package com.idega.block.text.presentation; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.2 */ import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; public class TextReader extends Block implements Builderaware { private boolean isAdmin = false; private boolean createInstance = true; private String sLocaleId; private String sAttribute = null; private int iTextId = -1; private int textSize = -1; private int tableTextSize = 1; private int headlineSize = -2; private String tableWidth = ""; private String bgColor = null; private String textBgColor = null; private String textColor; private String headlineBgColor = null; private String headlineColor; private String tableAlignment = "top"; private String textWidth = "100%"; private String textStyle; private String textAlignment = "left"; private String headlineStyle; private String spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody = null; private boolean displayHeadline = true; private boolean enableDelete = false; private boolean reverse = false; private boolean crazy = false; private boolean viewall = false; private boolean newobjinst = false; private boolean newWithAttribute = false; private String textStyleName = "body"; private String headlineStyleName = "headline"; private String textStyleClassName = null; private String headlineStyleClassName = null; public static String prmTextId = "txtr.textid"; private IWBundle iwb; private IWBundle iwcb; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.text"; public final static String CACHE_KEY = "tx_text"; public TextReader() { setCacheable(getCacheKey(), 999999999); //cache indefinately } public TextReader(String sAttribute) { this(); this.iTextId = -1; this.sAttribute = sAttribute; } public TextReader(int iTextId) { this(); this.iTextId = iTextId; this.createInstance = false; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwcb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); Locale locale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); TxText txText = null; LocalizedText locText = null; ContentHelper ch = null; Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(0); T.setCellspacing(0); T.setBorder(0); T.setWidth(this.textWidth); if (this.iTextId < 0) { String sTextId = iwc.getParameter(prmTextId); if (sTextId != null) { this.iTextId = Integer.parseInt(sTextId); } else if (getICObjectInstanceID() > 0) { this.iTextId = TextFinder.getObjectInstanceTextId(getICObjectInstance()); if (this.iTextId <= 0) { this.newobjinst = true; } } } int iLocaleId = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(locale); if (this.iTextId > 0) { TxTextHome txHome = (TxTextHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TxText.class); txText = txHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.iTextId)); } else if (this.sAttribute != null) { txText = TextFinder.getText(this.sAttribute); this.newWithAttribute = true; } boolean hasId = false; if (txText != null) { this.iTextId = txText.getID(); ch = ContentFinder.getContentHelper(txText.getContentId(), iLocaleId); if (ch != null) { locText = ch.getLocalizedText(); } hasId = true; } if (ch != null && locText != null) { T.add(getTextTable(txText, locText, ch), 1, 1); } if (this.isAdmin) { T.add(getAdminPart(this.iTextId, this.enableDelete, this.newobjinst, this.newWithAttribute, hasId), 1, 2); } T.setBorder(0); add(T); } public PresentationObject getTextTable(TxText txText, LocalizedText locText, ContentHelper contentHelper) throws IOException, SQLException { Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(0); T.setCellspacing(0); T.setBorder(0); int headerRow = 1; int bodyRow = 2; T.setWidth("100%"); if(this.bgColor != null) { T.setColor(this.bgColor); } String sHeadline = locText.getHeadline() != null ? locText.getHeadline() : ""; Text headline = getStyleText(sHeadline,this.headlineStyleName); if(this.headlineStyleClassName != null) { headline.setStyleClass(this.headlineStyleClassName); } if (this.headlineSize > -1) { headline.setFontSize(this.headlineSize); } if (this.headlineColor != null) { headline.setFontColor(this.headlineColor); } //headline.setBold(); //headline.setAttribute("class","headlinetext"); if (this.headlineStyle != null) { headline.setFontStyle(this.headlineStyle); } String textBody = locText.getBody() != null ? locText.getBody() : ""; if (this.reverse) { textBody = TextFormatter.textReverse(textBody); } if (this.crazy) { textBody = TextFormatter.textCrazy(textBody); } textBody = TextSoap.formatText(textBody); if (this.displayHeadline) { if (headline.getText() != null) { T.add(headline, 1, headerRow); if (this.spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody != null) { T.setHeight(2, this.spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody); bodyRow = 3; } } } else { bodyRow = 1; } Text body = getStyleText(textBody,this.textStyleName); if(this.textStyleClassName != null) { body.setStyleClass(this.textStyleClassName); } if (this.textSize > -1) { body.setFontSize(this.textSize); } if (this.textColor != null) { body.setFontColor(this.textColor); } //body.setAttribute("class","bodytext"); if (this.textStyle != null) { body.setFontStyle(this.textStyle); } ///////////////// Image ///////////////////// List files = contentHelper.getFiles(); if (files != null && files.size()>0) { //Iterator iter = files.iterator(); //while (iter.hasNext()) { try { //ICFile imagefile = (ICFile); ICFile imagefile = (ICFile) files.get(0); int imid = ((Integer)imagefile.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); String att = imagefile.getMetaData(TextEditorWindow.imageAttributeKey); Image textImage = new Image(imid); if (att != null) { textImage.addMarkupAttributes(getAttributeMap(att)); } T.add(textImage, 1, bodyRow); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } //} } T.add(body, 1, bodyRow); ///////////////// Adding to tables ///////////////////// T.setAttribute(1, bodyRow, "style", "text-align:" + this.textAlignment); if (this.headlineBgColor != null) { T.setRowColor(headerRow, this.headlineBgColor); } if (this.textBgColor != null) { T.setRowColor(bodyRow, this.textBgColor); } return T; } public PresentationObject getAdminPart(int iTextId, boolean enableDelete, boolean newObjInst, boolean newWithAttribute, boolean hasId) { Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(0); T.setCellspacing(0); T.setBorder(0); if(this.bgColor != null) { T.setColor(this.bgColor); } int column = 1; if (iTextId > 0) { Link breyta = new Link(this.iwcb.getImage("/shared/edit.gif")); breyta.setWindowToOpen(TextEditorWindow.class); breyta.addParameter(TextEditorWindow.prmTextId, iTextId); breyta.addParameter(TextEditorWindow.prmObjInstId, getICObjectInstanceID()); T.add(breyta, column++, 1); if (enableDelete) { Link delete = new Link(this.iwcb.getImage("/shared/delete.gif")); delete.setWindowToOpen(TextEditorWindow.class); delete.addParameter(TextEditorWindow.prmDelete, iTextId); T.add(delete, column++, 1); } } if (this.createInstance && newObjInst && !hasId) { Link newLink = new Link(this.iwcb.getImage("/shared/create.gif")); newLink.setWindowToOpen(TextEditorWindow.class); if (newObjInst) { newLink.addParameter(TextEditorWindow.prmObjInstId, getICObjectInstanceID()); } else if (newWithAttribute) { newLink.addParameter(TextEditorWindow.prmAttribute, this.sAttribute); } T.add(newLink, column++, 1); } //T.setAlignment(1,1,"left"); //T.setAlignment(2,1,"right"); return T; } public boolean deleteBlock(int instanceid) { return TextBusiness.deleteBlock(instanceid); } public void setAdmin(boolean isAdmin) { this.isAdmin = isAdmin; } public void setBgColor(String bgColor) { this.bgColor = bgColor; } public void setTextBgColor(String textBgColor) { this.textBgColor = textBgColor; } public void setTextColor(String textColor) { this.textColor = textColor; } public void setBackgroundColor(String BgColor) { this.headlineBgColor = BgColor; this.textBgColor = BgColor; } public void setHeadlineBgColor(String headlineBgColor) { this.headlineBgColor = headlineBgColor; } public void setHeadlineColor(String headlineColor) { this.headlineColor = headlineColor; } public void setTextSize(int textSize) { this.textSize = textSize; } public void setTableTextSize(int tableTextSize) { this.tableTextSize = tableTextSize; } public void setTableWidth(String tableWidth) { this.tableWidth = tableWidth; } public void setHeadlineSize(int headlineSize) { this.headlineSize = headlineSize; } public void setTextStyle(String textStyle) { this.textStyle = textStyle; } public void setTextAlignment(String alignment) { this.textAlignment = alignment; } public void setHeadlineStyle(String headlineStyle) { this.headlineStyle = headlineStyle; } public void displayHeadline(boolean displayHeadline) { this.displayHeadline = displayHeadline; } public void setEnableDelete(boolean enableDelete) { this.enableDelete = enableDelete; } public void setAlignment(String alignment) { setHorizontalAlignment(alignment); } /** * Sets alignment for the table around the text - added by */ public void setHorizontalAlignment(String alignment) { this.tableAlignment = alignment; } public void setWidth(String textWidth) { this.textWidth = textWidth; } public void setSpaceAfterHeadlin(String space) { setSpaceAfterHeadline(space); } public void setSpaceAfterHeadline(String space) { this.spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody = space; } public void setReverse() { this.reverse = true; } public void setCrazy() { this.crazy = true; } public void setViewAll() { this.viewall = true; } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public String getCacheKey() { return CACHE_KEY; } public synchronized Object clone() { TextReader obj = null; try { obj = (TextReader) super.clone(); obj.sLocaleId = this.sLocaleId; obj.sAttribute = this.sAttribute; obj.iTextId = this.iTextId; obj.textSize = this.textSize; obj.tableTextSize = this.tableTextSize; obj.headlineSize = this.headlineSize; obj.tableWidth = this.tableWidth; obj.textBgColor = this.textBgColor; obj.textColor = this.textColor; obj.headlineBgColor = this.headlineBgColor; obj.headlineColor = this.headlineColor; obj.tableAlignment = this.tableAlignment; obj.textWidth = this.textWidth; obj.textStyle = this.textStyle; obj.headlineStyle = this.headlineStyle; obj.displayHeadline = this.displayHeadline; obj.enableDelete = this.enableDelete; obj.viewall = this.viewall; obj.newobjinst = this.newobjinst; obj.newWithAttribute = this.newWithAttribute; obj.spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody = this.spaceBetweenHeadlineAndBody; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.Block#getStyleNames() */ public Map getStyleNames() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); String[] styleNames = { this.headlineStyleName, this.textStyleName }; String[] styleValues = { "", "" }; for (int a = 0; a < styleNames.length; a++) { map.put(styleNames[a], styleValues[a]); } return map; } public void setHeadlineStyleClass(String styleClass) { this.headlineStyleClassName = styleClass; } public void setTextStyleClass(String styleClass) { this.textStyleClassName = styleClass; } }