/* * Created on 30.6.2004 * * Copyright (C) 2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. Use is subject to * license terms. */ package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.block.importer.business; /** * A holder class for the constants used in the RSV import files. For more info * go to http://skatteverket.se/folkbokforing/navet/tekniskbeskrivning.html#73 * * @author aron */ public class ImportFileFieldConstants { protected static final String ACTION_CONCERNS_CURRENT_PERSON = "H"; protected static final String ACTION_CONCERNS_RELATIVE = "R"; protected static final String ACTION_PREFIX_CANCEL = "3"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_BIRTH = "6"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_CHANGE_ADDRESS = "75"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_CITIZENSHIP = "36"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_COLUMN = "01004"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_CUSTODY_RELATIONS = "12"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_DEATH = "66"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_DIVORCE = "59"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_LAST_NAME = "21"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_MARRIAGE = "56"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_MIDDLE_NAME = "25"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_MOVED = "41"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_MOVED_TO_ANOTHER_COUNTRY = "43"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_NEW_PERSONAL_ID = "1"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_SECRET = "3"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_SPECIAL_CO_ADDRESS = "45"; protected static final String ACTION_TYPE_SPECIAL_FIRST_NAME = "29"; protected static final String ADDRESS_KEY_CODE = "01025"; protected static final String ADDRESS_COLUMN = "01033"; protected static final String CITIZEN_INFO_SECTION_ENDS = "03999"; protected static final String CITIZEN_INFO_SECTION_STARTS = "03000"; protected static final String CO_ADDRESS_COLUMN = "01052"; protected static final String CO_POSTAL_CODE_COLUMN = "01053"; protected static final String CO_POSTAL_NAME_COLUMN = "01054"; protected static final String COMMUNE_CODE_COLUMN = "01023"; protected static final String COUNTY_CODE_COLUMN = "01022"; protected static final String DEACTIVATION_DATE_COLUMN = "01007"; protected static final String EMPTY_FIELD_CHARACTER = "$"; protected static final String FIRST_NAME_COLUMN = "01012"; protected static final String FIRST_PART_OF_LAST_NAME_COLUMN = "01013"; protected static final String FOREIGN_ADDRESS_1_COLUMN = "01071"; protected static final String FOREIGN_ADDRESS_2_COLUMN = "01072"; protected static final String FOREIGN_ADDRESS_3_COLUMN = "01073"; protected static final String FOREIGN_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_COLUMN = "01077"; protected static final String HISTORIC_SECTION_ENDS = "04999"; protected static final String HISTORIC_SECTION_STARTS = "04000"; protected static final String LAST_NAME_COLUMN = "01014"; protected static final String PIN_COLUMN = "01001"; protected static final String POSTAL_CODE_COLUMN = "01034"; protected static final String POSTAL_NAME_COLUMN = "01035"; protected static final String PREFERRED_FIRST_NAME_INDEX_COLUMN = "01011"; protected static final String REFERENCE_PIN_COLUMN = "01005"; protected static final String REGISTRATION_DATE_COLUMN = "01021"; protected static final String RELATION_STATUS_CANCELLED = "AS"; protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_CHILD = "B"; protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_CUSTODY = "VF"; // custody protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_CUSTODY2 = "V"; // custody protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_FATHER = "FA"; protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_MOTHER = "MO"; protected static final String RELATION_TYPE_SPOUSE = "M"; protected static final String RELATIONAL_SECTION_ENDS = "02999"; protected static final String RELATIONAL_SECTION_STARTS = "02000"; protected static final String RELATIVE_PIN_COLUMN = "02001"; protected static final String RELATIVE_STATUS_COLUMN = "02008"; protected static final String RELATIVE_TYPE_COLUMN = "02003"; protected static final String SECRECY_MARKING_COLUMN = "01003"; protected static final String SPECIALCASE_RELATIONAL_SECTION_ENDS = "06999"; protected static final String SPECIALCASE_RELATIONAL_SECTION_STARTS = "06000"; }