package; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.FetchProfile; import javax.mail.Flags; import javax.mail.Folder; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.Multipart; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Store; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import; /** * This class provides basic List Server type capabilities, that is, it * retrieves emails for a specific user (e.g. broadcasts it * to all email ids provided in the emailListFile. The emailList file contains * one valid email id ( per line. * * @author Aron Birkir * @created 9. mars 2002 */ public class ListServer { private final static String INBOX = "INBOX", POP_MAIL = "pop3", SMTP_MAIL = "smtp"; private boolean debugOn = false; private String _smtpHost = null, _pop3Host = null, _user = null, _password = null, _emailListFile = null, _fromName = null; private InternetAddress[] _toList = null; /** * main() is used to start an instance of the ListServer * * @param args Description of the Parameter * @exception Exception Description of the Exception */ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { // check usage // if (args.length < 6) { System.err.println( "Usage: java ListServer SMTPHost POP3Host user password EmailListFile CheckPeriodFromName"); System.exit(1); } // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String smtpHost = args[0]; // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String pop3Host = args[1]; // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String user = args[2]; // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String password = args[3]; // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String emailListFile = args[4]; // Assign command line arguments to meaningful variable names // String fromName = null; int checkPeriod = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); if (args.length > 6) { fromName = args[6]; } // Process every "checkPeriod" minutes // ListServer ls = new ListServer(); ls.setDebug(false); while (true) { ls.debugMsg("SESSION START"); ls.process(smtpHost, pop3Host, user, password, emailListFile, fromName); ls.debugMsg("SESSION END (Going to sleep for " + checkPeriod + " minutes)"); Thread.sleep(checkPeriod * 1000 * 60); } } /** * process() checks for new messages and calls processMsg() for every new * message * * @param smtpHost Description of the Parameter * @param pop3Host Description of the Parameter * @param user Description of the Parameter * @param password Description of the Parameter * @param emailListFile Description of the Parameter * @param fromName Description of the Parameter * @exception Exception Description of the Exception */ public void process( String smtpHost, String pop3Host, String user, String password, String emailListFile, String fromName) throws Exception { this._smtpHost = smtpHost; this._pop3Host = pop3Host; this._user = user; this._password = password; this._emailListFile = emailListFile; if (fromName != null) { this._fromName = fromName; } // Read in email list file into java.util.Vector // Vector vList = new Vector(10); BufferedReader listFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(emailListFile)); String line = null; while ((line = listFile.readLine()) != null) { vList.addElement(new InternetAddress(line)); } listFile.close(); debugMsg("Found " + vList.size() + " email ids in list"); this._toList = new InternetAddress[vList.size()]; vList.copyInto(this._toList); vList = null; // // Get individual emails and broadcast them to all email ids // // Get a Session object // Properties sysProperties = System.getProperties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(sysProperties, null); session.setDebug(this.debugOn); // Connect to host // Store store = session.getStore(POP_MAIL); store.connect(pop3Host, -1, this._user, this._password); // Open the default folder // Folder folder = store.getDefaultFolder(); if (folder == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No default mail folder"); } folder = folder.getFolder(INBOX); if (folder == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Unable to get folder: " + folder); } // Get message count //; int totalMessages = folder.getMessageCount(); if (totalMessages == 0) { debugMsg(folder + " is empty"); folder.close(false); store.close(); return; } // Get attributes & flags for all messages // Message[] messages = folder.getMessages(); FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile(); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS); fp.add("X-Mailer"); folder.fetch(messages, fp); // Process each message // for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (!messages[i].isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) { processMsg(smtpHost, messages[i]); } messages[i].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); } folder.close(true); store.close(); } /** * processMsg() parses any newly received messages and calls sendMsg() to * broadcast the message * * @param smtpHost Description of the Parameter * @param message Description of the Parameter * @exception Exception Description of the Exception */ private void processMsg(String smtpHost, Message message) throws Exception { String replyTo = this._user; String subject; Date sentDate; Address[] a = null; // Get Headers (from, to, subject, date, etc.) // if ((a = message.getFrom()) != null) { replyTo = a[0].toString(); } subject = message.getSubject(); sentDate = message.getSentDate(); // Send message // sendMsg(this._user, sentDate, replyTo, subject, message); } /** * sendMsg() broadcasts a message to all subscribers * * @param from Description of the Parameter * @param sentDate Description of the Parameter * @param replyTo Description of the Parameter * @param subject Description of the Parameter * @param message Description of the Parameter * @exception Exception Description of the Exception */ private void sendMsg(String from, Date sentDate, String replyTo, String subject, Message message) throws Exception { // create some properties and get the default Session // Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", this._smtpHost); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a message // Address replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo)}; Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session); if (this._fromName != null) { newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, this._fromName + " on behalf of " + replyTo)); } else { newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); } newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, this._toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // Set message contents // Object content = message.getContent(); String debugText = "Subject: " + subject + ", Sent date: " + sentDate; if (content instanceof Multipart) { debugMsg("Sending Multipart message (" + debugText + ")"); Multipart mp = (Multipart) message.getContent(); mp.getContentType(); newMessage.setContent((Multipart) message.getContent()); } else { debugMsg("Sending Text message (" + debugText + ")"); newMessage.setText((String) content); } // Send newMessage // Transport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL); transport.connect(this._smtpHost, this._user, this._password); transport.sendMessage(newMessage, this._toList); } /** * @todo Description of the Method * * @param from Description of the Parameter * @param sentDate Description of the Parameter * @param replyTo Description of the Parameter * @param subject Description of the Parameter * @param body Description of the Parameter */ private void sendMsg(String from, Date sentDate, String replyTo, String subject, String body) throws Exception { // create some properties and get the default Session // Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", this._smtpHost); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // create a message // Address replyToList[] = { new InternetAddress(replyTo)}; Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(session); if (this._fromName != null) { newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, this._fromName)); } else { newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); } newMessage.setReplyTo(replyToList); newMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, this._toList); newMessage.setSubject(subject); newMessage.setSentDate(sentDate); // Set message contents // newMessage.setText(body); // Send newMessage // Transport transport = session.getTransport(SMTP_MAIL); transport.connect(this._smtpHost, this._user, this._password); transport.sendMessage(newMessage, this._toList); } /** * @param s Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ private void debugMsg(String s) { if (this.debugOn) { System.out.println(new Date() + "> " + s); } } /** * Sets the debug attribute of the ListServer object * * @param state The new debug value */ public void setDebug(boolean state) { this.debugOn = state; } /** * @todo Description of the Method * * @param letter Description of the Parameter * @param smtp Description of the Parameter * @param emails Description of the Parameter */ public void sendMailLetter(EmailLetter letter, EmailAccount smtp, Collection emails) { try { this._smtpHost = smtp.getHost(); this._user = smtp.getUser(); this._password = smtp.getPassword(); this._fromName = letter.getFromName(); this._toList = new InternetAddress[emails.size()]; Iterator iter = emails.iterator(); Vector vList = new Vector(10); while (iter.hasNext()) { vList.addElement(new InternetAddress(((EmailDataView); } vList.copyInto(this._toList); vList = null; sendMsg( letter.getFromAddress(), new Date(), letter.getFromAddress(), letter.getSubject(), letter.getBody()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }