package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * <p> * Title: * </p> * <p> * Description: * </p> * <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * </p> * <p> * Company: * </p> * * @author <br> * <a href="">Aron Birkir </a> <br> * @version 1.0 */ public class SchoolBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements SchoolBusiness { public static final String GROUP_TYPE_SCHOOL_GROUP = "school_staff_group"; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryChildCare; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryElementarySchool; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryHighSchool; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryCollege; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryUniversity; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool; private static SchoolCategory iSchoolCategoryAdultEducation; public final static String PROPERTY_NAME_REJECT_STUDENT_MESSAGE = "reject_student_message"; public final static String PROPERTY_NAME_GROUP_OFFER_MESSAGE = "group_offer_body"; public final static String PROPERTY_NAME_GROUP_CONFIRM_MESSAGE = "group_confirm_body"; public final static String PROPERTY_NAME_USE_PLACEMENT_LOGGING = "log_placements"; public SchoolDepartmentHome getSchoolDepartmentHome() throws RemoteException { return (SchoolDepartmentHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDepartment.class); } public SchoolHome getSchoolHome() { try { return (SchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(School.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolClassMemberHome getSchoolClassMemberHome() { try { return (SchoolClassMemberHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolClassMember.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolClassHome getSchoolClassHome() { try { return (SchoolClassHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolClass.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolAreaHome getSchoolAreaHome() { try { return (SchoolAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolArea.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolTypeHome getSchoolTypeHome() { try { return (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolCategoryHome getSchoolCategoryHome() { try { return (SchoolCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolCategory.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolSeasonHome getSchoolSeasonHome() { try { return (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolStudyPathHome getSchoolStudyPathHome() { try { return (SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolDistrictHome getSchoolDistrictHome() { try { return (SchoolDistrictHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDistrict.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolManagementTypeHome getSchoolManagementTypeHome() { try { return (SchoolManagementTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolManagementType.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public Collection getDepartments(School school) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(school); } public int getDepartmentID(SchoolDepartment schDepm) { return schDepm.getDepartmentID(); } public void removeDepartment(SchoolDepartment schDep) throws RemoveException { schDep.remove(); } public void addSchoolUsr(int schDep_id, SchoolUser schUser) throws FinderException, RemoteException { try { SchoolDepartmentHome schDepHome = (SchoolDepartmentHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDepartment.class); SchoolDepartment schDep = schDepHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schDep_id)); schDep.addSchoolUser(schUser); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeSchoolUsr(int schDep_id, SchoolUser schUser) throws FinderException, RemoteException, IDORemoveRelationshipException { SchoolDepartmentHome schDepHome = (SchoolDepartmentHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDepartment.class); SchoolDepartment schDep = schDepHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schDep_id)); schDep.removeSchoolUser(schUser); } public Collection getSchoolCategories() { try { return getSchoolCategoryHome().findAllCategories(); } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } public SchoolCategory getCategoryMusicSchool() { if (iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool = getSchoolCategoryHome().findMusicSchoolCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { try { iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool = getSchoolCategoryHome().create(); iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool.setCategory(SchoolCategoryBMPBean.CATEGORY_MUSIC_SCHOOL); iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool.setName("Music school"); iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool.setLocalizedKey("school_category." + SchoolCategoryBMPBean.CATEGORY_MUSIC_SCHOOL);; } catch (CreateException ce) { log(ce); } } } return iSchoolCategoryMusicSchool; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryChildcare() { if (iSchoolCategoryChildCare == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryChildCare = getSchoolCategoryHome().findChildcareCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryChildCare = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryChildCare; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryElementarySchool() { if (iSchoolCategoryElementarySchool == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryElementarySchool = getSchoolCategoryHome().findElementarySchoolCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryElementarySchool = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryElementarySchool; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryHighSchool() { if (iSchoolCategoryHighSchool == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryHighSchool = getSchoolCategoryHome().findHighSchoolCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryHighSchool = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryHighSchool; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryCollege() { if (iSchoolCategoryCollege == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryCollege = getSchoolCategoryHome().findCollegeCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryCollege = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryCollege; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryUniversity() { if (iSchoolCategoryUniversity == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryUniversity = getSchoolCategoryHome().findUniversityCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryUniversity = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryUniversity; } public SchoolCategory getCategoryAdultEducation() { if (iSchoolCategoryAdultEducation == null) { try { iSchoolCategoryAdultEducation = getSchoolCategoryHome().findAdultEducationCategory(); } catch (FinderException e) { iSchoolCategoryAdultEducation = null; } } return iSchoolCategoryAdultEducation; } public Collection getSchoolManagementTypes() { try { return getSchoolManagementTypeHome().findAllManagementTypes(); } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } public School getSchool(Object primaryKey) { try { return getSchoolHome().findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public SchoolStudyPath getSchoolStudyPath(Object primaryKey) { try { return getSchoolStudyPathHome().findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public void removeProvider(int id) throws RemoveException { removeProvider(new Integer(id)); } public void removeProvider(Object primaryKey) throws RemoveException { School school = getSchool(primaryKey); school.addSchoolTypesRemoveOther(new int[0]); school.addSchoolYearsRemoveOther(new int[0]); try { school.removeFromClass(ICFile.class); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e) { System.err.println("Cannot remove file from school"); } try { school.removeFromClass(TxText.class); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e) { System.err.println("Cannot remove text from school"); } try { school.removeFromClass(LocalizedText.class); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e) { System.err.println("Cannot remove text from school"); } try { Collection coll = getSchoolUserBusiness().getSchoolUserHome().findBySchool(school); SchoolUser sUser; if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { sUser = getSchoolUserBusiness().getSchoolUserHome().findByPrimaryKey(; sUser.remove(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } school.remove(); } public void removeSchool(int id) { try { removeProvider(id); } catch (RemoveException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchools() { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllSchools(); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsByAreaAndType(int area, int type) { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllByAreaAndType(area, type); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsByAreaAndTypeAndYear(int areaID, int typeID, int yearID) { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllByAreaAndTypeAndYear(areaID, typeID, yearID); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsByAreaAndTypes(int area, Collection types) { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllByAreaAndTypes(area, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsBySubAreaAndTypes(int subarea, Collection types) { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllBySubAreaAndTypes(subarea, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new Vector(); } } public java.util.Collection findAllCentralizedAdministrated() { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllCentralizedAdministrated(); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.HashSet(); } } public java.util.Collection findAllCentralizedAdministratedByType(Collection typeIds) { try { return getSchoolHome().findAllCentralizedAdministratedByType(typeIds); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.HashSet(); } } public School createSchool(String name, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, int school_type, Object communePK) throws RemoteException { /** * @todo figure out how to implement */ int area_id = -1; int sch_types[] = { school_type }; return createSchool(name, null, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, null, null, null, area_id, sch_types, communePK); } public School createSchool(String name, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, int area_id, int[] sch_types, Object communePK) throws RemoteException { return createSchool(name, null, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, null, null, null, area_id, sch_types, communePK); } public School createSchool(String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int[] type_ids, Object communePK) throws RemoteException { return createSchool(name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, type_ids, null, communePK); } public School createSchool(String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, Object communePK) throws RemoteException { return storeSchool(-1, name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, type_ids, year_ids, communePK); } public School storeSchool(int id, String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, Object communePK) throws RemoteException { return storeSchool(id, name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, -1, type_ids, year_ids, null, null, null, null, communePK, -1, null, null); } public School storeSchool(int id, String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, Object communePK, String providerStringId) throws RemoteException { return storeSchool(id, name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, -1, type_ids, year_ids, null, null, null, null, communePK, -1, null, null, providerStringId); } public School storeSchool(int id, String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int sub_area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, String organizationNumber, String extraProviderId, String managementTypeId, java.sql.Date terminationDate, Object communePK, int countryId, Boolean centralizedAdministration, Boolean invisibleForCitizen) throws RemoteException { return storeSchool(id, name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, sub_area_id, type_ids, year_ids, organizationNumber, extraProviderId, managementTypeId, terminationDate, communePK, countryId, centralizedAdministration, invisibleForCitizen, null); } public School storeSchool(int id, String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int sub_area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, String organizationNumber, String extraProviderId, String managementTypeId, java.sql.Date terminationDate, Object communePK, int countryId, Boolean centralizedAdministration, Boolean invisibleForCitizen, String providerStringId) throws RemoteException { return storeSchool(id, name, info, address, zipcode, ziparea, phone, keycode, latitude, longitude, area_id, sub_area_id, type_ids, year_ids, organizationNumber, extraProviderId, managementTypeId, terminationDate, communePK, countryId, centralizedAdministration, invisibleForCitizen, providerStringId, null); } public School storeSchool(int id, String name, String info, String address, String zipcode, String ziparea, String phone, String keycode, String latitude, String longitude, int area_id, int sub_area_id, int[] type_ids, int[] year_ids, String organizationNumber, String extraProviderId, String managementTypeId, java.sql.Date terminationDate, Object communePK, int countryId, Boolean centralizedAdministration, Boolean invisibleForCitizen, String providerStringId, Boolean sortByBirthdate) throws RemoteException { SchoolHome shome = getSchoolHome(); School newSchool; try { if (id > 0) { newSchool = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newSchool = shome.create(); } if (newSchool.getHeadmasterGroupId() < 0) { newSchool.setHeadmasterGroupId(((Integer) getNewSchoolGroup(name, name).getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } if (area_id > 0) { newSchool.setSchoolAreaId(area_id); } if (sub_area_id > 0) { newSchool.setSchoolSubAreaId(sub_area_id); } if (address != null) { newSchool.setSchoolAddress(address); } if (info != null) { newSchool.setSchoolInfo(info); } if (keycode != null) { newSchool.setSchoolKeyCode(keycode); } if (latitude != null) { newSchool.setSchoolLatitude(latitude); } if (longitude != null) { newSchool.setSchoolLongitude(longitude); } if (name != null) { newSchool.setSchoolName(name); } if (phone != null) { newSchool.setSchoolPhone(phone); } if (ziparea != null) { newSchool.setSchoolZipArea(ziparea); } if (zipcode != null) { newSchool.setSchoolZipCode(zipcode); } if (organizationNumber != null) { newSchool.setOrganizationNumber(organizationNumber); } if (extraProviderId != null) { newSchool.setExtraProviderId(extraProviderId); } if (managementTypeId != null) { newSchool.setManagementTypeId(managementTypeId); } if (terminationDate != null) { newSchool.setTerminationDate(terminationDate); } if (communePK != null) { newSchool.setCommunePK(communePK); } if (countryId > 0) { newSchool.setCountryId(countryId); } if (centralizedAdministration != null) { newSchool.setCentralizedAdministration(centralizedAdministration.booleanValue()); } if (invisibleForCitizen != null) { newSchool.setInvisibleForCitizen(invisibleForCitizen.booleanValue()); } if (providerStringId != null) { newSchool.setProviderStringId(providerStringId); } if (sortByBirthdate != null) { newSchool.setSortByBirthdate(sortByBirthdate.booleanValue()); }; if (type_ids != null) { newSchool.addSchoolTypesRemoveOther(type_ids); } if (year_ids != null) { newSchool.addSchoolYearsRemoveOther(year_ids); } return newSchool; } public Map getSchoolRelatedSchoolTypes(School school) { try { Collection types = school.findRelatedSchoolTypes(); if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { HashMap map = new HashMap(types.size()); Iterator iter = types.iterator(); SchoolType type; while (iter.hasNext()) { type = (SchoolType); map.put(type.getPrimaryKey(), type); } return map; } } catch (IDORelationshipException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Map getSchoolRelatedSchoolYears(School school) { try { Collection years = school.findRelatedSchoolYears(); if (years != null && !years.isEmpty()) { HashMap map = new HashMap(years.size()); Iterator iter = years.iterator(); SchoolYear year; while (iter.hasNext()) { year = (SchoolYear); map.put(year.getPrimaryKey(), year); } return map; } } catch (IDORelationshipException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Map getSchoolAndSchoolTypeRelatedSchoolCourses(School school, Object schoolTypeId) { try { SchoolStudyPathHome scHome = (SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class); Collection courses = scHome.findStudyPaths(school, schoolTypeId); if (courses != null && !courses.isEmpty()) { HashMap map = new HashMap(courses.size()); Iterator iter = courses.iterator(); SchoolStudyPath course; while (iter.hasNext()) { course = scHome.findByPrimaryKey(; map.put(course.getPrimaryKey(), course); } return map; } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Map getMapOfSchools() { try { Collection schools = findAllSchools(); if (schools != null && !schools.isEmpty()) { HashMap map = new HashMap(schools.size()); Iterator iter = schools.iterator(); School school; while (iter.hasNext()) { school = (School); map.put(school.getPrimaryKey(), school); } return map; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Group getNewSchoolGroup(String name, String info) throws RemoteException { try { Group rootGroup = this.getRootSchoolGroup(); Group schoolGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroupUnder(name, info, rootGroup); return schoolGroup; } catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } } public Group getRootSchoolGroup() throws RemoteException { try { String ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER = "root_school_group_id"; Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = this.getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getBundle(""); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER); // IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); // groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER, groupId); } } // String groupId = (String) // this.getIWApplicationContext().getApplicationSettings().getProperty(ROOT_CITIZEN_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { try { System.err.println("trying to store School Root group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("School Root Group", "The School Root Group."); setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_GROUP_ID_PARAMETER, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return rootGroup; } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } } public boolean hasEditPermission(User user, School school) throws RemoteException { UserBusiness uBus = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), UserBusiness.class); if (user != null && school != null) { Collection users = null; try { users = uBus.getGroupBusiness().getUsers(school.getHeadmasterGroupId()); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if (users != null) { Iterator iter = users.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( { return true; } } } } return false; } public Collection getSchoolGroups(User user) throws RemoteException { Collection userSchoolGroups = getUserBusiness().getUserGroups(user, new String[] { GROUP_TYPE_SCHOOL_GROUP }, true); if (userSchoolGroups != null) { // System.out.println("SchooBusiness.getSchoolGroup : found // schoolGroups..."); return userSchoolGroups; } else { // System.out.println("SchooBusiness.getSchoolGroup : schoolGroups NOT // FOUND..."); /** backwards compatabilit, ... finna betri leid ?? */ Collection userGroups = getUserBusiness().getUserGroups(user); Collection schools = this.findAllSchools(); if (schools != null && userGroups != null) { // System.out.println("SchooBusiness.getSchoolGroup : schools != null && // userGroups != null..."); Collection returner = new Vector(); School school; Group group; GroupHome gHome = (GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); Iterator itSchools = schools.iterator(); Iterator itGroups = userGroups.iterator(); while (itSchools.hasNext()) { try { school = getSchoolHome().findByPrimaryKey(; while (itGroups.hasNext()) { group = gHome.findByPrimaryKey(; if (group.getName().equals(school.getName())) { // System.out.println("SchooBusiness.getSchoolGroup : // group.getName().equals(school.getName()) ..."); group.setGroupType(GROUP_TYPE_SCHOOL_GROUP);; returner.add(group.getPrimaryKey()); } } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return returner; } } return null; } protected UserBusiness getUserBusiness() { try { return (UserBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(UserBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public SchoolClass storeSchoolClass(String schoolClassName, School school, SchoolYear year, SchoolSeason season) { if (year != null && season != null) { return storeSchoolClass(-1, schoolClassName, ((Integer) school.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), ((Integer) season.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), ((Integer) year.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), -1); } else { return storeSchoolClass(-1, schoolClassName, ((Integer) school.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), -1, -1, -1); } } public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(SchoolClass sClass, User user) { return storeSchoolClassMember(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), ((Integer) sClass.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), -1, -1, IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow(), -1); /* * try { SchoolClassMemberHome sClassMemberHome = (SchoolClassMemberHome) * this.getIDOHome(SchoolClassMember.class); SchoolClassMember sClassMember = * sClassMemberHome.create(); sClassMember.setSchoolClassId(((Integer) * sClass.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); * sClassMember.setClassMemberId(((Integer) * user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); * sClassMember.setRegisterDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); * sClassMember.setRegistrationCreatedDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); * //NEEDS THE CURRENT USER ID FOR REGISTERING USER return sClassMember; } * catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } */ } /** * Gets the allowed values of the column invoice_int of table * sch_class_member, as a Collection, from String constants in * SchoolClassMemberBMPBean. * * @return Collection of type values * @throws RemoteException * @author Borgman */ public Collection findAllSchClMemberInvoiceIntervalTypes() { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().getInvoiceIntervalTypes(); } /** * getAssistantHeadmasters added by Kelly ( 15 may 2003 */ public Collection getAssistantHeadmasters(School school) throws RemoteException { try { return getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().getUsers(school.getAssistantHeadmasterGroupId()); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } } public Collection getSchoolUsers(School school) throws RemoteException { try { return getSchoolUserBusiness().getSchoolUserHome().findBySchool(school); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } } public Collection getHeadmasters(School school) throws RemoteException { try { return getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().getUsers(school.getHeadmasterGroupId()); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } } public User getHeadmaster(int schoolID) throws RemoteException { try { School school = getSchoolHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolID)); return getUserBusiness().getUser(school.getHeadmasterUserId()); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } /** * Used for user who have admin rights, not only headmasters... */ public void addHeadmaster(School school, User user) throws RemoteException, FinderException { GroupBusiness gBus = (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), GroupBusiness.class); if (school.getHeadmasterGroupId() == -1) { school.setHeadmasterGroupId(((Integer) getNewSchoolGroup(school.getSchoolName(), school.getSchoolName()).getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } Group schoolGroup = gBus.getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(school.getHeadmasterGroupId())); schoolGroup.addGroup(user); // getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().addUser(school.getHeadmasterGroupId(), // user); } public Collection findAllSchoolsByType(Collection typeIds) { try { SchoolHome shome = getSchoolHome(); return shome.findAllBySchoolType(typeIds); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsByType(int type) { try { SchoolHome shome = getSchoolHome(); return shome.findAllBySchoolType(type); } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolsByType(SchoolType type) { try { SchoolHome shome = getSchoolHome(); return shome.findAllBySchoolType(type); } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolYearsInSchool(int schoolID) { try { School school = this.getSchool(new Integer(schoolID)); return school.findRelatedSchoolYears(); } catch (IDORelationshipException ie) { return new Vector(); } } /** * @deprecated SHOULD NOT BE HERE */ private IWBundle getCommuneBundle() { return this.getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getBundle("se.idega.idegaweb.commune"); } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all school * administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootSchoolAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "school_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root school administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("School Administrators", "The Commune Root School Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all high school * administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootHighSchoolAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "high_school_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root high school administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("High School Administrators", "The Commune Root High School Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all school * administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootMusicSchoolAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_MUSIC_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "music_school_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_MUSIC_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_MUSIC_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_MUSIC_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root school administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("Music School Administrators", "The Commune Root Music School Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_MUSIC_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all * provider(childcare) administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootProviderAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "provider_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root school administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("Provider Administrators", "The Commune Root Provider Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all other * commune school administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootSchoolOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "school_administrators_other_commune_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root school other commune administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("School Administrators Other Commune", "The Commune Root School Other Commune Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all other * commune high school administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootHighSchoolOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "high_school_administrators_other_commune_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root high school other commune administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("High School Other Commune Administrators", "The Commune Root High School Other Commune Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_HIGH_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all other * commune provider(childcare) administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootProviderOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "provider_other_commune_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root provider other commune administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("Provider Other Commune Administrators", "The Commune Root Provider Other Commune Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_SCHOOL_OTHER_COMMUNE_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } /** * Gets the groupID for a property name ... replaces the bundle properties that were used previously * @param propertyName * @return */ public String getPropertyValue(String propertyName) { try { // TODO fix ugly hack if (propertyName != null && propertyName.length()>30) { propertyName = propertyName.substring(propertyName.length()-30); } ICApplicationBindingHome abHome = (ICApplicationBindingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICApplicationBinding.class); ICApplicationBinding ab = abHome.findByPrimaryKey(propertyName); if (ab != null) { return ab.getValue(); } } catch (FinderException f) { } catch (IDOLookupException e) { } return null; } /** * sets a propertyName and value... * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue */ public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) { try { // TODO fix ugly hack if (propertyName != null && propertyName.length()>30) { propertyName = propertyName.substring(propertyName.length()-30); } ICApplicationBindingHome abHome = (ICApplicationBindingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICApplicationBinding.class); ICApplicationBinding ab = null; try { ab = abHome.findByPrimaryKey(propertyName); } catch (FinderException f) { ab = abHome.create(); ab.setKey(propertyName); } if (ab != null) { ab.setValue(propertyValue);; } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { } catch (CreateException e) { } } /** * Returns or creates (if not available) the default usergroup all adult * education administors have as their primary group. * * @throws CreateException * if it failed to create the group. * @throws FinderException * if it failed to locate the group. */ public Group getRootAdultEducationAdministratorGroup() throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException { Group rootGroup = null; // create the default group String ROOT_ADULT_EDUCATION_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP = "adult_education_administrators_group_id"; String groupId = getPropertyValue(ROOT_ADULT_EDUCATION_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId == null) { IWBundle bundle = getCommuneBundle(); groupId = bundle.getProperty(ROOT_ADULT_EDUCATION_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP); if (groupId != null) { setProperty(ROOT_ADULT_EDUCATION_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, groupId); } } if (groupId != null) { rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(groupId)); } else { System.err.println("trying to store Commune Root Adult Education administrators group"); rootGroup = getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().createGroup("Adult Education Administrators", "The Commune Root Adult Educaiton Administrators Group."); setProperty(ROOT_ADULT_EDUCATION_ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP, rootGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } return rootGroup; } public void addSchoolAdministrator(User user) throws RemoteException { try { getUserBusiness().getGroupBusiness().addUser( ((Integer) getRootSchoolAdministratorGroup().getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), user); } catch (FinderException fe) { throw new RemoteException("No root school administrator group found: " + fe.getMessage()); } catch (CreateException ce) { throw new RemoteException("Could not set user with ID = " + user.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " as school administrator: " + ce.getMessage()); } } public SchoolYearPlaces getSchoolYearPlaces(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolYearPlacesHome shome = (SchoolYearPlacesHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolYearPlaces.class); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public void removeSchoolYearPlace(int id) { try { SchoolYearPlaces schoolYearPlaces = getSchoolYearPlaces(new Integer(id)); schoolYearPlaces.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolYearPlaces(int iSchoolId) { try { SchoolYearPlacesHome shome = getSchoolYearPlacesHome(); return shome.findAllBySchool(iSchoolId); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Map getMapOfSchoolYearPlaces(int iSchoolId) { Collection c = findAllSchoolYearPlaces(iSchoolId); Map m = new HashMap(); try { Iterator iter = c.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolYearPlaces p = (SchoolYearPlaces); m.put(p.getPrimaryKey(), p); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return m; } public SchoolYearPlacesHome getSchoolYearPlacesHome() { try { return (SchoolYearPlacesHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolYearPlaces.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public void storeSchoolYearPlaces(int id, int school_id, int school_year_id, int places) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolYearPlacesHome shome = getSchoolYearPlacesHome(); SchoolYearPlaces newSchoolYearPlaces; try { if (id > 0) { newSchoolYearPlaces = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newSchoolYearPlaces = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newSchoolYearPlaces.setSchoolId(school_id); newSchoolYearPlaces.setSchoolYearId(school_year_id); newSchoolYearPlaces.setPlaces(places);; } public SchoolYear getSchoolYear(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolYearHome shome = getSchoolYearHome(); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public void removeSchoolYear(int id) { removeSchoolYear(new Integer(id)); } public void removeSchoolYear(Object schoolYearPK) { try { SchoolYear area = getSchoolYear(schoolYearPK); area.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolYears() { try { SchoolYearHome shome = getSchoolYearHome(); return shome.findAllSchoolYears(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolYearsBySchoolType(int schoolTypeId) { try { SchoolYearHome shome = getSchoolYearHome(); return shome.findAllSchoolYearBySchoolType(schoolTypeId); // return shome.findAllSchoolYears(); } catch (FinderException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findSchoolYearsBySchoolCategory(String schoolCategory) throws FinderException { return getSchoolYearHome().findBySchoolCategory(schoolCategory); } public Collection findAllSchoolYearsByAge(int age) { try { SchoolYearHome shome = getSchoolYearHome(); return shome.findAllByAge(age); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public void storeSchoolYear(int pk, String name, int schoolTypeId, String category, String info, String localizedKey, int age) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolYearHome shome = getSchoolYearHome(); SchoolYear newYear; try { if (pk > 0) { newYear = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(pk)); } else { newYear = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newYear.setSchoolYearName(name); newYear.setSchoolYearInfo(info); newYear.setSchoolYearAge(age); if (schoolTypeId > 0) { newYear.setSchoolTypeId(schoolTypeId); } if (category != null) { newYear.setSchoolCategory(category); } if (localizedKey != null) { newYear.setLocalizedKey(localizedKey); }; } public SchoolYearHome getSchoolYearHome() { try { return (SchoolYearHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolYear.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolType getSchoolType(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolTypeHome shome = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection getSchoolTypesForCategory(SchoolCategory category, boolean showFreetimeTypes) { try { return getSchoolTypeHome().findAllByCategory(category.getCategory(), showFreetimeTypes); } catch (FinderException ex) { return null; } } public void removeSchoolType(int id) { removeSchoolType(new Integer(id)); } public void removeSchoolType(Object schoolTypePK) { try { SchoolType type = getSchoolType(schoolTypePK); type.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolTypes() { try { SchoolTypeHome shome = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); return shome.findAllSchoolTypes(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return com.idega.util.ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(String Category) { return findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(Category, true); } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(String Category, boolean showFreetimeTypes) { try { SchoolTypeHome shome = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); return shome.findAllByCategory(Category, showFreetimeTypes); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return com.idega.util.ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesInCategoryFreeTime(String Category) { try { SchoolTypeHome shome = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); return shome.findAllFreetimeTypes(Category); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return com.idega.util.ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * @return The School type key registered for Childcare school types. */ public String getChildCareSchoolCategory() { SchoolCategory category = getCategoryChildcare(); if (category != null) { return category.getCategory(); } return null; } /** * @return The School type key registered for Elementary school types. */ public String getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory() { SchoolCategory category = getCategoryElementarySchool(); if (category != null) { return category.getCategory(); } return null; } public String getAdultEducationSchoolCategory() { SchoolCategory category = getCategoryAdultEducation(); if (category != null) { return category.getCategory(); } return null; } /** * @return The School type key registered for Highschool types. */ public String getHighSchoolSchoolCategory() { SchoolCategory category = getCategoryHighSchool(); if (category != null) { return category.getCategory(); } return null; } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesForChildCare() { return findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(getChildCareSchoolCategory()); } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesForSchool() { return findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory()); } public Collection findAllSchoolTypesForAdultEducation() { return findAllSchoolTypesInCategory(getAdultEducationSchoolCategory()); } public void storeSchoolType(int id, String name, String info, String category, String locKey, int maxAge, boolean isFreetimeType, boolean isFamilyFreetimeType, int order) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { storeSchoolType(id, name, info, category, locKey, maxAge, isFreetimeType, isFamilyFreetimeType, order, null); } public void storeSchoolType(int id, String name, String info, String category, String locKey, int maxAge, boolean isFreetimeType, boolean isFamilyFreetimeType, int order, String typeStringId) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolTypeHome shome = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); SchoolType newType; try { if (id > 0) { newType = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newType = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newType.setSchoolTypeInfo(info); newType.setSchoolTypeName(name); newType.setSchoolCategory(category); newType.setLocalizationKey(locKey); if (maxAge != -1) { newType.setMaxSchoolAge(maxAge); } newType.setIsFreetimeType(isFreetimeType); newType.setIsFamilyFreetimeType(isFamilyFreetimeType); newType.setOrder(order); if (typeStringId != null) { newType.setTypeStringId(typeStringId); }; } public SchoolSeason getSchoolSeason(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolSeasonHome shome = (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public SchoolSeason getCurrentSchoolSeason(SchoolCategory category) throws FinderException { return getSchoolSeasonHome().findCurrentSeason(category); } public void removeSchoolSeason(int id) { removeSchoolSeason(new Integer(id)); } public void removeSchoolSeason(Object schoolSeasonPK) { try { SchoolSeason season = getSchoolSeason(schoolSeasonPK); season.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolSeasons() { return findAllSchoolSeasons((SchoolCategory) null); } public Collection findAllSchoolSeasons(String schoolCategory) { try { return findAllSchoolSeasons(getSchoolCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(schoolCategory)); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolSeasons(SchoolCategory category) { try { SchoolSeasonHome shome = (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); return shome.findAllSchoolSeasons(category); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } /** * Returns all season where the due_date >= TODAY and start_date <= TODAY. * * @param category * @return */ public Collection findAllCurrentSeasons(SchoolCategory category) { try { SchoolSeasonHome shome = (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); return shome.findCurrentSchoolSeasons(category); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllPreviousSchoolSeasons(SchoolSeason schoolSeason) { try { SchoolSeasonHome shome = (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); return shome.findAllPreviousSchoolSeasons(schoolSeason); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllPreviousSchoolSeasons(int schoolSeasonID) { try { SchoolSeason season = getSchoolSeasonHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolSeasonID)); return getSchoolSeasonHome().findAllPreviousSchoolSeasons(season); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public SchoolSeason findPreviousSchoolSeason(int schoolSeasonID) { try { SchoolSeason season = getSchoolSeasonHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolSeasonID)); return getSchoolSeasonHome().findPreviousSchoolSeason(season); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public void storeSchoolSeason(int id, String name, Date start, Date end, Date choiceStartDate, Date choiceEndDate, String category) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolSeasonHome shome = (SchoolSeasonHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSeason.class); SchoolSeason newSeason; try { if (id > 0) { newSeason = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newSeason = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newSeason.setSchoolSeasonName(name); newSeason.setSchoolSeasonStart(start); newSeason.setSchoolSeasonEnd(end); newSeason.setChoiceStartDate(choiceStartDate); newSeason.setChoiceEndDate(choiceEndDate); newSeason.setSchoolCategory(category);; } public SchoolClassMember findClassMemberInClass(int studentID, int schoolClassID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolClass(studentID, schoolClassID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public SchoolClassMember findByStudentAndSeason(int userID, int seasonID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSeason(userID, seasonID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public SchoolClassMember findByStudentAndSchoolAndSeason(int userID, int schoolID, int seasonID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolAndSeason(userID, schoolID, seasonID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public SchoolClassMember findByStudentAndSeason(User user, SchoolSeason season) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSeason(user, season); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public SchoolClassMember findByStudentAndSeason(SchoolClassMember student, SchoolSeason season) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSeason(student.getClassMemberId(), ((Integer) season.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public Collection findClassMember(int studentID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByStudent(studentID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSubGroupPlacements(int studentID, int schoolID, int seasonID) throws FinderException { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findAllSubGroupPlacements(studentID, schoolID, seasonID); } public Collection findClassMemberInSchool(int studentID, int schoolID) { try { Collection types = findAllSchoolTypesForSchool(); return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByStudentAndSchoolAndTypes(studentID, schoolID, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findClassMemberInAdultEducation(int studentID, int schoolID) { try { Collection types = findAllSchoolTypesForAdultEducation(); return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByStudentAndSchoolAndTypes(studentID, schoolID, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findClassMemberInAdultEducation(int studentID) { try { Collection types = findAllSchoolTypesForAdultEducation(); return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByStudentAndTypes(studentID, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findClassMemberInChildCare(int studentID, int schoolID) { try { Collection types = findAllSchoolTypesForChildCare(); return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByStudentAndSchoolAndTypes(studentID, schoolID, types); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInClass(int studentClassID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolClass(studentClassID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInClassAndYear(int studentClassID, int schoolYearID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolClassAndYear(studentClassID, schoolYearID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInSchool(int schoolID, int schoolClassID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchool(schoolID, schoolClassID); } catch (FinderException e) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSchoolByDate(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, java.sql.Date date) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchool(schoolID, schoolClassID, date); } catch (FinderException e) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInSchoolByDate(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, java.sql.Date date, boolean showNotYetActive) { return findStudentsInSchoolByDate(schoolID, schoolClassID, null, date, showNotYetActive); } public Collection findStudentsInSchoolByDate(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, String schoolCategory, java.sql.Date date, boolean showNotYetActive) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolAndLog(schoolID, schoolClassID, schoolCategory, date, showNotYetActive); } catch (FinderException e) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInSchoolByDateChildcare(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, String schoolCategory, java.sql.Date date, boolean showNotYetActive) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolChildcare(schoolID, schoolClassID, schoolCategory, date, showNotYetActive); } catch (FinderException e) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsInSchoolByDate(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, java.sql.Date date) { return findStudentsInSchoolByDate(schoolID, schoolClassID, null, date); } public Collection findStudentsInSchoolByDate(int schoolID, int schoolClassID, String schoolCategory, java.sql.Date date) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolAndLog(schoolID, schoolClassID, schoolCategory, date); } catch (FinderException e) { return new Vector(); } } public SchoolClassMember findSchoolClassMember(int userID, int schoolClassID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolClass(userID, schoolClassID); } catch (FinderException e) { return null; } } public Collection findStudentsBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(int schoolID, int seasonID, int yearID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(schoolID, seasonID, yearID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findStudentsBySchoolAndSeason(int schoolID, int seasonID) { try { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().findBySchoolAndSeason(schoolID, seasonID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public void deleteSchoolClassMemberEntry(int schoolClassMemberId) { try { SchoolClassMember member = getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassMemberId)); member.remove(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeSchoolClassMemberFromClass(int studentID, int schoolClassID) { try { SchoolClass group = this.findSchoolClass(new Integer(schoolClassID)); if (group.getIsSubGroup()) { try { SchoolClassMember member = getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolAndSeason(studentID, group.getSchoolId(), group.getSchoolSeasonId(), getSchoolTypesForCategory(getCategoryElementarySchool(), false)); member.removeFromGroup(group); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException irre) { irre.printStackTrace(); } } else { SchoolClassMember member = getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolClass(studentID, schoolClassID); try { Collection groups = member.getSubGroups(); Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolClass subGroup = (SchoolClass); try { member.removeFromGroup(subGroup); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException irre2) { irre2.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IDORelationshipException ire) { ire.printStackTrace(); } try { member.remove(); } catch (RemoveException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (FinderException fe) { } } public void removeSchoolClassMember(int studentID) { Collection members = findClassMember(studentID); if (!members.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = members.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMember member = (SchoolClassMember); removeSchoolClassMemberFromClass(((Integer) member.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), member.getSchoolClassId()); } } } /** * This method is used primarily to get the SchoolTypeId when using * storeSchoolClassMember() below: * * @param schoolClassID * @return returns -1 if typeId is not found * @throws RemoteException */ public int getSchoolTypeIdFromSchoolClass(int schoolClassID) { int schoolTypeId = -1; if (schoolClassID != -1) { SchoolClass group = null; try { group = getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (group != null) { schoolTypeId = group.getSchoolTypeId(); } } return schoolTypeId; } /** * Used by ChildCare placements that don't store school year */ public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMemberCC(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, -1, schoolTypeID, registerDate, registrator, null); } /** * Used by ChildCare placements that don't store school year */ public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMemberCC(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator, String notes) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, -1, schoolTypeID, registerDate, null, registrator, notes); } /** * Used by ChildCare placements that don't store school year */ public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMemberCC(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, Timestamp removedDate, int registrator, String notes) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, -1, schoolTypeID, registerDate, removedDate, registrator, notes); } public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, registrator, null); } //ny public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator, int studyPathID) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, null, registrator, null, null, studyPathID, -1); } public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator, String notes) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, null, registrator, notes); } public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, Timestamp removedDate, int registrator, String notes) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, removedDate, registrator, notes, null); } public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, Timestamp removedDate, int registrator, String notes, String language) { return storeSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, removedDate, registrator, notes, language, -1, -1); } /** * Stores placement. If placement for student and schoolgroup exist placement * is updated */ public SchoolClassMember storeSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, Timestamp removedDate, int registrator, String notes, String language, int studyPathID, int handicraftId) { try { SchoolClass group = this.findSchoolClass(new Integer(schoolClassID)); if (group.getIsSubGroup()) { try { SchoolClassMember member = getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByUserAndSchoolAndSeason(studentID, group.getSchoolId(), group.getSchoolSeasonId(), getSchoolTypesForCategory(getCategoryElementarySchool(), false)); member.addToGroup(group); return member; } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { iare.printStackTrace(); } return null; } else { boolean updateStartDate = true; SchoolClassMember member = findClassMemberInClass(studentID, schoolClassID); if (member != null) { if (member.getRemovedDate() != null) { IWTimestamp start = new IWTimestamp(registerDate); IWTimestamp end = new IWTimestamp(member.getRemovedDate()); if (IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(end, start) <= 1) { updateStartDate = false; } else { member = null; } } } if (member == null) { member = this.getSchoolClassMemberHome().create(); } if (member != null) { member.setClassMemberId(studentID); member.setSchoolClassId(schoolClassID); if (schoolYearID > 0) { member.setSchoolYear(schoolYearID); } if (schoolTypeID > 0) { member.setSchoolTypeId(schoolTypeID); } if (updateStartDate) { member.setRegisterDate(registerDate); } member.setRemovedDate(removedDate); if (registrator != -1) { member.setRegistratorId(registrator); } if (notes != null) { member.setNotes(notes); } if (language != null) { member.setLanguage(language); } if (studyPathID != -1) { member.setStudyPathId(studyPathID); } if (handicraftId > 0) { member.setHandicraftId(handicraftId); } member.setRegistrationCreatedDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow());; } return member; } } catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } } public SchoolClassMember storeNewSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, int registrator, String notes, String languageID) { return storeNewSchoolClassMember(studentID, schoolClassID, schoolYearID, schoolTypeID, registerDate, null, registrator, notes, languageID); } /** * Creates and stores a new placment * * @param studentID * @param schoolClassID * @param schoolYearID * @param schoolTypeID * @param registerDate * @param removedDate * @param registrator * @param notes * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public SchoolClassMember storeNewSchoolClassMember(int studentID, int schoolClassID, int schoolYearID, int schoolTypeID, Timestamp registerDate, Timestamp removedDate, int registrator, String notes, String sLanguage) { try { SchoolClassMember member = getSchoolClassMemberHome().create(); if (member != null) { member.setClassMemberId(studentID); member.setSchoolClassId(schoolClassID); if (schoolYearID > 0) { member.setSchoolYear(schoolYearID); } if (schoolTypeID > 0) { member.setSchoolTypeId(schoolTypeID); } if (registerDate != null) { member.setRegisterDate(registerDate); } if (removedDate != null) { member.setRemovedDate(removedDate); } if (registrator != -1) { member.setRegistratorId(registrator); } if (notes != null) { member.setNotes(notes); } if (sLanguage != null) { member.setLanguage(sLanguage); } member.setRegistrationCreatedDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow());; } return member; } catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } } public SchoolClass findSchoolClass(Object primaryKey) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchool(int schoolID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchool(schoolID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndCategory(int schoolID, String category) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndCategory(schoolID, category); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findElementarySchoolClassesBySchool(int schoolID) { return findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndCategory(schoolID, getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory()); } public Collection findChildcareClassesBySchool(int schoolID) { return findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndCategory(schoolID, getChildCareSchoolCategory()); } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeason(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeason(schoolID, schoolSeasonID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndYear(int schoolID, int schoolYearID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndYear(schoolID, schoolYearID); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, int schoolYearID, boolean showSubGroups) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, schoolYearID, showSubGroups); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSchoolTypeAndSeason(int schoolID, int schoolTypeID, int schoolSeasonID, Boolean showSubGroups, Boolean showNonSeasonGroups) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSchoolTypeAndSeason(schoolID, schoolTypeID, schoolSeasonID, showSubGroups, showNonSeasonGroups); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, int schoolYearID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndYear(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, schoolYearID); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndYearAndStudyPath(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, int schoolYearID, int studyPathID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndInYear(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, schoolYearID, studyPathID); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndYears(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, String[] schoolYearIDs) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndYears(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, schoolYearIDs); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndYears(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, String[] schoolYearIDs, boolean showSubGroups) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndYears(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, schoolYearIDs, showSubGroups); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesByTeacher(int teacherID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findByTeacher(teacherID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSubGroupPlacements(SchoolClass group) { try { return group.getSubGroupPlacements(); } catch (IDORelationshipException ire) { return new ArrayList(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndTeacher(int schoolID, int teacherID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndTeacher(schoolID, teacherID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public Collection findSchoolClassesBySchoolAndSeasonAndTeacher(int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, int teacherID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().findBySchoolAndSeasonAndTeacher(schoolID, schoolSeasonID, teacherID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return new Vector(); } } public int getNumberOfStudentsInClass(int schoolClassID) { try { return getSchoolClassHome().getNumberOfStudentsInClass(schoolClassID); } catch (IDOException ie) { return 0; } } public void removeSchoolClass(int schoolClassID) { try { SchoolClass schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)); schoolClass.remove(); } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (RemoveException re) { re.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public void invalidateSchoolClass(int schoolClassID) { try { SchoolClass schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)); schoolClass.setValid(false);; UserTransaction trans = getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); try { trans.begin(); Collection students = findStudentsInClass(schoolClassID); Iterator iter = students.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMember element = (SchoolClassMember); element.remove(); } } catch (Exception ex) { try { trans.rollback(); } catch (javax.transaction.SystemException e) { } } } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public SchoolClass storeSchoolClass(int schoolClassID, String className, int schoolID, int schoolTypeID, int seasonID, String[] schoolYearIDs, String[] teacherIDs) { return storeSchoolClass(schoolClassID, className, schoolID, schoolTypeID, seasonID, schoolYearIDs, teacherIDs, null); } public SchoolClass storeSchoolClass(int schoolClassID, String className, int schoolID, int schoolTypeID, int seasonID, String[] schoolYearIDs, String[] teacherIDs, String[] studyPathIDs) { return storeSchoolClass(schoolClassID, className, schoolID, schoolTypeID, seasonID, schoolYearIDs, teacherIDs, studyPathIDs, null); } public SchoolClass storeSchoolClass(int schoolClassID, String className, int schoolID, int schoolTypeID, int seasonID, String[] schoolYearIDs, String[] teacherIDs, String[] studyPathIDs, String groupStringId) { SchoolClass schoolClass = null; try { schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)); } catch (FinderException e) { try { schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().create(); } catch (CreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } } schoolClass.setSchoolClassName(className); schoolClass.setSchoolId(schoolID); if (schoolTypeID != -1) { schoolClass.setSchoolTypeId(schoolTypeID); } if (seasonID != -1) { schoolClass.setSchoolSeasonId(seasonID); } schoolClass.setValid(true); if (groupStringId != null) { schoolClass.setGroupStringId(groupStringId); }; if (schoolYearIDs != null) { Collection years = null; try { years = getSchoolYearHome().findAllByIDs(schoolYearIDs); } catch (FinderException e1) { years = new ArrayList(); } try { schoolClass.removeFromSchoolYear(); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Iterator iter = years.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolYear year = (SchoolYear); try { schoolClass.addSchoolYear(year); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { iare.printStackTrace(); } } } if (teacherIDs != null) { Collection newTeachers = null; try { newTeachers = getUserBusiness().getUsers(teacherIDs); if (newTeachers == null) { newTeachers = new ArrayList(); } } catch (RemoteException e1) { newTeachers = new ArrayList(); } try { schoolClass.removeFromUser(); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } Iterator iter = newTeachers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User teacher = (User); try { schoolClass.addTeacher(teacher); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { iare.printStackTrace(); } } } if (studyPathIDs != null) { Collection studyPaths = null; try { studyPaths = getSchoolStudyPathHome().findAllByIDs(studyPathIDs); } catch (FinderException e1) { studyPaths = new ArrayList(); } try { schoolClass.removeStudyPaths(); } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Iterator iter = studyPaths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolStudyPath studyPath = (SchoolStudyPath); try { schoolClass.addStudyPath(studyPath); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException iare) { iare.printStackTrace(); } } } return schoolClass; } public SchoolClass storeSchoolClass(int schoolClassID, String className, int schoolID, int schoolSeasonID, int schoolYearID, int teacherID) { try { SchoolClass schoolClass; if (schoolClassID != -1) { schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)); } else { schoolClass = getSchoolClassHome().create();; // so it gets a primary key, otherwise an // exception // is thrown when school year is added } schoolClass.setSchoolClassName(className); schoolClass.setSchoolId(schoolID); if (schoolSeasonID != -1) { schoolClass.setSchoolSeasonId(schoolSeasonID); } if (schoolYearID != -1) { SchoolYear schoolYear = this.getSchoolYear(new Integer(schoolYearID)); if (schoolYear != null) { try { schoolClass.addSchoolYear(schoolYear); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (teacherID != -1) { User teacher = null; try { teacher = getUserBusiness().getUser(teacherID); } catch (RemoteException e1) { teacher = null; } if (teacher != null) { try { schoolClass.addTeacher(teacher); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } schoolClass.setValid(true);; return schoolClass; } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } catch (CreateException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(System.err); return null; } } public SchoolArea getSchoolArea(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolAreaHome shome = (SchoolAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolArea.class); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public SchoolSubArea getSchoolSubArea(Object primaryKey) { try { SchoolSubAreaHome shome = (SchoolSubAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSubArea.class); return shome.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public void removeSchoolArea(int id) { removeSchoolArea(new Integer(id)); } public void removeSchoolArea(Object schoolAreaPK) { try { SchoolArea area = getSchoolArea(schoolAreaPK); area.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeSchoolSubArea(int id) { try { SchoolSubArea subarea = getSchoolSubArea(new Integer(id)); subarea.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolAreas() { try { SchoolAreaHome shome = (SchoolAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolArea.class); return shome.findAllSchoolAreas(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolSubAreas() { try { SchoolSubAreaHome shome = (SchoolSubAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSubArea.class); return shome.findAllSchoolSubAreas(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolAreasByType(int type_id) { try { SchoolAreaHome shome = (SchoolAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolArea.class); return shome.findAllBySchoolType(type_id); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public Collection findAllSchoolAreasByTypes(Collection types) { try { SchoolAreaHome shome = (SchoolAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolArea.class); return shome.findAllBySchoolTypes(types); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return new java.util.Vector(); } } public void storeSchoolArea(int id, String name, String info, String city) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolAreaHome shome = getSchoolAreaHome(); SchoolArea newArea; try { if (id > 0) { newArea = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newArea = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newArea.setSchoolAreaCity(city); newArea.setSchoolAreaInfo(info); newArea.setSchoolAreaName(name);; } public void storeSchoolSubArea(int id, String name, int areaid) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { SchoolSubAreaHome shome = getSchoolSubAreaHome(); SchoolSubArea newSubArea; try { if (id > 0) { newSubArea = shome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); } else { newSubArea = shome.create(); } } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(fe.getMessage()); } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(ce.getMessage()); } newSubArea.setSchoolAreaId(areaid); newSubArea.setSchoolSubAreaName(name);; } public void storeSchoolDepartment(String description, String phone, int schoolID, int schDepID) throws RemoteException { /** * @todo figure out how to implement */ SchoolDepartment schoolDepartm = null; try { schoolDepartm = getSchoolDepartmentHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schDepID)); } catch (FinderException e) { try { schoolDepartm = getSchoolDepartmentHome().create(); } catch (CreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); // return null; } } schoolDepartm.setDepartment(description); schoolDepartm.setDepartmentPhone(phone); schoolDepartm.setSchoolID(schoolID);; // return storeSchoolDepartment(description, phone, schoolID); } public SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness() { try { return (SchoolUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), SchoolUserBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public boolean hasSchoolRelationToYear(School school, SchoolYear schoolYear) { try { int relations = getSchoolHome().getNumberOfRelations(school, schoolYear); if (relations > 0) { return true; } return false; } catch (IDOException ie) { return false; } } public boolean hasAfterSchoolActivities(int schoolID) { try { int types = getSchoolHome().getNumberOfFreetimeTypes(schoolID); if (types > 0) { return true; } return false; } catch (IDOException ie) { return false; } } public boolean hasSchoolPlacements(int userID) { try { int placings = getSchoolClassMemberHome().getNumberOfPlacings(userID); return placings > 0; } catch (IDOException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean hasGroupPlacement(int userID, int groupID) { return hasGroupPlacement(userID, groupID, false); } public boolean hasGroupPlacement(int userID, int groupID, boolean isSubGroup) { try { if (isSubGroup) { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().getNumberOfSubGroupPlacings(userID, groupID) > 0; } else { return getSchoolClassMemberHome().getNumberOfPlacings(userID, groupID) > 0; } } catch (IDOException ie) { return false; } } public String getSchoolPhone(int schoolID) { School school = getSchool(new Integer(schoolID)); return school.getSchoolPhone(); } /** * Filters out all schools from the specified collection which do not belong * the the home (default) commune. * * @param schools * the collection of schools */ public Collection getHomeCommuneSchools(Collection schools) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); try { CommuneHome home = (CommuneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Commune.class); String defaultCommunePK = null; try { Commune defaultCommune = home.findDefaultCommune(); defaultCommunePK = defaultCommune.getPrimaryKey().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { } Iterator iter = schools.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { School school = (School); boolean isHomeCommune = true; Object communePK = school.getCommunePK(); if (communePK != null) { if (defaultCommunePK != null) { if (!defaultCommunePK.equals(communePK.toString())) { isHomeCommune = false; } } } if (isHomeCommune) { l.add(school); } } } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } public Collection findAllSchoolsByCategory(final String categoryString) { final Collection result = new ArrayList(); try { final SchoolCategory schoolCategory = getSchoolCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(categoryString); result.addAll(getSchoolHome().findAllByCategory(schoolCategory)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public String getProperty(School school, String propertyName) { return school.getMetaData(propertyName); } public void setProperty(School school, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { school.setMetaData(propertyName, propertyValue);; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public Collection findAllSchoolSubAreasByArea(String area) throws RemoteException { final Collection result = new ArrayList(); try { final SchoolArea schoolArea = getSchoolAreaHome().findByPrimaryKey(area); result.addAll(getSchoolSubAreaHome().findAllByArea(schoolArea)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public SchoolClassMemberLogHome getSchoolClassMemberLogHome() { try { return (SchoolClassMemberLogHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolClassMemberLog.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public SchoolSubAreaHome getSchoolSubAreaHome() { try { return (SchoolSubAreaHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolSubArea.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } public void addToSchoolClassMemberLog(SchoolClassMember member, Date endDate, User performer) throws IllegalArgumentException { addToSchoolClassMemberLog(member, null, null, endDate, performer); } public void addToSchoolClassMemberLog(SchoolClassMember member, SchoolClass schoolClass, Date endDate, User performer) throws IllegalArgumentException { addToSchoolClassMemberLog(member, schoolClass, null, endDate, performer); } public void addToSchoolClassMemberLog(int schoolClassMemberID, int schoolClassID, Date startDate, Date endDate, User performer) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { addToSchoolClassMemberLog(getSchoolClassMemberHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassMemberID)), getSchoolClassHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolClassID)), startDate, endDate, performer); } catch (FinderException fe) { log(fe); } } public void addToSchoolClassMemberLog(SchoolClassMember member, SchoolClass schoolClass, Date startDate, Date endDate, User performer) throws IllegalArgumentException { boolean logPlacements = false; try { logPlacements = new Boolean( getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getBundle("").getProperty( PROPERTY_NAME_USE_PLACEMENT_LOGGING, Boolean.FALSE.toString())).booleanValue(); } catch (Exception e) { logPlacements = false; } if (!logPlacements) { return; } if (startDate == null && endDate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[SchoolClassMemberLog] Both start date and end date are null..."); } if (startDate == null) { try { SchoolClassMemberLog log = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findOpenLogByUserAndSchoolClass(member, schoolClass); log.setUserTerminating(performer); log.setEndDate(endDate);; } catch (FinderException fe) { try { SchoolClassMemberLog log = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findClosedLogByUserAndSchoolClass(member, schoolClass); log.setUserTerminating(performer); log.setEndDate(endDate);; } catch (FinderException fex) { try { SchoolClassMemberLog log = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().create(); log.setUserPlacing(performer); log.setUserTerminating(performer); log.setSchoolClass(schoolClass); log.setSchoolClassMember(member); log.setStartDate(new IWTimestamp(member.getRegisterDate()).getDate()); log.setEndDate(endDate);; } catch (CreateException ce) { log(ce); } } } } else { SchoolClassMemberLog log = null; try { log = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findFutureLogByPlacementAndDate(member, startDate); try { IWTimestamp oldEndDate = new IWTimestamp(log.getStartDate()); oldEndDate.addDays(-1); IWTimestamp newEndDate = new IWTimestamp(startDate); newEndDate.addDays(-1); SchoolClassMemberLog previousLog = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findByPlacementAndEndDate(member, oldEndDate.getDate()); previousLog.setEndDate(newEndDate.getDate());; } catch (FinderException fex) { // No older log found } } catch (FinderException fe) { try { log = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().create(); } catch (CreateException ce) { log(ce); } } if (log != null) { log.setUserPlacing(performer); log.setUserTerminating(null); log.setSchoolClass(schoolClass); log.setSchoolClassMember(member); log.setStartDate(startDate); log.setEndDate(endDate);; } } } public boolean hasActivePlacement(int studentId, int schoolId, SchoolCategory category) { SchoolClassMember placement = null; try { SchoolClassMemberHome home = getSchoolClassMemberHome(); placement = home.findNotTerminatedByStudentSchoolAndCategory(studentId, schoolId, category); } catch (Exception e) { } return placement != null; } public void alignLogs(SchoolClassMember member) { try { Date placementEndDate = member.getRemovedDate() != null ? new IWTimestamp(member.getRemovedDate()).getDate() : null; Collection logs = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findAllByPlacement(member, placementEndDate); SchoolClassMemberLog oldLog = null; Date endDate = null; boolean first = true; Iterator iter = logs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMemberLog log = (SchoolClassMemberLog); if (first) { oldLog = log; oldLog.setStartDate(new IWTimestamp(member.getRegisterDate()).getDate()); first = false; } else { IWTimestamp startDate = new IWTimestamp(log.getStartDate()); startDate.addDays(-1); endDate = startDate.getDate(); } oldLog.setEndDate(endDate);; oldLog = log; if (!iter.hasNext()) { if (member.getRemovedDate() != null) { endDate = new IWTimestamp(member.getRemovedDate()).getDate(); log.setEndDate(endDate); } log.setSchoolClass(new Integer(member.getSchoolClassId()));; break; } } if (placementEndDate != null) { Collection futureLogs = getSchoolClassMemberLogHome().findAllByPlacementWithStartDateLaterThanOrEqualToDate( member, placementEndDate); Iterator iterator = futureLogs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMemberLog element = (SchoolClassMemberLog); try { element.remove(); } catch (RemoveException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (FinderException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } }