package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.DownloadLink; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBoxGroup; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.InputContainer; import com.idega.presentation.ui.RadioGroup; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextArea; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import; import; /** * SchoolChoiceReminderView is an IdegaWeb block that registers and handles * reminder broadcasts to citizens who should make a school choice. It is based * on session ejb classes in {@link} * and entity ejb classes in {@link}. * <p> * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/11/18 19:18:38 $ by $Author: aron $ * * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.46 $ * @see javax.ejb */ public class SchoolChoiceReminderView extends CommuneBlock { private final static String PREFIX = "scr_"; private final static String ACTIVE_REMINDERS_DEFAULT = "Aktiva p�minnelser"; private final static String ACTIVE_REMINDERS_KEY = PREFIX + "active_reminders"; private final static String ADDRESS_DEFAULT = "Adress"; private final static String ADDRESS_KEY = PREFIX + "address"; private final static String CANCEL_DEFAULT = "Avbryt"; private final static String CANCEL_KEY = PREFIX + "cancel"; private final static String CASE_ID_DEFAULT = "Nr."; private final static String CHILDREN_COUNT_KEY = PREFIX + "children_count"; private final static String CONFIRM_DELETE_DEFAULT = "P�minnelsen �r nu avaktiverad"; private final static String CONFIRM_DELETE_KEY = PREFIX + "confirm_delete_reminder"; private final static String CONFIRM_ENTER_DEFAULT = "Din p�minnelse �r nu registrerad"; private final static String CONFIRM_ENTER_KEY = PREFIX + "confirm_enter_reminder"; private final static String CONTINUE_DEFAULT = "Forts�tt"; private final static String CONTINUE_KEY = PREFIX + "continue"; private final static String CREATE_DEFAULT = "Registrera en p�minnelse"; private final static String CREATE_KEY = PREFIX + "create"; private final static String CUSTOM_TEXT_DEFAULT = "Egen p�minnelsetext"; private final static String CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY = PREFIX + "custom_text"; private final static String DELETE_DEFAULT = "Ta bort"; private final static String DELETE_KEY = PREFIX + "delete"; private final static String ERROR_FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY_DEFAULT = "F�ltet m�ste fyllas i"; private final static String ERROR_FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY_KEY = PREFIX + "error_field_can_not_be_empty"; private final static String EVENT_DATE_DEFAULT = "Utskicksdatum"; private final static String EVENT_DATE_KEY = PREFIX + "event_date"; private final static String GENERATE_LETTER_KEY = PREFIX + "generate_letter"; private final static String CREATE_STICKERS = PREFIX+"crt_stcks"; private final static String GOBACKTOMYPAGE_DEFAULT = "Tillbaka till Min sida"; private final static String GOBACKTOMYPAGE_KEY = PREFIX + "goBackToMyPage"; private final static String NEW_REMINDER_DEFAULT = "Skapa ny p�minnelse"; private final static String NEW_REMINDER_KEY = PREFIX + "new_reminder"; private final static String ONLY_CHILDREN_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE_KEY = PREFIX + "only_children_in_schools_last_grade"; private final static String ONLY_CHILDREN_LIVING_IN_COMMUNE_KEY = PREFIX + "only_children_living_in_commune"; private final static String PARENT_NAME_DEFAULT = "V�rdnadshavare"; private final static String PARENT_NAME_KEY = PREFIX + "parent_name"; private final static String REMINDER_DATE_DEFAULT = "Visa som �rende"; private final static String REMINDER_DATE_KEY = PREFIX + "reminder_date"; private final static String REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_DEFAULT = "Antal dagar innan utskick som p�minnelse ska visas som �rende"; private final static String REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_KEY = PREFIX + "reminder_days_before"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_1_DEFAULT = "P�minnelse - skolvalsperioden �r snart slut!\n\nSkolvalsperioden �r 13-31 januari. Vi har noterat att du �nnu inte gjort ditt skolval.\n\nAll information om skolvalet finns p� d�r du ocks� ans�ker om ditt personliga medborgarkonto.\n\nOm du har fr�gor ang�ende skolvalet kontakta Kundvalsgruppen p� telefon\n08-718 80 00 eller e-post\n\n\nMed v�nlig h�lsning\n\nKundvalsgruppen"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_1_KEY = PREFIX + "remindertext_1"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_2_KEY = PREFIX + "remindertext_2"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_DEFAULT = "P�minnelsetext"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_KEY = PREFIX + "reminder_text"; private final static String SCHOOLCHOICEREMINDER_DEFAULT = "P�minnelse om skolval"; private final static String SCHOOLCHOICEREMINDER_KEY = PREFIX + "schoolchoicereminder"; private final static String SCHOOL_SEASON_KEY="sch_school_season"; private final static String SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY="sch_school_year"; private final static String SSN_DEFAULT = "Personnummer"; private final static String SSN_KEY = PREFIX + "ssn"; private final static String STUDENT_LIST_KEY = PREFIX + "student_list"; private final static String STUDENT_NAME_DEFAULT = "Elev"; private final static String STUDENT_NAME_KEY = PREFIX + "student_name"; public final static String ACTION_KEY = PREFIX + "action"; public final static String CASE_ID_KEY = PREFIX + "case_id"; public final static String SHOW_DETAILS_KEY = PREFIX + "show_details"; private final static String REMINDER_TEXT_2_DEFAULT = "P�minnelse - sista m�jligheten att v�lja skola!\n\nSkolvalsperioden �r nu slut och skolorna p�b�rjar inom kort arbetet med att placera de barn som har valt skola. Utnyttja m�jligheten att sj�lv g�ra ett aktivt val f�r ditt barn!\n\nDitt val m�ste vara gjort p� senast fredagen den 7 februari kl. 24.00.\n\nOm du ej sj�lv g�r ett aktivt skolval f�r ditt barn f�r barnet en skolplacering p� n�rmaste skola som har ledig plats.\n\nOm du har fr�gor ang�ende skolvalet kontakta Kundvalsgruppen p� telefon\n08-718 80 00 eller e-post\n\n\nMed v�nlig h�lsning\n\nKundvalsgruppen"; private final static String PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_DEFAULT_COMMUNE=PREFIX+"is_only_in_default_commune"; private final static String PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE=PREFIX+"is_only_in_schools_last_year"; private final static String PARAM_SCHOOL_SEASON_ID=PREFIX+"sch_season_id"; private final static String PARAM_SCHOOL_YEAR_ID=PREFIX+"sch_year_id"; private final static SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter= new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd"); private ICFile stickerFile = null; /** * @param iwc session data like user info etc. */ public void main(final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, CreateException, FinderException,Exception { setResourceBundle (getResourceBundle(iwc)); final String action = iwc.getParameter (ACTION_KEY); if (!iwc.isLoggedOn ()) { add ("You're not autorized to use this function."); } else if (action != null && action.equals (CREATE_KEY)) { createReminder (iwc); } else if (action != null && action.equals (SHOW_DETAILS_KEY)) { showDetails (iwc); } else if (action != null && action.equals (GENERATE_LETTER_KEY)) { generateLetter (iwc); } else if (action != null && action.equals (CREATE_STICKERS)) { createStickers (iwc); } else if (action != null && action.equals (DELETE_KEY)) { deleteReminder (iwc); } else if (action != null && action.equals (SCHOOL_SEASON_KEY)) { selectSeasonAndIsOnlyDefaultCommune (); } else if (action != null && action.equals (SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY)) { selectSchoolYear (iwc); } else { iwc.getSession ().removeAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); showAllReminders (iwc); showCreateReminderForm (iwc); } } /** * @param iwc */ private void selectSchoolYear(IWContext iwc) { Form form = new Form(); add(form); Table t = new Table(); form.add(t); PresentationObject yearSelector = getSchoolYearsSelector(iwc); InputContainer yearSelectorCont = this.getInputContainer(SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY,"Select SchoolYear:",yearSelector); t.add(yearSelectorCont,1,1); form.maintainParameter(PARAM_SCHOOL_SEASON_ID); form.maintainParameter(PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_DEFAULT_COMMUNE); form.maintainParameter(PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE); form.maintainParameter(CASE_ID_KEY); t.add(this.getSubmitButton2(ACTION_KEY,SHOW_DETAILS_KEY),1,2); } /** * @param iwc */ private void selectSeasonAndIsOnlyDefaultCommune() { Form form = new Form(); add(form); Table t = new Table(); form.add(t); DropdownMenu dropSeasons = getSchoolSeasonsInput(); InputContainer dropSeasonsCont = this.getInputContainer(SCHOOL_SEASON_KEY,"Select season:",dropSeasons); form.maintainParameter(CASE_ID_KEY); int row = 1; t.add(dropSeasonsCont, 1, row++); final CheckBox isInDefaultCommuneCheckBox = new CheckBox (PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_DEFAULT_COMMUNE); isInDefaultCommuneCheckBox.setChecked (true); t.add (isInDefaultCommuneCheckBox, 1, row); t.add (Text.getNonBrakingSpace (), 1, row); t.add (getSmallText (localize (ONLY_CHILDREN_LIVING_IN_COMMUNE_KEY, ONLY_CHILDREN_LIVING_IN_COMMUNE_KEY)), 1, row++); final CheckBox isInSchoolsLastGradeCheckBox = new CheckBox (PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE); isInSchoolsLastGradeCheckBox.setChecked (true); t.add (isInSchoolsLastGradeCheckBox, 1, row); t.add (Text.getNonBrakingSpace (), 1, row); t.add (getSmallText (localize (ONLY_CHILDREN_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE_KEY, ONLY_CHILDREN_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE_KEY)), 1, row++); t.setHeight(row++, 12); t.add(this.getSubmitButton2(ACTION_KEY,SCHOOL_YEAR_KEY), 1, row++); } /** * @param iwc * @return */ private DropdownMenu getSchoolSeasonsInput() { DropdownMenu drop = new DropdownMenu(PARAM_SCHOOL_SEASON_ID); try{ SchoolSeasonHome seasonHome = this.getSchoolSeasonHome(); Collection seasons = seasonHome.findAllSchoolSeasons(); for (Iterator iterator = seasons.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SchoolSeason season = (SchoolSeason); drop.addMenuElement(season.getPrimaryKey().toString(),season.getSchoolSeasonName()); } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return drop; } /** * @param iwc * @return */ private PresentationObject getSchoolYearsSelector(IWContext iwc) { CheckBoxGroup group = new CheckBoxGroup(PARAM_SCHOOL_YEAR_ID); try{ SchoolChoiceBusiness business = this.getSchoolChoiceBusiness(iwc); Collection years = business.getMandatorySchoolChoiceYears(); for (Iterator iterator = years.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SchoolYear year = (SchoolYear); SchoolSeason season = this.getSchoolSeason(iwc); String yearPK = year.getPrimaryKey().toString(); String yearName = year.getSchoolYearName(); int numberOfNotDoneSchoolChoices = this.getSchoolChoiceBusiness(iwc).getNumberOfStudentsThatMustDoSchoolChoiceButHaveNot(season,year,isOnlyInCommune (iwc),iwc.isParameterSet(PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE)); String yearString = yearName+" ("+numberOfNotDoneSchoolChoices+")"; group.addOption(yearPK,yearString); } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return group; } private boolean isOnlyInCommune (IWContext context) { return context.isParameterSet (PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_DEFAULT_COMMUNE); } private void showMainMenu () { final Form form = new Form(); final DropdownMenu dropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (ACTION_KEY)); final SubmitButton submit = getMySubmitButton (CONTINUE_KEY, CONTINUE_DEFAULT); final Table table = new Table (); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); int row = 1; table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (SCHOOLCHOICEREMINDER_KEY, SCHOOLCHOICEREMINDER_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.add (dropdown, 1, row++); table.add (submit, 1, row++); form.add (table); add (form); } private void showCreateReminderForm (final IWContext iwc) { final Form form = new Form(); final HiddenInput hidden = new HiddenInput (ACTION_KEY, CREATE_KEY); form.add (hidden); final Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); int row = 1; table.add (getHeader(localize (NEW_REMINDER_KEY, NEW_REMINDER_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 4); table.add(getSmallHeader (localize(REMINDER_TEXT_KEY, REMINDER_TEXT_DEFAULT)), 1, row); final RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup (REMINDER_TEXT_KEY); radioGroup.addRadioButton (localize (REMINDER_TEXT_1_KEY, REMINDER_TEXT_1_DEFAULT)); radioGroup.addRadioButton (localize (REMINDER_TEXT_2_KEY, REMINDER_TEXT_2_DEFAULT)); radioGroup.addRadioButton (localize (CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY, CUSTOM_TEXT_DEFAULT)); radioGroup.setSelected (localize (REMINDER_TEXT_1_KEY, REMINDER_TEXT_1_DEFAULT)); table.add (radioGroup, 1, row++); final TextArea textArea = new TextArea (CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY); textArea.setColumns (40); textArea.setRows (10); table.add (textArea, 1, row++); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize (EVENT_DATE_KEY, EVENT_DATE_DEFAULT)), 1, row); table.add(getSingleInput(iwc, EVENT_DATE_KEY, 8), 3, row++); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize (REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_KEY, REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_DEFAULT)), 1, row); table.add(getSingleInput(iwc, REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_KEY, 2), 3, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); final SubmitButton submit = getMySubmitButton (CREATE_KEY, CREATE_DEFAULT); table.add(submit, 1, row++); form.add(table); add(form); } private void showAllReminders (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { //final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, UserBusiness.class); //final User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); //final int userId = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); //final Collection groupCollection = userBusiness.getUserGroups(userId); //final Group [] groups = (Group[]) groupCollection.toArray(new Group[0]); final SchoolChoiceBusiness business = getSchoolChoiceBusiness (iwc); final SchoolChoiceReminder [] reminders= business.findAllSchoolChoiceReminders (); final Table messageList = new Table(); messageList.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); messageList.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); messageList.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); messageList.setColumns (5); int row = 1; int col = 1; Form form = new Form(); form.add(messageList); messageList.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); messageList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (CASE_ID_KEY,CASE_ID_DEFAULT)), col++, row); messageList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (REMINDER_TEXT_KEY, REMINDER_TEXT_DEFAULT)), col++,row); messageList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (EVENT_DATE_KEY, EVENT_DATE_DEFAULT)), col++,row); messageList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (REMINDER_DATE_KEY,REMINDER_DATE_DEFAULT)), col++,row); messageList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (DELETE_KEY, DELETE_DEFAULT)), col++, row++); for (int i = 0; i < reminders.length; i++) { col = 1; messageList.setRowColor(row, (row % 2 == 0) ? getZebraColor1(): getZebraColor2()); final SchoolChoiceReminder reminder = reminders [i]; final String id = "" + reminder.getPrimaryKey (); final Link idLink = getSmallLink (id); idLink.addParameter (CASE_ID_KEY, id); //idLink.addParameter (ACTION_KEY, SHOW_DETAILS_KEY); //Go to select school season when this link is clicked idLink.addParameter (ACTION_KEY, SCHOOL_SEASON_KEY); messageList.add (idLink, col++, row); final String text = reminder.getText (); final String message = text.length () > 33 ? text.substring (0, 30) + "..." : text; messageList.add (new Text(message), col++, row); messageList.add (new Text(dateFormatter.format (reminder.getEventDate ())),col++, row); messageList.add (new Text(dateFormatter.format (reminder.getReminderDate ())),col++, row); final Link deleteLink = getSmallLink (localize (DELETE_KEY, DELETE_DEFAULT)); deleteLink.addParameter (CASE_ID_KEY, id); deleteLink.addParameter (ACTION_KEY, DELETE_KEY); messageList.add (deleteLink, col++, row); row++; } final Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setWidth(getWidth()); row = 1; table.add (getHeader(localize (ACTIVE_REMINDERS_KEY, ACTIVE_REMINDERS_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); if (reminders.length > 0) { table.add (new Text(localize ("scr_click_below", "Om du klickar p� id-numret nedan s� r�knar systemet ut vilka som ska f� p�minnelse. Observera att detta kan ta 3 minuter eller l�ngre.")), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add(form, 1, row++); } else { table.add (new Text(localize ("scr_no_active", "Det finns inga aktiva p�minnelser just nu.")), 1, row++); } add(table); } private void createReminder (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, CreateException { final String reminderTextChoice = iwc.getParameter (REMINDER_TEXT_KEY); final String reminderText = reminderTextChoice.equals(localize (CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY, CUSTOM_TEXT_DEFAULT)) ?iwc.getParameter (CUSTOM_TEXT_KEY) : reminderTextChoice; Date eventDate; try { eventDate = stringToDate (iwc.getParameter (EVENT_DATE_KEY)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { add ("Felaktigt inmatat datum (����mmdd)"); showCreateReminderForm (iwc); return; } //final int daysBefore = Integer.parseInt (iwc.getParameter(REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_KEY)); final Date reminderDate = getDaysBefore (iwc.getParameter (REMINDER_DAYS_BEFORE_KEY),eventDate); final SchoolChoiceBusiness business = getSchoolChoiceBusiness (iwc); business.createSchoolChoiceReminder (reminderText, eventDate, reminderDate,iwc.getCurrentUser ()); final Text text1 = new Text (getLocalizedString (CONFIRM_ENTER_KEY, CONFIRM_ENTER_DEFAULT)); text1.setWidth (Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); table.add (text1, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getUserHomePageLink (iwc), 1, row++); add (table); } private void deleteReminder (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final SchoolChoiceBusiness business = getSchoolChoiceBusiness (iwc); final int reminderId = Integer.parseInt (iwc.getParameter (CASE_ID_KEY)); final SchoolChoiceReminder reminder = business .findSchoolChoiceReminder (reminderId); reminder.setCaseStatus (business.getCaseStatusInactive ()); (); final Text text1 = new Text (getLocalizedString (CONFIRM_DELETE_KEY, CONFIRM_DELETE_DEFAULT)); text1.setWidth (Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); table.add (text1, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getUserHomePageLink (iwc), 1, row++); add (table); } private void showDetails (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setWidth(getWidth()); final SchoolChoiceBusiness business = getSchoolChoiceBusiness (iwc); final int reminderId = Integer.parseInt (iwc.getParameter (CASE_ID_KEY)); final SchoolChoiceReminder reminder = business.findSchoolChoiceReminder (reminderId); int row = 1; table.add(getSmallHeader(localize (REMINDER_TEXT_KEY,REMINDER_TEXT_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add(new Text(reminder.getText ()), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize (EVENT_DATE_KEY,EVENT_DATE_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add(new Text("" + reminder.getEventDate ()), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize (REMINDER_DATE_KEY, REMINDER_DATE_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add(new Text("" + reminder.getReminderDate ()), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 24); final Table submitTable = new Table (); submitTable.add (getStyledInterface(new SubmitButton(localize ("scr_print_to_addresses_below", "Print for addresses"), ACTION_KEY, GENERATE_LETTER_KEY)),1, 1); submitTable.add (getStyledInterface(new SubmitButton(localize ("scr_print_address_stickers","Print stickers"), ACTION_KEY, CREATE_STICKERS)), 2, 1); submitTable.add (getStyledInterface(new SubmitButton(localize (DELETE_KEY, DELETE_DEFAULT), ACTION_KEY, DELETE_KEY)), 3, 1); submitTable.add (getStyledInterface(new SubmitButton(localize (CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT))), 4, 1); if(stickerFile!=null){ DownloadLink stickers = new DownloadLink(getSmallText(localize("scr_print_address_stickers_file","Address stickers"))); stickers.setFile(stickerFile); submitTable.add(stickers,2,2); } table.add (submitTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 24); table.add (getStudentList (iwc, business), 1, row++); final Form form = new Form (); form.maintainParameter(CASE_ID_KEY); form.maintainParameter(PARAM_SCHOOL_SEASON_ID); form.add (table); add (form); } private Table getStudentList (final IWContext iwc, final SchoolChoiceBusiness business) throws RemoteException { final Table studentList = new Table(); studentList.setCellpadding(getCellpadding ()); studentList.setCellspacing(getCellspacing ()); studentList.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); studentList.setColumns (5); int col = 2; int row = 1; studentList.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); studentList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (STUDENT_NAME_KEY, STUDENT_NAME_DEFAULT)), col++, row); studentList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (SSN_KEY,SSN_DEFAULT)), col++, row); studentList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (PARENT_NAME_KEY, PARENT_NAME_DEFAULT)), col++,row); studentList.add(getSmallHeader(localize (ADDRESS_KEY,ADDRESS_DEFAULT)), col++, row++); SchoolYear[] years = getSchoolYears(iwc); SchoolSeason season = getSchoolSeason(iwc); //final SchoolChoiceReminder reminder = business.findSchoolChoiceReminder (reminderId); MailReceiver [] receivers= (MailReceiver []) iwc.getSession ().getAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); if (receivers == null) { receivers= business.findAllStudentsThatMustDoSchoolChoiceButHaveNot(season,years,isOnlyInCommune (iwc),iwc.isParameterSet(PARAM_IS_ONLY_IN_SCHOOLS_LAST_GRADE)); iwc.getSession ().setAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY, receivers); } for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) { try { final CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox (CHILDREN_COUNT_KEY + i, "" + i); checkBox.setChecked (true); final MailReceiver receiver = receivers [i]; col = 1; studentList.setRowColor(row, (i % 2 == 0)? getZebraColor1(): getZebraColor2()); studentList.add (checkBox, col++, row); studentList.add (new Text(receiver.getStudentName ()), col++, row); final String ssn = receiver.getSsn (); studentList.add (new Text(ssn.substring (2, 8) + "-" + ssn.substring (8, 12)), col++, row); final String parentName = receiver.getParentName (); final Text parentText = new Text(parentName); /* if (parentName.startsWith ("?")) { parentText.setFontColor("#ff0000"); parentText.setBold (); } studentList.add (parentText, col++, row); */ if (!parentName.startsWith("?")) { studentList.add (parentText, col, row); } col++; StringBuffer addr = new StringBuffer(""); if (!receiver.getStreetAddress().startsWith("?") &&!receiver.getStreetAddress().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ addr.append(receiver.getStreetAddress()); } if (!receiver.getPostalAddress().startsWith("?") &&!receiver.getPostalAddress().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ if(addr.length()>0){ addr.append(", "); } addr.append(receiver.getPostalAddress()); } final Text addressText = new Text (addr.toString()); /* if (receiver.getStreetAddress ().startsWith ("?") || receiver.getPostalAddress ().startsWith ("?")) { addressText.setFontColor("#ff0000"); addressText.setBold (); } */ studentList.add (addressText, col++, row++); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } return studentList; } /** * @param iwc * @return */ private SchoolSeason getSchoolSeason(IWContext iwc) { SchoolSeason theReturn = null; SchoolSeasonHome ssHome = getSchoolSeasonHome(); String seasonId = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_SCHOOL_SEASON_ID); if(seasonId!=null){ try { theReturn=ssHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.decode(seasonId)); return theReturn; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new RuntimeException("No SchoolSeason Found"); } /** * @return */ private SchoolSeasonHome getSchoolSeasonHome() { try { return (SchoolSeasonHome)IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } /** * @return */ private SchoolYearHome getSchoolYearHome() { try { return (SchoolYearHome)IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolYear.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } /** * @param iwc * @return */ private SchoolYear[] getSchoolYears(IWContext iwc) { SchoolYear[] theReturn = new SchoolYear[0]; SchoolYearHome syHome = getSchoolYearHome(); String[] yIds = iwc.getParameterValues(PARAM_SCHOOL_YEAR_ID); if(yIds!=null){ theReturn = new SchoolYear[yIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < yIds.length; i++) { String yId = yIds[i]; try { theReturn[i]=syHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.decode(yId)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return theReturn; } private void generateLetter (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { final MailReceiver [] allReceivers= (MailReceiver []) iwc.getSession ().getAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); if (allReceivers == null) { add ("Lost session data - please try again."); showMainMenu (); return; } iwc.getSession ().removeAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); final SchoolChoiceBusiness business = getSchoolChoiceBusiness (iwc); final int reminderId = Integer.parseInt (iwc.getParameter (CASE_ID_KEY)); final List checkedReceivers = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < allReceivers.length; i++) { if (iwc.isParameterSet (CHILDREN_COUNT_KEY + i)) { checkedReceivers.add (allReceivers [i]); } } final MailReceiver [] receiverArray = (MailReceiver []) checkedReceivers.toArray (new MailReceiver [checkedReceivers.size ()]); final int docId = business.generateReminderLetter (reminderId,receiverArray); final Table table = new Table (); table.setWidth(getWidth()); add (table); int row = 1; table.add (getSmallHeader ("F�r att skriva ut p�minnelsebreven s� g�r du enligt f�ljande"), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getSmallText ("1. Klicka p� l�nken '�ppna breven i Acrobat Reader' nedan - ett nytt f�nster med breven som ska skrivas ut �ppnas"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText ("2. Klicka p� skrivarikonen i det nya f�nstret"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText ("3. V�lj skrivare och skriv ut"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText ("4. St�ng f�nstret med breven - bakom finns det h�r f�nstret"), 1, row++); final DownloadLink viewLink = new DownloadLink("�ppna breven i Acrobat Reader"); viewLink.setFile (docId); //viewLink.setTarget ("letter_window"); table.add (viewLink, 1, row++); table.add (getUserHomePageLink (iwc), 1, row++); } private void createStickers (final IWContext iwc) throws Exception { final MailReceiver [] allReceivers= (MailReceiver []) iwc.getSession ().getAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); if (allReceivers == null) { add ("Lost session data - please try again."); showMainMenu (); return; } final int reminderId = Integer.parseInt (iwc.getParameter(CASE_ID_KEY)); final List checkedReceivers = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < allReceivers.length; i++) { if (iwc.isParameterSet (CHILDREN_COUNT_KEY + i)) { checkedReceivers.add (allReceivers [i]); } } StudentAddressLabelsWriter labelWriter = new StudentAddressLabelsWriter(); try { stickerFile = labelWriter.createXLSFile(iwc,checkedReceivers,"reminder_"+reminderId+".xls"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } showDetails(iwc); iwc.getSession ().removeAttribute (STUDENT_LIST_KEY); } private TextInput getSingleInput (IWContext iwc, final String paramId,final int maxLength) { TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface(new TextInput(paramId)); textInput.setMaxlength(maxLength); final String fieldCanNotBeEmpty = localize(ERROR_FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY_KEY,ERROR_FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY_DEFAULT); final String name = localize(paramId, paramId); textInput.setAsNotEmpty(fieldCanNotBeEmpty + ": " + name); String param = iwc.getParameter(paramId); if (param != null) { textInput.setContent(param); } return textInput; } private Link getUserHomePageLink (final IWContext iwc) { final Text userHomePageText= new Text (getLocalizedString (GOBACKTOMYPAGE_KEY,GOBACKTOMYPAGE_DEFAULT)); final Link link = new Link (userHomePageText); try { final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness)IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (iwc, UserBusiness.class); final User user = iwc.getCurrentUser (); link.setPage (userBusiness.getHomePageIDForUser (user)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace (); } return link; } private Date getDaysBefore (final String rawInput, final Date event) { if (rawInput == null) { return new Date (event.getTime ()); } final StringBuffer digitOnlyInput = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rawInput.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(rawInput.charAt(i))) { digitOnlyInput.append(rawInput.charAt(i)); } } if (rawInput.length () == 0) { return new Date (event.getTime ()); } return new Date (event.getTime() - (Integer.parseInt (digitOnlyInput.toString ()) * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); } private Date stringToDate (final String rawInput) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (rawInput == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (); } final StringBuffer digitOnlyInput = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rawInput.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(rawInput.charAt(i))) { digitOnlyInput.append(rawInput.charAt(i)); } } if (digitOnlyInput.length () == 6) { digitOnlyInput.insert(0, 20); } if (digitOnlyInput.length () != 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (); } final int year = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(0, 4)).intValue(); final int month = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(4, 6)).intValue() - 1; final int day = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(6, 8)).intValue(); final Date now = Calendar.getInstance ().getTime (); final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance (); calendar.set (year, month, day); final Date event = calendar.getTime (); if (event.before (now)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (); } return event; } /* Commented out since it is never used... private Text getHeader(final String paramId, final String defaultText) { return getSmallHeader(localize(paramId, defaultText)); }*/ private SubmitButton getMySubmitButton (final String key, final String defaultName) { final String name = getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString (key, defaultName); return (SubmitButton) getButton (new SubmitButton (name)); } private SchoolChoiceBusiness getSchoolChoiceBusiness (final IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (SchoolChoiceBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolChoiceBusiness.class); } private String getLocalizedString(final String key, final String value) { return getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString(key, value); } }