package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import*; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import*; import; import; import; /** * Title: idegaWeb * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * Company: idega software * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ProviderApplicationBMPBean extends AbstractCaseBMPBean implements ProviderApplication, Case, AccountApplication { private static final String CASE_CODE_KEY = "ANANSKO"; private static final String TABLE_NAME = "COMM_ACC_PROV"; private static final String COLUMN_EMAIL = "PROV_EMAIL"; private static final String COLUMN_NAME = "PROV_NAME"; private static final String COLUMN_ADDRESS = "PROV_ADDRESS"; private static final String COLUMN_PLACES = "PROV_PLACES"; private static final String COLUMN_PHONE = "PROV_PHONE"; private static final String COLUMN_ADDITIONAL_INFO = "PROV_ADD_INFO"; private static final String COLUMN_MANAGER_NAME = "PROV_MANAGER_NAME"; //private static final String COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE = "SCH_TYPE"; private static final String COLUMN_SCHOOL_AREA = "SCH_AREA"; private static final String COLUMN_POSTAL_CODE = "POSTAL_CODE"; public void initializeAttributes() { addGeneralCaseRelation(); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_NAME, "Provider name", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_ADDRESS, "Provider address", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_PHONE, "Telephone", String.class, 30); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MANAGER_NAME, "Manager Name", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_EMAIL, "Manager email", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_PLACES, "Provider places", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_ADDITIONAL_INFO, "Additional info", String.class, 2000); //this.addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE,SchoolType.class); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(SchoolType.class); this.addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_SCHOOL_AREA,SchoolArea.class); this.addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_POSTAL_CODE,PostalCode.class); } public String getEntityName() { return ProviderApplicationBMPBean.TABLE_NAME; } public String getCaseCodeKey() { return CASE_CODE_KEY; } public String getCaseCodeDescription() { return "Application for School Administrators"; } public String getEmailAddress() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_EMAIL); } public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_EMAIL, emailAddress); } public String getName() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_NAME); } public void setName(String providerName) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_NAME, providerName); } public String getAddress() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_ADDRESS); } public void setAddress(String providerAddress) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_ADDRESS, providerAddress); } public String getPhone() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_PHONE); } public void setPhone(String phoneString) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_PHONE, phoneString); } public int getNumberOfPlaces() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_PLACES); } public void setNumberOfPlaces(int places) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_PLACES, places); } public String getManagerName() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_MANAGER_NAME); } public void setManagerName(String name) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_MANAGER_NAME, name); } public String getAdditionalInfo() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_ADDITIONAL_INFO); } public void setAdditionalInfo(String info) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_ADDITIONAL_INFO, info); } /** * @see */ public String getApplicantName() { return getManagerName(); } /** * @see */ public String getEmail() { return this.getEmailAddress(); } /** * @see */ public void setApplicantName(String p0) { setManagerName(p0); } /** * @see */ public void setEmail(String p0) { setEmailAddress(p0); } /** // //Gets the school type according to this application // public SchoolType getSchoolType() { return (SchoolType)this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE); } // //Sets the school type according to this application // public void setSchoolType(SchoolType type) throws RemoteException { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE,type); } // //Sets the school type according to this application // public void setSchoolType(int typeID) throws RemoteException { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE,typeID); } **/ // //Gets the school type according to this application // public Collection getSchoolTypes() { //return (SchoolType)this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE); try{ return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolType.class); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } // //Sets the school type according to this application // public void setSchoolTypes(Collection types) { //setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE,type); for (Iterator iterator = types.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { try{ SchoolType element = (SchoolType); addSchoolType(element); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } // //Sets the school type according to this application // public void setSchoolTypes(int[] typeIDs) { //setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_TYPE,typeID); for (int i = 0; i < typeIDs.length; i++) { int id = typeIDs[i]; try{ SchoolType type = getSchoolTypeHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); addSchoolType(type); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Method getSchoolTypeHome. */ private SchoolTypeHome getSchoolTypeHome()throws RemoteException { return (SchoolTypeHome)IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); } /** * Adds a schooltype to this application **/ public void addSchoolType(SchoolType type){ try{ this.idoAddTo(type); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** *Gets the school area according to this application */ public SchoolArea getSchoolArea() { return (SchoolArea)this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_AREA); } /** *Sets the postal code according to this application */ public void setPostalCode(PostalCode code) { setColumn(COLUMN_POSTAL_CODE,code); } /** *Gets the postal code according to this application */ public void setPostalCode(int postalCodeID) { setColumn(COLUMN_POSTAL_CODE,postalCodeID); } /** *Gets the postal code according to this application */ public PostalCode getPostalCode() { return (PostalCode)this.getColumnValue(COLUMN_POSTAL_CODE); } /** *Sets the school area according to this application */ public void setSchoolArea(SchoolArea area) { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_AREA,area); } /** *Sets the school area according to this application */ public void setSchoolArea(int areaID) { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_AREA,areaID); } /** * Mandates EJB standard behaviour **/ protected boolean doInsertInCreate(){ return true; } public Collection ejbFindAllPendingApplications() throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(this.getCaseStatusOpen().toString()); //return null; } public Collection ejbFindAllRejectedApplications() throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(this.getCaseStatusDenied().toString()); //return null; } public Collection ejbFindAllApprovedApplications() throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(this.getCaseStatusGranted().toString()); //return null; } }