package com.idega.block.navigation.presentation; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import; import com.idega.builder.handler.HorizontalAlignmentHandler; import com.idega.builder.handler.HorizontalVerticalViewHandler; import com.idega.builder.handler.VerticalAlignmentHandler; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWStyleManager; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.text.StyleConstants; import com.idega.util.text.TextStyler; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> & <a href="">Thorhallur Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class NavigationMenu extends Block { private final static int VERTICAL = HorizontalVerticalViewHandler.VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL = HorizontalVerticalViewHandler.HORIZONTAL; private int viewType = 1; private int rootNode = -1; private IWBundle iwb; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.navigation"; private int fontSize = 2; private String fontColor = "#000000"; private String bgrColor = "#FFFFFF"; private String highlightFontColor = "#999999"; private String subHighlightFontColor = "#999999"; private String higlightBgrColor = "#FFFFFF"; private String tableBackGroundColor = null; private String width = null; private String height = null; private boolean _styles = true; private boolean _subStyles = true; private String _name; private String _hoverName; private String _subName; private String _subHoverName; private String fontStyle; private String subFontStyle; private String fontHoverColor; private boolean fontHoverUnderline = false; private String subFontHoverColor; private boolean subFontHoverUnderline = false; private Image _iconImage; private Image _iconOverImage; private Image _subIconImage; private Image _subIconOverImage; private Image _spacer; private Image spacer; private String spacerText; private String spacerTextStyle; private int spacerTextPadding = 0; private Image subNodeImage; private int _widthFromIcon = 5; private int _subWidthFromParent = 10; private int cellPadding = 0; private int cellSpacing = 0; private int _spaceBetween = 0; private int currentPageId = -1; private int parentPageId = -1; private boolean _addParentID = false; private boolean asTab = false; private boolean asButton = false; private boolean asFlipped = false; private boolean withRootAsHome = true; private boolean _showSubPages = false; private boolean _showAllSubPages = false; private String HomeVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentHandler.BOTTOM; private String HomeHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentHandler.RIGHT; public NavigationMenu() { this.setSpacing(2); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ setStyles(); BuilderService bs = getBuilderService(iwc); if (this.rootNode == -1) { this.rootNode = bs.getRootPageId(); } //String sCurrentPageId = iwc.getParameter(; this.currentPageId = bs.getCurrentPageId(iwc); try { this.parentPageId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("parent_id")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this.parentPageId = -1; } if (this.parentPageId == -1 && this._addParentID) { try { this.parentPageId = ((Integer) iwc.getSessionAttribute("parent_id")).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { this.parentPageId = -1; this.parentPageId = this.rootNode; } } if (this.parentPageId != -1) { iwc.setSessionAttribute("parent_id", new Integer(this.parentPageId)); } PageTreeNode node = new PageTreeNode(this.rootNode, iwc); boolean bottom = !this.HomeVerticalAlignment.equals(VerticalAlignmentHandler.TOP); boolean left = !this.HomeHorizontalAlignment.equals(HorizontalAlignmentHandler.RIGHT); boolean vertical = this.viewType == VERTICAL; Vector nodeVector = new Vector(); if (this.withRootAsHome && ((!bottom && vertical) || (!vertical && left))) { nodeVector.add(node); this.withRootAsHome = false; } Iterator iter = node.getChildrenIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { nodeVector.add(; } if (this.withRootAsHome && (bottom || !left)) { nodeVector.add(node); } int row = 1, col = 1; Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(this.cellPadding); T.setCellspacing(this.cellSpacing); if (this.tableBackGroundColor != null) { T.setColor(this.tableBackGroundColor); } if (this.width != null) { T.setWidth(this.width); } if (this.height != null) { T.setHeight(this.height); } Link L = null; this.spacer = Table.getTransparentCell(iwc); this.spacer.setWidth(this._widthFromIcon); this.subNodeImage = (Image) this.spacer.clone(); this.subNodeImage.setWidth(this._subWidthFromParent); this.subNodeImage.setHeight(2); Image spaceBetween = (Image) this.spacer.clone(); spaceBetween.setHeight(this._spaceBetween); Iterator iterator = nodeVector.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { PageTreeNode n = (PageTreeNode); L = getLink(n.getLocalizedNodeName(iwc), n.getNodeID(), this.rootNode, this._addParentID, false); if (this._iconImage != null) { Image image = new Image(this._iconImage.getMediaURL(iwc)); if (this._iconOverImage != null) { L.setOnMouseOverImage(image, this._iconOverImage); } T.add(image, col, row); T.add(this.spacer, col, row); if (!vertical) { col++; } } if (!vertical) { T.add(L, col++, row); } else { //T.mergeCells(col, row, col + 1, row); //merging the cells causes wrong behaviour on the vertical alignment of the link T.add(L, col+1, row++); if (this._showAllSubPages) { if (n.getNodeID() != this.rootNode) { row = addSubLinks(iwc, T, col, row, L, n); } } else { if (this._showSubPages && (n.getNodeID() == this.currentPageId || n.getNodeID() == this.parentPageId) && n.getNodeID() != this.rootNode) { row = addSubLinks(iwc, T, col, row, L, n); } } } if (this._spacer != null && iterator.hasNext()) { if (!vertical) { T.add(this._spacer, col++, row); } else { T.add(this._spacer, col, row++); } } if (this.spacerText != null && iterator.hasNext()) { Text text = new Text(this.spacerText); if (this.spacerTextStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this.spacerTextStyle); } if (!vertical) { T.setCellpaddingLeft(col, row, this.spacerTextPadding); T.setCellpaddingRight(col, row, this.spacerTextPadding); T.add(text, col++, row); } else { T.setCellpaddingTop(col, row, this.spacerTextPadding); T.setCellpaddingBottom(col, row, this.spacerTextPadding); T.add(text, col, row++); } } if (this._spaceBetween > 0 && vertical) { T.add(spaceBetween, col, row++); } } add(T); } private int addSubLinks(IWContext iwc, Table table, int column, int row, Link link, PageTreeNode node) { Table subTable = new Table(); subTable.setColumns(2); subTable.setCellpadding(0); subTable.setCellspacing(0); int subRow = 1; Iterator i = node.getChildrenIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { PageTreeNode subNode = (PageTreeNode); link = getLink(subNode.getLocalizedNodeName(iwc), subNode.getNodeID(), node.getNodeID(), true, true); if (this._subWidthFromParent > 0) { subTable.add(this.subNodeImage, 1, subRow); } if (this._subIconImage != null) { Image image = new Image(this._subIconImage.getMediaURL(iwc)); if (this._subIconOverImage != null) { link.setOnMouseOverImage(image, this._subIconOverImage); } subTable.add(image, 2, subRow); subTable.add(this.spacer, 2, subRow); } subTable.add(link, 2, subRow++); } table.add(subTable, column, row++); return row; } private Link getLink(String text, int PageId, int parentPageID, boolean addParentID, boolean isSubPage) { Link L = new Link(text); if (this._styles) { if (isSubPage && this._subStyles) { if (PageId == this.currentPageId) { L.setStyle(this._subHoverName); } else { L.setStyle(this._subName); } } else { if (PageId == this.currentPageId) { L.setStyle(this._hoverName); } else { L.setStyle(this._name); } } } else { if (PageId == this.currentPageId) { L.setFontColor(this.highlightFontColor); } else { L.setFontColor(this.fontColor); } L.setFontSize(this.fontSize); } L.setPage(PageId); if (addParentID) { L.addParameter("parent_id", parentPageID); } if (this.asButton) { L.setAsImageButton(this.asButton, true); } else if (this.asTab) { L.setAsImageTab(this.asTab, true, this.asFlipped); } return L; } private void setStyles() { if (this._name == null) { this._name = this.getName(); } if (this._name == null) { if (getICObjectInstanceID() != -1) { this._name = "nav_" + Integer.toString(getICObjectInstanceID()); } else { this._name = "nav_" + Double.toString(Math.random()); } } this._hoverName = "hover_" + this._name; this._subName = "sub_" + this._name; this._subHoverName = "subHover_" + this._name; if (this.fontStyle == null) { this.fontStyle = IWStyleManager.getInstance().getStyle("A"); } if (getParentPage() != null && this.fontStyle != null) { TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(this.fontStyle); if (this.fontHoverUnderline) { styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_DECORATION, StyleConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE); } if (this.fontHoverColor != null) { styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.fontHoverColor); } getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name, this.fontStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":hover", styler.getStyleString()); TextStyler styler2 = new TextStyler(this.fontStyle); if (this.highlightFontColor != null) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.highlightFontColor); } String style = styler2.getStyleString(); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._hoverName, style); if (this.fontHoverUnderline) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_DECORATION, StyleConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE); } if (this.fontHoverColor != null) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.fontHoverColor); } getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._hoverName + ":hover", styler2.getStyleString()); } else { this._styles = false; } if (getParentPage() != null && this.subFontStyle != null) { TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(this.subFontStyle); if (this.subFontHoverUnderline) { styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_DECORATION, StyleConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE); } if (this.subFontHoverColor != null) { styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.subFontHoverColor); } getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._subName, this.subFontStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._subName + ":hover", styler.getStyleString()); TextStyler styler2 = new TextStyler(this.subFontStyle); if (this.subHighlightFontColor != null) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.subHighlightFontColor); } String style = styler2.getStyleString(); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._subHoverName, style); if (this.subFontHoverUnderline) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_DECORATION, StyleConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE); } if (this.subFontHoverColor != null) { styler2.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this.subFontHoverColor); } getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._subHoverName + ":hover", styler2.getStyleString()); } else { this._subStyles = false; } } public void setViewType(int type) { this.viewType = type; } public void setHorizontal(boolean horizontal) { if (horizontal) { this.viewType = HORIZONTAL; } } public void setVertical(boolean vertical) { if (vertical) { this.viewType = VERTICAL; } } public void setRootNode(ICPage page) { this.rootNode = page.getID(); } public void setRootNode(int rootId) { this.rootNode = rootId; } public void setFontColor(String color) { this.fontColor = color; } public void setFontSize(int size) { this.fontSize = size; } public void setFontStyle(String style) { this.fontStyle = style; } public void setSubFontStyle(String style) { this.subFontStyle = style; } public void setFontHoverColor(String color) { this.fontHoverColor = color; } public void setSubpagesFontHoverColor(String color) { this.subFontHoverColor = color; } public void setFontHoverUnderline(boolean underline) { this.fontHoverUnderline = underline; } public void setSubpagesFontHoverUnderline(boolean underline) { this.subFontHoverUnderline = underline; } public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { this.bgrColor = color; } public void setTableBackgroundColor(String color) { this.tableBackGroundColor = color; } public void setHighlightFontColor(String color) { this.highlightFontColor = color; } public void setSubpagesHighlightFontColor(String color) { this.subHighlightFontColor = color; } public void setHighligtBackgroundColor(String color) { this.highlightFontColor = color; } public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public void setUseRootAsHome(boolean useRootAsHome) { this.withRootAsHome = useRootAsHome; } public void setPadding(int padding) { this.cellPadding = padding; } public void setSpacing(int spacing) { this.cellSpacing = spacing; } public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } public void setHomeHorizontalAlignment(String align) { if (align.equals(HorizontalAlignmentHandler.LEFT) || align.equals(HorizontalAlignmentHandler.RIGHT)) { this.HomeHorizontalAlignment = align; } } public void setHomeVerticalAlignment(String align) { if (align.equals(VerticalAlignmentHandler.BOTTOM) || align.equals(VerticalAlignmentHandler.TOP)) { this.HomeVerticalAlignment = align; } } public void setAsButtons(boolean asButtons) { this.asButton = asButtons; } public void setAsTabs(boolean asTabs, boolean Flipped) { this.asTab = asTabs; this.asFlipped = Flipped; } public void setIconImage(Image iconImage) { this._iconImage = iconImage; } public void setSubpageIconImage(Image iconImage) { this._subIconImage = iconImage; } public void setIconOverImage(Image iconOverImage) { this._iconOverImage = iconOverImage; } public void setSubpageIconOverImage(Image iconOverImage) { this._subIconOverImage = iconOverImage; } public void setWidthFromIcon(int widthFromIcon) { this._widthFromIcon = widthFromIcon; } public void setSubPageWidthFromParent(int subWidthFromParent) { this._subWidthFromParent = subWidthFromParent; } public void setSpacerImage(Image spacerImage) { this._spacer = spacerImage; } public void setAddParentID(boolean addID) { if (addID && (!this._showSubPages || !this._showAllSubPages)) { this._addParentID = addID; } } public void setShowSubPages(boolean showSubPages) { this._showSubPages = showSubPages; setAddParentID(true); } public void setShowAllSubPages(boolean showAllSubPages) { this._showAllSubPages = showAllSubPages; setAddParentID(true); } public Object clone() { NavigationMenu obj = null; try { obj = (NavigationMenu) super.clone(); if (this._iconImage != null) { obj._iconImage = (Image) this._iconImage.clone(); } if (this._iconOverImage != null) { obj._iconOverImage = (Image) this._iconOverImage.clone(); } if (this._subIconImage != null) { obj._subIconImage = (Image) this._subIconImage.clone(); } if (this._subIconOverImage != null) { obj._subIconOverImage = (Image) this._subIconOverImage.clone(); } if (this._spacer != null) { obj._spacer = (Image) this._spacer.clone(); } if (this.spacer != null) { obj.spacer = (Image) this.spacer.clone(); } if (this.subNodeImage != null) { obj.subNodeImage = (Image) this.subNodeImage.clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * @param spacerText The spacerText to set. */ public void setSpacerText(String spacerText) { this.spacerText = spacerText; } /** * @param spacerTextStyle The spacerTextStyle to set. */ public void setSpacerTextStyle(String spacerTextStyle) { this.spacerTextStyle = spacerTextStyle; } public void setSpacerTextPadding(int padding) { this.spacerTextPadding = padding; } }