package com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBBase64; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBUtility; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.jndi.SchemaOps; /** * This is largely a schema-aware wrapper to BasicAttribute, with some * utility classes spliced on. <p> */ public class DXAttribute extends BasicAttribute { boolean binary = false; // whether it's binary (in this context, 'non-string') data static boolean verboseBinary = false; // whether to add ';binary' to the end of binary att names. String name; // the name of the attribute (usually identical to the ID) String syntaxOID; // the OID of the Syntax (i.e. "" for binary) String syntaxDesc; // the same thing as a human readable description String description; // the free form description of the attribute that may exist in schema static Hashtable knownBinaryAttributes; // a list of known 'binary' attributes. static SchemaOps schema; // the schema of the most recently connected to directory private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming.DXAttribute"); // ...It's round it's heavy it's wood... It's better than bad, it's good... static { knownBinaryAttributes = new Hashtable(100); } /** * Normal constructor for an Attribute with no (current) value. */ public DXAttribute(String ID) { super(ID); setBinaryness(); } /** * Normal constructor an Attribute with a single value. */ public DXAttribute(String ID, Object value) { super(ID, value); setBinaryness(); } /** * Make a copy of a normal, pre-existing attribute. * @param att the attribute (e.g. BasicAttribute) to wrap. */ public DXAttribute(Attribute att) { super (att.getID()); try { addValues(att.getAll()); } catch (NamingException e) { CBUtility.log("error reading attribute values for attribute " + getID() + "\n" + e.toString()); } setBinaryness(); setName(att.getID()); // ?? necessary?? } public DXAttribute(String ID, NamingEnumeration values) { super(ID); addValues(values); setBinaryness(); } public void addValues(NamingEnumeration values) { try { while (values.hasMore()) { add(; } } catch (NamingException e) { CBUtility.log("error adding values for attribute " + getID() + "\n" + e.toString()); } } /** * This sets the standard schema to use while this connection is open. * (It may be possible in future releases to set schema on a per-Attribute * basis - it is not clear yet whether this would be useful.) */ public static void setDefaultSchema(SchemaOps defaultSchema) { schema = defaultSchema; } /** * This method examines the schema to test whether the attribute is 'binary' data. * In this context, 'binary' simply means 'not string'; i.e. photo, certificate, * octet etc. */ public void setBinaryness() { // quickly handle schema atts. String ID = getID(); if ("SYNTAXNAMENUMERICOIDDESC".indexOf(ID) != -1) { return; } ID = ID.toLowerCase(); if (knownBinaryAttributes.get(ID) != null) // see if we already know this attribute ID... { this.binary = (knownBinaryAttributes.get(ID).equals(Boolean.TRUE)); } if (ID.endsWith(";binary")) { this.binary = true; } if (this.binary == false) { this.binary = checkIsBinaryInSchema(); } if (this.binary == false && schema==null) // backup checks for if no schema or bad schema { Object value = null; try { value = get(); this.binary = !(value==null || value instanceof String); } catch (Exception e) {} } knownBinaryAttributes.put(ID, new Boolean(this.binary)); } /** * Does this attribute have a valid value (i.e. not null, or empty string). */ public static boolean isEmpty(Attribute att) { if (att == null) { return true; } if (att.size()==0) { return true; } if (att.size()==1) { Object val = null; try { val = att.get(); } catch (NamingException e) { return true; // assume naming exception means empty attribute... (?) } if (val == null || "".equals(val)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Used to register the schema with a particular attribute - currently the schema is * then looked up for Description,name,syntax description; this may be * inefficient; maybe these should only be looked up when necessary.<p> * In the event that no particular schema is registered for this attribute, the * default schema is used. */ /* public void registerSchema(DirContext s) { schema = s; if (schema == null) schema = defaultSchema; // use the backup schema instead if (defaultSchema == null) return; // can't do anything. getSyntaxDesc(); // sets syntaxDesc getSyntaxOID(); // sets syntaxOID & checks binaryness getName(); // sets name getDescription(); // sets description getOptions(); } */ /** * Utility method - returns the schema context in use by this attribute. */ //public DirContext getSchema() { return schema; } /** * implements the interface spec. */ /* public DirContext getAttributeDefinition() { if (schema == null) return null; try { return (DirContext) schema.lookup("AttributeDefinition/" + getID()); } catch (NamingException e) {return null;} } */ public boolean checkKnownBinaryAttributes(String ID) { //System.out.println("cache caught: " + ID + " = " + Boolean.TRUE.equals(knownBinaryAttributes.get(ID))); //CB this is wierd. was there a reason? return (Boolean.TRUE.equals(knownBinaryAttributes.get(ID))); return knownBinaryAttributes.contains(ID); } public static boolean isBinarySyntax(String syntaxName) { if (syntaxName == null) { return false; } int pos = syntaxName.indexOf(""); if (pos == -1) { return false; } String number = syntaxName.substring(pos + "".length()); if (number.length() > 2) { number = number.substring(0, 2); char c = number.charAt(1); if (Character.isDigit(c) == false) { number = number.substring(0, 1); } } try { int finalNumber = Integer.parseInt(number); switch (finalNumber) { case 4: return true; // - audio case 5: return true; // - binary case 8: return true; // - certificate case 9: return true; // - certificate list case 10: return true; // - certificate pair case 28: return true; // - jpeg case 40: return true; // - octet string default: return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { CBUtility.log("Unexpected error parsing syntax: " + syntaxName + "\n " + e); return false; } } public boolean checkIsBinaryInSchema() { if (schema != null) { try { //System.out.println("\n" + getID() + " starting to test! "); Attributes atts = schema.getAttributes("AttributeDefinition/" + getID()); Attribute a; while ((a = atts.get("SUP")) != null) { atts = schema.getAttributes("AttributeDefinition/" + a.get().toString()); } a = atts.get("SYNTAX"); if (a != null) { String syntaxName = a.toString(); if (isBinarySyntax(syntaxName)) { return true; } } else { CBUtility.log("%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ Can't find SYNTAX for... " + getID()); } } catch (Exception e) { try { Attributes atts = schema.getAttributes("AttributeDefinition/" + getID() + ";binary"); //XXX check for bad schema String syntaxName = atts.get("SYNTAX").toString(); // XXX check for string length less than 1.3....5 if (isBinarySyntax(syntaxName)) { return true; } } catch (Exception e2) // give up { //CBUtility.log("error checking for binary attribute " + getID() + "\n" + e.toString()); } } } else { CBUtility.log("no schema available", 4); } //System.out.println(getID() + " not binary..."); return false; } /** * implements the interface spec. */ /* public DirContext getAttributeSyntaxDefinition() { //return schema.getAttributeSyntax(getID()); if (schema == null) return null; try { DirContext attDef = (DirContext) schema.lookup("AttributeDefinition/" + getID()); String syntaxName = attDef.lookup("SYNTAX").toString(); if (isBinarySyntax(syntaxName)) binary=true; return (DirContext) schema.lookup("SyntaxDefinition/" + syntaxName); } catch (NamingException e) {return null;} } */ /** * Whether the attribute contains binary data; ideally found by checking Syntax, but * often set by inspection of the attribute value (whether it is a Byte array). */ public boolean isBinary() { return this.binary; } /** * Sets the binary status of the attribute. Shouldn't be required any more; * should be set by syntax checking. */ public void setBinary(boolean bin) { knownBinaryAttributes.put(getID(), new Boolean(bin)); this.binary = bin; } /** * Utility Function: takes a schema Entry class such as 'AttributeDefinition/cn', * * and returns the result of looking up a particular attribute within that * (e.g. 'DESC'). * @param schemaEntry the full schema entry name to lookup, e.g. 'ClassDefinition/alias' * @param schemaAttribute the attribute to look up, e.g. 'MUST' * @return the value of the schema entry attribute (e.g. '') */ public String schemaLookup(String schemaEntry, String schemaAttribute) { if (schema == null) { return null; } else { return schema.schemaLookup(schemaEntry, schemaAttribute); /* String value = null; try { Attributes theWorks = schema.getAttributes(schemaEntry); DXAttributes temp = new DXAttributes(theWorks); Attributes searchResult = schema.getAttributes(schemaEntry, new String[] {schemaAttribute.toLowerCase()}); NamingEnumeration searchResults = searchResult.getAll(); //probably only a single parent attribute... while (searchResults.hasMore()) //XXX redundant - should only be one. { Attribute result = (Attribute); NamingEnumeration values = result.getAll(); // XXX redundant - only the first value is returned. while (values.hasMore()) { value = (String); } } } catch (NamingException e) { return null; } return value; */ } } public boolean hasOptions() { if (this.description==null) { getDescription(); } if (this.description==null || this.description == "" || this.description.indexOf("LIST:")<0) { return false; } return true; } /** * IF a description field has been set in the schema, and IF that * description field LISTs a set of values, read 'em and return them * as a string array. */ public String[] getOptions() { if (this.description==null) { getDescription(); } if (this.description==null || this.description == "" ) { return new String[0]; } // can't be fagged working out java generic parse stuff - do own quickie... int len = this.description.length(); int pos = this.description.indexOf("LIST:"); if (pos < 0) { return new String[0]; } pos += 5; int next = pos; Vector resVect = new Vector(); resVect.add(""); // String option; while (pos < len && pos > 0) { next = this.description.indexOf(',', next+1); if (next < 0) { resVect.add(this.description.substring(pos)); pos = 0; } else if (this.description.charAt(next-1)!= '\\') { resVect.add(this.description.substring(pos, next)); pos = next+1; } else { next++; // move past the escaped comma } } // dump vector into string array, unescaping as we go. String[] result = new String[resVect.size()]; for (int i=0; i<resVect.size(); i++) { result[i] = unEscape((String)resVect.elementAt(i)); } return result; } public String unEscape(String escapeMe) { int slashpos = escapeMe.indexOf('\\'); while (slashpos>=0) { escapeMe = escapeMe.substring(0,slashpos) + escapeMe.substring(slashpos+1); slashpos = escapeMe.indexOf('\\'); } return escapeMe; } public String getSyntaxOID() { if (this.syntaxOID == null) { this.syntaxOID = schemaLookup("AttributeDefinition/" + getID(), "SYNTAX"); if (isBinarySyntax(this.syntaxOID)) { this.binary = true; } } return this.syntaxOID; } /** * Usefull escape to allow renaming of attributes. Use with caution, * since an arbitrary name may not correspond to a valid schema name. */ public void setName(String newName) { = newName; } public String getName() { if ( == null) { = schemaLookup("AttributeDefinition/" + getID(), "NAME"); } if ( == null) { = getID(); } return; } /** * Returns (and caches) the syntax description. */ public String getSyntaxDesc() { if (this.syntaxDesc == null) { this.syntaxDesc = schemaLookup("SyntaxDefinition/" + getSyntaxOID(), "DESC"); } return this.syntaxDesc; } /** * Returns the attribute's 'DESC' field from the attribute schema * definition, if such exists (it's an extension). Not to be * confused with the Syntax Description, which is something like "binary". */ public String getDescription() { if (this.description == null) { this.description = schemaLookup("AttributeDefinition/" + getID(), "DESC"); if (this.description == null) { this.description = ""; // to an empty string, to avoid repeatedly looking it up. } } return this.description; } /** * General descriptive string: used mainly for debugging... * */ public String toString() { int count = 1; try { String result = "att: " + getID() + " (size=" + size() + ") "; NamingEnumeration vals = getAll(); if (this.binary) { result = result + " (binary) "; while (vals.hasMore()) { try { byte[] b = (byte[]); result = result + "\n " + (count++) + ":" + ((b==null)?"null":CBBase64.binaryToString(b)); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { result = result + "\n " + (count++) + ": <error - not a byte array>"; } } } else { while (vals.hasMore()) { Object o =; result = result + "\n " + (count++) + ":" + ((o==null)?"null":o.toString()); } } return result + "\n"; } catch (NamingException e) { CBUtility.log("error listing values for " + getID() + " : " + e.toString()); return (getID() + " (error listing values)"); } } // ugly, ugly hack to add ';binary' when writting data to dir, but // not otherwise. public static void setVerboseBinary(boolean status) { verboseBinary = status; log.log(Level.FINER,"setting binary attribute status to " + status); } public String getID() { String id = super.getID(); if (verboseBinary && !(id.endsWith(";binary"))) { //System.out.println("binaryness = " + binary); if (this.binary) { id = id + ";binary"; } } log.log(Level.FINER,"returning binary id " + id); return id; } /** * This method gets all the values of an attribute. Useful only * for multivalued attributes (use get() otherwise). * @return all the values of this attribute in a String Array. * XXX - assumes all values are strings?? */ public Object[] getValues() { Object[] values = new String[size()]; try { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) { values[i] = get(i); } return values; } catch(NamingException e) { return new String[]{}; } } /** * Gets rid of null values and empty strings from the value set. */ public void trim() { for (int i=size()-1; i>0; i--) { Object o = null; try { o = get(i); if (o==null || "".equals(o)) { remove(i); } } catch (NamingException e) // shouldn't happen... { CBUtility.log("Bad Attribute value in DXAttribute - removing "); remove(i); // .. but remove offending entry if it does. } } } public void setOrdered(boolean state) { this.ordered = state; } /** * Returns true if this attribute is a SINGLE-VALUE attribute. * @return true if this attribute is a SINGLE-VALUE attribute, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isSingleValued() {/* TE */ return schema.isAttributeSingleValued(getName()); } /** * Ye olde equals method - so we can use these thingumies in Hashtables. */ /* public boolean equals(Object obj) { System.out.println("testing equality for:\n" + toString() + "\n vs: \n" + obj.toString()); boolean ret = super.equals(obj); System.out.println(" = " + ret); return ret; } */ /* if ((obj instanceof DXAttribute) == false) return false; DXAttribute test = (DXAttribute)obj; if (getID().equals(test.getID()) == false) return false; if (size() != test.size()) return false; for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { try { if (get(i).equals(test.get(i)) == false) return false; } catch (NamingException e) { return false; } } return true; } public int hashCode() { } */ /** * A wrapper to BasicAttributes.get() that catches NoSuchElementException * and gets it to return 'null' instead. (Unclear if this is strictly * correct, however JXplorer commonly equates a 'null' value to 'no value'.) */ /* public Object get() throws NamingException { try { return super.get(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return null; } } */ /* * *** Attribute Interface Methods *** */ /* public void add(int ix, Object attrVal) { values.add(ix, attrVal); } public boolean add(Object attrVal) { return values.add(attrVal); } public void clear() { values.clear(); } public Object clone() { return new DXAttribute(this); } public boolean contains(Object attrVal) { return values.contains(attrVal); } public Object get() { return values.elementAt(0); } public Object get(int ix) { return values.elementAt(ix); } public NamingEnumeration getAll() { return new DXNamingEnumeration(values.elements()); } // defined above DirContext getAttributeDefinition() // defined above DirContext getAttributeSyntaxDefinition() public String getID() { return id; } public boolean isOrdered() { return false; } public Object remove(int ix) { return values.remove(ix); } public boolean remove(Object attrval) { return values.remove(attrval); } public Object set(int ix, Object attrVal) { return values.set(ix, attrVal); } public int size() { return values.size(); } */ }