package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; /** * Title: Description: A type * handler that handles idegaWeb system type files such as folders ( The Finder ;) * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: idega software * * @author Eirikur S. Hrafnsson * @version 1.0 */ public class SystemTypeHandler extends FileTypeHandler { public static String[] LIST_VIEW_HEADERS = { "Select", "Name", "Date modified", "Size", "Mimetype" };//**@todo // localize**/ //private static Hashtable _icFileIcons = null; private static final String _NODE_CLOSED = "_closed"; private static final String _DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX = "icfileicons/ui/"; private static final String _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX = ".gif"; public static final String _UI_WIN = "win/"; public static final String _UI_MAC = "mac/"; public static final String _UI_IW = "iw/"; private String _ui = _UI_IW; //private static final String _APP_DEFAULT_FILE_ICONS = "ic_filetree_icons"; //private String _APP_FILE_ICONS = _APP_DEFAULT_FILE_ICONS; protected String iconWidth = "16"; protected String iconHeight = "16"; public PresentationObject getPresentationObject(int icFileId, IWContext iwc) { //ContentViewer listView = null; //try { Table table = new Table(); // table.setColor("#ECECEC"); table.setColor(MediaConstants.MEDIA_VIEWER_BACKGROUND_COLOR); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setHeight(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setCellspacing(0); ICFile file = (ICFile) FileTypeHandler.getCachedFileInfo(icFileId, iwc).getEntity(); Iterator iter = file.getChildrenIterator(); int x = 1; int y = 1; Text proto = new Text(); proto.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_7_HTML_1); proto.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_VERDANA); Text name = new Text("Name"); name.setBold(true); name.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); Text date = new Text("Modified date"); date.setBold(true); date.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); Text size = new Text("Size"); size.setBold(true); size.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); Text mime = new Text("Mime type"); mime.setBold(true); mime.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); table.add(name, 2, 1); table.add(date, 3, 1); table.add(size, 4, 1); table.add(mime, 5, 1); table.setHeight(1, this.iconHeight); table.setWidth(1, this.iconWidth); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { ++y; ICFile item = (ICFile); //table.add(new // CheckBox(Integer.toString(item.getID())),x++,y); table.add(getIcon(item, iwc), x++, y); Link view = MediaBusiness.getMediaViewerLink(); view.setText(((item.getName() != null) ? item.getName() : "")); view.addParameter(MediaBusiness.getMediaParameterNameInSession(iwc), item.getPrimaryKey().toString()); table.add(view, x++, y); table.add(((item.getModificationDate() != null) ? item.getModificationDate().toString() : item.getCreationDate().toString()), x++, y); table.add(((item.getFileSize() != null) ? item.getFileSize().toString() : ""), x++, y); table.add(((item.getMimeType() != null) ? item.getMimeType() : ""), x++, y); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(y, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); table.setHeight(y, "15"); x = 1; } } table.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 1, ++y); table.setHeight(y, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); // table.setColumnColor(2,"#FCFCFC"); //table.setColumnColor(4,"#FCFCFC"); /* * Vector V = new Vector(); * * if(!MediaBusiness.isFolder(file)) V.add(getContentObject(file)); * * Iterator iter = file.getChildren(); int i = 0; if( iter != null ){ * while (iter.hasNext()) { i++; ICFile item = (ICFile); * V.add(getContentObject(item)); } } * * listView = new ContentViewer(LIST_VIEW_HEADERS,V); if( i>0 ) * listView.setDisplayNumber(i); listView.setAllowOrder(true); * * listView.setWidth("100%"); * * * * * } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return * listView; */ return table; } public Map initIcons(IWContext iwc) { //Object obj = iwc.getApplicationAttribute(_APP_FILE_ICONS + getUI()); //if (obj == null) { IWBundle bundle = this.getBundle(iwc); Hashtable tmp = new Hashtable(); HashMap mimeMap = (HashMap) MediaBusiness.getICMimeTypeMap(iwc); if (mimeMap != null) { Iterator iter = mimeMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICMimeType item = (ICMimeType) (mimeMap.get(; String mimeType = item.getMimeType(); tmp.put(mimeType, bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX + getUI() + mimeType + _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } } //iwc.setApplicationAttribute(_APP_FILE_ICONS + getUI(), tmp); //SystemTypeHandler._icFileIcons = tmp; return tmp; //} //else { // SystemTypeHandler._icFileIcons = (Hashtable) obj; //} //updateIconDimensions(); } /* protected void updateIconDimensions() { if (_icFileIcons != null && _icFileIcons.values() != null) { Iterator iter = this._icFileIcons.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Image item = (Image); if (item != null) { item.setHeight(iconHeight); } } } }*/ /** * @param iwc * @return */ private IWBundle getBundle(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle(); } public Image getIcon(ICFile file, IWContext iwc) { Map _icFileIcons=initIcons(iwc); /*if (_icFileIcons == null) { initIcons(iwc); }*/ String mimeType = file.getMimeType(); if (mimeType != null) { mimeType = mimeType.replace('\\', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('/', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace(':', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('*', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('?', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('<', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('>', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('|', '_'); mimeType = mimeType.replace('\"', '_'); if (!file.isLeaf()) { Object obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType + _NODE_CLOSED); if (obj == null) { this.updateFileIcon(_icFileIcons,mimeType, iwc, false); obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType + _NODE_CLOSED); } return (Image) obj; } else { Object obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType); if (obj == null) { this.updateFileIcon(_icFileIcons,mimeType, iwc, true); obj = _icFileIcons.get(mimeType); } return (Image) obj; } } else { return null; } } public void updateFileIcon(Map _icFileIcons,String mimeType, IWContext iwc, boolean isLeaf) { IWBundle bundle = this.getBundle(iwc); if (isLeaf) { _icFileIcons.put(mimeType, bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX + getUI() + mimeType + _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } else { _icFileIcons.put(mimeType + _NODE_CLOSED, bundle.getImage(_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFIX + getUI() + mimeType + _NODE_CLOSED + _DEFAULT_ICON_SUFFIX)); } } public String getUI() { return this._ui; } public PresentationObject getPresentationObject(MediaProperties props, IWContext iwc) { return new Table(); } }