package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DataTable; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextArea; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.presentation.util.TextFormat; /** * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author <br> * <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> <br> * * @created 14. mars 2002 * @version 1.0 */ public class SetupEditor extends Block { //private final static String prmGroupId = "eme_group"; private final static String prmTopicId = "eme_topic"; /** * @todo Description of the Field */ public final static String prmInstanceId = "eme_instance"; private final static String prmAccountId = "eme_account"; private final static String prmEdit = "eme_edit"; private final static String prmNew = "eme_new"; private final static String prmSave = "eme_save"; private final static String prmView = "eme_view"; private final static String prmDel = "eme_del"; private final static String prmEmails = "eme_emails"; private final static String prmWelcome = "eme_welc"; private final static String prmEditTopic = "eme_tpced"; private final static String EMAIL_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ""; private int instance = -1; private int topic = -1; private int account = -1; private int letterID = -1; private boolean New = false; private boolean Save = false; private boolean Edit = true; private boolean View = true; private String NewObject = "", EditObject = ""; private Image editImage; private Image deleteImage; private boolean formAdded = false; private int category = -1; private IWBundle iwb, core; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private Map categories; private Map topics; private TextFormat tf; /** * Gets the bundleIdentifier of the SetupEditor object * * @return The bundle identifier value */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return EMAIL_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ public void main(IWContext iwc) { //debugParameters(iwc); this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this.core = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle(); this.deleteImage = this.core.getImage("/shared/delete.gif"); this.editImage = this.core.getImage("/shared/edit.gif"); if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmInstanceId)) { this.instance = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmInstanceId)); } /* if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmGroupId)) { group = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmGroupId)); }*/ if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmTopicId)) { this.topic = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmTopicId)); } if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmAccountId)) { this.account = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmAccountId)); } if(iwc.isParameterSet(prmWelcome)) { this.letterID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmWelcome)); } // Heavy work : processForms(iwc); this.categories = CategoryFinder.getInstance().getMapOfCategoriesById(this.instance); this.topics = MailFinder.getInstance().mapOfTopics(this.instance); = TextFormat.getInstance(); Table T = new Table(1, 3); T.add(getTopicsOverView(iwc), 1, 1); if(iwc.isParameterSet(prmEmails)) { T.add(getSubscribers(iwc),1,2); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet(prmWelcome)) { T.add(getLetterForm(iwc),1,2); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet(prmEditTopic)) { T.add(getTopicForm(iwc),1,2); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet(prmAccountId)) { T.add(getAccountForm(iwc),1,2); } Form F = new Form(); F.add(new HiddenInput(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance))); //F.add(new HiddenInput(prmGroupId, String.valueOf(group))); F.add(new HiddenInput(prmTopicId, String.valueOf(this.topic))); F.add(T); add(F); } /** * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ private void processForm(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet("save") || iwc.isParameterSet("save.x")) { String savedObject = iwc.getParameter("save"); /* if (savedObject.equals("group")) { saveGroup(iwc); } else */ if (savedObject.equals("topic")) { saveTopic(iwc); } else if (savedObject.equals("account")) { saveAccount(iwc); } } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmDel)) { String delObject = iwc.getParameter(prmDel); /* if (delObject.equals("group")) { deleteGroup(); group = -1; } else */ if (delObject.equals("topic")) { deleteTopic(); this.topic = -1; } else if (delObject.equals("account")) { deleteAccount(); this.account = -1; } } } /** * Gets the accounts of the SetupEditor object * * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @return The accounts value */ public PresentationObject getAccounts(IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = new DataTable(); T.setWidth("100%"); String styp = ""; Collection accounts = null; if (this.topic > 0) { accounts = MailFinder.getInstance().getTopicAccounts(this.topic); styp = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("list.topic", "topic"); EmailTopic tpc = (EmailTopic) this.topics.get(String.valueOf(this.topic)); if(tpc !=null) { styp += " " + tpc.getName(); } } /*else if (group > 0) { accounts = MailFinder.getInstance().getGroupAccounts(group); styp = iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "group"); EmailGroup grp = (EmailGroup) groups.get(String.valueOf(group)); if(grp!=null) styp += " " + grp.getName(); }*/ String title = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("list.accounts", "Accounts"); title += " " + this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "in") + " " + styp + " "; T.addTitle(title); T.setTitlesHorizontal(true); int row = 1; Text tName ="name", "Name")); Text tHost ="host", "Host")); Text tUser ="user", "User")); Text tPass ="pass", "Passwd")); Text tProto ="protocol", "Protocol")); row++; TextInput name = new TextInput("name"); TextInput host = new TextInput("host"); TextInput user = new TextInput("user"); TextInput pass = new TextInput("pass"); DropdownMenu proto = getProtocolDropdown("proto", ""); //DropdownMenu grps = getGroupDropdown("grp", ""); if (accounts != null && accounts.size() > 0) { java.util.Iterator iter = accounts.iterator(); EmailAccount acc; Link deleteLink; Link accountLink; Link editLink; int id; while (iter.hasNext()) { acc = (EmailAccount); id = acc.getIdentifier().intValue(); if (id == this.account && this.EditObject.equals("account")) { name.setContent(acc.getName()); host.setContent(acc.getHost()); user.setContent(acc.getUser()); pass.setContent(acc.getPassword()); proto.setSelectedElement(String.valueOf(acc.getProtocol())); T.add(tName, 1, row); T.add(name, 2, row++); T.add(tHost, 1, row); T.add(host, 2, row++); T.add(tUser, 1, row); T.add(user, 2, row++); T.add(tPass, 1, row); T.add(pass, 2, row++); T.add(tProto, 1, row); T.add(proto, 2, row++); T.add(new HiddenInput(prmAccountId, String.valueOf(id))); this.formAdded = true; } else { accountLink = new Link(; accountLink.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); accountLink.addParameter(prmAccountId, id); //accountLink.addParameter(prmGroupId, group); accountLink.addParameter(prmTopicId, this.topic); editLink = new Link((Image) this.editImage.clone()); editLink.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); editLink.addParameter(prmAccountId, id); editLink.addParameter(prmEdit, "account"); //editLink.addParameter(prmGroupId, group); editLink.addParameter(prmTopicId, this.topic); deleteLink = new Link((Image) this.deleteImage.clone()); deleteLink.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); deleteLink.addParameter(prmAccountId, id); deleteLink.addParameter(prmDel, "account"); //deleteLink.addParameter(prmGroupId, group); deleteLink.addParameter(prmTopicId, this.topic); T.add(accountLink, 1, row); T.add(editLink, 2, row); T.add(deleteLink, 2, row); row++; T.add(tHost, 1, row); T.add(, 2, row++); T.add(tUser, 1, row); T.add(, 2, row++); T.add(tPass, 1, row); T.add(, 2, row++); T.add(tProto, 1, row); T.add(, 2, row++); } row++; } } if (!this.formAdded && this.NewObject.equals("account")) { T.add(tName, 1, row); T.add(name, 2, row++); T.add(tHost, 1, row); T.add(host, 2, row++); T.add(tUser, 1, row); T.add(user, 2, row++); T.add(tPass, 1, row); T.add(pass, 2, row++); T.add(tProto, 1, row); T.add(proto, 2, row++); this.formAdded = true; } else { Link li = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("new", "New")); li.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); //li.addParameter(prmGroupId, group); li.addParameter(prmTopicId, this.topic); li.addParameter(prmNew, "account"); T.addButton(li); } if (this.formAdded) { T.addButton(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save", "Save"), "save", "account")); } return T; } /** * Gets the categoryDropdown of the SetupEditor object * * @param name Description of the Parameter * @param selected Description of the Parameter * @return The category dropdown value */ public DropdownMenu getCategoryDropdown(String name, String selected) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); if (this.categories != null) { Collection coll = this.categories.values(); if (coll != null && coll.size() > 0) { drp.addMenuElements(coll); } } else { add("cats null"); } if (selected != null) { drp.setSelectedElement(selected); } return drp; } /** * Gets the groupDropdown of the SetupEditor object * * @param name Description of the Parameter * @param selected Description of the Parameter * @return The group dropdown value */ /* public DropdownMenu getGroupDropdown(String name, String selected) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { drp.addMenuElements(groups.values()); } if (selected != null) { drp.setSelectedElement(selected); } return drp; } */ /** * Gets the protocolDropdown of the SetupEditor object * * @param name Description of the Parameter * @param selected Description of the Parameter * @return The protocol dropdown value */ public DropdownMenu getProtocolDropdown(String name, String selected) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); drp.addMenuElement(MailProtocol.SMTP, "SMTP"); drp.addMenuElement(MailProtocol.POP3, "POP3"); drp.addMenuElement(MailProtocol.IMAP4, "IMAP4"); if (selected != null) { drp.setSelectedElement(selected); } return drp; } /** * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ /* public void saveGroup(IWContext iwc) { String name = iwc.getParameter("name"); String info = iwc.getParameter("info"); int catId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("cat")); MailBusiness.getInstance().saveLetterGroup(group, name, info, catId); } */ /** * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ public void saveTopic(IWContext iwc) { String name = iwc.getParameter("name"); String info = iwc.getParameter("info"); String senderName = iwc.getParameter("snd_name"); String senderEmail = iwc.getParameter("snd_email"); int catId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("cat")); MailBusiness.getInstance().saveTopic(this.topic, name, info, catId,senderName,senderEmail); } /** * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @todo Description of the Method */ public void saveAccount(IWContext iwc) { String name = iwc.getParameter("name"); String host = iwc.getParameter("host"); String user = iwc.getParameter("user"); String pass = iwc.getParameter("pass"); int proto = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("proto")); int ent = -1; if (this.topic >= 0) { if(this.account <0) { ent = this.topic; } MailBusiness.getInstance().saveTopicAccount(this.account, name, host, user, pass, proto, ent); } /* else if (group > 0) { if(account<=0) ent = group; MailBusiness.getInstance().saveGroupAccount(account, name, host, user, pass, proto, ent); } */ else { debug("can not save"); } } /** * @todo Description of the Method */ /* public void deleteGroup() { MailBusiness.getInstance().deleteGroup(group); } */ /** * @todo Description of the Method */ public void deleteTopic() { MailBusiness.getInstance().deleteTopic(this.topic); } /** * @todo Description of the Method */ public void deleteAccount() { if (this.topic > 0) { MailBusiness.getInstance().deleteTopicAccount(this.account); } } /** * Gets the protocolName of the SetupEditor object * * @param protocol Description of the Parameter * @return The protocol name value */ public String getProtocolName(int protocol) { switch (protocol) { case MailProtocol.SMTP: return "SMTP"; case MailProtocol.POP3: return "POP3"; case MailProtocol.IMAP4: return "IMAP4"; } return ""; } public PresentationObject getTopicsOverView(IWContext iwc){ Table T = new Table(); int row = 1; T.add(getTopicLink(-1,this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("new_topic","New topic")),1,row); row++; T.add("name","Name"),,1,row); T.add("category","Category"),,2,row); T.add("mail_server","Mail server"),,3,row); T.add("subscribers","Subscribers"),,4,row); T.add("welcome","Welcome"),,5,row); row++; if(!this.topics.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = this.topics.values().iterator(); EmailTopic topic; ICCategory category; EmailAccount account; EmailLetter welcome; Collection welcomes; Collection accounts; int emailCount; int topicID; while(iter.hasNext()){ topic = (EmailTopic); topicID = topic.getIdentifier().intValue(); T.add(getTopicLink(topicID,topic.getName()),1,row); category = (ICCategory) this.categories.get(Integer.toString(topic.getCategoryId())); T.add(,2,row); accounts = MailFinder.getInstance().getTopicAccounts(topicID,MailProtocol.SMTP); if(accounts!=null && !accounts.isEmpty()){ account = (EmailAccount) accounts.iterator().next(); T.add(getAccountLink(topicID,( account.getIdentifier().intValue()),account.getHost()),3,row); } else{ T.add(getAccountLink(topicID,-1,"X"),3,row); } emailCount = MailFinder.getInstance().getListEmailsCount(topic.getListId()); T.add((getSubscribersLink(topic.getListId(),String.valueOf(emailCount))),4,row); welcomes = MailFinder.getInstance().getEmailLetters(topicID,MailLetter.TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION); if(welcomes!=null && !welcomes.isEmpty()){ welcome = (MailLetter) welcomes.iterator().next(); T.add(getWelcomeLetterLink(welcome.getIdentifier().intValue(),topicID,welcome.getSubject()),5,row); //T.add(tf.format(welcome.getSubject()),5,row); } else{ T.add(getWelcomeLetterLink(-1,topicID,"X"),5,row); } row++; } } return T; } public Link getSubscribersLink(int topicID,String text){ Link L = new Link(; L.addParameter(prmEmails,"true"); L.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); L.addParameter(prmTopicId, topicID); return L; } public Link getWelcomeLetterLink(int letterId,int topicID,String text){ Link L = new Link(; L.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); L.addParameter(prmWelcome,String.valueOf(letterId)); L.addParameter(prmTopicId, topicID); return L; } public Link getTopicLink(int topicID,String text){ Link L = new Link(; L.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); L.addParameter(prmEditTopic,"true"); L.addParameter(prmTopicId, topicID); return L; } public Link getAccountLink(int topicID,int accountID,String text){ Link L = new Link(; L.addParameter(prmInstanceId, String.valueOf(this.instance)); L.addParameter(prmAccountId,String.valueOf(accountID)); L.addParameter(prmTopicId, topicID); return L; } public PresentationObject getSubscribers(IWContext iwc){ Table T = new Table(); int row= 1; T.add("subscribing_emails","Subscribing emails"),,1,row++); if (this.topic > 0) { Collection emails = MailFinder.getInstance().getListEmails(this.topic); if (emails != null) { Iterator iter = emails.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { T.add(, 1, row++); } } } return T; } public PresentationObject getLetterForm(IWContext iwc){ Table T = new Table(); TextInput fromAddress = new TextInput("from_address"); fromAddress.setLength(80); TextInput fromName = new TextInput("from_name"); fromName.setLength(80); TextInput subject = new TextInput("subject"); subject.setLength(80); TextArea body = new TextArea("body",70,20); if(this.letterID >0){ EmailLetter letter = null; try { letter = ((MailLetterHome)IDOLookup.getHome(MailLetter.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.letterID)); fromAddress.setContent(letter.getFromAddress()); fromName.setContent(letter.getFromName()); subject.setContent(letter.getSubject()); body.setContent(letter.getBody()); } catch (Exception e) { } T.add(new HiddenInput(prmWelcome,String.valueOf(this.letterID))); } int row = 1; T.add("letter.from_name","Sender name"),,1,row); T.add(fromName,2,row++); T.add("letter.from_address","Sender address"),,1,row); T.add(fromAddress,2,row++); T.add("letter.subject","Subject"),,1,row); T.add(subject,2,row++); T.add("letter.body","Body"),,1,row); T.add(body,2,row++); SubmitButton save = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save","Save"),"save_letter"); SubmitButton delete = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("delete","Delete"),"remove_letter"); //SubmitButton save = new SubmitButton(iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save","Save"),"save"); //CheckBox save = new CheckBox("save","true"); Table submitTable = new Table(5,1); //submitTable.add(tf.format(iwrb.getLocalizedString("save_to_archive","Save to archive")),3,1); submitTable.add(save,3,1); submitTable.add(delete,5,1); //submitTable.add(send,5,1); T.add(submitTable,2,row); T.setAlignment(2,row,"right"); return T; } public void processForms(IWContext iwc){ if(iwc.isParameterSet("save_letter.x") && this.topic>0){ this.saveLetter(iwc); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet("save_topic.x")){ this.saveTopic(iwc); } else if(this.letterID>0 && iwc.isParameterSet("remove_letter.x")){ MailBusiness.getInstance().deleteLetter(this.letterID); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet("save_account.x")){ this.saveAccount(iwc); } else if(this.account>0 && iwc.isParameterSet("remove_account.x") ){ this.deleteAccount(); } else if(this.topic>0 && iwc.isParameterSet("remove_topic.x") ){ this.deleteTopic(); } } public void saveLetter(IWContext iwc){ String fromname = iwc.getParameter("from_name"); String fromaddress = iwc.getParameter("from_address"); String subject = iwc.getParameter("subject"); String body = iwc.getParameter("body"); MailBusiness.getInstance().saveTopicLetter(this.letterID,fromname,fromaddress,subject,body,EmailLetter.TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION,this.topic); } public PresentationObject getTopicForm(IWContext iwc){ Table T = new Table(); int row = 1; T.add("name", "Name"),, 1, row++); T.add("description", "Description"),, 1, row++); T.add("sender_name", "Sender name"),, 1, row++); T.add("sender_email", "Sender email"),, 1, row++); T.add("category", "Category"),, 1, row++); row=1; TextInput name = new TextInput("name"); TextInput info = new TextInput("info"); TextInput snd_name = new TextInput("snd_name"); TextInput snd_email = new TextInput("snd_email"); //DropdownMenu grps = getGroupDropdown("grp", String.valueOf(group)); DropdownMenu cats = getCategoryDropdown("cat",""); if(this.topic>0){ EmailTopic top = (EmailTopic) this.topics.get(String.valueOf(this.topic)); if(top!=null){ name.setContent(top.getName()); info.setContent(top.getDescription()); snd_name.setContent(top.getSenderName()); snd_email.setContent(top.getSenderEmail()); cats.setSelectedElement(top.getCategoryId()); } } T.add(name,2,row++); T.add(info,2,row++); T.add(snd_name,2,row++); T.add(snd_email,2,row++); T.add(cats,2,row++); T.add(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save", "Save"), "save_topic"),2,row); T.add(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("delete","Delete"),"remove_topic"),2,row); return T; } public PresentationObject getAccountForm(IWContext iwc){ Table T = new Table(); int row = 1; TextInput name = new TextInput("name"); TextInput host = new TextInput("host"); TextInput user = new TextInput("user"); TextInput pass = new TextInput("pass"); T.add("name","Name"),,1,row++); T.add("host","Host"),,1,row++); T.add("user","User"),,1,row++); T.add("pass","Passwd"),,1,row++); T.add(new HiddenInput("proto",String.valueOf(MailProtocol.SMTP))); if(this.account > 0){ try { MailAccount acc =((MailAccountHome) IDOLookup.getHome(MailAccount.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.account)); name.setContent(acc.getName()); host.setContent(acc.getHost()); user.setContent(acc.getUser()); pass.setContent(acc.getPassword()); T.add(new HiddenInput(prmAccountId,acc.getPrimaryKey().toString())); } catch (Exception e) { } } row = 1; T.add(name,2,row++); T.add(host,2,row++); T.add(user,2,row++); T.add(pass,2,row++); T.add(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save","Save"),"save_account"),2,row);; T.add(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("delete","Delete"),"remove_account"),2,row);; return T; } }