package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; /** * @author laddi */ public class ComplaintBMPBean extends AbstractCaseBMPBean implements Complaint,Case { private static final String COLUMN_COMPLAINT = "COMPLAINT"; private static final String COLUMN_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; private static final String COLUMN_ANSWER = "ANSWER"; private static final String COLUMN_MANAGER_ID = "MANAGER_ID"; private static final String COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE = "COMPLAINT_TYPE"; private static final String[] caseStatusKeys = { ComplaintBusinessBean.CASE_STATUS_ANSWERED }; private static final String[] caseStatusDesc = { "Complaint answered" }; public String[] getCaseStatusKeys() { return caseStatusKeys; } public String[] getCaseStatusDescriptions() { return caseStatusDesc; } /** * @see */ public String getCaseCodeKey() { return "SYMESYN"; } /** * @see */ public String getCaseCodeDescription() { return "User complaint"; } /** * @see */ public String getEntityName() { return "co_complaint"; } /** * @see */ public void initializeAttributes() { addGeneralCaseRelation(); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_COMPLAINT, "Complaint", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, "Description", String.class,10000); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_ANSWER, "Answer", String.class,10000); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID, "The manager for the complaint", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one",User.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE,"The complaint type",String.class,7); this.addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE, CaseCode.class); } /** * Returns the answer. * @return String */ public String getAnswer() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_ANSWER); } /** * Returns the complaint. * @return String */ public String getComplaint() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_COMPLAINT); } /** * Returns the description. * @return String */ public String getDescription() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION); } /** * Returns the managerID. * @return int */ public int getManagerID() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID); } /** * Returns the complaintType. * @return String */ public String getComplaintType() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE); } /** * Returns the complaintType. * @return ComplaintType */ public CaseCode getComplaintCaseType() { return (CaseCode) getColumnValue(COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE); } /** * Sets the answer. * @param answer The answer to set */ public void setAnswer(String answer) { setColumn(COLUMN_ANSWER,answer); } /** * Sets the complaint. * @param complaint The complaint to set */ public void setComplaint(String complaint) { setColumn(COLUMN_COMPLAINT,complaint); } /** * Sets the description. * @param description The description to set */ public void setDescription(String description) { setColumn(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION,description); } /** * Sets the managerID. * @param managerID The managerID to set */ public void setManagerID(Integer managerID) { setColumn(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID,managerID); } /** * Sets the managerID. * @param managerID The managerID to set */ public void setManagerID(int managerID) { setColumn(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID,managerID); } /** * Sets the complaintID. * @param complaintID The complaintID to set */ public void setComplaintType(String complaintType) { setColumn(COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE,complaintType); } /** * Method setComplaintType. * @param complaintType * @throws RemoteException */ public void setComplaintType(CaseCode complaintType) { setComplaintType((String)complaintType.getPrimaryKey()); } /** * Method ejbFindAllComplaints. * @return Collection * @throws FinderException */ public Collection ejbFindAllComplaints() throws FinderException { return this.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from "+getEntityName()); } /** * Method ejbFindAllComplaintsByUser. * @param User user * @return Collection * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection ejbFindAllComplaintsByUser(User user) throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByUser(user); } /** * Method ejbFindAllComplaintsByStatus. * @param CaseStatus status * @return Collection * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection ejbFindAllComplaintsByStatus(CaseStatus status) throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(status); } /** * Method ejbFindAllComplaintsByManager. * @param user * @return Collection * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection ejbFindAllComplaintsByManager(User user) throws FinderException { return this.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from "+getEntityName()+" where "+COLUMN_MANAGER_ID+" = "+(user.getPrimaryKey()).toString()); } /** * Method ejbFindAllComplaintsByType. * @param type * @return Collection * @throws FinderException * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection ejbFindAllComplaintsByType(CaseCode type) throws FinderException { return this.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from "+getEntityName()+" where "+COLUMN_COMPLAINT_TYPE+" = "+(type.getPrimaryKey()).toString()); } }