package com.idega.util; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; /** *@author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> *@version 1.0 * * This list iterator can be used to step through a list by getting subsets * of the list. * There are also some methods to store and to retrieve the state of an * instance into and from the session. * * */ public class SetIterator implements ListIterator { public final static String SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY = "set_iterator_state_key"; public final static String SET_ITERATOR_LIST_ID_KEY = "set_iterator_list_id_key"; private final static String STATE_STRING_DELIMITER = ":"; private List list = null; private int increment = 1; private int quantity = 1; private int lastIndex = -1; private int firstIndex = -1; // start index of the current set private int firstIndexOfCurrentSet; // index of the current element private int indexOfCurrentElement; public SetIterator() { } public SetIterator(List list) { this( 0 , (list.size() - 1)); this.list = list; } public SetIterator(int firstIndex, int lastIndex) { this.firstIndex = firstIndex; this.lastIndex = lastIndex; this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = firstIndex; this.indexOfCurrentElement = firstIndex - 1; } public static void releaseStoredState(IWUserContext iwuc, String id) { iwuc.removeSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + id); iwuc.removeSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_LIST_ID_KEY + id); } /** * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext() */ public boolean hasNext() { return (this.indexOfCurrentElement < this.lastIndex); } /** * @see java.util.Iterator#next() */ public Object next() { if (! hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } this.indexOfCurrentElement++; return getElement(this.indexOfCurrentElement); } /** * @see java.util.ListIterator#hasPrevious() */ public boolean hasPrevious() { return (this.indexOfCurrentElement > this.firstIndex); } /** * @see java.util.ListIterator#previous() */ public Object previous() { if (! hasPrevious()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } this.indexOfCurrentElement--; return getElement(this.indexOfCurrentElement); } /** * @see java.util.ListIterator#nextIndex() */ public int nextIndex() { return this.indexOfCurrentElement + 1; } /** * @see java.util.ListIterator#previousIndex() */ public int previousIndex() { return this.indexOfCurrentElement - 1; } public int currentIndex() { return this.indexOfCurrentElement; } //first index is not necessarily zero public int currentIndexRelativeToZero() { return calculateIndexRelativeToZero(currentIndex()); } public int currentFirstIndexSet() { return ( this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet < this.firstIndex) ? this.firstIndex : this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet; } // first index is not necessarily zero public int currentFirstIndexSetRelativeToZero() { return calculateIndexRelativeToZero(currentFirstIndexSet()); } public int currentLastIndexSet() { int realLastIndexSet = currentFirstIndexSet() + this.quantity - 1; return (realLastIndexSet > this.lastIndex) ? this.lastIndex : realLastIndexSet; } public void setIncrement(int increment) { this.increment = (increment > 0) ? increment : 1; // increment has changed.. adjustFirstIndexOfCurrentSet(); } public int getIncrement() { return this.increment; } public void setQuantity(int quantity) { this.quantity = (quantity > 0) ? quantity : 1; } public int getQuantity() { return this.quantity; } public void previousSet() { goToSetRelativeToCurrentSet(-1); } public void nextSet() { goToSetRelativeToCurrentSet(1); } public void goToSetRelativeToCurrentSet(int steps) { int newFirstIndexOfSet = this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet + (steps * this.increment); if (newFirstIndexOfSet > this.lastIndex || newFirstIndexOfSet < this.firstIndex) { throw new NoSuchElementException("There is not such a subset"); } this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = newFirstIndexOfSet; currentSet(); } public int getNegativeNumberOfPreviousSetsRelativeToCurrentSet() { int position = this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet - this.firstIndex + 1; int division = (position / this.increment); int mod = position % this.increment; if (mod == 0) { division -= 1; } return -division; } public int getPositiveNumberOfNextSetsRelativeToCurrentSet() { int position = this.lastIndex - this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet + 1; int division = (position / this.increment); int mod = position % this.increment; if (mod == 0) { division -= 1; } return division; } public void currentSet() { this.indexOfCurrentElement = (this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet < this.firstIndex) ? this.firstIndex - 1 : this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet - 1; } public int size() { return this.lastIndex - this.firstIndex + 1; } public int sizeSet() { return currentLastIndexSet() - currentFirstIndexSet() + 1; } /** * Returns true if there is a next set containing at least * one element else false */ public boolean hasNextSet() { return (this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet + this.increment <= this.lastIndex); } /** Returns true if there is a previous set containing at least * one element else false */ public boolean hasPreviousSet() { return (this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet > this.firstIndex); } /** Returns true if the next element is within the current set * else false */ public boolean hasNextInSet() { return (hasNext() && (this.indexOfCurrentElement + 1 < this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet + this.quantity) && (this.indexOfCurrentElement + 1 >= this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet)); } /** Returns true if the previous element is within the current set * else false */ public boolean hasPreviousInSet() { return (hasPrevious() && (this.indexOfCurrentElement - 1 >= this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet) && (this.indexOfCurrentElement - 1 < this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet + this.quantity)); } /** Gets current state as string */ public String getStateAsString() { return storeStateIntoString(); } /** Gets current state as hidden input */ public HiddenInput getStateAsHiddenInput(int id) { return new HiddenInput(SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + Integer.toString(id), storeStateIntoString()); } public void storeStateInSession(IWUserContext iwuc, String listId, String id) { iwuc.setSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + id, storeStateIntoString()); iwuc.setSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_LIST_ID_KEY + id, listId); } public boolean retrieveStateFromRequest(IWContext iwc, int id) { String key = SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + Integer.toString(id); String stateString; if (iwc.isParameterSet(key)) { stateString = iwc.getParameter(key); } else { return false; } return retrieveStateFromString(stateString); } public boolean retrieveStateFromSession(IWUserContext iwuc, String listId, String id) { // retrieve current one String stateString = (String) iwuc.getSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + id); String listIdString = (String) iwuc.getSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_LIST_ID_KEY + id); if (stateString == null || listIdString == null || (! listIdString.equals(listId))) { if (stateString != null) { iwuc.removeSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_STATE_KEY + id); } if (listIdString != null) { iwuc.removeSessionAttribute(SET_ITERATOR_LIST_ID_KEY + id); } return false; } return retrieveStateFromString(stateString); } /** * Not supported. * @see java.util.Iterator#remove() */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Not supported. * @see java.util.ListIterator#set(Object) */ public void set(Object arg0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Not supported. * @see java.util.ListIterator#add(Object) */ public void add(Object arg0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private Object getElement(int index) { return (this.list == null) ? new Integer(index) : this.list.get(index); } private String storeStateIntoString() { StringBuffer stateString = new StringBuffer(); // if you change this order or add or remove something do the same with the method // retrieveStateFromString stateString .append(this.indexOfCurrentElement) .append(STATE_STRING_DELIMITER) .append(this.firstIndex) .append(STATE_STRING_DELIMITER) .append(this.lastIndex) .append(STATE_STRING_DELIMITER) .append(this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet) .append(STATE_STRING_DELIMITER) .append(this.increment) .append(STATE_STRING_DELIMITER) .append(this.quantity); return stateString.toString(); } private boolean retrieveStateFromString(String stateString) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(stateString, STATE_STRING_DELIMITER); if (tokenizer.countTokens() != 6) { return false; } // if you change this order or add or remove something do the same with the method // storeStateIntoString int indexOfCurrentElement = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int firstIndex = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int lastIndex = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int firstIndexOfCurrentSet = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int increment = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int quantity = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); if (increment > 0) { this.increment = increment; } if (quantity > 0) { this.quantity = quantity; } // adjust values (list has changed) if (this.firstIndex == firstIndex && this.lastIndex == lastIndex) { // list has not changed its size this.indexOfCurrentElement = indexOfCurrentElement; this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = firstIndexOfCurrentSet; return true; } // list has changed, repair it.... int diff = firstIndex - this.firstIndex; firstIndexOfCurrentSet += diff; // is the new value within the range? if (firstIndexOfCurrentSet > this.lastIndex) { this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = this.lastIndex; } else { this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = firstIndexOfCurrentSet; } // now adjust the current set adjustFirstIndexOfCurrentSet(); return true; } private void adjustFirstIndexOfCurrentSet() { int size = size(); if (size == 0) { // list is empty (compare constructor) this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = this.firstIndex; this.indexOfCurrentElement = this.firstIndex - 1; return; } int position = this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet - this.firstIndex + 1; // positionFromZero is now at least 1 int division = position / this.increment; int mod = position % this.increment; if (mod == 0) { division -= 1; } this.firstIndexOfCurrentSet = division * this.increment; currentSet(); return; } private int calculateIndexRelativeToZero(int index) { return index - this.firstIndex; } }