/* * $Id: KSIUserGroupPluginBusinessBean.java,v 2006/05/29 10:21:47 eiki Exp $ * Created on Jul 3, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package is.idega.idegaweb.member.isi.block.leagues.business; import is.idega.block.nationalregister.business.NationalRegisterBusiness; import is.idega.block.nationalregister.data.NationalRegister; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.MemberUserBusiness; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.NoClubFoundException; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.NoDivisionFoundException; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.business.plugins.AgeGenderPluginBusinessBean; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.util.IWMemberConstants; import is.ksi.www2.ssl.vefthjon_Felix.Felagsmadur.FelagsmadurLocator; import is.ksi.www2.ssl.vefthjon_Felix.Felagsmadur.FelagsmadurSoap; import is.ksi.www2.ssl.vefthjon_Felix.Felagsmadur.TVilla; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import org.apache.axis.client.Stub; import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement; import com.idega.business.IBOLookupException; import com.idega.business.IBOService; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.user.business.GroupBusiness; import com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness; import com.idega.user.business.UserGroupPlugInBusiness; import com.idega.user.data.Group; import com.idega.user.data.GroupRelation; import com.idega.user.data.User; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; public class KSIUserGroupPluginBusinessBean extends AgeGenderPluginBusinessBean implements UserGroupPlugInBusiness,IBOService,KSIUserGroupPluginBusiness{ public static final String KSI_CLUB_EXCHANGE_ADMIN_UUID = "8f52479b-e980-11d9-ba1c-17f9583fc65f"; public static final String KSI_UUID = "f3d0b26f-79f1-11d9-bd42-054a20130abb"; public static final String KSI_CLUB_NUMBER = "14"; public static final String WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS = "success"; public static final String ISI_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "is.idega.idegaweb.member.isi"; public void afterUserCreateOrUpdate(User user, Group parentGroup) throws CreateException, RemoteException { //after a player is registered he must be added to the KSI system via a webservice boolean useWebService = useWebService(parentGroup); MemberUserBusiness biz = getMemberUserBusiness(); if(useWebService){ IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(); Group club; try { club = biz.getClubForGroup(parentGroup); } catch (NoClubFoundException e) { throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_for_target_group","There is no club for the target group!")); } String clubNumber = club.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER); String clubName = club.getName(); if( clubNumber!=null && !"".equals(clubNumber) ){ if(clubName!=null && !"".equals(clubName)){ try { String msg = registerPlayerToClubViaWebService(user.getPersonalID(),Integer.parseInt(clubNumber.trim()),clubName); Object[] messageFormatVariables = {user.getPersonalID(),parentGroup.getName(),parentGroup.getUniqueId(),club.getName(),club.getUniqueId(),msg}; if(!msg.equals(WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS)){ throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedAndFormattedString("ksi.webservice_failed_to_create_user_in_ksi_system", "Failed to create the user in the KSI system (webservice) for pin:{0} in group : {1}:{2} in club : {3}:{4} The message was {5}",messageFormatVariables)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.club_number_is_not_a_number","The club number is not an integer!")); } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.webservice_service_error","The KSI Webservice failed or was unreachable, the error was: ")+e.getMessage()); } } else{ throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_name_for_target_group","No name was found for target group's club.")); } } else{ throw new CreateException(iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_number_for_target_group", "No club number was found for target group's club.")); } } } public String isUserSuitedForGroup(User user, Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException { String errorMessage = super.isUserSuitedForGroup(user,targetGroup); if(errorMessage==null){ boolean isClubExchangeDep = isClubMemberExchangeDependent(targetGroup); boolean isNationalityDep = isNationalityDependent(targetGroup); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(); if(isClubExchangeDep || isNationalityDep){ MemberUserBusiness biz = getMemberUserBusiness(); //////////////////////////// //INIT OF VARIABLES STARTS// boolean usingWebService = useWebService(targetGroup); boolean playerRegisteredInWebService = false; boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService = false; int clubNumberFromWebService = -1; if(usingWebService){ try { clubNumberFromWebService = getClubNumberForPlayerFromWebService(user.getPersonalID()); } catch (ServiceException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.webservice_unreachable","KSI webservice cannot be reached, please call ISI or KSI and let them know."); } String wsClubNumb = Integer.toString(clubNumberFromWebService); String clubNumber = null; try { clubNumber = biz.getClubNumberForGroup(targetGroup); } catch (NoClubFoundException e1) { return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_for_target_group","There is no club for the target group!"); } if(clubNumber!=null && !"".equals(clubNumber)){ clubNumber = clubNumber.trim(); } else{ return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_number","The club of the target group is missing its club number, please let ISI know about it!"); } //Via webservice playerRegisteredInWebService = (clubNumberFromWebService>-1) || (clubNumberFromWebService==-2); playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService = (playerRegisteredInWebService) && (!wsClubNumb.equals(clubNumber)); } //Via member system boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem = false; try { playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem = isRegisteredPlayerInOtherClubThanTargetGroupBelongsTo(user,targetGroup); } catch (NoClubFoundException e1) { return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_for_target_group","There is no club for the target group!"); } catch (NoDivisionFoundException e1) { return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_division_for_target_group","There is no division for the target group!"); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_league_for_target_groups_division","There is no league connected to the division of the target group"); } //INIT OF VARIABLES ENDS// ///////////////////////// if(isClubExchangeDep){ try { //TODO add league for target group and other clubs number (felix or webservice) for better messages errorMessage = checkClubExchangeDependency(user,targetGroup,playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem,usingWebService,playerRegisteredInWebService,playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService,clubNumberFromWebService); } catch (NoDivisionFoundException e) { return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_division_for_target_group","There is no division for the target group!"); } catch (NoClubFoundException e) { return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_club_for_target_group","There is no club for the target group!"); } } if(isNationalityDep && errorMessage==null){ errorMessage = checkNationality(user,targetGroup,playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem,usingWebService,playerRegisteredInWebService,playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService,clubNumberFromWebService); } } } return errorMessage; } protected boolean isRegisteredPlayerInOtherClubThanTargetGroupBelongsTo(User user, Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException, FinderException { MemberUserBusiness biz = getMemberUserBusiness(); Group clubForTargetGroup = biz.getClubForGroup(targetGroup); Group league = getLeagueForGroup(targetGroup); String leagueNR = league.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER); String uuid = league.getUniqueId(); Collection parents = user.getParentGroups(); for (Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group) iter.next(); if(group.getGroupType().equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_PLAYER)){ if(isCorrectLeague(group,leagueNR,uuid)){ try { Group clubForGroup = biz.getClubForGroup(group); if(!clubForGroup.equals(clubForTargetGroup)){ return true; } } catch (NoClubFoundException e) { //do nothing, but the player group is obviously created in the wrong way or has been deleted e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return false; } protected boolean useWebService(Group targetGroup) throws RemoteException { if(targetGroup==null || !IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_PLAYER.equals(targetGroup.getGroupType())){ return false; } // KSI is number 14 and this uuid is from felixsport.is return isCorrectLeague(targetGroup,KSI_CLUB_NUMBER,KSI_UUID); } /** * @param clubNumber * @param uuid * @return * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws IBOLookupException */ protected boolean isCorrectLeague(Group targetGroup, String correctLeagueNumber, String correctUUID) throws RemoteException { //check if the division of the target group is connected to KSI try { Group league = getLeagueForGroup(targetGroup); String leagueNumber = league.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER); String uuid = league.getUniqueId(); leagueNumber = leagueNumber.trim(); return correctLeagueNumber.equals(leagueNumber) || uuid.equals(correctUUID); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * @param targetGroup * @param biz * @return * @throws NoDivisionFoundException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NoClubFoundException * @throws FinderException * @throws IBOLookupException */ protected Group getLeagueForGroup(Group targetGroup) throws NoDivisionFoundException, RemoteException, NoClubFoundException, FinderException, IBOLookupException { MemberUserBusiness biz = getMemberUserBusiness(); Group division; if(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION.equals(targetGroup.getGroupType())){ division = targetGroup; } else{ division = biz.getDivisionForGroup(targetGroup); } String leagueId = division.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION); // if it is a single division club get the number from the club if(leagueId==null || "".equals(leagueId)){ Group club = biz.getClubForGroup(targetGroup); leagueId = club.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_LEAGUE_CONNECTION); } Group league = getGroupBusiness().getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(leagueId)); return league; } /** * Calls the KSI webservice with the players personalId as a parameter. The service will return -1 if not found but the club number if found. * @param personalId * @return -1 or the club number * @throws ServiceException * @throws RemoteException */ public int getClubNumberForPlayerFromWebService(String personalId) throws ServiceException, RemoteException{ FelagsmadurLocator locator = new FelagsmadurLocator(); FelagsmadurSoap wservice = locator.getFelagsmadurSoap(); int returnValue = wservice.felagsmadur_til(personalId); System.out.println("Webservice: felagsmadur til ("+personalId+" : "+returnValue); return returnValue; } /** * Registers a player to a club by its club number and club name via a webservice. * If successful this method should return WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS ("success") and if not the error_number+" "+error_text. * @param personalId * @param clubNumber * @param clubName * @return WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS ("success") if ok but error_number+" "+error_text if not * @throws RemoteException * @throws ServiceException */ public String registerPlayerToClubViaWebService(String personalId, int clubNumber, String clubName) throws RemoteException, ServiceException{ FelagsmadurLocator locator = new FelagsmadurLocator(); QName serviceName = locator.getServiceName(); //FelagsmadurSoap_PortType wservice = locator.getFelagsmadurSoap(new URL("")); FelagsmadurSoap wservice = locator.getFelagsmadurSoap(); SOAPHeaderElement authHeader = new SOAPHeaderElement(serviceName.getNamespaceURI(),"AuthHeader"); //authHeader.setMustUnderstand(true); try { SOAPElement userName = authHeader.addChildElement("UserName"); userName.addTextNode("felix7"); SOAPElement password = authHeader.addChildElement("Password"); password.addTextNode("r2bold5"); Stub stub = (Stub) wservice; stub.setHeader(authHeader); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } TVilla msg = wservice.felagsmadur_Skra(personalId,clubNumber,clubName); int error = msg.getIVilla(); String text = msg.getSVilla_texti(); if(error==0 || error==-2){ return WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS; //-2 is really an error and the player shouldn't be registered however we already checked if it was allowed... } else{ return error+" "+text; } } protected String checkClubExchangeDependency(User user, Group targetGroup, boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem, boolean usingWebService, boolean playerRegisteredInWebService, boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService, int clubNumberFromWebService) throws NoDivisionFoundException, RemoteException, NoClubFoundException { IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(); if(playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem){ //here we need the club... return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.player_in_another_club_in_member_system","The player is registered to another club at the moment please contact that club and have him removed or contact the league and ask for a club member exchange"); }else if(usingWebService){ if(playerRegisteredInWebService){ if(playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService){ return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.player_in_another_club_in_ksi_system","The player is registered to another club you need to contact the league and apply for a club member exchange"); } } } return null; } /** * @param user * @param playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService * @param playerRegisteredInTargetClubInWebService * @param playerRegisteredInWebService * @param callWebService2 * @param playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem * @param clubNumberFromWebService * @throws IBOLookupException * @throws RemoteException */ protected String checkNationality(User user, Group targetGroup, boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem, boolean usingWebService, boolean playerRegisteredInWebService, boolean playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService, int clubNumberFromWebService) throws IBOLookupException, RemoteException { // o Ef a_ kennitala vi_komandi er ekki til � skr� hj� KS� e_a er ekki skr�_ � anna_ knattspyrnuf�lag // � Kanna_ er hvort a_ r�kisfang vi_komandi s� erlent. // � S� _a_ erlent _� birtist or_sending: �J�n J�nsson, kt. 123456-7890, er me_ erlent r�kisfang. Vinsamlega hafi_ samband vi_ KS� (finna �tfr� s�rsambandstengingu), _ar sem kanna _arf hvort a_ vi_komandi hafi leikheimild � �_ru landi.� // � Ef r�kisfang er ekki erlent. // � Vi_komandi skr�ist � f�lagi_ -> l�ta ks� vita // o Ef a_ vi_komandi er n� _egar skr�_ur � f�lagi_ samkv�mt grunni KS� // � Vi_komandi skr�ist � f�lagi_ // o Ef a_ vi_komandi er n� _egar skr�_ur � anna_ f�lag // � Or_sending birtist � skj�num: �J�n J�nsson, kt. 123456-7890, er n� _egar skr�_ur � Knattspyrnuf�lagi_ X.� // � Hva� me� �egar menn eru �egar skr��ir � felix � ��ru f�lagi boolean icelandicNationality = hasIcelandicCitizenship(user); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(); if(!icelandicNationality && !usingWebService){ return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_icelandic_citizenship","The player does not have an Icelandic citizenship and might still have a foreign players permit. Please contact the league and ask for a club member exchange."); } else if(playerRegisteredInOtherClubInMemberSystem){ //here we need the club... return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.player_in_another_club_in_member_system","The player is registered to another club at the moment please contact that club and have him removed or contact the league and ask for a club member exchange"); } else if(!icelandicNationality && usingWebService){ if(playerRegisteredInWebService){ if(playerRegisteredInOtherClubInWebService){ return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.player_in_another_club_in_ksi_system","The player is registered to another club you need to contact the league and apply for a club member exchange"); } } else{ return iwrb.getLocalizedString("ksi.no_icelandic_citizenship","The player does not have an Icelandic citizenship and might still have a foreign players permit. Please contact the league and ask for a club member exchange."); } } return null; } /** * @param user * @param register * @return false if not an icelandic citizen or if there is no record of the player in the icelandic national registry table * @throws RemoteException */ protected boolean hasIcelandicCitizenship(User user) throws RemoteException { NationalRegisterBusiness register = (NationalRegisterBusiness) getServiceInstance(NationalRegisterBusiness.class); String pin = user.getPersonalID(); NationalRegister entry = register.getEntryBySSN(pin); if(entry==null){ return false; } String nationality = entry.getNationality(); if(nationality==null){ return true; } else{ nationality = nationality.trim(); return ("".equals(nationality)) || ("IS".equalsIgnoreCase(nationality)); } } public MemberUserBusiness getMemberUserBusiness() throws IBOLookupException{ return (MemberUserBusiness) getServiceInstance(MemberUserBusiness.class); } public GroupBusiness getGroupBusiness() throws IBOLookupException{ return (GroupBusiness) getServiceInstance(GroupBusiness.class); } public UserBusiness getUserBusiness() throws IBOLookupException{ return (UserBusiness) getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); } // public CalBusiness getCalBusiness() throws IBOLookupException{ // return (CalBusiness) getServiceInstance(CalBusiness.class); // } public String doClubMemberExchange(String personalIdOfPlayer, String clubNumberToRegisterTo, String dateOfActivation) throws RemoteException { UserBusiness biz = getUserBusiness(); User ksiUser = null; User player = null; try { ksiUser = biz.getUserByUniqueId(KSI_CLUB_EXCHANGE_ADMIN_UUID); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "1-Could not find KSI-Felagaskipti user"; } try { player = biz.getUser(personalIdOfPlayer); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "2-Could not find person with the personalId: "+personalIdOfPlayer+" in the database!"; } Date date = Date.valueOf(dateOfActivation); IWTimestamp now = new IWTimestamp(); IWTimestamp dateWithTime = new IWTimestamp(date); //if date is today, then set the date equal to now so the group relation is changed "right away" if(dateWithTime.getDay()==now.getDay() && dateWithTime.getMonth()==now.getMonth() && dateWithTime.getYear()==now.getYear()){ dateWithTime = now; } else{ //set midnight of the day before dateWithTime.addDays(-1); dateWithTime.setHour(23); dateWithTime.setMinute(59); } Collection clubs = getGroupBusiness().getGroupsByMetaDataKeyAndValue(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER,clubNumberToRegisterTo); Group clubTo = null; if(!clubs.isEmpty() && clubs.size()==1){ clubTo = (Group)clubs.iterator().next(); } else{ return "3-Cannot find club with the number: "+clubNumberToRegisterTo; } Collection parents = player.getParentGroups(); for (Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group) iter.next(); if(group.getGroupType().equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_PLAYER)){ if(isCorrectLeague(group,KSI_CLUB_NUMBER,KSI_UUID)){ try { Group clubForGroup = getMemberUserBusiness().getClubForGroup(group); if(!clubForGroup.equals(clubTo)){ Collection col = getGroupBusiness().getGroupRelationHome().findGroupsRelationshipsContainingBiDirectional( ((Integer)group.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), ((Integer)player.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if(col!=null && !col.isEmpty()){ Iterator iterator = col.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GroupRelation rel = (GroupRelation) iterator.next(); if(!rel.isPassive()){ rel.setPassivePending(); rel.setTerminationDate((dateWithTime).getTimestamp()); rel.setPassiveBy(((Integer)ksiUser.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); rel.store(); } } } } } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return "4-Failed to remove the player from group: "+group.getName()+ " uuid:"+group.getUniqueId()+ " . Error msg:"+e.getMessage(); } } } } return WS_RETURN_VALUE_SUCCESS; } protected String getBundleIdentifier() { return ISI_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } }