingParametersHome; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingString; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingStringHome; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.ActivityType; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.ActivityTypeHome; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.CommuneBelongingType; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.CommuneBelongingTypeHome; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.school.data.Provider; import com.idega.block.school.data.SchoolCategory; import com.idega.block.school.data.SchoolType; import com.idega.core.location.data.Commune; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Business logic for creating assembling, and disassembling the posting * strings, and for setting up the rules and structures of the posting strings * (C&P req. spec. konteringsstrangar och konteringsfalt). * * @author Joakim * @author Kjell Lindman * * */ public class PostingBusinessBean extends com.idega.business.IBOServiceBean implements PostingBusiness { public static final int JUSTIFY_LEFT = 0; public static final int JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 1; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_CREATE = "posting_param_err.create"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_NOT_FOUND = "posting_parm_edit.post_not_found"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_ORDER = "posting_parm_edit.post_dateorder"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SAME_ENTRY = "posting_parm_edit.post_sameentry"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SCHOOL_YEAR_ORDER = "posting_parm_edit.post_school_year_order"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_MISSING = "posting_parm_edit.post_date_empty"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_NULL = "posting_parm_edit.post_date_null"; private final static String KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SCHOOL_YEARS = "posting_parm_edit.post_school_years"; private final static int SECONDS_IN_A_DAY = 86400000; private Collection fieldsList; private Date createdFieldsListDate; private Date getCreatedFieldsListDate() { return createdFieldsListDate; } private Collection getFieldsList() { return fieldsList; } /** * Merges two posting strings according to 15.2 and 15.3 in the * Kravspecification Check & Peng * * @param first * posting string * @param second * posting string * @param date * for valid time of posting rules * @return the merged posting strings * @throws RemoteException * @author Joakim */ public String generateString(String first, String second, Date date) throws RemoteException, PostingException { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); // used to build together // returnstring String temp; int readPointer = 0; // Pointer to place where next field is int fieldLength = 0; // Length of next field. Fetched from the // definition PostingStringHome ksHome = getPostingStringHome(); PostingFieldHome kfHome = getPostingFieldHome(); try { PostingString posting = ksHome.findPostingStringByDate(date); Collection list = kfHome.findAllFieldsByPostingString(Integer.parseInt(posting.getPrimaryKey().toString())); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PostingField field = (PostingField) iter.next(); fieldLength = field.getLen(); temp = trim(first.substring(readPointer, readPointer + fieldLength), field); if (temp.length() == 0) { temp = trim(second.substring(readPointer, readPointer + fieldLength), field); } temp = pad(temp, field); ret.append(temp); readPointer += fieldLength; } if (readPointer != first.length()) { System.out.println("Error: Wrong length of the string used for posting. Expected: " + readPointer + " Actual: " + first.length()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: The postingt definition and the posting strings did not match."); System.out.println("First posting string: '" + first + "'"); System.out.println("Second posting string:'" + second + "'"); System.out.println("Date for posting rule: " + date.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("posting.exception", "malformated posting field encountered"); } return ret.toString(); } /** * A method that goes through a posting string and compares it to the * definition until it finds a field with the correct name. * * @param postingString * The posting string we are searching through * @param name * The name of the field we are trying to find * @return The value of the field or "" if not found */ public String findFieldInStringByName(String postingString, String name) { String temp; int readPointer = 0; // Pointer to place where next field is int fieldLength = 0; // Length of next field. Fetched from the // definition try { if (getCreatedFieldsListDate() == null || getCreatedFieldsListDate().getTime() / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY != IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().getTime() / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY) createFieldsList(); Iterator iter = getFieldsList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PostingField field = (PostingField) iter.next(); fieldLength = field.getLen(); temp = trim(postingString.substring(readPointer, readPointer + fieldLength), field); if (field.getFieldTitle().equals(name)) return temp; readPointer += fieldLength; } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("postingString = " + postingString); System.out.println("name = " + name); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("postingString = " + postingString); System.out.println("name = " + name); e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } private void createFieldsList() throws RemoteException, FinderException { PostingStringHome ksHome = getPostingStringHome(); PostingFieldHome kfHome = getPostingFieldHome(); createdFieldsListDate = new Date(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().getTime()); PostingString posting = ksHome.findPostingStringByDate(createdFieldsListDate); fieldsList = kfHome.findAllFieldsByPostingString(Integer.parseInt(posting.getPrimaryKey().toString())); } /** * Validates that all the required fields have been set. If they are not * set, a MissingMandatoryFieldException will be thrown. * * @param postingString * @param date * @throws MissingMandatoryFieldException * @throws PostingException * * @author Joakim */ public void validateString(String postingString, Date date) throws PostingException { int fieldLength, readPointer = 0; try { PostingStringHome ksHome = getPostingStringHome(); PostingFieldHome kfHome = getPostingFieldHome(); PostingString posting = ksHome.findPostingStringByDate(date); Collection list = kfHome.findAllFieldsByPostingString(Integer.parseInt(posting.getPrimaryKey().toString())); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); // Go through all fields while (iter.hasNext()) { PostingField field = (PostingField) iter.next(); fieldLength = field.getLen(); if (field.getIsMandatory()) { // Check if mandatory field is empty if (trim(postingString.substring(readPointer, readPointer + fieldLength), field).length() == 0) { throw new MissingMandatoryFieldException(field.getFieldTitle()); } } readPointer += fieldLength; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: The postingt definition and the posting strings did not match."); System.out.println("First posting string: '" + postingString + "'"); System.out.println("Date for posting rule: " + date.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("posting.exception", "malformated posting field encountered"); } } /** * extractField Retrieves portion of a PostingString * * @param ps * posting string * @param readPointer * index in string * @param postingField * The field itself * @return an extracted part of the ps string */ public String extractField(String ps, int readPointer, int fieldLength, PostingField field) { if (ps == null) { return ""; } try { return trim(ps.substring(readPointer, readPointer + fieldLength), field); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return ""; } } /** * H�mta konteringsinformation Retrieves accounting default information. * Matching on the main rules like Verksamhet, Regspectyp, Bolagstyp, * kommuntill.h�righet is done via primary keys * * @param date * Date when the transaction took place * * @param act_id * Verksamhet. Related to: * @see com.idega.block.school.data.SchoolType# * * @param reg_id * Reg.Spec type. Related to: * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.RegulationSpecType# * * @param com_id * Company type * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.CompanyType# * This bean will be moved later to the Idega * school:com.idega.block.school.data * * @param com_bel_id * Commmune belonging type * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.regulations.data.CommuneBelongingType# * This will probably be moved into the accounting.data * * make parameter 0 for macthing of all * * @return PostingParameters * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingParameters# * @throws PostingParametersException * * @author Kjell */ public PostingParameters getPostingParameter(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id) throws PostingParametersException { return getPostingParameter(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, 0, 0); } public PostingParameters getPostingParameter(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id, int schoolYear2_id) throws PostingParametersException { logDebug("date: " + date); logDebug("act_id: " + act_id); logDebug("reg_id: " + reg_id); logDebug("com_id: " + com_id); logDebug("com_bel_id: " + com_bel_id); logDebug("schoolYear1_id: " + schoolYear1_id); logDebug("schoolYear2_id: " + schoolYear2_id); PostingParameters pp = null; try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); pp = home.findPostingParameter(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, schoolYear2_id); if (pp == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_NOT_FOUND, "S�kt parameter hittades ej"); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return pp; } /** * Slight mutation of the function above, to reflect what I think the * function is supposed to do (JJ) * * @param date * @param act_id * @param reg_id * @param com_id * @param com_bel_id * @param schoolYear1_id * @return * @throws PostingParametersException */ public PostingParameters getPostingParameter(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id) throws PostingParametersException { logDebug("date: " + date); logDebug("act_id: " + act_id); logDebug("reg_id: " + reg_id); logDebug("com_id: " + com_id); logDebug("com_bel_id: " + com_bel_id); logDebug("schoolYear1_id: " + schoolYear1_id); PostingParameters pp = null; try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); pp = home.findPostingParameter(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, -1, false); if (pp == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find parameter"); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return pp; } /** * Slight mutation of the function above, to reflect what I think the * function is supposed to do (JJ) * * @param date * @param act_id * @param reg_id * @param com_id * @param com_bel_id * @param schoolYear1_id * @return * @throws PostingParametersException */ public PostingParameters getPostingParameterWithoutStudypath(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id) throws PostingParametersException { return getPostingParameterWithoutStudypath(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, 0, 0); } public PostingParameters getPostingParameterWithoutStudypath(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id, int age, int careTimeID) throws PostingParametersException { logDebug("date: " + date); logDebug("act_id: " + act_id); logDebug("reg_id: " + reg_id); logDebug("com_id: " + com_id); logDebug("com_bel_id: " + com_bel_id); logDebug("schoolYear1_id: " + schoolYear1_id); PostingParameters pp = null; try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); pp = home.findPostingParameter(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, -1, true, age, careTimeID); if (pp == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find parameter"); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return pp; } /** * Slight mutation of the function above, to reflect what I think the * function is supposed to do (JJ) * * @param date * @param act_id * @param reg_id * @param com_id * @param com_bel_id * @param schoolYear1_id * @return * @throws PostingParametersException */ public PostingParameters getPostingParameterWithStudypath(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id, int studyPathID) throws PostingParametersException { return getPostingParameterWithStudypath(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, studyPathID, 0, 0); } public PostingParameters getPostingParameterWithStudypath(Date date, int act_id, int reg_id, String com_id, int com_bel_id, int schoolYear1_id, int studyPathID, int age, int careTimeID) throws PostingParametersException { logDebug("date: " + date); logDebug("act_id: " + act_id); logDebug("reg_id: " + reg_id); logDebug("com_id: " + com_id); logDebug("com_bel_id: " + com_bel_id); logDebug("schoolYear1_id: " + schoolYear1_id); PostingParameters pp = null; try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); pp = home.findPostingParameter(date, act_id, reg_id, com_id, com_bel_id, schoolYear1_id, studyPathID, false, age, careTimeID); if (pp == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find parameter"); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return pp; } /** * Save posting parameter * * @param sppID * PostingParameter ID * @param periodFrom * from date * @param periodTo * to date * @param changedSign * changed by user xxx * @param activityID * id for the activity in this parameter * @param regSpecTypeID * id for the regulation specification in this parameter * @param companyTypeID * id for the Company type that this parameter has * @param communeBelonging * id to what commune this parameter belongs to * @param ownPostingString * the own posting string * @param doublePostingString * the double accounting posting string * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.-data.PostingParameter# * @author kelly */ public void savePostingParameter(String sppID, Date periodFrom, Date periodTo, String changedSign, String activityID, String regSpecTypeID, String companyTypeID, String communeBelongingID, String schoolYear1ID, String schoolYear2ID, String studyPathID, String ownPostingString, String doublePostingString) throws PostingParametersException, RemoteException { savePostingParameter(sppID, periodFrom, periodTo, changedSign, activityID, regSpecTypeID, companyTypeID, communeBelongingID, schoolYear1ID, schoolYear2ID, studyPathID, null, null, null, ownPostingString, doublePostingString); } public void savePostingParameter(String sppID, Date periodFrom, Date periodTo, String changedSign, String activityID, String regSpecTypeID, String companyTypeID, String communeBelongingID, String schoolYear1ID, String schoolYear2ID, String studyPathID, String ageFrom, String ageTo, String careTime, String ownPostingString, String doublePostingString) throws PostingParametersException, RemoteException { PostingParametersHome home = null; PostingParameters pp = null; int parm1 = 0; int parm2 = 0; String parm3 = null; int parm4 = 0; int parm5 = 0; int parm6 = 0; int parm7 = 0; int parm8 = 0; int parm9 = 0; int parm10 = 0; if (((schoolYear1ID.compareTo("0") != 0) && (schoolYear2ID.compareTo("0") == 0)) || ((schoolYear1ID.compareTo("0") == 0) && (schoolYear2ID.compareTo("0") != 0))) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SCHOOL_YEARS, "Ange skol�rsintervall!"); } if (periodFrom == null || periodTo == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_NULL, "Datum m�ste fyllas i!"); } if (schoolYear1ID != null && schoolYear1ID != null) { if (Integer.parseInt(schoolYear1ID) > Integer.parseInt(schoolYear2ID)) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SCHOOL_YEAR_ORDER, "Fel ordning bland skol�ren!"); } } if (periodFrom == null || periodTo == null) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_MISSING, "Datum saknas!"); } if (periodFrom.after(periodTo)) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_DATE_ORDER, "Fr�n datum kan ej vara senare �n tom datum!"); } try { home = (PostingParametersHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PostingParameters.class); if (activityID == null) activityID = "0"; if (regSpecTypeID == null) regSpecTypeID = "0"; if (companyTypeID == null) companyTypeID = "0"; if (communeBelongingID == null) communeBelongingID = "0"; if (schoolYear1ID == null) schoolYear1ID = "0"; if (schoolYear2ID == null) schoolYear2ID = "0"; if (studyPathID == null) studyPathID = "0"; parm1 = Integer.parseInt(activityID); parm2 = Integer.parseInt(regSpecTypeID); parm3 = companyTypeID; parm4 = Integer.parseInt(communeBelongingID); parm5 = Integer.parseInt(schoolYear1ID); parm6 = Integer.parseInt(schoolYear2ID); parm7 = Integer.parseInt(studyPathID); parm8 = ageFrom == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(ageFrom); parm9 = ageTo == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(ageTo); parm10 = careTime == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(careTime); if (searchPP(periodFrom, periodTo, ownPostingString, doublePostingString, parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10)) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_SAME_ENTRY, "Denna post finns redan sparad!"); } int ppID = 0; if (sppID != null) { ppID = Integer.parseInt(sppID); } pp = null; if (ppID != 0) { pp = home.findPostingParameter(ppID); } } catch (FinderException e) { pp = null; } try { if (pp == null) { pp = home.create(); } pp.setPeriodFrom(periodFrom); pp.setPeriodTo(periodTo); pp.setChangedSign(changedSign); pp.setChangedDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); pp.setPostingString(ownPostingString); pp.setDoublePostingString(doublePostingString); pp.setActivity(parm1); pp.setRegSpecType(parm2); pp.setCompanyType(parm3); pp.setCommuneBelonging(parm4); pp.setSchoolYear1(parm5); pp.setSchoolYear2(parm6); pp.setStudyPath(parm7); pp.setAgeFrom(parm8); pp.setAgeTo(parm9); pp.setCareTimeID(parm10); pp.store(); } catch (CreateException ce) { throw new PostingParametersException(KEY_ERROR_POST_PARAM_CREATE, "Kan ej skapa parameter"); } } /* * Compares a Posting Parameter with stored parameters @author Kjell */ private boolean searchPP(Date from, Date to, String ownPosting, String doublePosting, int code1, int code2, String code3, int code4, int code5, int code6, int code7, int code8, int code9, int code10) { try { if (ownPosting == null || doublePosting == null) { return false; } PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); PostingParameters pp = null; try { pp = home.findPostingParameter(from, to, ownPosting, doublePosting, code1, code2, code3, code4, code5, code6, code7, code8, code9, code10); } catch (FinderException e) { } if (pp != null) { return true; } } catch (RemoteException e) { return false; } return false; } /** * Deletes a posting parameter * * @param id * PostingParameter ID * @author Kjell * */ public void deletePostingParameter(int ppID) { try { PostingParameters pp = (PostingParameters) findPostingParameter(ppID); pp.remove(); //pp.store(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } /** * Gets posting parameters for a certain period * * @param from * period (4 digits) * @param to * period (4 digits) * @return collection of posting parameters * @author Kjell * */ public Collection findPostingParametersByPeriod(Date from, Date to) { try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); return home.findPostingParametersByPeriod(from, to); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets posting parameters for a certain period and operational field * (school category) * * @param from * period (4 digits) * @param to * period (4 digits) * @param ID * field * @return collection of posting parameters * @author Aron */ public Collection findPostingParametersByPeriod(Date from, Date to, String opID) { try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); return home.findPostingParametersByPeriodAndOperationalID(from, to, opID); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets all posting parameters * * @return collection of posting parameters * @author Kjell */ public Collection findAllPostingParameters() { try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); return home.findAllPostingParameters(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets a posting parameter by the ID * * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingParameters# * @return PostingParameters * @author Kjell */ public Object findPostingParameter(int id) { // Move this try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); return home.findPostingParameter(id); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets a posting parameter by a period * * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingParameters# * @return PostingParameters * @author Kjell */ public Object findPostingParameterByPeriod(Date from, Date to) { // Move this try { PostingParametersHome home = getPostingParametersHome(); return home.findPostingParametersByPeriod(from, to); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets a posting field length for a specific date and field number * * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingField# * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingString# * @return int length of field * @author Kjell */ public int getPostingFieldByDateAndFieldNo(Date date, int fieldNo) { try { PostingStringHome psHome = getPostingStringHome(); PostingFieldHome pfHome = getPostingFieldHome(); PostingString ps = psHome.findPostingStringByDate(date); int psID = Integer.parseInt(ps.getPrimaryKey().toString()); PostingField pf = pfHome.findFieldByPostingStringAndFieldNo(psID, fieldNo); return pf.getLen(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return 0; } catch (FinderException e) { return 0; } } /** * Gets a posting fields for a specific date * * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingField# * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.posting.data.PostingString# * @return Collection PostingField * @author Kjell */ public Collection getAllPostingFieldsByDate(Date date) { try { PostingStringHome psHome = getPostingStringHome(); PostingFieldHome pfHome = getPostingFieldHome(); PostingString ps = psHome.findPostingStringByDate(date); int psID = Integer.parseInt(ps.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return pfHome.findAllFieldsByPostingString(psID); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } /** * Pads the string according to the rules in Posting field * * @param in * the string to pad * @param postingField * holds the rules for padding * @return the padded string */ public String pad(String in, PostingField postingField) { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(in); // Add the padding character on right side of the string until it is of // right size if (postingField.getJustification() == JUSTIFY_LEFT) { while (ret.length() < postingField.getLen()) { ret.append(postingField.getPadChar()); } } else { while (ret.length() < postingField.getLen()) { ret.insert(0, postingField.getPadChar()); } } return ret.toString(); } /** * Trims the string according to the rules in Posting field * * @param in * the string to trim * @param postingField * holds the rules for trimming * @return the trimmed string */ public String trim(String in, PostingField postingField) { String ret = ""; int i; // Remove all padding characters until a non padding character is // encountered if (postingField.getJustification() == JUSTIFY_LEFT) { for (i = postingField.getLen(); i > 0 && in.charAt(i) == postingField.getPadChar(); i++) { } ret = in.substring(0, i); } else { for (i = 0; i < postingField.getLen() && in.charAt(i) == postingField.getPadChar(); i++) { } ret = in.substring(i, postingField.getLen()); } return ret; } /** * Does the search in the postings * * @param iwc * @param category * @param type * @param reg * @param provider * @param date * @return the Posting strings as String[] */ public String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType type, int regSpecType, Provider provider, Date date) throws PostingException { return getPostingStrings(category, type, regSpecType, provider, date, -1); } public String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType type, int regSpecType, Provider provider, Date date, int age, int careTimeID) throws PostingException { return getPostingStrings(category, type, regSpecType, provider, date, -1, -1, false, age, careTimeID); } public String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType type, int regSpecType, Provider provider, Date date, int schoolYearId, int studyPathId, boolean noStudyPathId) throws PostingException { return getPostingStrings(category, type, regSpecType, provider, date, schoolYearId, studyPathId, noStudyPathId, 0, 0); } public String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType type, int regSpecType, Provider provider, Date date, int schoolYearId, int studyPathId, boolean noStudyPathId, int age, int careTimeID) throws PostingException { if (type == null) { throw new PostingException("postingException.missing_school_tpe", "No school type found"); } else if (category == null) { throw new PostingException("postingException.missing_category", "No category found"); } else if (provider == null) { throw new PostingException("postingException.missing_provider", "No provider found"); } String ownPosting = null, doublePosting = null; try { Commune commune = provider.getSchool().getCommune(); CommuneBelongingTypeHome home = (CommuneBelongingTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(CommuneBelongingType.class); CommuneBelongingType cbt = commune.getIsDefault() ? home.findHomeCommune() : home.findNoHomeCommune(); ExportDataMapping categoryPosting = (ExportDataMapping) IDOLookup.getHome(ExportDataMapping.class).findByPrimaryKeyIDO( category.getPrimaryKey()); // Set the posting strings PostingParameters parameters = null; if (noStudyPathId) { // must not be study path? parameters = getPostingParameterWithoutStudypath(date, ((Integer) type.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), regSpecType, provider.getSchool().getManagementTypeId(), ((Integer) cbt.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), schoolYearId, age, careTimeID); } else { parameters = getPostingParameterWithStudypath(date, ((Integer) type.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), regSpecType, provider.getSchool().getManagementTypeId(), ((Integer) cbt.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), schoolYearId, studyPathId, age, careTimeID); } if (parameters == null) { System.out.println("category = " + category.getName()); System.out.println("type = " + type.getName()); System.out.println("regSpecType = " + regSpecType); System.out.println("date = " + date); System.out.println("schoolYearId = " + schoolYearId); System.out.println("studyPathId = " + studyPathId); System.out.println("noStudyPathId = " + noStudyPathId); } ownPosting = parameters.getPostingString(); // logDebug("ownPosting1: " + ownPosting); ownPosting = generateString(ownPosting, provider.getOwnPosting(), date); // logDebug("ownPosting2: " + ownPosting); ownPosting = generateString(ownPosting, categoryPosting.getAccount(), date); logDebug("ownPosting3: " + ownPosting); validateString(ownPosting, date); doublePosting = parameters.getDoublePostingString(); doublePosting = generateString(doublePosting, provider.getDoublePosting(), date); doublePosting = generateString(doublePosting, categoryPosting.getCounterAccount(), date); validateString(doublePosting, date); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("postingException.missing_parameter_value", "postingException.missing_parameter_value"); } catch (RemoteException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("postingException.service_unavailable", "postingException.service_unavailable"); } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("postingException.export_data_mapping", "postingException.export_data_mapping"); } catch (PostingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("postingException.posting", "postingException.posting"); } catch (PostingParametersException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new PostingException("postingException.posting_parameter", "postingException.posting_parameter"); } return new String[] { ownPosting, doublePosting }; } public String[] getPostingStrings(SchoolCategory category, SchoolType type, int regSpecType, Provider provider, Date date, int schoolYearId) throws PostingException { return getPostingStrings(category, type, regSpecType, provider, date, schoolYearId, -1, false); } protected PostingParametersHome getPostingParametersHome() throws RemoteException { return (PostingParametersHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(PostingParameters.class); } protected PostingStringHome getPostingStringHome() throws RemoteException { return (PostingStringHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(PostingString.class); } protected PostingFieldHome getPostingFieldHome() throws RemoteException { return (PostingFieldHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(PostingField.class); } protected ActivityTypeHome getActivityTypeHome() throws RemoteException { return (ActivityTypeHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ActivityType.class); } }