package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryBlock; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.CategoryWindow; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Anchor; import com.idega.presentation.text.AnchorLink; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; /** * Title: idegaWeb TravelBooking * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Grimur Jonsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ProductCatalog extends CategoryBlock { int _spaceBetweenEntries = 0; int _indent = 0; public String prmClrCache = "prmClCh"; private static final String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ""; private static final String _VIEW_PAGE = "prod_cat_view_page"; private static final String _ORDER_BY = "prod_cat_order_by"; public static final String CACHE_KEY = "prod_cat_cache_key"; public static final String CATEGORY_ID = "pr_cat_id"; private HashMap colors; private HashMap indents; private HashMap pages; int productsPerPage = 10; int currentPage = 1; int orderBy = -1; int _numberOfColumns = 1; IWResourceBundle iwrb; IWContext iwc; private IWBundle bundle; Image iCreate = null; Image iDelete = null; Image iEdit = null; Image iDetach = null; public String _fontStyle = null; public String _catFontStyle = null; public String _headerFontStyle = null; private String _teaserFontStyle = null; private String _anchorString = "prodCatAnchorID_"; private String _backgroundColor = null; private String _headerBackgroundColor = null; String _width = null; ICPage _productLinkPage = null; String _windowString = null; boolean _expandSelectedOnly = false; boolean _productIsLink = false; boolean _showCategoryName = true; boolean _showCurrency = false; boolean _showDescription = false; // boolean _showImage = false; boolean _showNumber = false; boolean _showPrice = false; boolean _showTeaser = false; boolean _showThumbnail = false; boolean _useAnchor = false; Image _linkImage = null; int _orderProductsBy = -1; boolean _addCategoryID = false; int _spaceBetween = 0; int _iconSpacing = 4; Locale _currentLocale = null; int _currentLocaleId = -1; boolean _hasEditPermission = false; boolean _allowMulitpleCategories = true; boolean _useParameterCategory = false; String _selectedCategoryColor = null; int _selectedCategoryID = -1; Image _iconImage; Image _iconPhoto; List productCategories; private Class _layoutClass = ProductCatalogLayoutSingleFile.class; private AbstractProductCatalogLayout layout = null; public String _topColor; Collection expandedCategories = new Vector(); public ProductCatalog() { super.setCacheable(getCacheKey(), 0); super.setAutoCreate(false); } public String getCacheKey() { return CACHE_KEY; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { init(iwc); catalog(iwc); } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void clearCache(IWContext iwc) { IWMainApplication.getIWCacheManager().invalidateCache(getCacheState(iwc, super.getCachePrefixString(iwc))); } private void init(IWContext iwc) { this.bundle = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = this.bundle.getResourceBundle(iwc); = iwc; setAutoCreate(false); if (iwc.isParameterSet(this.prmClrCache)) { clearCache(iwc); } this._currentLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); this._currentLocaleId = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(this._currentLocale); this._hasEditPermission = this.hasEditPermission(); if (iwc.isInPreviewMode()) { this._hasEditPermission = false; } IWBundle coreBundle = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle(); this.iCreate = coreBundle.getImage("shared/create.gif"); this.iDelete = coreBundle.getImage("shared/delete.gif"); this.iEdit = coreBundle.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); this.iDetach = coreBundle.getImage("shared/detach.gif"); try { this.layout = (AbstractProductCatalogLayout) this._layoutClass.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { iae.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(System.err); } try { String sCurrentPage = iwc.getParameter(ProductCatalog._VIEW_PAGE); String sOrderBy = iwc.getParameter(ProductCatalog._ORDER_BY); if (sCurrentPage != null) { this.currentPage = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentPage); } if (sOrderBy != null) { this.orderBy = Integer.parseInt(sOrderBy); } } catch (NumberFormatException n) { } this.expandedCategories = new Vector(); String selCat = iwc.getParameter(CATEGORY_ID); if (selCat != null) { this._selectedCategoryID = Integer.parseInt(selCat); addCategoryAsExpanded(selCat); } } public boolean isCacheable(IWContext iwc) { return false; } private void addCategoryAsExpanded(String selCat) { this.expandedCategories.add(selCat); try { ICCategory icCat = ((ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICCategory.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(selCat)); addCategoryAsExpanded(icCat.getParentEntity().getPrimaryKey().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { this.expandedCategories.remove(selCat); //e.printStackTrace(); } } boolean isCategoryExpanded(ICCategory category) { return this.expandedCategories.contains(category.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } private void catalog(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { try { Link createLink = ProductEditorWindow.getEditorLink(-1); createLink.setImage(this.iCreate); // createLink.addParameter(ProductEditorWindow.PRODUCT_CATALOG_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, getICObjectInstanceID()); createLink.setToolTip(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("trade.product_catalog.create_new_product", "Create new product")); Link detachLink = getCategoryLink(; detachLink.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmObjInstId, getICObjectInstanceID()); detachLink.setImage(this.iDetach); detachLink.setToolTip(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("trade.product_catalog.select_categories", "Select categories")); if (hasEditPermission()) { add(createLink); if (!this._useParameterCategory) { add(detachLink); } } this.layout = (AbstractProductCatalogLayout) this._layoutClass.newInstance(); this.productCategories = new Vector(); if (iwc.isParameterSet(CATEGORY_ID)) { String[] categoryIDs = iwc.getParameterValues(CATEGORY_ID); for (int a = 0; a < categoryIDs.length; a++) { this.productCategories.add(CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategory(Integer.parseInt(categoryIDs[a]))); } } if (this.productCategories.size() == 0 || !this._useParameterCategory) { try { this.productCategories = (List) getCategories(); if (this.productCategories == null) { this.productCategories = new Vector(); } Collections.sort(this.productCategories, new CategoryComparator(this)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } Iterator iter = this.productCategories.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { createLink.addParameter(ProductEditorWindow.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID, ( (ICCategory); } Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); if (this._width != null) { table.setWidth(this._width); } else { table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); } PresentationObject po = this.layout.getCatalog(this, iwc, this.productCategories); table.add(po); /* if (hasEditPermission()) { Link clearCache = new Link(iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("clear_cache","Clear cache")); clearCache.addParameter(prmClrCache, "true"); table.add(clearCache, 1, 2); }*/ add(table); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { iae.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(System.err); } } Table getPagesTable(int pages, List parameters) { Table pagesTable = new Table(pages + 2, 1); pagesTable.setCellpadding(2); pagesTable.setCellspacing(2); if (parameters == null) { parameters = new Vector(); } Parameter parameter; Text pageText; if (this.currentPage > 1) { pageText = getText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("travel.previous", "Previous")); Link prevLink = new Link(pageText); prevLink.addParameter(_VIEW_PAGE, this.currentPage - 1); for (int l = 0; l < parameters.size(); l++) { parameter = (Parameter) parameters.get(l); prevLink.addParameter(parameter); } pagesTable.add(prevLink, 1, 1); } Link pageLink; for (int i = 1; i <= pages; i++) { if (i == this.currentPage) { pageText = getText(Integer.toString(i)); pageText.setBold(true); } else { pageText = getText(Integer.toString(i)); } pageLink = new Link(pageText); pageLink.addParameter(_VIEW_PAGE, i); for (int l = 0; l < parameters.size(); l++) { parameter = (Parameter) parameters.get(l); pageLink.addParameter(parameter); } pagesTable.add(pageLink, i + 1, 1); } if (this.currentPage < pages) { pageText = getText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Next")); Link nextLink = new Link(pageText); nextLink.addParameter(_VIEW_PAGE, this.currentPage + 1); for (int l = 0; l < parameters.size(); l++) { parameter = (Parameter) parameters.get(l); nextLink.addParameter(parameter); } pagesTable.add(nextLink, pages + 2, 1); } return pagesTable; } public void setFontStyle(String fontStyle) { this._fontStyle = fontStyle; } public void setCategoryFontStyle(String catFontStyle) { this._catFontStyle = catFontStyle; } public void setHeaderFontStyle(String headerFontStyle) { this._headerFontStyle = headerFontStyle; } public void setTeaserFontStyle(String teaserFontStyle) { this._teaserFontStyle = teaserFontStyle; } public void setItemsPerPage(int numberOfItems) { this.productsPerPage = numberOfItems; } public void setProductLinkPage(ICPage page) { this._productLinkPage = page; setPage(page, 1); } public void setProductAsLink(boolean isLink) { this._productIsLink = isLink; } public void setAllowMultipleCategories(boolean allow) { this._allowMulitpleCategories = allow; } public void setWidth(String width) { this._width = width; } public String getCategoryType() { return; } public void setShowCategoryName(boolean showName) { this._showCategoryName = showName; } /* public void setShowImage(boolean showImage) { this._showImages = showImage; }*/ public void setShowTeaser(boolean showTeaser) { this._showTeaser = showTeaser; } public void setUseAnchor(boolean useAnchor) { this._useAnchor = useAnchor; } public void setViewerToOpenInWindow(String windowString) { this._windowString = windowString; } public void setExpandSelectedOnly(boolean expaneSelectedOnly) { this._expandSelectedOnly = expaneSelectedOnly; } public void setShowDescription(boolean showDescription) { this._showDescription = showDescription; } public void setShowPrice(boolean showPrice) { this._showPrice = showPrice; } public void setShowCurrency(boolean showCurrency) { this._showCurrency = showCurrency; } public void setShowNumber(boolean showNumber) { this._showNumber = showNumber; } public void setShowThumbnail(boolean showThumbnail) { this._showThumbnail = showThumbnail; } public void setTopColor(String color) { this._topColor = color; } public boolean getMultible() { return this._allowMulitpleCategories; } public boolean deleteBlock(int ICObjectInstanceId) { //return super.removeInstanceCategories(); return CategoryBusiness.getInstance().disconnectBlock(ICObjectInstanceId); } public void setLayoutClassName(String className) { try { this._layoutClass = Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { cnf.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public void setNumberOfColumns(int numberOfColumns) { this._numberOfColumns = numberOfColumns; } public void setOrderBy(int orderProductsBy) { this._orderProductsBy = orderProductsBy; } Text getHeader(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._headerFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._headerFontStyle); } return text; } Text getText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._fontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._fontStyle); } return text; } Text getCategoryText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._catFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._catFontStyle); } return text; } Text getTeaserText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._teaserFontStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._teaserFontStyle); } //text.setHorizontalAlignment(Paragraph.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_JUSTIFY); return text; } String getAnchorString(int productId) { return this._anchorString + productId; } Anchor getAnchor(int productId) { Anchor anchor = new Anchor(getAnchorString(productId)); return anchor; } PresentationObject getNamePresentationObject(Product product) throws RemoteException { return getNamePresentationObject(product, false); } PresentationObject getNamePresentationObject(Product product, boolean useCategoryStyle) throws RemoteException { return getNamePresentationObject(product, product.getProductName(this._currentLocaleId), useCategoryStyle); } PresentationObject getNamePresentationObject(Product product, String displayString, boolean useCategoryStyle) throws RemoteException { Text nameText = null; if (useCategoryStyle) { nameText = getCategoryText(displayString); } else { nameText = getText(displayString); } Link productLink; /** * @todo Fix LINK to handle popup anchor.... */ if (this._windowString != null) { this._useAnchor = false; } if (this._productIsLink && this._linkImage == null) { productLink = getNameLink(product, nameText, this._useAnchor); if (productLink != null) { return productLink; } else { return nameText; } } else { return nameText; } } public Link getNameLink(Product product, PresentationObject nameText, boolean useAnchor) throws RemoteException { Link productLink; if (this._productIsLink) { if (useAnchor) { productLink = new AnchorLink(nameText, getAnchorString(product.getID())); } else { productLink = new Link(nameText); } productLink.addParameter(ProductBusinessBean.PRODUCT_ID, product.getID()); if (this._productLinkPage != null) { productLink.setPage(this._productLinkPage); } else if (this._windowString != null) { productLink.setWindowToOpenScript(this._windowString); } if (this._addCategoryID) { try { if (this.productCategories != null && this.productCategories.size() > 0 && this._useParameterCategory) { List list = this.productCategories; if (list != null) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { productLink.addParameter(CATEGORY_ID, ((ICCategory); } } } else { List list = getProductBusiness().getProductCategories(product); if (list != null) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { productLink.addParameter(CATEGORY_ID, ((ProductCategory); } } } } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { } //productLink.addParameter(CATEGORY_ID,product.g); } return productLink; } else { return null; } } Link getCategoryLink(ICCategory category, String nameText, int level) { Link categoryLink = new Link(getCategoryText(nameText)); ICPage page = getPage(level); if (page != null) { categoryLink.setPage(page); } if (this._addCategoryID) { categoryLink.addParameter(CATEGORY_ID, category.getID()); } return categoryLink; } Link getProductEditorLink(Product product) throws RemoteException { Link link = ProductEditorWindow.getEditorLink(product.getID()); link.setImage(this.iEdit); link.addParameter(ProductEditorWindow.PRODUCT_CATALOG_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, this.getICObjectInstanceID()); link.setToolTip(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("trade.product_catalog.edit_this_product", "Edit this product ("+product.getProductName(this._currentLocaleId)+")")); return link; } Link getProductCategoryEditorLink(ICCategory productCategory) { Link link = new Link(this.iDetach); link.addParameter(ProductCategoryEditor.SELECTED_CATEGORY, productCategory.getID()); link.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCacheClearKey, super.getDerivedCacheKey()); link.setToolTip(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("trade.product_catalog.select_products_for_this_category", "Select products for this category ("+productCategory.getName(this._currentLocale)+")")); link.setWindowToOpen(ProductCategoryEditor.class); return link; } Product getSelectedProduct(IWContext iwc) { String sProductId = iwc.getParameter(ProductBusinessBean.PRODUCT_ID); if (sProductId != null) { try { Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct(Integer.parseInt(sProductId)); return product; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return null; } List getProducts(List productCategories) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return getProducts(productCategories, true); } List getProducts(List productCategories, boolean order) throws RemoteException, FinderException { List list = getProductBusiness().getProducts(productCategories); if (order) { sortList(list); } return list; } void sortList(List products) { sortList(products, this._orderProductsBy); } void sortList(List products, int orderBy) { /** * @todo Caching.... */ if (this._orderProductsBy != -1 && products != null) { Collections.sort(products, new ProductComparator(orderBy, this._currentLocale)); } } protected String getCacheState(IWContext iwc, String cacheStatePrefix) { Product prod = getSelectedProduct(iwc); // System.out.println("[ProductCatalog] gettingCacheState"); String returnString = cacheStatePrefix + getICObjectInstanceID(); if (iwc.isParameterSet(CATEGORY_ID)) { returnString = returnString + "_" + iwc.getParameter(CATEGORY_ID); } if (prod != null) { returnString = returnString + "_" + prod.getID(); } return returnString; } public void setAddCategoryID(boolean addID) { this._addCategoryID = addID; } public void setIconImage(Image iconImage) { this._iconImage = iconImage; } public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } public void setSpaceBetweenEntries(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetweenEntries = spaceBetween; } public void setIconSpacing(int iconSpacing) { this._iconSpacing = iconSpacing; } public void setUseParameterCategory(boolean useParameterCategory) { this._useParameterCategory = useParameterCategory; } /** * Sets the _linkImage. * @param _linkImage The _linkImage to set */ public void setLinkImage(Image _linkImage) { this._linkImage = _linkImage; } private ProductBusiness getProductBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (ProductBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(, ProductBusiness.class); } public void setIndent(int i) { this._indent = i; setIndent(i, 1); } public void setIndent(int indent, int level) { if (this.indents == null) { this.indents = new HashMap(); } this.indents.put(new Integer(level), new Integer(indent)); } public int getIndent() { return getIndent(1); } public int getIndent(int level) { try { Object obj = this.indents.get( new Integer(level)); if (obj == null) { return this._indent; } return ((Integer) obj).intValue(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return 0; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return 0; } } public void setColor(String color, int level) { if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new HashMap(); } this.colors.put(new Integer(level), color); } public String getColor(int level) { try { return (String) this.colors.get( new Integer(level)); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } public void setPage(ICPage page, int level) { if (this.pages == null) { this.pages = new HashMap(); } this.pages.put(new Integer(level), page); } public ICPage getPage(int level) { if ( this.pages != null) { return (ICPage) this.pages.get( new Integer(level)); } else { return null; } } public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { this._backgroundColor = color; } public String getBackgroundColor() { return this._backgroundColor; } public void setHeaderBackgroundColor(String color) { this._headerBackgroundColor = color; } public String getHeaderBackgroundColor() { return this._headerBackgroundColor; } public void setPhotoIcon(Image image) { this._iconPhoto = image; } public void setSelectedCategoryColor(String color) { this._selectedCategoryColor = color; } }