package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.datastructures.HashtableDoubleKeyed; /** * Title: IW Travel * Description: Stockroom Business * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author 2000 - idega team - <br><a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a><br><a href="">Gr�mur J�nsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class TravelStockroomBusinessBean extends StockroomBusinessBean implements TravelStockroomBusiness, ActionListener { private static final String resellerDayHashtableSessionName = "resellerDayHashtable"; private static final String resellerDayOfWeekHashtableSessionName = "resellerDayOfWeekHashtable"; private static final String serviceDayHashtableSessionName = "serviceDayHashtable"; protected Timeframe timeframe; // Thread unsafe ? protected static Hashtable maxDaysMap = new Hashtable(); protected HashMap minDaysMap = new HashMap(); protected HashMap serviceMap = new HashMap(); public TravelStockroomBusinessBean() { } public TravelStockroomBusinessBean getNewInstance(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws RemoteException{ return (TravelStockroomBusinessBean) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac, TravelStockroomBusiness.class); } public void addSupplies(int product_id, float amount) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method addSupplies() not yet implemented."); } public void depleteSupplies(int product_id, float amount) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method depleteSupplies() not yet implemented."); } public void setSupplyStatus(int productId, float status, int period) throws SQLException { Supplies supplies = ((; supplies.setProductId(productId); supplies.setCurrentSupplies(status); supplies.setRecordTime(IWTimestamp.RightNow().getTimestamp()); if(period > -1){ supplies.setPeriod(period); } supplies.insert(); } public float getSupplyStatus(int productId) throws SQLException { Supplies supplies = (Supplies); List lSupplies = EntityFinder.findAllByColumnOrdered(supplies,,Integer.toString(productId),; if(lSupplies != null && lSupplies.size() > 0){ return ((Supplies)lSupplies.get(0)).getCurrentSupplies(); }else{ return 0; } } public float getSupplyStatus(int productId, Date date) throws SQLException { Supplies supplies = (Supplies); List lSupplies = EntityFinder.findAll(supplies,"SELECT * FROM "+supplies.getEntityName()+" WHERE "" = "+Integer.toString(productId)+" AND "" <= '"+date.toString()+"' ORDER BY "+,1); if(lSupplies != null && lSupplies.size() > 0){ return ((Supplies)lSupplies.get(0)).getCurrentSupplies(); }else{ return 0; } } public int createPriceCategory(int supplierId, String name, String description, String type, String extraInfo, int visibility) throws Exception { return this.createPriceCategory(supplierId, name, description,type,extraInfo, visibility, -1); } public int createPriceCategory(int supplierId, String name, String description, String type, String extraInfo, int visibility, int parentId) throws Exception { int catId = this.createPriceCategory(supplierId, name, description, extraInfo); PriceCategory cat = ((; if(parentId != -1) { cat.setParentId(parentId); } if(type != null){ cat.setType(type); } if(extraInfo != null){ cat.setExtraInfo(extraInfo); } cat.setVisibility(visibility); // /** backwards compatability */ // cat.isNetbookingCategory(false); cat.setSupplierId(supplierId); cat.setCountAsPerson(true); cat.update(); return catId; } public int createService(int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, int[] addressIds, Timestamp departure, Timestamp arrival, int discountTypeId) throws Exception{ return createService(-1,supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, addressIds, departure,arrival, discountTypeId); } public int updateService(int serviceId,int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, int[] addressIds, Timestamp departure, Timestamp arrival, int discountTypeId) throws Exception { return createService(serviceId,supplierId, fileId, serviceName, number, serviceDescription, isValid, addressIds, departure,arrival, discountTypeId); } private int createService(int serviceId,int supplierId, Integer fileId, String serviceName, String number, String serviceDescription, boolean isValid, int[] addressIds, Timestamp departure, Timestamp arrival, int discountTypeId) throws Exception{ // TransactionManager transaction = IdegaTransactionManager.getInstance(); try{ //transaction.begin(); int id = -1; if (serviceId == -1) { id = createProduct(supplierId,fileId,serviceName,number,serviceDescription,isValid, addressIds, discountTypeId); }else { id = updateProduct(serviceId, supplierId,fileId,serviceName,number,serviceDescription,isValid, addressIds, discountTypeId); } Service service = null; try { service = (( Integer(id)); } catch (FinderException fe) { service = ((; service.setPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); // service.setID(id); } if (departure != null) { service.setDepartureTime(departure); } if (arrival != null) { service.setAttivalTime(arrival); }; /* if (serviceId == -1) { service.insert(); }else { service.update(); }*/ if (timeframe != null) { try { Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct(id); product.addTimeframe(timeframe); // product.addTo(timeframe); }catch (IDOException sql) { //sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } }else { System.err.println("Timeframe is null"); } //transaction.commit(); invalidateServiceCache(Integer.toString(id)); return id; }catch(SQLException e){ //transaction.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new RuntimeException("IWE226TB89"); } } public void setTimeframe(IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, boolean yearly) throws SQLException { setTimeframe(-1,from,to,yearly); } public void setTimeframe(int timeframeId, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, boolean yearly) throws SQLException { if (timeframeId != -1) { if ((from != null) && (to != null)) { timeframe = ((; timeframe.setTo(to.getTimestamp()); timeframe.setFrom(from.getTimestamp()); timeframe.setYearly(yearly); timeframe.update(); } }else { if ((from != null) && (to != null)) { timeframe = ((; timeframe.setTo(to.getTimestamp()); timeframe.setFrom(from.getTimestamp()); timeframe.setYearly(yearly); timeframe.insert(); } } } /** * @deprecated */ public Product[] getProducts(Reseller reseller) { Product[] returner = {}; try { Reseller parent = (Reseller) reseller.getParentEntity(); if (parent != null) { } }catch (Exception sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } /** * @deprecated */ public Product[] getProducts(int supplierId) throws RemoteException{ List list = getProductBusiness().getProducts(supplierId); if (list == null) { return new Product[]{}; }else { return (Product[]) list.toArray(new Product[]{}); } } /** * @deprecated */ public Product[] getProducts(int supplierId, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ List list = getProductBusiness().getProducts(supplierId, stamp); if (list == null) { return new Product[]{}; }else { return (Product[]) list.toArray(new Product[]{}); } } /** * @deprecated */ public Product[] getProducts(int supplierId, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws FinderException, RemoteException{ List list = getProductBusiness().getProducts(supplierId, from, to); if (list == null) { return new Product[]{}; }else { return (Product[]) list.toArray(new Product[]{}); } } public boolean invalidateServiceCache(String serviceID) { return invalidateServiceCache(serviceID, null); } public boolean invalidateServiceCache(String serviceID, String remoteDomainToExclude) { serviceMap.remove(serviceID); executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "invalidateServiceCache&serviceID="+serviceID); return true; } public Service getService(Product product) throws ServiceNotFoundException, RemoteException { Service service = (Service) serviceMap.get(product.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (service == null) { try { service = ((; serviceMap.put(product.getPrimaryKey().toString(), service); } catch (FinderException sql) { throw new ServiceNotFoundException(sql); } } return service; } public Timeframe getTimeframe(Product product) throws RemoteException, ServiceNotFoundException, TimeframeNotFoundException { Timeframe timeFrame = null; try { // Service service = TravelStockroomBusiness.getService(product); timeFrame = getProductBusiness().getTimeframe(product); } catch (SQLException sql) { throw new TimeframeNotFoundException(); }/* catch (ServiceNotFoundException snf) { throw new ServiceNotFoundException(); }*/ return timeFrame; } public PriceCategory[] getPriceCategories(int supplierId) { PriceCategory[] returner = {}; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("Select * from ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getPriceCategoryTableName()) .append(" where ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameSupplierId()) .append(" = ") .append(Integer.toString(supplierId)) .append(" and ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameIsValid()) .append(" = 'Y' and (") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameCountAsPerson()) .append(" = 'Y' or ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameCountAsPerson()) .append(" is null )"); returner = (PriceCategory[]); }catch (SQLException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public PriceCategory[] getPriceCategories(String key) { PriceCategory[] returner = {}; try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("Select * from ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getPriceCategoryTableName()) .append(" where ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameKey()) .append(" = '") .append(key) .append("' and ") .append(PriceCategoryBMPBean.getColumnNameIsValid()) .append(" = 'Y'"); returner = (PriceCategory[]); }catch (SQLException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public PriceCategory[] getMiscellaneousServices(int supplierId) { PriceCategory[] returner = {}; try { PriceCategoryHome pcHome = (PriceCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PriceCategory.class); Collection coll = pcHome.findBySupplierAndCountAsPerson(supplierId, false); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { returner = (PriceCategory[]) coll.toArray(new PriceCategory[]{}); } //returner = (PriceCategory[]),Integer.toString(supplierId),, "Y",, "N" ); // returner = (PriceCategory[]),Integer.toString(supplierId),, "Y"); }catch (FinderException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return returner; } protected HashtableDoubleKeyed getServiceDayHashtable(IWContext iwc) { HashtableDoubleKeyed hash = (HashtableDoubleKeyed) iwc.getSessionAttribute(serviceDayHashtableSessionName); if (hash == null) { hash = new HashtableDoubleKeyed(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(serviceDayHashtableSessionName, hash); } return hash; } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc,int productId, int dayOfWeek) throws RemoteException{ boolean returner = false; HashtableDoubleKeyed hash = getServiceDayHashtable(iwc); Object obj = hash.get(productId+"_"+dayOfWeek,""); if (obj == null) { SupplyPoolHome spHome = (SupplyPoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPool.class); try { SupplyPool pool = spHome.findByProduct(new Integer(productId)); SupplyPoolDayHome spdHome = (SupplyPoolDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPoolDay.class); try { spdHome.findByPrimaryKey(new SupplyPoolDayPK(pool.getPrimaryKey(), new Integer(dayOfWeek))); hash.put(productId+"_"+dayOfWeek, "", new Boolean(true)); return true; } catch (FinderException f) { hash.put(productId+"_"+dayOfWeek, "", new Boolean(false)); return false; } } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } returner = getServiceDayHome().getIfDay(productId, dayOfWeek); hash.put(productId+"_"+dayOfWeek,"",new Boolean(returner)); }else { returner = ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue(); } return returner; } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws ServiceNotFoundException, TimeframeNotFoundException, SQLException, RemoteException { return getIfDay(iwc, product, getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product), stamp, true, true); } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Product product, Timeframe[] timeframes, IWTimestamp stamp) throws ServiceNotFoundException, TimeframeNotFoundException, RemoteException { return getIfDay(iwc, product, timeframes, stamp, true, false); } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Product product, Timeframe[] timeframes, IWTimestamp stamp, boolean includePast, boolean fixTimeframe) throws ServiceNotFoundException, TimeframeNotFoundException, RemoteException { boolean isDay = false; String key1 = Integer.toString(product.getID()); String key2 = stamp.toSQLDateString(); HashtableDoubleKeyed serviceDayHash = getServiceDayHashtable(iwc); Object obj = serviceDayHash.get(key1, key2); if (obj == null) { int dayOfWeek = stamp.getDayOfWeek(); boolean tooEarly = false; if (!includePast) { IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); IWTimestamp tNow = new IWTimestamp(now.getDay(), now.getMonth(), now.getYear()); if (tNow.isLaterThan(stamp)) { tooEarly = true; } } if (!tooEarly) { boolean isValidWeekDay = getIfDay(iwc, product.getID(), dayOfWeek); if (isValidWeekDay) { if (timeframes == null || timeframes.length == 0) { serviceDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(true) ); isDay = true; }else { if (isDayValid(timeframes, stamp, fixTimeframe)) { isDay = true; serviceDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(true) ); } else { serviceDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(false) ); } } }else { serviceDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(false) ); } } } else { isDay = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(); } return isDay; } private boolean isDateValid(Contract contract, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException { IWTimestamp theStamp= IWTimestamp.RightNow(); theStamp.addDays(contract.getExpireDays()-1); return getStockroomBusiness().isInTimeframe(new IWTimestamp(contract.getFrom()), new IWTimestamp(contract.getTo()), stamp, false); /* if (stamp.isLaterThan(theStamp)) { return new IWTimestamp(contract.getTo()).isLaterThan(stamp); }else { return false; } */ } private boolean isDayValid(Timeframe[] frames, IWTimestamp stamp, boolean fixTimeframe) { return isDayValid(frames, null, stamp, fixTimeframe); } private boolean isDayValid(Timeframe[] frames, Contract contract, IWTimestamp stamp) { return isDayValid(frames, contract, stamp, false); } private boolean isDayValid(Timeframe[] frames, Contract contract, IWTimestamp stamp, boolean fixTimeframe) { boolean returner = false; try { boolean goOn = false; if (contract == null) { goOn = true; }else { goOn = isDateValid(contract, stamp); } if (goOn) { boolean isYearly = false; for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { if (fixTimeframe) { // System.err.println("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // System.err.println("isDayValid.... : from : "+new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getFrom()).toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println(".............. : to : "+new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getTo()).toSQLDateString()); fixTimeframe(frames[i], stamp); // System.err.println(":::::::FIXING:::::: "+stamp.toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println("isDayValid.... : from : "+new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getFrom()).toSQLDateString()); // System.err.println(".............. : to : "+new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getTo()).toSQLDateString()); } // System.err.println(".............. : year : "+frames[i].getYearly()); isYearly = frames[i].getIfYearly(); returner = getStockroomBusiness().isInTimeframe(new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getFrom()), new IWTimestamp(frames[i].getTo() ), stamp, isYearly); if (returner) break; } } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public Timeframe fixTimeframe(Timeframe frame, IWTimestamp stamp) { return fixTimeframe(frame, stamp, null); } public Timeframe fixTimeframe(Timeframe frame, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) { IWTimestamp tFrom = new IWTimestamp(frame.getFrom()); IWTimestamp tTo = new IWTimestamp(frame.getTo()); if (frame.getYearly()) { int fromYear = tFrom.getYear(); int fromY = from.getYear(); int fromMonth = tFrom.getMonth(); int fromM = from.getMonth(); int toYear = tTo.getYear(); int toMonth = tTo.getMonth(); int yearsBetween = 0; int toY = 0; int toM = 0; if (to != null) { toY = to.getYear(); toM = to.getMonth(); }else { toY = fromY; toM = fromM; } if (fromYear == toYear) { // If timeframe is in the same year... tFrom.setYear(fromY); tTo.setYear(toY); //from.setYear(fromYear); }else { if (fromY <= fromYear) { if (fromM < toMonth) { tFrom.addYears(toY - toYear); tTo.addYears(toY - toYear); //System.err.println("Tepps : fromM ("+fromM+") < toMonth ("+toMonth+")"); }else if (fromM == toMonth) { if (from.getDay() < tTo.getDay()) { tFrom.addYears(toY - toYear); tTo.addYears(toY - toYear); } //System.err.println("fromM ("+fromM+") >= toMonth ("+toMonth+")"); } }else { if (toM < fromMonth) { // System.err.println("Sepps : toM ("+toM+") < fromMonth ("+fromMonth+")"); tFrom.addYears(toY - toYear); tTo.addYears(toY - toYear); }else { if (to != null) { // System.err.println("toDay : "+to.getDay()); // System.err.println("tFrom : "+tFrom.getDay()); if (to.getDay() > tFrom.getDay()) { tFrom.addYears(toY - toYear); tTo.addYears(toY - toYear); // System.err.println("craniton"); } } // System.err.println("Ranus : toM ("+toM+") >= fromMonth ("+fromMonth+")"); } // System.err.println("sraneson"); } } //System.err.println("yearsBetween : "+yearsBetween); } frame.setFrom(tFrom.getTimestamp()); frame.setTo(tTo.getTimestamp()); return frame; } public HashtableDoubleKeyed getResellerDayHashtable(IWContext iwc) { HashtableDoubleKeyed hash = (HashtableDoubleKeyed) iwc.getSessionAttribute(resellerDayHashtableSessionName); if (hash == null) { hash = new HashtableDoubleKeyed(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(resellerDayHashtableSessionName, hash); } return hash; } public void removeResellerHashtables(IWContext iwc) { removeResellerHashtables(iwc, null); } public boolean removeResellerHashtables(IWContext iwc, String remoteDomainToExclude) { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(resellerDayHashtableSessionName); iwc.removeSessionAttribute(resellerDayOfWeekHashtableSessionName); executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "removeResellerHashtables"); return true; } public boolean removeServiceDayHashtable(IWContext iwc, String remoteDomainToExclude) { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(serviceDayHashtableSessionName); executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "removeServiceDayHashtable"); return true; } public void removeServiceDayHashtable(IWContext iwc) { removeServiceDayHashtable(iwc, null); } private HashtableDoubleKeyed getResellerDayOfWeekHashtable(IWContext iwc) { HashtableDoubleKeyed hash = (HashtableDoubleKeyed) iwc.getSessionAttribute(resellerDayOfWeekHashtableSessionName); if (hash == null) { hash = new HashtableDoubleKeyed(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(resellerDayOfWeekHashtableSessionName, hash); } return hash; } public boolean getIfExpired(Contract contract, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException { boolean returner = false; IWTimestamp temp = new IWTimestamp(IWTimestamp.RightNow().getDay() , IWTimestamp.RightNow().getMonth(), IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear()); int daysBetween = stamp.getDaysBetween(temp, stamp); if (daysBetween < contract.getExpireDays()) { returner = true; } return returner; } public boolean getIfDay(IWContext iwc, Contract contract, Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws ServiceNotFoundException, TimeframeNotFoundException, SQLException, RemoteException { boolean isDay = false; if (contract != null) { String key1 = ( (Integer) contract.getPrimaryKey()).toString(); String key2 = stamp.toSQLDateString(); int dayOfWeek = stamp.getDayOfWeek(); boolean isValidWeekDay = false; boolean isValidServiceDay = false; isValidServiceDay = getIfDay(iwc,product,getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product), stamp); if (isValidServiceDay) { HashtableDoubleKeyed resellerDayOfWeekHash = getResellerDayHashtable(iwc); Object object = resellerDayOfWeekHash.get(key1, key2); if (object == null) { isValidWeekDay = getResellerDayHome().getIfDay(contract.getResellerId(),contract.getServiceId() , dayOfWeek); resellerDayOfWeekHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(isValidWeekDay)); }else { isValidWeekDay = ((Boolean) object).booleanValue(); } } HashtableDoubleKeyed resellerDayHash = getResellerDayHashtable(iwc); Object obj = resellerDayHash.get(key1, key2); if (obj == null) { if (isValidWeekDay) { IWTimestamp from = new IWTimestamp(contract.getFrom()); IWTimestamp to = new IWTimestamp(contract.getTo()); if (stamp.isLaterThan(from) && to.isLaterThan(stamp) ) { isDay = true; resellerDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(true)); }else if (stamp.toSQLDateString().equals(from.toSQLDateString()) || stamp.toSQLDateString().equals(to.toSQLDateString())) { isDay = true; resellerDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(true)); }else { resellerDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(false)); } }else { resellerDayHash.put(key1, key2, new Boolean(false)); } }else { isDay = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(); } }else { System.err.println("TravelStockroomBusinessBean : getIfDay(iwc, contract, product, stamp) - Contract er null"); } return isDay; } /** * @deprecated */ public int getCurrencyIdForIceland(){ int returner = -1; try { CurrencyHolder holder = CurrencyBusiness.getCurrencyHolder("ISK"); returner = holder.getCurrencyID(); /* String iceKr = "�slenskar Kr�nur"; String[] id ="Select "+curr.getIDColumnName()+" from "+curr.getEntityName()+" where " +" = '"+iceKr+"'"); if (id == null || id.length == 0) { curr = ((; curr.setCurrencyName(iceKr); curr.setCurrencyAbbreviation("ISK"); curr.insert(); returner = curr.getID(); } else if (id.length > 0) { returner = Integer.parseInt(id[id.length -1]); }*/ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product)throws RemoteException , FinderException{ return getDepartureDays(iwc, product, null, null, true); } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product, boolean showPast) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ return getDepartureDays(iwc, product, null, null, showPast); } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ return getDepartureDays(iwc, product, from, to, true); } public List getDepartureDays(IWContext iwc, Product product, IWTimestamp fromStamp, IWTimestamp toStamp, boolean showPast) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ List returner = new Vector(); try { // Service service = ((; Timeframe[] frames = getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product); for (int j = 0; j < frames.length; j++) { boolean yearly = frames[j].getIfYearly(); IWTimestamp tFrom = new IWTimestamp(frames[j].getFrom()); IWTimestamp tTo = new IWTimestamp(frames[j].getTo()); IWTimestamp from = null; if (fromStamp != null) from = new IWTimestamp(fromStamp); IWTimestamp to = null; if (toStamp != null) to = new IWTimestamp(toStamp); if (from == null) { from = new IWTimestamp(tFrom); } if (to == null) { to = new IWTimestamp(tTo); } int toMonth = tTo.getMonth(); int toM = to.getMonth(); int fromM = from.getMonth(); int yearsBetween = 0; to.addDays(1); if (yearly) { int fromYear = tFrom.getYear(); int toYear = tTo.getYear(); int fromY = from.getYear(); int toY = to.getYear(); int daysBetween = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(from, to); if (fromYear == toYear) { from.setYear(fromYear); }else { if (fromY >= toYear) { if (fromM > toMonth) { from.setYear(fromYear); }else { from.setYear(toYear); } } } to = new IWTimestamp(from); to.addDays(daysBetween); yearsBetween = to.getYear() - toY; } IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(from); IWTimestamp temp; if (!showPast) { tTo.setYear(to.getYear()); IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); if (now.isLaterThan(from) && tTo.isLaterThan(now)) { stamp = new IWTimestamp(now); }else if (now.isLaterThan(from) && now.isLaterThan(tTo)) { stamp = new IWTimestamp(to); } } int[] weekDays = getWeekDays(product); //weekDays =; while (to.isLaterThan(stamp)) { for (int i = 0; i < weekDays.length; i++) { if (stamp.getDayOfWeek() == weekDays[i]) { if (yearly) stamp.addYears(-yearsBetween); returner.add(stamp); stamp = new IWTimestamp(stamp); if (yearly) stamp.addYears(yearsBetween); } } stamp.addDays(1); } } }catch (SQLException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(System.err); } return returner; } public int[] getWeekDays(Product product) { int[] weekDays = new int[]{}; try { SupplyPoolHome poolHome = (SupplyPoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPool.class); SupplyPoolDayHome poolDayHome = (SupplyPoolDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPoolDay.class); SupplyPool pool = poolHome.findByProduct(product.getPrimaryKey()); Collection poolDays = poolDayHome.findBySupplyPool(pool); if (poolDays != null && !poolDays.isEmpty()) { weekDays = new int[poolDays.size()]; int counter = 0; Iterator iter = poolDays.iterator(); SupplyPoolDayPK pk; while (iter.hasNext()) { pk = (SupplyPoolDayPK) ((SupplyPoolDay); weekDays[counter++] = ((Integer) pk.getDayOfWeek()).intValue(); } } return weekDays; } catch (FinderException f) { //f.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { ServiceDayHome sdayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); weekDays = sdayHome.getDaysOfWeek(product.getID()); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return weekDays; } public boolean isWithinTimeframe(Timeframe timeframe, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException { boolean yearly = timeframe.getIfYearly(); IWTimestamp from = new IWTimestamp(timeframe.getFrom()); IWTimestamp to = new IWTimestamp(timeframe.getTo()); return getStockroomBusiness().isInTimeframe(from, to, stamp,yearly); } public ServiceDayHome getServiceDayHome() throws RemoteException{ ServiceDayHome sdHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); return sdHome; // return (ServiceDay) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(this.getIWApplicationContext(), ServiceDay.class); } public ResellerDayHome getResellerDayHome() throws RemoteException{ ResellerDayHome rdHome = (ResellerDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ResellerDay.class); return rdHome; // return (ResellerDay) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(this.getIWApplicationContext(), ResellerDay.class); } public Collection getTravelAddressIdsFromRefill(Product product, int tAddressId) throws RemoteException, IDOFinderException, FinderException { if (tAddressId > 0) { TravelAddress ta = ((TravelAddressHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(TravelAddress.class)).findByPrimaryKey(tAddressId); return getTravelAddressIdsFromRefill(product, ta); }else { return new Vector(); } } public Collection getTravelAddressIdsFromRefill(Product product, TravelAddress tAddress) throws RemoteException, IDOFinderException { List list = null; if (tAddress == null) { list = getProductBusiness().getDepartureAddresses(product, true); } else { list = getTravelAddressesFromRefill(product, tAddress); } Collection coll = new Vector(); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TravelAddress item = (TravelAddress); // System.err.println("adding : "+item.getID()); // coll.add(new Integer(item.getID())); coll.add(item.getPrimaryKey()); } return coll; } private List getTravelAddressesFromRefill(Product product, TravelAddress tAddress) throws RemoteException, IDOFinderException { List addresses = getProductBusiness().getDepartureAddresses(product, true); int indexOf = addresses.indexOf(tAddress); TravelAddress tAdd; int startIndex = 0; for (int i = indexOf; i >= 0; i--) { tAdd = (TravelAddress) addresses.get(i); if (tAdd.getRefillStock()) { startIndex = i; break; } } int size = addresses.size(); for (int i = (indexOf+1); i < size ; i++) { indexOf = i; tAdd = (TravelAddress) addresses.get(i); if (tAdd.getRefillStock()) { --indexOf; break; } } Collection coll = new Vector(); List list = new Vector(addresses.subList(startIndex, indexOf+1)); if (startIndex == (indexOf+1)) { list = new Vector(); list.add(tAddress); } return list; } protected boolean setActiveDaysAll(int serviceId) throws RemoteException { return setActiveDays(serviceId, new int[]{GregorianCalendar.SUNDAY, GregorianCalendar.MONDAY,GregorianCalendar.TUESDAY, GregorianCalendar.WEDNESDAY, GregorianCalendar.THURSDAY, GregorianCalendar.FRIDAY, GregorianCalendar.SATURDAY}, false); } protected boolean setActiveDays(int serviceId, int[] activeDays) throws RemoteException { return setActiveDays(serviceId, activeDays, true); } protected boolean setActiveDays(int serviceId, int[] activeDays, boolean removeUnactive) throws RemoteException { boolean returner = true; try { List list = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < activeDays.length; i++) { list.add(new Integer(activeDays[i])); } if (serviceId != -1) { if (activeDays.length > 0) { ServiceDayHome sDayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); ServiceDay sDay = null; ServiceDayPK sdPK = null; for (int i = ServiceDayBMPBean.SUNDAY; i <= ServiceDayBMPBean.SATURDAY; i++) { sdPK = new ServiceDayPK(new Integer(serviceId), new Integer(i)); try { sDay = sDayHome.findByPrimaryKey(sdPK); } catch (FinderException f) { sDay = null; } //sDay = sDayHome.findByServiceAndDay(serviceId, i); if (list.contains(new Integer(i))) { if (sDay == null) { sDay = sDayHome.create(new ServiceDayPK(new Integer(serviceId), new Integer(i))); sDay.setServiceId(serviceId); sDay.setDayOfWeek(i);; } }else { if (sDay != null && removeUnactive) { sDay.remove(); } } } }else { ServiceDayHome sDayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); sDayHome.deleteService(serviceId); } }else { /* if (activeDays.length > 0) { ServiceDayHome sDayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); ServiceDay sDayTemp = sDayHome.create(); ServiceDay sDay; for (int i = 0; i < activeDays.length; i++) { sDay = sDayHome.create(); sDay.setServiceId(serviceId); sDay.setDayOfWeek(activeDays[i]);; } } */ } returner = true; }catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); returner = false; }catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(System.err); returner = false; }catch (RemoveException re) { re.printStackTrace(System.err); returner = false; } return returner; } protected void removeExtraPrices(Product product) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ try { System.out.println("[TSB] removing extra prices "); ProductBusiness pBus = this.getProductBusiness(); List addresses = pBus.getDepartureAddresses(product, false); Timeframe[] timeframes = getProductBusiness().getTimeframes(product); TravelAddress tAddress = ((TravelAddressHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TravelAddress.class)).create(); Timeframe timeframe = ((TimeframeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Timeframe.class)).create(); ProductPriceHome ppHome = (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); Collection allPrices = ppHome.findProductPrices(product.getID(), -1, -1, false); Iterator piter = allPrices.iterator(); ProductPrice price; Collection cFrames; Collection cAddresses; boolean remove = false; while (piter.hasNext()) { price = (ProductPrice); System.out.println("============================================================"); System.out.println("[TSB] working with price : "+price.getPrice()); cFrames = price.getTimeframes(); cAddresses = price.getTravelAddresses(); Iterator iter = cFrames.iterator(); System.out.print("[TSB] cFrames contains : "); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; System.out.print(" "+item.toString() +","); } System.out.println(";"); iter = cAddresses.iterator(); System.out.print("[TSB] cAddresses contains : "); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; System.out.print(" "+item.toString() +","); } System.out.println(";"); if (timeframes.length == 0 && cFrames.size() > 0) { remove = true; } if (addresses.size() == 0 && cAddresses.size() > 0) { remove = true; } if (!remove) { for (int j = 0; j < timeframes.length; j++) { System.out.println("... timeframeId = "+timeframes[j].getID()); if ( ! cFrames.contains(timeframes[j].getPrimaryKey()) ) { remove = true; break; } } } if (remove) { System.out.println("[TSB] remove == true, (timeframe) removing price with price = "+price.getPrice()); price.invalidate();; }else { Iterator iAddresses = addresses.iterator(); while (iAddresses.hasNext()) { TravelAddress item = (TravelAddress); System.out.println("... addressId = "+item.getPrimaryKey()); if (cAddresses.contains(item.getPrimaryKey()) ) { remove = true; break; } } } if (remove) { System.out.println("[TSB] remove == true, (address) removing price with price = "+price.getPrice()); price.invalidate();; } } }catch (SQLException ex) { throw new FinderException(ex.getMessage()); }catch (CreateException ex) { throw new FinderException(ex.getMessage()); }catch (IDORelationshipException ex) { throw new FinderException(ex.getMessage()); } } protected int[] setDepartureAddress(int serviceId, String departureFrom, IWTimestamp departureTime) throws RemoteException, FinderException, SQLException, IDOFinderException{ int departureAddressTypeId =; TravelAddress departureAddress = null; Address address = null; if (serviceId == -1) { address = ((; address.setAddressTypeID(departureAddressTypeId); address.setStreetName(departureFrom); address.insert(); departureAddress = ((; departureAddress.setAddressId(address.getID()); departureAddress.setAddressTypeId(; departureAddress.setTime(departureTime.getTimestamp()); departureAddress.insert(); }else { Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct(serviceId);//((; List tAddresses = getProductBusiness().getDepartureAddresses(product, false); ///Address[]) (product.findRelated( (Address),, Integer.toString(departureAddressTypeId))); TravelAddress tAddress; if (tAddresses.size() > 0) { tAddress = (TravelAddress) tAddresses.get(0); departureAddress = ((; departureAddress.setTime(departureTime); departureAddress.update(); address = ((; address.setStreetName(departureFrom); address.update(); }else { address = ((; address.setAddressTypeID(departureAddressTypeId); address.setStreetName(departureFrom); address.insert(); departureAddress = ((; departureAddress.setAddressTypeId(TravelAddressBMPBean.ADDRESS_TYPE_DEPARTURE); departureAddress.setTime(departureTime); departureAddress.setAddressId(address.getID()); departureAddress.insert(); } } return new int[]{departureAddress.getID()}; } protected int[] setArrivalAddress(int serviceId, String arrivalAt) throws RemoteException, FinderException, SQLException, IDOFinderException{ int arrivalAddressTypeId =; Address arrivalAddress = null; Address address = null; if (serviceId == -1) { arrivalAddress = ((; arrivalAddress.setAddressTypeID(arrivalAddressTypeId); arrivalAddress.setStreetName(arrivalAt); arrivalAddress.insert(); }else { Product product = getProductBusiness().getProduct(serviceId);//((; Address[] tempAddresses = getProductBusiness().getArrivalAddresses(product);// (Address[]) (product.findRelated( (Address),, Integer.toString(arrivalAddressTypeId))); if (tempAddresses.length > 0) { arrivalAddress = (([0].getID()); arrivalAddress.setAddressTypeID(arrivalAddressTypeId); arrivalAddress.setStreetName(arrivalAt); arrivalAddress.update(); }else { arrivalAddress = ((; arrivalAddress.setAddressTypeID(arrivalAddressTypeId); arrivalAddress.setStreetName(arrivalAt); arrivalAddress.insert(); } } return new int[]{arrivalAddress.getID()}; } public void removeDepartureDaysApplication(IWApplicationContext iwac, Product product) throws RemoteException{ Enumeration enumer = iwac.getIWMainApplication().getAttributeNames(); List names = new Vector(); String index2check = "prodDepDays"; if (product != null) { index2check = "prodDepDays"+product.getPrimaryKey().toString()+"_"; } String name; while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) enumer.nextElement(); if (name.indexOf(index2check) != -1) { names.add(name); } } Iterator iter = names.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iwac.removeApplicationAttribute((String); } } /** * returns the other products, Null if this is the only one, or if this one is not using a pool * @param product * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getProductsSharingPool(Product product) throws RemoteException { try { if (supportsSupplyPool()) { SupplyPool pool = ((SupplyPoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPool.class)).findByProduct(product); Collection products = getProductBusiness().getProductHome().findBySupplyPool(pool); products.remove(product); return products; } else { return null; } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public int getMaxBookings(Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ try { // Order of things to come // Checks for supply pool settings // Checks setting 'day by day' settings // Checks for 'active days' settings Hashtable subMap = (Hashtable) maxDaysMap.get((Integer) product.getPrimaryKey()); // Cacheing disabled for a while // erm re-enabled // Hashtable subMap = null; String stmpString = null; if (stamp != null) { stmpString = stamp.toSQLDateString(); } if (subMap == null) { subMap = new Hashtable(); } Integer returner = (Integer) subMap.get(stmpString); if ( returner == null ) { if (stamp != null) { // Checking for supply pool settings if (supportsSupplyPool()) { try { SupplyPool pool = ((SupplyPoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPool.class)).findByProduct(product); SupplyPoolDay pDay = ((SupplyPoolDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPoolDay.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new SupplyPoolDayPK(pool.getPrimaryKey(), new Integer(stamp.getDayOfWeek()))); Integer supplyPoolId = (Integer) pool.getPrimaryKey(); int iBookingExtra = getBooker().getBookingsTotalCountByOthersInPool(product, stamp); IWTimestamp date = new IWTimestamp(stamp.getDay(), stamp.getMonth(), stamp.getYear()); try { DayInfo dayInfo = ((DayInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(DayInfo.class)).findBySupplyPoolIdAndDate(supplyPoolId.intValue(),date.getDate()); if(dayInfo != null) { int count = dayInfo.getCount(); count -= iBookingExtra; returner = new Integer( count ); } } catch (FinderException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } if (returner == null) { int max = pDay.getMax(); if (max > -1) { max -= iBookingExtra; } else if (max == -1){ max = BookingForm.UNLIMITED_AVAILABILITY; } returner = new Integer(max); } } catch (FinderException fe) { //fe.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Checking setting day by day settings if (returner == null) { try { ProductDayInfoCountHome pdich = (ProductDayInfoCountHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductDayInfoCount.class); ProductDayInfoCount productCount = pdich.findByProductIdAndDate(product.getID(), stamp.getDate()); returner = new Integer(productCount.getCount()); } catch (FinderException e) { } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Checking for 'active days' settings if (returner == null) { ServiceDayHome sDayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); ServiceDay sDay; sDay = sDayHome.findByServiceAndDay(product.getID() , stamp.getDayOfWeek()); if (sDay != null) { if (sDay.getMax() != -1) { returner = new Integer(sDay.getMax()); } else { returner = new Integer(BookingForm.UNLIMITED_AVAILABILITY); } } } subMap.put(stmpString, returner); maxDaysMap.put((Integer) product.getPrimaryKey(), subMap); } // System.out.println("Getting max for product = "+product.getPrimaryKey()+" stamp = "+stmpString+" = MAX = "+returner.intValue()); } else { // System.out.println("Found max for product = "+product.getPrimaryKey()+" stamp = "+stmpString+" = MAX = "+returner.intValue()); } return returner.intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } public int getMinBookings(Product product, IWTimestamp stamp) throws RemoteException, FinderException{ try { if (stamp != null) { HashMap subMap = (HashMap) minDaysMap.get(product.getPrimaryKey()); if (subMap == null) { subMap = new HashMap(); minDaysMap.put(product.getPrimaryKey(), subMap); } Integer returner = (Integer) minDaysMap.get(stamp.toSQLDateString()); if (returner == null) { if (supportsSupplyPool()) { try { SupplyPool pool = ((SupplyPoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPool.class)).findByProduct(product); SupplyPoolDay pDay = ((SupplyPoolDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SupplyPoolDay.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new SupplyPoolDayPK(pool.getPrimaryKey(), new Integer(stamp.getDayOfWeek()))); returner = new Integer(pDay.getMin()); subMap.put(product.getPrimaryKey(), returner); return returner.intValue(); } catch (FinderException fe) { //fe.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ServiceDayHome sDayHome = (ServiceDayHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ServiceDay.class); ServiceDay sDay; sDay = sDayHome.findByServiceAndDay(product.getID() , stamp.getDayOfWeek()); if (sDay != null) { returner = new Integer(sDay.getMin()); subMap.put(product.getPrimaryKey(), returner); return returner.intValue(); } } else { return returner.intValue(); } } return 0; } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } public void initializeBean() { getBooker().addActionListener(this); getInquirer().addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event != null) { if (event.getActionCommand().equals(BookerBean.COMMAND_BOOKING)) { try { GeneralBooking booking = getBooker().getGeneralBookingHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(event.getID())); Collection bookings = getBooker().getMultibleBookings(booking); if (bookings != null && !bookings.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = bookings.iterator(); Vector productToInvalidate = new Vector(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GeneralBooking b = (GeneralBooking); Product p = booking.getService().getProduct(); Collection ps = getProductsSharingPool(p); if (!productToInvalidate.contains(p)) { productToInvalidate.add(p); if (ps != null) { productToInvalidate.addAll(ps); } } } invalidateMaxDayCache(productToInvalidate); } else { Product product = booking.getService().getProduct(); Collection products = this.getProductsSharingPool(product); if (products != null) { products.add(product); } invalidateMaxDayCache(products); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void invalidateMaxDayCache(SupplyPool supplyPool) throws RemoteException { try { Collection products = getProductBusiness().getProductHome().findBySupplyPool(supplyPool); invalidateMaxDayCache(products); } catch (FinderException e) { // ignored } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean invalidateMaxDayCache(Product product, String remoteDomainToExclude) throws RemoteException { Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(product); invalidateMaxDayCache(v); getStockroomBusiness().executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "invalidateMaxDayCache&productID="+product.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return true; } public boolean invalidateMaxDayCache(Collection products) { if (products != null) { Iterator iter = products.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Product product = (Product); maxDaysMap.remove( (Integer) product.getPrimaryKey()); minDaysMap.remove( product.getPrimaryKey()); } } return true; } /* * override me please */ public boolean supportsSupplyPool() { return false; } protected ProductBusiness getProductBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (ProductBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), ProductBusiness.class); } private Booker getBooker() { try { return (Booker) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), Booker.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private Inquirer getInquirer() { try { return (Inquirer) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), Inquirer.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } private StockroomBusiness getStockroomBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (StockroomBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), StockroomBusiness.class); } public void executeRemoteService(String remoteDomainToExclude, String methodQuery) { executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, methodQuery, "/idegaweb/bundles/"); } }