package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Script; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.ui.AbstractTreeViewer; /** * Title: IW Project * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ICFileTree extends AbstractTreeViewer { private static final String _APP_DEFAULT_FILE_ICONS = "ic_filetree_icons"; private String _APP_FILE_ICONS = _APP_DEFAULT_FILE_ICONS; private static final String _NODE_OPEN = "_open"; private static final String _NODE_CLOSED = "_closed"; private static final String _DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX = "icfileicons/ui/"; public static final String ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME = "treenodeselect"; public static final String ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME = "iw_node_id"; public static final String ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "iw_node_name"; private static final String _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX = ".gif"; private String iconFolder = _DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX; private String icon_suffix = _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX; //private static Hashtable _icFileIcons = null; private Link _fileLink = new Link(); private Link _folderLink = new Link(); private String nodeNameTarget = null; private String nodeActionPrm = null; private ArrayList icFileTypeArrayList = null; private boolean _isICFileTreeNode = false; private boolean _usesOnClick = false; public ICFileTree(){ super(); this.setColumns(2); } public static ICFileTree getICFileTreeInstance(ICTreeNode[] nodes){ ICFileTree fileTree = new ICFileTree(); fileTree.setFirstLevelNodes(nodes); return fileTree; } public void setFirstLevelNodes(ICTreeNode[] nodes) { super.setFirstLevelNodes(nodes); if(nodes.length > 0 && nodes[0] instanceof ICFileTreeNode){ this._isICFileTreeNode = true; } } public void setFirstLevelNodes(Iterator nodes) { //defaultRoot.clear(); super.setFirstLevelNodes((Iterator)null); if (nodes != null) { while (nodes.hasNext()) { ICTreeNode node = (ICTreeNode); this.addFirstLevelNode(node); } } } public void addFirstLevelNode(ICTreeNode node) { super.addFirstLevelNode(node); if(node instanceof ICFileTreeNode){ this._isICFileTreeNode = true; } } public Image getIcon(Map _icFileIcons,ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean nodeIsOpen, boolean nodeHasChild, boolean isRootNode){ String mimeType = null; if(this._isICFileTreeNode){ mimeType = ((ICFileTreeNode)node).getICFile().getMimeType(); } else { mimeType = ((ICFile)node).getMimeType(); } if(mimeType != null){ mimeType = mimeType.replace('\\','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('/','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace(':','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('*','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('?','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('<','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('>','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('|','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('\"','_'); if(!node.isLeaf()){ Object obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType+((nodeIsOpen)?_NODE_OPEN:_NODE_CLOSED)); if(obj == null){ this.updateFileIcon(_icFileIcons,mimeType,iwc,false); obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType+((nodeIsOpen)?_NODE_OPEN:_NODE_CLOSED)); } return (Image)obj; }else { Object obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType); if(obj == null){ this.updateFileIcon(_icFileIcons,mimeType,iwc,true); obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType); } return (Image)obj; } }else { return null; } } public PresentationObject getObjectToAddToColumn(int colIndex, ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean nodeIsOpen, boolean nodeHasChild, boolean isRootNode) { // if( filter(node) ){//return null if this switch (colIndex) { case 1: return getIcon(this.getIcons(iwc),node, iwc, nodeIsOpen, nodeHasChild, isRootNode ); case 2: if(!node.isLeaf()){ Link l = this.getFolderLinkClone(node.getNodeName(iwc.getCurrentLocale(),iwc)); this.setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode(l,node,nodeIsOpen); if( this.nodeNameTarget != null ){ l.setTarget(this.nodeNameTarget); } if( this.nodeActionPrm!=null ){ l.addParameter(this.nodeActionPrm,node.getNodeID()); } if (this._usesOnClick) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); l.setURL("#"); l.setOnClick(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + nodeName + "','" + node.getNodeID() + "')"); } return l; } else { Link l = this.getFileLinkClone(node.getNodeName(iwc.getCurrentLocale())); this.setLinkToMaintainOpenAndClosedNodes(l); if( this.nodeNameTarget != null ){ l.setTarget(this.nodeNameTarget); } if( this.nodeActionPrm!=null ){ l.addParameter(this.nodeActionPrm,node.getNodeID()); } if (this._usesOnClick) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); l.setURL("#"); l.setOnClick(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + nodeName + "','" + node.getNodeID() + "')"); } return l; } } // } return null; } private Link getFileLinkClone(){ return (Link)this._fileLink.clone(); } private Link getFolderLinkClone(){ return (Link)this._folderLink.clone(); } private Link getFileLinkClone(String text){ Link l = getFileLinkClone(); l.setText(text); return l; } private Link getFolderLinkClone(String text){ Link l = getFolderLinkClone(); l.setText(text); return l; } public void setNodeActionParameter(String prm){ this.nodeActionPrm = prm; } public void setTarget(String target){ this.nodeNameTarget = target; } public void setFileLinkPrototype(Link link){ this._fileLink = link; } public void setFolderLinkPrototype(Link link){ this._folderLink = link; } protected void updateIconDimensions(Map _icFileIcons){ //super.updateIconDimensions(); if(_icFileIcons != null && _icFileIcons.values() != null){ Iterator iter = _icFileIcons.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Image item = (Image); if(item != null){ item.setHeight(this.iconHeight); } } } } public Map getIcons(IWContext iwc){ //public void initIcons(IWContext iwc){ //super.initIcons(iwc); //Object obj = iwc.getApplicationAttribute(_APP_FILE_ICONS + getUI()); //if(obj == null){ IWBundle bundle = this.getBundle(iwc); Map tmp = new HashMap(); HashMap mimeMap = (HashMap)MediaBusiness.getICMimeTypeMap(iwc); if(mimeMap != null){ Iterator iter = mimeMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICMimeType item = (ICMimeType)(mimeMap.get(; String mimeType = item.getMimeType(); tmp.put(mimeType,bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX+getUI()+mimeType+_DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } } iwc.setApplicationAttribute(this._APP_FILE_ICONS + getUI(),tmp); //this._icFileIcons = tmp; //} else { // this._icFileIcons = (Hashtable)obj; //} updateIconDimensions(tmp); return tmp; } public void updateFileIcon(Map _icFileIcons,String mimeType, IWContext iwc, boolean isLeaf){ IWBundle bundle = this.getBundle(iwc); if(isLeaf){ _icFileIcons.put(mimeType,bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX+getUI()+mimeType+_DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } else { _icFileIcons.put(mimeType+_NODE_OPEN,bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX+getUI()+mimeType+_NODE_OPEN+_DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); _icFileIcons.put(mimeType+_NODE_CLOSED,bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX+getUI()+mimeType+_NODE_CLOSED+_DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } } public void setToUseOnClick() { setToUseOnClick(ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME, ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); } public void setToUseOnClick(String NodeNameParameterName, String NodeIDParameterName) { this._usesOnClick = true; Script associatedScript = getParentPage().getAssociatedScript(); if(associatedScript != null) { getAssociatedScript().addFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, "function " + ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + NodeNameParameterName + "," + NodeIDParameterName + "){ }"); } } public void setOnClick(String action) { Script associatedScript = getParentPage().getAssociatedScript(); if(associatedScript != null) { this.getAssociatedScript().addToFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, action); } } /* public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super.main(iwc); if(_icFileIcons != null && _icFileIcons.keySet() != null){ Iterator iter = _icFileIcons.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String mimeType = (String); mimeType = mimeType.replace('/','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('.','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace(',','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace(';','_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('?','_'); this.print(mimeType+_DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX+"\n"); } } else { System.out.print("ICFileTree: _icFileIcons or _icFileIcons.keySet() = null"); } } */ ///** // * // * @param fileType An ArrayList of ICFileType entities // */ // public void setICFileTypeFilterArrayList(ArrayList icFileTypeArrayList){ // this.icFileTypeArrayList = icFileTypeArrayList; // } // // protected boolean filter(ICTreeNode node){ // //store mimetype result // //check in store // //else get type from cache // //return if not of filter type //return true; // //return ((ICFile)node).getMimeType().equals(; // } }