package; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; import se.idega.util.PIDChecker; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.LocaleUtil; /** * @author laddi * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ public class SchoolChoiceComparator implements Comparator { public static final int NAME_SORT = 1; public static final int GENDER_SORT = 2; public static final int ADDRESS_SORT = 3; public static final int PERSONAL_ID_SORT = 4; public static final int LANGUAGE_SORT = 5; public static final int CREATED_SORT = 6; public static final int PLACED_SORT = 7; public static final int UNPLACED_SORT = 8; private Locale locale; public UserBusiness business; private Map studentMap; private Map addressMap; private Collator collator; private int sortBy = NAME_SORT; public SchoolChoiceComparator(Locale locale, UserBusiness business, Map studentMap, Map addressMap) { this(NAME_SORT, locale, business, studentMap, addressMap); } public SchoolChoiceComparator(int sortBy, Locale locale, UserBusiness business, Map studentMap, Map addressMap) { this.sortBy = sortBy; this.locale = locale; = business; this.studentMap = studentMap; this.addressMap = addressMap; } /** * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(Object, Object) */ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { if (locale != null) collator = Collator.getInstance(locale); else collator = Collator.getInstance(LocaleUtil.getSwedishLocale()); int result = 0; switch (sortBy) { case NAME_SORT : result = lastNameSort(o1,o2); break; case GENDER_SORT : result = genderSort(o1,o2); break; case ADDRESS_SORT : result = addressSort(o1,o2); break; case LANGUAGE_SORT : result = languageSort(o1,o2); break; case PERSONAL_ID_SORT : result = personalIDSort(o1,o2); break; case CREATED_SORT : result = createdSort(o1,o2); break; } return result; } public int lastNameSort(Object o1, Object o2) { User p1 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o1).getChildId()))); User p2 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o2).getChildId()))); if ( p1 == null || p2 == null) { if (p1 == null) System.out.println("User is null: " + ((SchoolChoice)o1).getChildId()); if (p2 == null) System.out.println("User is null: " + ((SchoolChoice)o2).getChildId()); return 0; } String one = p1.getLastName()!=null?p1.getLastName():""; String two = p2.getLastName()!=null?p2.getLastName():""; int result =,two); if (result == 0){ one = p1.getFirstName()!=null?p1.getFirstName():""; two = p2.getFirstName()!=null?p2.getFirstName():""; result =,two); } if (result == 0){ //result = p1.getMiddleName().compareTo(p2.getMiddleName()); one = p1.getMiddleName()!=null?p1.getMiddleName():""; two = p2.getMiddleName()!=null?p2.getMiddleName():""; result =,two); } return result; } public int genderSort(Object o1, Object o2) { User p1 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o1).getChildId()))); User p2 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o2).getChildId()))); int result = 0; boolean isFemale1 = PIDChecker.getInstance().isFemale(p1.getPersonalID()); boolean isFemale2 = PIDChecker.getInstance().isFemale(p2.getPersonalID()); if (isFemale1 && !isFemale2) result = -1; if (!isFemale1 && isFemale2) result = 1; if (result == 0){ result = lastNameSort(o1,o2); } return result; } public int addressSort(Object o1, Object o2) { Address p1 = (Address) addressMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o1).getChildId()))); Address p2 = (Address) addressMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o2).getChildId()))); if (p1 == null || p2 == null) { if (p1 == null && p2 != null) return 1; else if (p1 != null && p2 == null) return -1; return 0; } String one = p1.getStreetAddress()!=null?p1.getStreetAddress():""; String two = p2.getStreetAddress()!=null?p2.getStreetAddress():""; int result =,two); if (result == 0){ result = lastNameSort(o1,o2); } return result; } public int personalIDSort(Object o1, Object o2) { User p1 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o1).getChildId()))); User p2 = (User) studentMap.get(new Integer((((SchoolChoice)o2).getChildId()))); String pID1 = p1.getPersonalID() != null ? p1.getPersonalID() : ""; String pID2 = p2.getPersonalID() != null ? p2.getPersonalID() : ""; return,pID2); } public int languageSort(Object o1, Object o2) { SchoolChoice p1 = (SchoolChoice) o1; SchoolChoice p2 = (SchoolChoice) o2; String one = p1.getLanguageChoice()!=null?p1.getLanguageChoice():""; String two = p2.getLanguageChoice()!=null?p2.getLanguageChoice():""; int result =,two); if (result == 0){ result = lastNameSort(o1,o2); } return result; } public int createdSort(Object o1, Object o2) { SchoolChoice p1 = (SchoolChoice) o1; SchoolChoice p2 = (SchoolChoice) o2; IWTimestamp one = new IWTimestamp(p1.getCreated()); IWTimestamp two = new IWTimestamp(p2.getCreated()); if (one.isEarlierThan(two)){ return -1; } else if (one.isLaterThan(two)) return 1; return 0; } }